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    O estudo tem como objetivo identificar o que a literatura científica internacional aborda sobre o tema Avaliação de Desempenho na Gestão do Controle Estatístico de Processos (CEP), possibilitando, assim, a identificação de oportunidades de aperfeiçoamento. A pesquisa exploratória utilizou como instrumento de intervenção o ProKnow-C para a seleção do portfólio bibliográfico-PB e a análise das características deste fragmento da literatura. Os autores de destaque identificados foram Wen Lea Pearn, Shu-Ming Chung, com 5, 4, e 3 publicações respectivamente no PB. Foi possível também identificar os periódicos Quality and Reliability Engineering International e o Expert Systems With Applications como os dois com maior número de publicações. Já em relação às palavras-chaves presentes nos artigos do portfólio, as que se destacaram foram Process Capability Indices, Control Carts e Process Capability index. Os periódicos que apresentaram maior fator de impacto foram: European Jounal of Operational Research e Expert Systems with Applications. Constatou-se nos trabalhos a utilização de Sistemas de Mensuração de Desempenho nas atividades do controle estatístico de processos. Os resultados indicam ainda a utilização de indicadores, oriundos de modelos realistas de Avaliação de Desempenho, centrados na qualidade estatística sem ter em conta as necessidades, os valores e as preferências dos gestores dos contextos avaliados.The study aims to identify the topics addressed in the international scientific literature on the subject of Performance Assessment in Statistical Control Management Process (CEP), in order to identify opportunities for improvement. This exploratory research used ProKnow-C as an intervention tool for the selection of the bibliographic-PB portfolio and analysis of the characteristics of this fragment of literature. The prominent authors identified were Lea Pearn Wen, and Shu-Ming Chung, with 5, 4 and 3 publications in the PB respectively. It was also possible to identify the periodicals Quality and Reliability Engineering International and Expert Systems with Applications as the two periodicals with the highest number of publications. In relation to the keywords present in the portfolio, those that stood out were Process Capability Indices, Control Charts, and Process Capability index. The periodicals with greatest impact factor were: European Journal of Operational Research and Expert Systems with Applications. The works found identified the use of Performance Measurement Systems in the activities of statistical process control. The results also indicate the use of indicators, derived from realistic models of performance evaluation, focusing on statistical quality but without taking into account the managers’ needs, values and preferences of the contexts evaluated.Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar lo que la literatura científica internacional aborda sobre el tema Evaluación de Desempeño en la Gestión del Control Estadístico de Procesos (CEP), posibilitando así la identificación de oportunidades de perfeccionamiento. La investigación exploratoria utilizó como instrumento de intervención el ProKnow-C para la selección do portafolio bibliográfico-PB y el análisis de las características de este fragmento de la literatura. Los autores de destaque identificados fueron Wen Lea Pearn, Shu-Ming Chung, con 5, 4, y 3 publicaciones respectivamente en el PB. También fue posible identificar los periódicos Quality and Reliability Engineering International y el Expert Systems With Applications como los dos con mayor número de publicaciones. En relación a las palavras clave presentes en los artículos del portafolio, las que se destacaron fueron Process Capability Indices, Control Charts y Process Capability index. Los periódicos que presentaron mayor factor de impacto fueron: European Journal of Operational Research y Expert Systems with Applications. En los trabajos se observó la utilización de Sistemas de Mensuración de Desempeño en las actividades del control estadístico de procesos. Los resultados indican también la utilización de indicadores, oriundos de modelos realistas de Evaluación de Desempeño, centrados en la calidad estadística sin tener en cuenta las necesidades, los valores y las preferencias de los gestores de los contextos evaluados

    Modelo construtivista para avaliar o desempenho da gestão ambiental portuária: o caso do Porto de São Francisco do Sul

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis 2018.O crescimento significativo do comércio, nas últimas décadas, fez com que os portos se destacassem como elemento-chave da economia, respondendo por cerca de 90% do transporte de cargas mundial. Apesar de sua representatividade, sabe-se que as atividades portuárias podem gerar sérios danos ambientais. Nesse contexto, os portos estão expostos a uma série de legislações ambientais que, não atendidas, geram penalidades; porém, quando atendidas, criam vantagens competitivas. Nesse contexto, encontra-se o setor ambiental do Porto de São Francisco do Sul, responsável por uma ampla gama de monitoramentos ambientais. Gerir esses aspectos ambientais eficientemente torna-se um processo desafiador. Assim, este estudo de caráter exploratório tem como objetivo construir um modelo de Avaliação de Desempenho Multicritério- Construtivista para Apoiar a Gestão Ambiental do Porto de São Francisco do Sul, com base nas necessidade e percepções do decisor. Para alcançar esse objetivo, selecionou-se a metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão-Construtivista (MCDA-C). Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com o assessor de Engenharia e Meio Ambiente do Porto, foram identificados 51 critérios considerados relevantes e suficientes para avaliar o desempenho da gestão ambiental do Porto, bem como a identificação de cinco áreas de preocupações, a saber: Gestão Ambiental ; Resíduos ; Qualidade Ambiental ; Qualidade do Trabalho ; e Educação Ambiental e Social . Com base nos resultados obtidos por meio da determinação das taxas de compensações e avaliação global do modelo, foram propostas ações de melhorias para aperfeiçoar o desempenho destes aspectos em que o Porto apresenta desempenho comprometedor: Quantidade de resíduos oleosos; Quantidade de resíduos de carga; Quantidade de ponto; Veículos de carga; Padrões de qualidade da biota aquática; Quantidade de sedimento; e Trabalhadores afastados. A implementação das ações de melhorias propostas permitirá a elevação do desempenho da gestão ambiental do Porto de 55,9 para 70,49 pontos. Diante dos resultados obtidos, a metodologia MCDA-C configurou-se como uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar o decisor a identificar os aspectos ambientais que compreendem seu contexto de gestão e os aspectos que devem ser melhorados a fim de que Porto atenda às legislações ambientais e aos diversos interesses atuantes.Abstract : Significant trade growth in recent decades has made ports stand out as a key element of the economy, accounting for about 90% of global cargo transport. Despite its representativeness, port activities can generate serious environmental damages. In this context, ports are exposed to a series of environmental legislations that, when not met, generate penalties and, when met, create competitive advantages. In this context, there is the environmental sector of the São Francisco do Sul Port, responsible for a wide range of environmental monitoring. Managing these environmental aspects becomes a challenging process. Thus, this exploratory study aims to build a Multicriteria-Constructivist Performance Evaluation model to support the environmental management of the port of São Francisco do Sul, based on the needs and perceptions of the decision maker. To reach this, the Multicriteria Decision Support-Constructivist method (MCDA-C) was selected. Through semi-structured interviews with the consultant of Engineering and Environment of Porto, 51 criteria were identified as relevant to check the environmental management performance of the port, as well as the identification of five areas of concern: Environmental Management; Waste; Environmental Quality; Quality of Work and Environmental and Social Education. Based on the results obtained through the determination of the compensation rates and global evaluation of the model, improvements were proposed to increase the performance of the aspects in which the port presents compromising performance, they are: Quantity of oily residues; Quantity of cargo residues; Point amount; Cargo vehicles; Quality standards of aquatic biota; Amount of sediment and; Withdrawn Workers. From the implementation of the proposed improvement actions, it is expected to increase the environmental performance of the port from 55.9 to 70.49 points. Given the results obtained, the MCDA-C method was an important tool to help the decision-maker to identify the environmental aspects that comprise its management context and the aspects that must be improved follow the environmental laws and regulations

    Management support for agricultural enterprises: a case study for a fruit-producing company

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    Over the last few decades, agricultural production has improved its productivity significantly. This improvement has notably focused on the genetic development of plants and on equipment technology. Nevertheless, its managers have not monitored this growth in the competitiveness of the sector. Based on this context, this study has a central question: how can performance evaluation, from its decision-making support perspective, improve the management process of an agricultural company? In order to answer this, the purpose of creating a decision-making model to support the management decisions of an agricultural company is taken into consideration. Seven strategic objectives were identified, operationalized by 57 performance indicators, for the levels of reference set by the decision maker; fourteen performance indicators are at a compromising level, showing the need for intervention. With the model created, it was possible to have a picture of this situation and provide a process to propose improvement actions

    Knowledge construction about port performance evaluation: An international literature analysis

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify and analyze the characteristics of international scientific research that addresses the segment of literature referring to port performance evaluation, in order to identify the existence of a theoretical alignment between the concept of performance evaluation, as an area of knowledge, and the practical application of port performance evaluation. Design/methodology: For the approach to the problem, this paper makes use of qualitative research, analyzing bibliographical portfolio characteristics related to port performance evaluation. An action research strategy was adopted, according to which the authors selected the bibliographical portfolio based on analysis and interpretation. Findings: From the segment of literature analyzed, it was possible to identify a certain degree of misalignment among what has been pointed out in the literature regarding the management practices in the port sector. Specifically, this discrepancy refers to management practices that are ignored by port managers, which lead to lost opportunities and may even come to jeopardize the organization's performance. Research limitations/implications: The literature search was restricted to articles written in English, published in indexed scientific journals in the selected databases, according to the following criteria: (i) articles published after the year 2000; (ii) the generation of knowledge based on characteristics selected by the researchers and (iii) the analysis of BP articles based on the judgment and interpretation of the research authors. For future work, it is suggested to expand this research to other databases, in other languages and according to other features, and to continue this investigation by carrying outthe “systemic analysis” and “identifying research opportunities” stages using ProKnow-C. Originality/value: Although two similar works have been carried out in the same area of research in 2015, the results achieved have contributed to the advancement of research in port performance evaluation, as they have extended the time horizon, the databases used for research and the variables