13 research outputs found

    Functional Analysis of the Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 2 in Specific Neuronal Circuits of the Brain

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    A key issue in neuroscience is to determine the connection between neuronal circuits and behaviour. In the adult brain, all neuronal circuits include a glutamatergic component. Three proteins designated Vesicular glutamate transporter 1-3 (VGLUT1-3) possess the capability of packaging glutamate into presynaptic vesicles for release of glutamate at the nerve terminal. The present study aimed at determining the role of VGLUT2 in neuronal circuits of higher brain function, emotion, and reward-pocessing. A conditional knockout (cKO) strategy was utilised, and three different mouse lines were produced to delete VGLUT2 in specific neuronal circuits in a temporally and spatially controlled manner. First, we produced a cKO mouse in which Vglut2 was deleted in specific subpopulations of the cortex, amygdala and hippocampus from preadolescence. This resulted in blunted aspects in cognitive, emotional and social behaviour in a schizophrenia-related phenotype. Furthermore, we showed a downstream effect of the targeted deletion on the dopaminergic system. In a subsequent analysis of the same cKO mice, we showed that female cKO mice were more affected their male counterparts, and we also found that female schizophrenia patients, but not male patients, had increased Vglut2 levels in the cortex.  Second, we produced and analysed cKO mice in which Vglut2 was deleted in the cortex, amygdala and hippocampus already from midgestation, and could show that this deletion affected emotional, but not cognitive, function. Third, we addressed the role of VGLUT2 in midbrain dopamine neurons by targeting Vglut2 specifically in these neurons. These cKO mice showed a blunted activational response to the psychostimulant amphetamine and increased operant self-administration of both sugar and cocaine reinforcers. Further, the cKO mice displayed strongly enhanced cocaine-seeking in response to cocaine-associated cues, a behaviour of relevance for addiction in humans. In summary, this thesis work has addressed the role of the presynaptic glutamatergic neuron in different neuronal circuits and shown that the temporal and spatial distribution of VGLUT2 is of great significance for normal brain function

    Functional Analysis of the Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 2 in Specific Neuronal Circuits of the Brain

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    A key issue in neuroscience is to determine the connection between neuronal circuits and behaviour. In the adult brain, all neuronal circuits include a glutamatergic component. Three proteins designated Vesicular glutamate transporter 1-3 (VGLUT1-3) possess the capability of packaging glutamate into presynaptic vesicles for release of glutamate at the nerve terminal. The present study aimed at determining the role of VGLUT2 in neuronal circuits of higher brain function, emotion, and reward-pocessing. A conditional knockout (cKO) strategy was utilised, and three different mouse lines were produced to delete VGLUT2 in specific neuronal circuits in a temporally and spatially controlled manner. First, we produced a cKO mouse in which Vglut2 was deleted in specific subpopulations of the cortex, amygdala and hippocampus from preadolescence. This resulted in blunted aspects in cognitive, emotional and social behaviour in a schizophrenia-related phenotype. Furthermore, we showed a downstream effect of the targeted deletion on the dopaminergic system. In a subsequent analysis of the same cKO mice, we showed that female cKO mice were more affected their male counterparts, and we also found that female schizophrenia patients, but not male patients, had increased Vglut2 levels in the cortex.  Second, we produced and analysed cKO mice in which Vglut2 was deleted in the cortex, amygdala and hippocampus already from midgestation, and could show that this deletion affected emotional, but not cognitive, function. Third, we addressed the role of VGLUT2 in midbrain dopamine neurons by targeting Vglut2 specifically in these neurons. These cKO mice showed a blunted activational response to the psychostimulant amphetamine and increased operant self-administration of both sugar and cocaine reinforcers. Further, the cKO mice displayed strongly enhanced cocaine-seeking in response to cocaine-associated cues, a behaviour of relevance for addiction in humans. In summary, this thesis work has addressed the role of the presynaptic glutamatergic neuron in different neuronal circuits and shown that the temporal and spatial distribution of VGLUT2 is of great significance for normal brain function

    Functional Analysis of the Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 2 in Specific Neuronal Circuits of the Brain

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    A key issue in neuroscience is to determine the connection between neuronal circuits and behaviour. In the adult brain, all neuronal circuits include a glutamatergic component. Three proteins designated Vesicular glutamate transporter 1-3 (VGLUT1-3) possess the capability of packaging glutamate into presynaptic vesicles for release of glutamate at the nerve terminal. The present study aimed at determining the role of VGLUT2 in neuronal circuits of higher brain function, emotion, and reward-pocessing. A conditional knockout (cKO) strategy was utilised, and three different mouse lines were produced to delete VGLUT2 in specific neuronal circuits in a temporally and spatially controlled manner. First, we produced a cKO mouse in which Vglut2 was deleted in specific subpopulations of the cortex, amygdala and hippocampus from preadolescence. This resulted in blunted aspects in cognitive, emotional and social behaviour in a schizophrenia-related phenotype. Furthermore, we showed a downstream effect of the targeted deletion on the dopaminergic system. In a subsequent analysis of the same cKO mice, we showed that female cKO mice were more affected their male counterparts, and we also found that female schizophrenia patients, but not male patients, had increased Vglut2 levels in the cortex.  Second, we produced and analysed cKO mice in which Vglut2 was deleted in the cortex, amygdala and hippocampus already from midgestation, and could show that this deletion affected emotional, but not cognitive, function. Third, we addressed the role of VGLUT2 in midbrain dopamine neurons by targeting Vglut2 specifically in these neurons. These cKO mice showed a blunted activational response to the psychostimulant amphetamine and increased operant self-administration of both sugar and cocaine reinforcers. Further, the cKO mice displayed strongly enhanced cocaine-seeking in response to cocaine-associated cues, a behaviour of relevance for addiction in humans. In summary, this thesis work has addressed the role of the presynaptic glutamatergic neuron in different neuronal circuits and shown that the temporal and spatial distribution of VGLUT2 is of great significance for normal brain function

    Targeted deletion of Vglut2 expression in the embryonal telencephalon promotes an anxiolytic phenotype of the adult mouse

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    BACKGROUND: Anxiety is a natural emotion experienced by all individuals. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, it contributes to the substantial group of anxiety disorders that affect one in three people and thus are among the most common psychiatric disorders. Anxiolysis, the reduction of anxiety, is mediated via several large groups of therapeutical compounds, but the relief is often only temporary, and increased knowledge of the neurobiology underlying anxiety is needed in order to improve future therapies. AIM: We previously demonstrated that mice lacking forebrain expression of the Vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2) from adolescence showed a strong anxiolytic behaviour as adults. In the current study, we wished to analyse if removal of Vglut2 expression already from mid-gestation of the mouse embryo would give rise to similar anxiolysis in the adult mouse. METHODS: We produced transgenic mice lacking Vglut2 from mid-gestation and analysed their affective behaviour, including anxiety, when they had reached adulthood. RESULTS: The transgenic mice lacking Vglut2 expression from mid-gestation showed certain signs of anxiolytic behaviour, but this phenotype was not as prominent as when Vglut2 was removed during adolescence. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that both embryonal and adolescent forebrain expression of Vglut2 normally contributes to balancing the level of anxiety. As the neurobiological basis for anxiety is similar across species, our results in mice may help improve the current understanding of the neurocircuitry of anxiety, and hence anxiolysis, also in humans

    SLC38A10 Deficiency in Mice Affects Plasma Levels of Threonine and Histidine in Males but Not in Females : A Preliminary Characterization Study of SLC38A10(-/-) Mice

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    Solute carriers belong to the biggest group of transporters in the human genome, but more knowledge is needed to fully understand their function and possible role as therapeutic targets. SLC38A10, a poorly characterized solute carrier, is preliminary characterized here. By using a knockout mouse model, we studied the biological effects of SLC38A10 deficiency in vivo. We performed a transcriptomic analysis of the whole brain and found seven differentially expressed genes in SLC38A10-deficient mice (Gm48159, Nr4a1, Tuba1c, Lrrc56, mt-Tp, Hbb-bt and Snord116/9). By measuring amino acids in plasma, we found lower levels of threonine and histidine in knockout males, whereas no amino acid levels were affected in females, suggesting that SLC38A10(-/-) might affect sexes differently. Using RT-qPCR, we investigated the effect of SLC38A10 deficiency on mRNA expression of other SLC38 members, Mtor and Rps6kb1 in the brain, liver, lung, muscle, and kidney, but no differences were found. Relative telomere length measurement was also taken, as a marker for cellular age, but no differences were found between the genotypes. We conclude that SLC38A10 might be important for keeping amino acid homeostasis in plasma, at least in males, but no major effects were seen on transcriptomic expression or telomere length in the whole brain

    Increased hippocampal excitability and impaired spatial memory function in mice lacking VGLUT2 selectively in neurons defined by tyrosine hydroxylase promoter activity

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    Three populations of neurons expressing the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2) were recently described in the A10 area of the mouse midbrain, of which two populations were shown to express the gene encoding, the rate-limiting enzyme for catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH).One of these populations ("TH-Vglut2 Class1") also expressed the dopamine transporter (DAT) gene while one did not ("TH-Vglut2 Class2"), and the remaining population did not express TH at all ("Vglut2-only"). TH is known to be expressed by a promoter which shows two phases of activation, a transient one early during embryonal development, and a later one which gives rise to stable endogenous expression of the TH gene. The transient phase is, however, not specific to catecholaminergic neurons, a feature taken to advantage here as it enabled Vglut2 gene targeting within all three A10 populations expressing this gene, thus creating a new conditional knockout. These knockout mice showed impairment in spatial memory function. Electrophysiological analyses revealed a profound alteration of oscillatory activity in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. In addition to identifying a novel role for Vglut2 in hippocampus function, this study points to the need for improved genetic tools for targeting of the diversity of subpopulations of the A10 area

    VGLUT2-Dependent Sensory Neurons in the TRPV1 Population Regulate Pain and Itch

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    SummaryThe natural response to itch sensation is to scratch, which relieves the itch through an unknown mechanism. Interaction between pain and itch has been frequently demonstrated, and the selectivity hypothesis of itch, based on data from electrophysiological and behavioral experiments, postulates the existence of primary pain afferents capable of repressing itch. Here, we demonstrate that deletion of vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) 2 in a subpopulation of neurons partly overlapping with the vanilloid receptor (TRPV1) primary afferents resulted in a dramatic increase in itch behavior accompanied by a reduced responsiveness to thermal pain. The increased itch behavior was reduced by administration of antihistaminergic drugs and by genetic deletion of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, demonstrating a dependence on VGLUT2 to maintain normal levels of both histaminergic and nonhistaminergic itch. This study establishes that VGLUT2 is a major player in TRPV1 thermal nociception and also serves to regulate a normal itch response

    ABBV-0805, a novel antibody selective for soluble aggregated alpha-synuclein, prolongs lifespan and prevents buildup of alpha-synuclein pathology in mouse models of Parkinson's disease

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that aggregated alpha-synuclein, the major constituent of Lewy bodies, plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and related alpha-synucleinopathies. Immunotherapies, both active and passive, against alpha-synuclein have been developed and are promising novel treatment strategies for such disorders. Here, we report on the humanization and pharmacological characteristics of ABBV-0805, a monoclonal antibody that exhibits a high selectivity for human aggregated alpha-synuclein and very low affinity for monomers. ABBV-0805 binds to a broad spectrum of soluble aggregated alpha-synuclein, including small and large aggregates of different conformations. Binding of ABBV-0805 to pathological alpha-synuclein was demonstrated in Lewy body-positive post mortem brains of Parkinson's disease patients. The functional potency of ABBV-0805 was demonstrated in several cellular assays, including Fc gamma-receptor mediated uptake of soluble aggregated alpha-synuclein in microglia and inhibition of neurotoxicity in primary neurons. In vivo, the murine version of ABBV-0805 (mAb47) displayed significant dose dependent decrease of alpha-synuclein aggregates in brain in several mouse models, both in prophylactic and therapeutic settings. In addition, mAb47 treatment of alpha-synuclein transgenic mice resulted in a significantly prolonged survival. ABBV-0805 selectively targets soluble toxic alpha-synuclein aggregates with a picomolar affinity and demonstrates excellent in vivo efficacy. Based on the strong preclinical findings described herein, ABBV-0805 has been progressed into clinical development as a potential disease-modifying treatment for Parkinson's disease

    The polyamine transporter Slc18b1(VPAT) is important for both short and long time memory and for regulation of polyamine content in the brain.

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    SLC18B1 is a sister gene to the vesicular monoamine and acetylcholine transporters, and the only known polyamine transporter, with unknown physiological role. We reveal that Slc18b1 knock out mice has significantly reduced polyamine content in the brain providing the first evidence that Slc18b1 is functionally required for regulating polyamine levels. We found that this mouse has impaired short and long term memory in novel object recognition, radial arm maze and self-administration paradigms. We also show that Slc18b1 KO mice have altered expression of genes involved in Long Term Potentiation, plasticity, calcium signalling and synaptic functions and that expression of components of GABA and glutamate signalling are changed. We further observe a partial resistance to diazepam, manifested as significantly lowered reduction in locomotion after diazepam treatment. We suggest that removal of Slc18b1 leads to reduction of polyamine contents in neurons, resulting in reduced GABA signalling due to long-term reduction in glutamatergic signalling