286 research outputs found

    Does Information Beget Information?

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    Using the language of mathematics, Professor Polk Wagner has recently argued that the impossibility of fully appropriating the value of information in a rightsholder leads to the surprising conclusion that expanding the degree of control of intellectual property rights will, in the long run, increase the sum total of information not subject to ownership claims and therefore available as part of the cultural and technological base on which new growth and development can occur. Indeed, he claims that open information will grow according to the formula for compound interest, where the interest rate is 100% plus or minus a factor z supposedly related to creation incentives. This article demonstrates that Professor Wagner’s mathematical analysis is simply wrong and does not lead to any of the conclusions he reaches concerning the growth of open information. It also shows both the difficulties and the dangers of the lay use of the language of mathematics in resolving complex social problems even if one does the math correctly

    Taxing the Sale of Property

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    Lämpötilan vaikutus suojalaitteiden toimintaan

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    Työ tehtiin Liikennevirastolle ja Winco Oy:lle, joka toimii Länsi- ja Etelä-Suomen alueilla rautateiden sähkörata- ja vahvavirtajärjestelmien kunnos-sapitäjänä. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää rautatievaihteiden lämmitysjärjestelmään kuuluvien erotusmuuntajakeskusten lämpenemisen vaikutusta lämmitysvastuspiirien suojalaitteisiin, jotka eivät kestä keskusten sisällä kuten on suunniteltu. Tavoitteena oli tutkia lämpötilojen nousua keskusten sisällä, selvittää miten se vaikuttaa sulakkeiden ja johdonsuojakatkaisijoiden toimintaan ja mitä ongelmalle on mahdollista tehdä. Tutkimus toteutettiin tarkkailemalla lämpötilojen nousua keskusten sisällä erotusmuuntajia kuormitettaessa. Lämpötilojen lisäksi keskuksiin suoritettiin tarvittavat mittaukset, joiden perusteella pohdittiin nykyisten suojalaitteiden soveltuvuutta asennusympäristöönsä. Mittaustulosten vertailu nykyisten suojalaitteiden kanssa tehtiin kaapeleiden suojauksessa huomioitaviin standardeihin, sekä suojalaitteiden valmistajien ohjeisiin perehtyen. Toteutetulla tutkimuksella saatiin toivottua tietoa erotusmuuntajakeskuksissa esiintyvistä lämpötiloista, joiden todettiin vaikuttavan alentavasti johdonsuojakatkaisijoiden ja sulakkeiden toiminta- ja sulamisrajavirtoihin. Vaikutuksen aiheuttamaan ongelmaan pohdittiin mahdollisia ratkaisukeinoja ja edellytyksiä niiden toteuttamiseksi. Lämpötilat keskuksissa suojalaitteiden sijoituspaikoissa nousivat osassa kohteista yli suojalaitteille ilmoitettavien toimintaympäristön ylärajojen, joten tutkimuksessa kerättyjen tietojen pohjalta pohdittiin mahdollisuuksia suojalaitteisiin vaikuttavien lämpötilojen hallintaan.This project was conducted for Finnish Transport Agency and Winco Oy, a company that operates as a maintainer for railway electrification and low voltage systems in the Western and Southern Finland. The study examined heating up of isolating transformers which are a part of the railway switch point heating system. The purpose of this project was to find out how the transformer cabinets’ temperature affects the circuit protection devices that do not withstand as planned. The main objectives were to examine the rise of temperatures in the isolating transformer cabinets, to find out how this affects the operation of fuses and circuit breakers and to determine options for solving the problem. The study was carried out by monitoring the rise of temperatures inside the transformer cabinets when transformers were loaded. In addition, the necessary measurements such as current and voltage were made to consider the suitability of the protection devices for their installation environment. A comparison of the measurement results with the existing protective devices was completed by considering the cable protection standards and the instructions of the manufacturers of protective devices. The conducted study provided desirable information on the transformer cabinets’ temperatures that were so high that they affected the current carrying capacity of fuses and circuit breakers. Solutions to the problem caused by the temperature increase and requirements for implementing these were considered. Temperatures in the isolating transformer cabinets were rising higher than what the manufacturers of protective devices generally recommended, which is why different possibilities on how to manage temperatures affecting the protecting devices were analyzed here

    Planning Problems in the Limited Liability Company

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    Part I briefly discusses the development of the limited liability company form and its roots in the liberalized provisions of modem corporation and partnership law. In Part II, the Article examines a variety of fact situations derived from partnership and close corporation case law as examples of the kinds of disputes that arise among the participants in closely held enterprises

    Judicial Review of Copyright Term Extension Legislation

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    Perceptions of people, process, and policy on political trust.

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    The qualities of the people serving in government, the processes used, and the policies that result have been put forth in the literature as possible determinants of political trust (Miller and Borrelli 1991; Ulbig 2002; Erber and Lau 1990; Rahn and Rudolph 2005). Political evaluations of people, process, and policy can be seen as determinants of political trust. While previous scholarship hypothesizes them as such, there is no empirical work which investigates these three variables together. This project combines people, process, and policy into one study to examine their influence upon trust in relation to one another. Evaluations of people, process, and policy are found, through analysis of originally collected data, to influence both trust in government and trust in specific politicians. A representative national sample survey combined with the power of a randomized experiment was employed to study the effect of perceptions of people, process, and policy on trust. Survey questions asked participants to consider people, process, and policy on a global level, while the experimental design tested specific attributes of people, process, and policy. Findings from both the survey and the experiment indicate that, of these three, perceptions of policy had the greatest impact on trust. Perceptions of people followed closely behind policy, and the effect of process was the weakest. This convergence between survey and experimental findings lends confidence to the overall ability of evaluations of people and policy to explain trust in government

    Oracle v. Google and the Scope of a Computer Program Copyright

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    Federal Preemption of Shrinkwrap and On-line Licenses

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    Symposium: Copyright Owners\u27 Rights and Users\u27 Privileges on the Interne