90 research outputs found

    Adaptive low and high-order hybridized methods for unsteady incompressible flow simulations

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Università degli Studi di PaviaSimulations of incompressible flows are performed on a daily basis to solve problems of practical and industrial interest in several fields of engineering, including automotive, aeronautical, mechanical and biomedical applications. Although finite volume (FV) methods are still the preferred choice by the industry due to their efficiency and robustness, sensitivity to mesh quality and limited accuracy represent two main bottlenecks of these approaches. This is especially critical in the context of transient phenomena, in which FV methods show excessive numerical diffusion. In this context, there has been a growing interest towards high-order discretisation strategies in last decades. In this PhD thesis, a high-order adaptive hybidisable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method is proposed for the approximation of steady and unsteady laminar incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Voigt notation for symmetric second-order tensors is exploited to devise an HDG method for the Cauchy formulation of the momentum equation with optimal convergence properties, even when low-order polynomial degrees of approximation are considered. In addition, a postprocessing strategy accounting for rigid translational and rotational modes is proposed to construct an element-by-element superconvergent velocity field. The discrepancy between the computed and postprocessed velocities is utilised to define a local error indicator to drive degree adaptivity procedures and accurately capture localised features of the flow. The resulting HDG solver is thus extended to the case of transient problems via high-order time integration schemes, namely the explicit singly diagonal implicit Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) schemes. In this context, the embedded explicit step is exploited to define an inexpensive estimate of the temporal error to devise an efficient timestep control strategy. Finally, in order to efficiently solve the global problem arising from the HDG discretisation, a preconditioned iterative solver is proposed. This is critical in the context of high-order approximations in three-dimensional domains leading to large-scale problems, especially in transient simulations. A block diagonal preconditioner coupled with an inexpensive approximation of the Schur complement of the matrix is proposed to reduce the computational cost of the overall HDG solver. Extensive numerical validation of two and three-dimensional steady and unsteady benchmark tests of viscous laminar incompressible flows is performed to validate the proposed methodology.Simulaciones de flujo incompresible se emplean a diario para resolver problemas de interés práctico e industrial en varios campos de la ingeniería, p.ej. en aplicaciones automovilísticas, aeronáuticas, mecánicas y biomédicas. Aunque los métodos de volúmenes finitos (FV) siguen siendo la opción preferida por la industria debido a su eficiencia y robustez, la sensibilidad a la calidad de la malla y la baja precisión representan dos limitaciones importantes para estas técnicas. Estas limitaciones son todavía más críticas en el contexto de simulaciones de fenómenos transitorios, donde los FV están penalizados por su excesiva difusión numérica. En este contexto, las estrategias de discretización de alto orden han ganado una popularidad creciente en las últimas décadas para problemas transitorios dónde se necesitan soluciones precisas. Esta tesis propone un método de Galerkin discontinuo híbrido (HDG), de alto orden y adaptativo para la aproximación de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes incomprensible laminar, en el caso estacionario y transitorio en el entorno de aplicaciones ingenieriles. Para ello, la notación de Voigt para tensores simétricos de segundo orden (habituales en mecánica de los medios continuos) permite introducir un método HDG para la formulación de Cauchy de la ecuación de momento. La novedad de este resultado reside en la convergencia óptima alcanzada por el método, incluso para aproximaciones de orden polinómico bajo. Además, se desarrolla una estrategia de post-proceso local para construir elemento a elemento un campo de velocidad súper-convergente, tomando en cuenta los modos rígidos de traslación y rotación. La discrepancia entre el campo de velocidad calculado y el súper-convergente, obtenido a través del post-proceso, permite definir un indicador del error local. De esta forma, se desarrolla una estrategia para realizar adecuar elemento a elemento el grado de la aproximación polinómica y así mejorar la precisión adaptándose a las características localizadas del flujo. Seguidamente, se extiende el método HDG propuesto al tratamiento de problemas dependientes del tiempo. Más concretamente, se consideran los esquemas de integración temporal de alto orden explicit singly diagonal implicit Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK). En este contexto, se utiliza el paso explícito embedded para calcular una estimación computacionalmente eficiente del error temporal y definir una estrategia de adaptividad del paso de tiempo. Finalmente, se desarrolla un precondicionador adaptado a la estrategia HDG que acelera la convergencia del método iterativo empleado y, de esta forma, obtener resoluciones eficaces del problema global surgido de la discretización HDG. Es importante resaltar la importancia de una herramienta de resolución eficiente para problemas de gran escala en el contexto de aproximaciones de alto orden y en dominios tridimensionales. Estas herramientas se hacen aún más criticas en simulaciones transitorias. Más concretamente, se proponen un precondicionador diagonal por bloques y una aproximación eficiente del complemento Schur de la matriz para reducir el coste computacional del método HDG. Para validar la metodología propuesta, se realizan varias simulaciones numéricas de flujo incompresible laminar viscoso, para problemas estacionarios y transitorios, en dos y tres dimensiones.Postprint (published version

    Periodontitis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Chronic periodontitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are chronic inflammatory diseases in which neutrophilic inflammation plays a major role. There are a few studies showing that these two entities share various predisposing factors and pathogenetic mechanisms; however, a direct connection between them has not yet been achieved. Epidemiology data may also show a connection between the two conditions. Neutrophilic inflammation in periodontitis and COPD is orchestrated by CD8+ lymphocytes and macrophages, leading to the aggregation of neutrophils and causing an imbalance to the proteases and antiproteases equilibrium. Finally, further research is needed to clarify the common pathogenesis of the two diseases to optimize their therapeutic management

    A superconvergent hybridisable discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elasticity

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    The first superconvergent hybridisable discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elastic problems capable of using the same degree of approximation for both the primal and mixed variables is presented. The key feature of the method is the strong imposition of the symmetry of the stress tensor by means of the well known and extensively used Voigt notation, circumventing the use of complex mathematical concepts to enforce the symmetry of the stress tensor either weakly or strongly. A novel procedure to construct element by element a superconvergent postprocessed displacement is proposed. Contrary to other hybridisable discontinuous Galerkin formulations, the methodology proposed here is able to produce a superconvergent displacement field for low-order approximations. The resulting method is robust and locking-free in the nearly incompressible limit. An extensive set of numerical examples is utilised to provide evidence of the optimality of the method and its superconvergent properties in two and three dimensions and for different element type

    A superconvergent HDG method for stokes flow with strongly enforced symmetry of the stress tensor

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    This work proposes a superconvergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for the approximation of the Cauchy formulation of the Stokes equation using same degree of polynomials for the primal and mixed variables. The novel formulation relies on the well-known Voigt notation to strongly enforce the symmetry of the stress tensor. The proposed strategy introduces several advantages with respect to the existing HDG formulations. First, it remedies the suboptimal behavior experienced by the classical HDG method for formulations involving the symmetric part of the gradient of the primal variable. The optimal convergence of the mixed variable is retrieved and an element-by-element postprocess procedure leads to a superconvergent velocity field, even for low-order approximations. Second, no additional enrichment of the discrete spaces is required and a gain in computational efficiency follows from reducing the quantity of stored information and the size of the local problems. Eventually, the novel formulation naturally imposes physical tractions on the Neumann boundary. Numerical validation of the optimality of the method and its superconvergent properties is performed in 2D and 3D using meshes of different element types

    A superconvergent HDG method for stokes flow with strongly enforced symmetry of the stress tensor

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-018-0855-yThis work proposes a superconvergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for the approximation of the Cauchy formulation of the Stokes equation using same degree of polynomials for the primal and mixed variables. The novel formulation relies on the well-known Voigt notation to strongly enforce the symmetry of the stress tensor. The proposed strategy introduces several advantages with respect to the existing HDG formulations. First, it remedies the suboptimal behavior experienced by the classical HDG method for formulations involving the symmetric part of the gradient of the primal variable. The optimal convergence of the mixed variable is retrieved and an element-by-element postprocess procedure leads to a superconvergent velocity field, even for low-order approximations. Second, no additional enrichment of the discrete spaces is required and a gain in computational efficiency follows from reducing the quantity of stored information and the size of the local problems. Eventually, the novel formulation naturally imposes physical tractions on the Neumann boundary. Numerical validation of the optimality of the method and its superconvergent properties is performed in 2D and 3D using meshes of different element types.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An unusual presentation of tuberculosis

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    We describe a case of a male with no symptoms and normal chest X ray, diagnosed with TB. The chest computed tomography revealed a cavity formation on the upper left lobe

    Recurrent catamenial hemothorax

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    Endometriosis is a common cause of chronic pelvic pain and infertility affecting women of reproductive age, but the disease in rare conditions may be extragenital so may be present with a variety of symptoms. This is a report of an unusual case of pelvic endometriosis that presented with a recurrent hemothorax

    Carcinoid tumour behind bronchiectasis

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    This report describes a female patient with bronchiectasis, presented to our department with recurrent hemoptysis. Bronchoscopy revealed nothing else but blood arising from the upper lobe bronchus. High resolution computing tomography of the lung (HRCT) revealed bronchiectasis of the upper lobe. A right upper lobectomy was performed. Behind bronchiectasis multiple nodular lesions, 5-10 mm were observed. Histological and immunohistochemical examination revealed findings consistent with peripheral typical bronchial carcinoids

    Association of ET-1 gene polymorphisms with COPD phenotypes in a Caucasian population

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    Background and Aim. The phenotypic expression of COPD consists of pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis. An imprecise phenotypic definition may result in inconsistencies among genetic studies regarding COPD pathogenesis. Endothelin-1 gene polymorphisms have been linked to increased susceptibility of COPD development. The present study examined the involvement of +138 insA/delA and G198T ET-1 polymorphisms with emphysematous and bronchitic COPD phenotypes. Methods. In order to narrow down the phenotypic choices to either COPD-associated pulmonary emphysema or chronic bronchitis, a DLCO<60% predicted threshold was chosen as an indicator of severe emphysema.116 COPD smokers and 74 non-related, non-COPD smokers were evaluated. Results. Statistical analysis showed that the 4A allele of the +138insA/delA SNP and the 4A:T haplotype were associated predominantly with a chronic bronchitis phenotype, whereas the TT genotype of the G198T SNP was found to be protective from emphysema development. Conclusions. The presence of both the 4A and T allele seems to modify the final expression of COPD towards a chronic bronchitis phenotype, since the G:3A haplotype was associated with a predominantly emphysematous phenotype in our study
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