426 research outputs found

    Mapping of APC:s at the Gothenburg University Library

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    Since 2016 the University Library has been mapping all article processing charges paid by the University of Gothenburg. One of the purposes was to show the double debit of hybrid publishing, which otherwise becomes invisible, as the budgets of the library and the faculties never cross paths. It has been crucial to the mapping process that cooperation between different units within the university organization was initiated: the licensing team, the OA team, the Library Office and the Grants and Innovation Office. The issues we have tackled during this work, including how payments should be registered in our accounting systems and how we should deal with offset-agreements and memberships, should be of interest to anyone working with similar questions. In our presentation, we will demonstrate our work so far, and share some of our experiences and lessons learned


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    This special issue of the Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education summarizes the conference Creating Knowledge VII held in Lund, Sweden, August 14-16, 2013. The conference was hosted by Lund University Libraries in cooperation with NordINFOLIT. The title was Win-win ways: educational enhancement through collaborative partnership between students, academics, and librarians

    The Process of Changing the Audit Report in an International Context

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    Projektaktivitet som kompetenceudvikling

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    Institutions of higher education have strategies on digitization and the use of digital learning resources for their teaching in place. One initiative from the university libraries aiming to operationalize such strategies is a three-year Nordplus project that was completed in the autumn of 2019. The libraries at Aarhus University, Lund University and the University of Bergen have worked together on the development of e-learning objects, and their implementation and evaluation. The aim of the project was to develop the library's teaching of information literacy in a co-creation between libraries, the academic community and students. This article will shed light on the prerequisites that must be met for competency development among participants in a project to take place. We present relevant research and literature, and take a closer look at the project's activities and processes. In the analysis we discuss our experiences in relation to the literature presented, and we conclude, among other things, that participating in a project is engaging and enhances quality in learning processes. We also believe that collaboration in a wider academic network for educational librarians in the future will contribute to a stronger and clearer position as an educational actor for Nordic libraries in higher education

    Erfarenheter av några utfodringssystem till får

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    The evaluation of the function of the feeding of sheep herds is suggested to involve the work effort, the fulfilment of the nutrient needs of the sheep and the feed waste. Mechanisation of the feeding can be very simple or include high degrees of mechanisation. Three different farms, representing different levels of mechanisation are presented. Descriptions and analysis of the feeding systems including mechanisation, work effort and estimations of the feed waste are made on each farm. The herd with the most advanced feed mechanisation included a rolling feed band and mix wagon. The other farms were partly or little mechanised including ad lib feeding from big bales and manual distribution of hay and concentrates. The most mechanised farm was able to feed a large herd of sheep at a low work effort and little feed waste. However, the investment in machinery has to be weighed against the improved efficiency. In the case of ad libitum feeding of silage bales, the small work effort has to be weighed against the feed waste. The farms with the least degree of mechanisation, the low roof height of the sheep barn severely limited the possibilities of further mechanisation and expansion of the herd and a large work effort was needed.Utfodringen av får kan göras väldigt enkel eller med mycket hög mekaniseringsgrad. Fårens behov måste stå i centrum. Det är viktigt att man kan uppfylla fårens krav på näringstillförsel. Fodrets hygien måste vara bra när det tilldelas djuren. Man måste kunna väga samman många olika faktorer såsom arbetstid, foderspill, driftssäkerhet, investering och djurskötare. Denna studie omfattar tre fallstudier och beskrivningar av utfodringssystemen i olika fårbesättningar. De olika systemen har ganska stor variation i fråga om mekanisering. Genomgång av utfodringsutrustning och rutiner har skett vid gårdsbesök. Slutsatsen är att foderband och mixervagn i kombination är det bästa alternativet med avsikt på timkostnad, foderspill och djurskötarens hälsa. Tunga lyft är så gott som obefintliga i ett sådant system. Foderbord inne i en låg byggnad medför att man måste bära in foder. Detta ger en stor arbetsbelastning och en längre tid par tacka och dag. Foderhäckar utomhus med fri tillgång på rundbalsensilage ger i och för sig en kort tid per tacka och dag men foderspillet blir alldeles för högt

    Costs and quality of life associated with osteoporosis related fractures - Results from a Swedish survey

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    There are few studies investigating the consequences of osteoporotic (low bone density) fractures in terms of costs and health outcomes. The purpose of this Swedish pilot study is to assess the costs and quality of life related to fractures of the hip, spine, wrist and shoulder and further to identify important cost items that should be included in future studies in this area. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered by a nurse at Malmö University Hospital. The costs are collected based on a societal perspective and include both direct and indirect costs. Health effects were measured by the EuroQol questionnaire, rating scale method and the SF-36. The total costs varied between SEK 23 000 for a wrist fracture and SEK 63 000 for a hip fracture. Although that the response rate is low the cost and quality of life related to hip fracture are close to the results presented in other studies. The major new finding is that spine fractures are associated with higher costs and lower quality of life than previously assumed. Future studies must include a sufficient number of patients in order to obtain reliable cost and health effect estimates after osteoporotic fractures in general and after spine fractures in particular. Such studies will provide important inputs for health economic evaluations assessing the cost-effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.costs; fracture; osteoporosis; quality of life

    Bryophytes of conservation concern decline and traits change in retention patches during two decades following forest harvest

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    Setting aside tree retention patches at final harvest is a common forest conservation measure, but the long-term responses of species of conservation concern to different types of forest retention remain unknown. This is the first long-term study of the dynamics of bryophytes of conservation concern and associated traits in small forest retention patches (0.01-0.53 ha) over almost two decades and in relation to environmental drivers. We applied joint species distribution models to compare how bryophytes changed in terms of occurrence, abundance, species richness and traits between year 2000, 2006 and 2018, and in relation to five different retention patch types, patch area, retained living tree volume per hectare, structural heterogeneity, and surrounding habitat openness. Bryophytes responded mostly negatively to the long-term environmental change, although with considerable variation depending on retention patch type. Only negative trends were detected for individual species. Still, no regional extinctions (loss of species from all local patches) occurred and there was a tendency for recovery of a few species. Bryophytes with predominantly asexual reproductive modes and small colony size (< 100 cm(2)) increased in occurrence probability over time, indicating that these traits were beneficial for the long-term persistence of species in small and exposed forest patches. We recommend forest managers to create large (preferably up to 0.5 ha) and variable retention patches, both in terms of patch type (i.e. buffer zones and free-standing groups of different dominant tree species and ground moisture) and structural heterogeneity (i.e. living tree volumes, large and small trees, and deadwood)

    Energieffektiviserande renovering av miljonprogramshus

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    Buildings from the so called Million programme has a high use of energy and in addition, there are many such houses. The need for them to be retrofitted is big. The City of Helsingborg has set a climate goal which states that the city in 2035 should be neutral in energy use which put a lot of pressure on the real estate owners in the city. All new buildings has to be energy efficient and older buildings has to be retrofitted to a standard which makes it possible to reach the goal. AB Helsingborgshem owns many buildings at Drottninghög in Helsingborg which are all built during the Million programme. Drottninghög is undergoing a project where the goal is to lift the whole area. One part of the project is to raise the standards of living and also lower the energy use of the buildings with 30 procent based on a demand from AB Helsingborgshem. Our focus has been to find technical solutions that can be used to retrofit these buildings to lower the energy use even more. Our goal has been to reach the standard of zero energy buildings. We have studied similar projects where the goal has been to lower the energy use in buildings from the Million programme. We have based on these studies found technical solutions that can be applied to Grönkullagatan 29, which is the building we have chosen as our reference object. We have gathered all the technical solutions useable to lower the energy use at Grönkullagatan 29. These has been presented with their pros and cons and summarized in a priority list over which solutions we wanted to use. We have taken a closer look to the solutions by simulating them in IDA Indoor Climate and Energy. We have used a model of the building to simulate the energy use over a year and compared the results of the usage for the different solutions. All our choices are based on the energy use and not the economy. Our results show that you can reach the standard of passive house by replacing the windows, installing air supply with heat exchange and additional insulation for the walls. It seems to be difficult but not impossible to reach such low energy use so that solar cells can compensate the use and the standard of a zero energy house can be reached

    Nedskrivningstest av Goodwill - Följs upplysningskraven enligt IAS 36?

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom dokumentstudier och intervjuer beskriva och analysera hur börsnoterade företag fullgör upplysningskraven för nedskrivningstestet av goodwill i 2005 års årsredovisningar enligt IAS 36. Vi använder oss av en deduktiv/deskriptiv ansats. Vidare tillämpas en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod i form av intervjuer respektive dokumentstudier. Vårt empiriska underlag består främst av dokumentstudier av 44 börsnoterade företags årsredovisningar från 2005. För att komplettera denna undersökning har även intervjuer gjorts med fyra av dessa företag, samt intervjuer med en auktoriserad revisor och en expert inom området goodwill. De företag som gjort nedskrivningar av goodwill under 2005 är generellt sett bra på att uppfylla de upplysningskrav som IAS 36 ställer. För övriga företag har variationen varit stor, då några knappt redovisar några upplysningskrav alls medan andra är mycket utförliga. De upplysningskrav som var svårast att kontrollera om företagen hade redovisat var antaganden och metod, då dessa inte var speciellt klart beskrivna i årsredovisningarna. Vid beräkning av antaganden är subjektiviteten hög, vilket kan leda till att dessa kan anpassas efter om företagen vill göra en nedskrivning eller inte. En anledning till varför företagen inte redovisar allt kan vara att IAS 36 är mycket detaljerad och därför prioriteras viss information bort. En annan anledning kan vara att 2005 års årsredovisningar var de första som upprättades enligt IASB. Företagen ville inte lägga sig på en alltför hög nivå från början. Inte heller visste de hur pass utförliga konkurrenterna skulle vara. Framöver, då företagen har sett hur andra gör, kan mängden och detaljeringsgraden på information som lämnas i rapporter komma att bli mer lika än den var i 2005 års rapporter. För varje år får både företag och revisorer mer erfarenhet, och med tiden kommer det troligen utvecklas någon sorts standard där de flesta företagen ligger