134 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of overland flow and infiltration in a sustainable drainage system

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    As a part of the GrönNano project at LuleĂ„ University of Technology, a sustainable drainage system, composed of infiltration surfaces and a wale,has been subject to hydrological measurements and modeling. The aim of this study was to identify the conditions under which it is possible to model the hydrological processes of that system adequately, using the two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling software MIKE 21 equipped with an infiltration and leakage module. To achieve this, a model was set up with site-specific data followed by sensitivity analyses, calibration, validation and finally evaluation against a corresponding model, set up in the integrated hydrological modeling system MIKE SHE. From a sensitivity analysis it was indicated that too large time steps may introduce undesired volume losses when using the infiltration and leakage module. As a consequence, along with limitations of the simple infiltration model, this module and its principles were questioned and recommended to be treated with great care in inland applications. A second sensitivity analysis showed that hydraulic roughness associated with the swale is of great importance. Based on this, a proper two-dimensional representation of the swale was considered to be a critical point for predicting discharge correctly. Therefore it is of interest to further examine the influence on this, of for example the model grid resolution. The MIKE 21 model was successfully calibrated for a selected rainfall event but could not be fully validated for a following longer period. Nor could the model be satisfactorily evaluated against the preliminary version of the MIKE SHE model. However, from this it could be concluded that there were great uncertainties in the accuracy of rainfall and calibration data.Infiltration modeling – A complement to a proven rainfall-runoff model for urban stormwater management. The global situation of extensive urbanization and climate changes demands innovative approaches for implementing sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) in urban areas. By using rainfall-runoff computer models, the design and integration of SUDS may be optimized to meet both environmental and economical preconditions. The broad spectrum of available rainfall-runoff modeling tools offers the possibility of efficient large-scale applications as well as representation of the full hydrological cycle. However, with the computer power of today, it is hard to fulfill both these criteria simultaneously, a fact encouraging the “middle way”. LuleĂ„ University of Technology recently initiated a project called GrönNano, with the aim to develop new ideas and modern technology within the field of sustainable stormwater drainage in urban areas. As a part of this project, DHI Sweden were involved to set up a computer model, MIKE SHE, describing all the important hydrological processes in an existing sustainable drainage system. This was done in order to acquire knowledge about these processes and to evaluate the functions of this system. A fully integrated MIKE SHE model requires significant amount of input data and running time for describing the hydrological processes in detail. In the master thesis Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of overland flow and infiltration in a sustainable drainage system by Karl Gunnarsson, a study has been performed to examine under which conditions the same system can be adequately modeled using the two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic modeling tool MIKE 21. This type of surface-runoff simulation tool, originally developed for marine applications, is in general more efficiently applied on a larger scale compared to more complex tools like MIKE SHE. Although 2D hydrodynamic models are extensively used for flood risk analysis in urban areas, they seldom include a physical representation of the soil infiltration process. However, just recently, MIKE 21 was taken one step in this direction by implementation of a simple infiltration and leakage feature. The use of this new function for inland flooding applications is questioned in the study of the master thesis; mainly due to the reason that the infiltration-leakage concept and parameters of the model are not considered to be sufficiently analogous to the corresponding processes and properties in nature. Moreover, the infiltration and leakage feature was revealed to cause errors in the water volume balance, if the basic model was not set up properly. The performance of the MIKE 21 model was evaluated by comparing the behavior of modeled outflow from the drainage system with observed flow data from measurements in a swale of the drainage system. Although the model performed well for a selected calibration period, it performed rather poor for a set of independent validation periods. The main issue related to this, is considered to be the difficulties of incorporating the swale as a 2D feature in the 2D model grid. In that case, a proper representation of the swale flow would probably require a rather fine grid resolution of the model. In contrast, for efficient application of the model on a large scale, a coarse grid resolution would be required. Thus, for future similar applications of this model concept, it is necessary to either find an optimal way of representing swales in 2D, or to use a one-dimensional representation of the swale instead, by establishing a link to another modeling system. It is also crucial to be aware of the limitations of the MIKE 21 infiltration and leakage model, keeping in mind the great deviations from the processes in reality and that the basic principles may not be optimally or even intentionally designed for inland applications

    Increasing Response Effort Impacts Wager Sizes of Slot- Machine Gamblers

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    The current study investigated the effects of the physical location of the “Bet Max” wager button on a slot machine on 29 recreational gamblers. Distance from the Spin button varied across three groups of gamblers ranging from 9.52mm to 111.12mm. The results indicated a significant change in bet allocation between groups, mainly, greater distance between the Max Bet button and Spin button resulted in fewer responses allocated to the Max Bet button. Implications of the results are discussed in regards to response effort, and gambling device design

    The Near-Miss Effect in Blackjack: Group Play and Lone Play

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    Previous research in blackjack has demonstrated that gamblers report outcomes that are closer to wins when the player\u27s total approximates the dealer\u27s total. However, additional comparisons, such as to another player\u27s total or to 21, may affect the prevalence of a near-miss. The current study investigated the presence of a near-miss in blackjack while playing alone and with other players, and examined ratings in relation to the difference of the player\u27s, dealerÂŽs and another playerÂŽs total from 21. College students played 25 hands of blackjack with only the dealer and another 25 hands with another player and the dealer and rated how close the outcome was to a win. The results demonstrated the presence of a near-miss effect as a function of the numerical distance from the player\u27s and another playerÂŽs total to 21, and the absence of a near-miss when the player busts

    Veckodagseffekten, en jÀmförelse av branscher

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    Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka förekomsten av avkastningsmönster i historiska aktieindex hÀmtade frÄn AffÀrsvÀrlden. Uppsatsen skall Àven studera eventuella mönsters skillnader mellan olika branscher. Metod: Studien har utgÄtt frÄn den deduktiva ansatsen, dvs. frÄn teori formas en hypotes som testas via t.ex. analys av data. FrÄn denna analys dras sedan en slutsats som leder till en eventuell omformulering av teorin. De teorier vi anvÀnt oss av har frÀmst varit den effektiva marknadshypotesen som ligger till grund för hela arbetet men Àven teori om anomalier och veckodagseffekten har anvÀnts för att genomföra studien och skriva arbetet. Den data som anvÀnts för analysen har varit kvantitativ och historisk data hÀmtad frÄn AffÀrsvÀrldens aktieindex. Den avser perioden 30 mars 1999 till 28 december 2007 och det Àr för denna period vi testar för veckodagseffekten, bÄde pÄ mÄnadsbasis och Ärsbasis över flera olika branscher. Analysmetoden som anvÀnts Àr medelvÀrdesanalys. Slutsatser: Enligt vÄr undersökning kan man se att det finns skillnader i veckodagseffekten mellan branscherna, men denna skillnad Àr inte konsekvent beroende pÄ om man tittar pÄ hela perioden som helhet, jÀmför mÄnader eller om man jÀmför Är. Det gÄr inte heller att sÀga att veckodagseffekten förÀndras pÄ nÄgot förutbestÀmt sÀtt, utan det verkar vara slumpmÀssiga skillnader mellan Ären. Det skulle behövas studier över en lÀngre tidsperiod, som dessutom sÀtter mÄnaderna mot varandra för att testa för en eventuell mÄnadseffekt, för att kunna dra mer konkreta slutsatser

    Samarbete mellan lantbruksföretag

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    Nowadays, cooperation is necessary and this study tries to illuminate the possibilities and problems about cooperation in fiction between 7 small/midsize farms in SkĂ„ne. Conventional Farming is done with grain and sugarbeets as specialization. Calculation of machine costs have been done and compared in the study, both for the farms in thorough and the fictitious operation companies. Business ratios as depreciation/ha, interest/ha and maintenance/ha have been calculated. In this essay we present a proposal about how a practical implementation can be done. In the proposal there is an example how the distribution of work can be done. Our study also shows that cooperation gives better opportunities if you want to continue doing conventional farming. The social part also has been treated. Many families are divided both physical and mental because of high charge of work. Cooperation gives possibilities to reduce the individual worktime.Samarbete ligger i tiden. I detta arbete försöker vi belysa möjligheter och problem vad gĂ€ller ett fiktivt samarbete mellan 7 smĂ„/medelstora lantbruk i SkĂ„ne. GĂ„rdarna bedriver konventionell vĂ€xtodling med inriktning pĂ„ spannmĂ„l och sockerbetor. I fallstudien har berĂ€kning av maskinkostnader gjorts och jĂ€mförts, bĂ„de för de ingĂ„ende gĂ„rdarna och för de fiktiva driftsbolagen. Nyckeltal sĂ„som avskrivning/ha, rĂ€nta/ha samt underhĂ„ll/ha har berĂ€knats. I arbetet ges förslag pĂ„ hur ett praktiskt genomförande kan gĂ„ till. I detta förslag ingĂ„r t.ex. hur arbetsfördelningen kan ske. VĂ„rt examensarbete visar ocksĂ„ att samarbete ger bĂ€ttre möjligheter om du vill fortsĂ€tta driva konventionell vĂ€xtodling. Även den sociala delen har behandlats. MĂ„nga familjer splittras (bĂ„de fysiskt och psykiskt) bland annat pĂ„ grund av för hög arbetsbelastning. I ett samarbete ges stora möjligheter att minska den individuella arbetstiden

    First Detection of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) Toxins in Icelandic Mussels (Mytilus edulis): Links to Causative Phytoplankton Species.

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    peer-reviewedParalytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins were detected in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from two harvesting areas, Eyjafjordur on the north coast and Breidafjordur on the west coast of Iceland in 2009. During a bloom of Alexandrium spp. at both locations in June of that year, blue mussels were found to be contaminated with paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), leading to extensive closures of these harvesting sites. Phytoplankton data taken during this time showed the presence of large numbers of A. tamarense, with smaller numbers of A. ostenfeldii also being detected. Mussel samples were analysed by mouse bioassay (MBA) and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FLD). Toxicity over 10 times the European Union (EU) regulatory limit was observed in samples from Eyjafjordur while levels over 4 times this limit were detected in samples from Breidafjordur. The toxin profile determined by LC-FLD was found to be composed primarily of the carbamate toxins gonyautoxin-2,3 (GTX-2,3). Saxitoxin (STX) was also detected in all samples analysed and was the second most abundant toxin present. Gonyautoxin-1,4 (GTX-1,4) was detected at lower concentrations in half the samples analysed from both locations. Comparison is made between predicted toxin profiles from these algal species and the toxin profiles determined through LC-FLD analysis. These results represent the first identification and PST profile determination in shellfish harvested from Icelandic waters

    Arsenolipids are not uniformly distributed within two brown macroalgal species Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta

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    Open access via Springer Compact Agreement Acknowledgements Emeline Moreira is kindly thanked for her assistance with re-analysing a couple of samples for AsSugar measurement. Johannes Beere is thanked for the analysis on the Orbitrap for batch A. Urd Grandorf Bak is thanked for her helpful advice on seaweed. Funding information This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 656596.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Broiler Chickens as Source of Human Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Escherichia coli, Iceland

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    To investigate feed as a source for fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli in broiler chickens, we compared antimicrobial drug–resistant E. coli from broiler feed and broilers with ciprofloxacin-resistant human clinical isolates by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Feed was implicated as a source for ciprofloxacin-resistant broiler-derived E. coli and broilers as a source for ciprofloxacin-resistant human-derived E. coli

    Glucocorticoid receptor Thr524 phosphorylation by MINK1 induces interactions with 14-3-3 protein regulators

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    The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that plays a central role in inflammation. The GR activity is also modulated via protein-protein interactions, including binding of 14-3-3 proteins induced by GR phosphorylation. However, the specific phosphorylation sites on the GR that trigger these interactions and their functional consequences are less clear. Hence, we sought to examine this system in more detail. We used phosphorylated GR peptides, biophysical studies, and X-ray crystallography to identify key residues within the ligand-binding domain of the GR, T524 and S617, whose phosphorylation results in binding of the representative 14-3-3 protein 14-3-3ζ. A kinase screen identified misshapen-like kinase 1 (MINK1) as responsible for phosphorylating T524 and Rho-associated protein kinase 1 for phosphorylating S617; cell-based approaches confirmed the importance of both GR phosphosites and MINK1 but not Rhoassociated protein kinase 1 alone in inducing GR-14-3-3 binding. Together our results provide molecular-level insight into 14-3-3-mediated regulation of the GR and highlight both MINK1 and the GR-14-3-3 axis as potential targets for future therapeutic intervention
