117 research outputs found

    Risk factors for autism and Asperger syndrome Perinatal factors and migration

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    Using the Swedish Medical Birth Registry (MBR), obstetrical and demographic information was retrieved for 250 children with autism or Asperger syndrome who were born in Malmoe, Sweden, and enrolled at the local Child and Youth Habilitation Center. The reference group consisted of all children born in Malmoe during 1980-2005. Obstetric sub-optimality (prematurity, low Apgar scores, growth restriction, or macrosomia) was positively associated with autism but not with Asperger syndrome. Maternal birth outside the Nordic countries was positively associated with autism (adjusted OR: 2.2; 95% CI: 1.6-3.1) and negatively associated with Asperger syndrome (OR: 0.6; 95% CI: 0.3-0.97). The highest risk estimate for autism was found among children to women who were born in sub-Saharan Africa (OR: 7.3), or in East Asia (OR: 3.4)

    Eldrimner Mathantverk

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    Although mass production of undifferentiated commodities dominates the market for food products, a shift has turned consumers’ interests towards alternative food chains with a focus on quality attributes, origin and a stronger control and guarantee. But as the variety of food products expands, consumers require more information in their purchase situations. Several of the attributes of food items, such as origin, quality or socially constructed concepts as authentic and traditional, are difficult for the customers to identify before consumption. The brand’s function to transfer such quality attributes is one way to decrease the customer’s informational problems and to raise the producers’ differentiability. According to the Swedish food strategy small-scale food producers are important in several aspects. Artisan food producers create job opportunities with geographical divergence, offer a variety of products and produce food with high quality and local origin. The certification Eldrimner Mathantverk was introduced by the Swedish national resource centre, Eldrimner, with the aim to promote artisan food products and prevent the concept of artisan food from dilution. To assure the products quality, certified producers are obligated to follow criteria covering several aspects of the production such as production processes, origin of raw materials and additives. The problem of this study concerns the impact that Eldrimner Mathantverk has for the artisan food producers. This problem initially concerns their producers’ view of the collective brand as a tool bearing marketing advantages, but also governance of the collective asset that this jointly used brand constitutes. The aim of this study is to from the producers’ perspective, discover the strengths and weaknesses of the collective brand Eldrimner Mathantverk. These strengths and weaknesses concerns the producers’ perception of Eldrimner Mathantverk as a brand and quality signal, but also the collective behaviour among the producers. To nurture cooperation and prevent deceptive behaviour among the users, coordination mechanisms are essential. This study emphases the informal mechanisms provided by social capital. This study is a quantitative study performed through a survey with 422 artisan food producers registered at Eldrimner’s website Mathantverk.com. The results show that the producers have a high belief in the functions provided by Eldrimner Mathantverk, such as the brands’ ability to promote artisan food items and to facilitate the customers’ purchase of artisan food items. The producers perceive Eldrimner Mathantverk as a signal of the qualities of artisan food production and as a reliable quality signal to the customers. The risks of opportunistic behaviour among the producers is perceived as low and even though the producers believe that formal coordination mechanisms to regulate the users of the brand is important, there are indications of social capital among the group of producers that might be positive for the government of the collective brand. The producers’ knowledge about Eldrimner Mathantverk is fairly high, but the customers’ awareness of the brand is seen to be limited. Further marketing efforts are important, as the low awareness and reputation might limit the producers’ perceived value of the brand. Significant differences were found between subgroups of respondents. Females have a more positive belief in and appreciation for the brand’s function as a marketing tool and seemed to experience a higher amount of social capital among artisan food producers. Certified producers seemed to have a significantly higher overall belief in the functions provided by the brand, while producers with more employees experience a lower need for the functions provided by Eldrimner Mathantverk.Som en reaktion pĂ„ den storskaliga och anonyma produktion som idag dominerar livsmedelsmarknaden, ökar konsumenternas intresse för alternativa livsmedelskedjor med fokus pĂ„ kvalitĂ©, ursprung och en starkare kontroll och garanti. Samtidigt som utbudet av livsmedelsprodukter ökar krĂ€ver konsumenternas mer information för att fatta vĂ€lgrundade inköpsbeslut. MĂ„nga attribut hos livsmedelsprodukter, sĂ„ som ursprung, kvalitĂ© och socialt konstruerade attribut som genuinitet och tradition, Ă€r svĂ„ra för konsumenten att identifiera innan konsumtion. Att anvĂ€nda ett varumĂ€rke för att signalera dessa attribut kan underlĂ€tta konsumenternas inköpsbeslut och öka producenternas differentieringsförmĂ„ga. Sveriges nationella livsmedelsstrategi anger smĂ„skaliga livsmedelsproducenter som viktiga utifrĂ„n flera aspekter. Producenter av mathantverk skapar arbetstillfĂ€llen med en geografisk spridning, erbjuder en stor variation av produkter och producerar livsmedel med hög kvalitĂ© och lokalt ursprung. Certifieringen Eldrimner Mathantverk introducerades av Sveriges nationella resurscentrum för mathantverk, Eldrimner, med syfte att marknadsföra hantverksproducerade livsmedel och bevara konceptet mathantverk. För att försĂ€kra produkternas kvalitĂ© Ă€r certifierade producenterna skyldiga att följa specifika kriterier som omfattar bland annat tillverkningsprocesser, rĂ„varornas ursprung och tillsatser. Problemet som adresseras i denna studie berör den pĂ„verkan som Eldrimner Mathantverk har för mathantverksproducenterna. Detta problem berör initialt producenternas syn pĂ„ det kollektiva varumĂ€rket som ett marknadsföringsverktyg, men Ă€ven styrningen av den kollektiva tillgĂ„ng som varumĂ€rket utgör. Syftet med studien Ă€r att frĂ„n producenternas perspektiv finna styrkor och svagheter med det kollektiva varumĂ€rket Eldrimner Mathantverk. Dessa styrkor och svagheter handlar dels om producenternas uppfattning av Eldrimner Mathantverk som varumĂ€rke och en kvalitetssignal, men Ă€ven det kollektiva beteendet hos och samarbetet emellan producenterna. För att uppmuntra samarbete och förhindra bedrĂ€gligt beteende hos anvĂ€ndarna av varumĂ€rket krĂ€vs koordineringsmekanismer. Denna studie lĂ€gger vikten pĂ„ de informella mekanismer som tillhandahĂ„lls av socialt kapital. I denna studie har kvantitativ metod tillĂ€mpats genom en enkĂ€tundersökning med 422 mathantverksproducenter registrerade pĂ„ Eldrimner’s hemsida Mathantverk.com. Resultatet visar att producenterna har en hög tilltro till Eldrimner Mathantverks funktioner, sĂ„ som varumĂ€rkets förmĂ„ga att marknadsföra hantverksproducerade livsmedel i syfte att förenkla konsumenternas inköp. Producenterna upplever Eldrimner Mathantverk som representativt för de mathantverkets kvalitĂ©er och som en tillförlitlig kvalitetssignal. Risken för opportunism bland mathantverksproducenter upplevs som lĂ„g och Ă€ven om producenterna ser formell kontroll som viktig, finns det tydliga indikationer pĂ„ social kapital. Detta kan ses som positivt för styrningen av varumĂ€rket som en kollektiv tillgĂ„ng. Producenternas kunskap om Eldrimner Mathantverk Ă€r relativt hög, till skillnad frĂ„n konsumenternas kĂ€nnedom som av producenterna anses vara begrĂ€nsad. Fortsatta marknadsföringsĂ„tgĂ€rder frĂ„n Eldrimners sida Ă€r viktigt för att öka varumĂ€rkets rykte och kĂ€nnedom hos konsumenternas Signifikanta skillnader finns mellan undergrupper av respondenter. Kvinnor visade sig ha en högre tilltro till och uppskattning för Eldrimner Mathantverk som marknadsföringsverktyg. Kvinnor visade sig ocksĂ„ uppleva en högre tillgĂ„ng till socialt kapital hos producenterna. Certifierade producenter har en signifikant högre tilltro pĂ„ de funktioner som ett kollektivt varumĂ€rke erbjuder, medan producenter med fler anstĂ€llda upplevde ett mindre behov av de funktioner som Eldrimner Mathantverk erbjuder

    The oldest sports library in the world celebrates 200 years

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    The article relates the 200 year history of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, from its founder, Pehr Henrik Ling to its present status as the oldest sports library in the world. The authors describe the library’s humble beginnings to its important role nowadays as an integral part of the School’s sport education curriculum

    Faktorer och hinder för tillvÀxt i landsbygdens dagligvaruhandel

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    Dagligvaruhandeln pĂ„ landsbygden har en betydelsefull roll för landbygdens utveckling genom att bland annat bidra med grundlĂ€ggande service och skapa arbetstillfĂ€llen. Landsbygdens sĂ€rskildheter som dess gleshet, minskade tillgĂ„ng till servicetjĂ€nster och negativa befolkningsutveckling leder till att dagligvaruhandel pĂ„ landsbygden verkar under speciella förutsĂ€ttningar. För att underlĂ€tta företagandet Ă€r det dĂ€rför viktigt att identifiera vad som kan förhindra eller begrĂ€nsa dagligvaruhandelns tillvĂ€xt och utveckling. Att lokala bankkontor upphör med att hantera kontanta betalningsmedel förvĂ€ntas leda till handelssektorn i högre utstrĂ€ckning förvĂ€ntas bistĂ„ samhĂ€llet med kontanter. Med en ökad hantering av kontanta betalningsmedel följer Ă€ven kostnader som kan hĂ€rledas till kontanthanteringen, nĂ„got som kan pĂ„verka dagligvaruhandlarens lönsamhet. Samtidigt som den ökade kontanthanteringen Ă€ven kan pĂ„verka dagligvaruhandlarens tillvĂ€xt i positiv bemĂ€rkelse, genom bland annat ett utökat utbud av efterfrĂ„gade tjĂ€nster. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att identifiera faktorer och hinder för tillvĂ€xt hos landsbygdens dagligvaruhandlare, samt att identifiera hur kontanthanteringen upplevs pĂ„verka dagligvaruhandelns tillvĂ€xt. Semistrukturerade direktintervjuer med tre dagligvaruhandlare pĂ„ landsbygden anvĂ€nds som undersökningsmetod i uppsatsen. Samtliga butiker som medverkar i studien bedrivs som ICA NĂ€ra-butiker inom NorrtĂ€lje kommun. Studiens resultat visar att det finns faktorer för tillvĂ€xt och utveckling hos de studerade dagligvaruhandlarna. Samtliga dagligvaruhandlare har en vilja att vĂ€xa och utvecklas samt strategier för att uppnĂ„ tillvĂ€xt. De önskar frĂ€mst att vĂ€xa i lönsamhet, men det finns Ă€ven andra icke-monetĂ€ra vĂ€rden som Ă€r viktiga för handlarna. Att det fortsatt finns en dagligvaruhandel pĂ„ orten, att landsbygden behĂ„lls levande och att tillgodose mĂ€nniskor med service Ă€r nĂ„gra faktorer som pĂ„verkar företagarna till fortsatt bedriva verksamheterna. I studien identifieras 13 olika upplevda tillvĂ€xthinder. Kontanthantering anses inte utgöra ett tillvĂ€xthinder hos de studerade företagarna, utan i vissa fall kan kontanthanteringen utgöra en tillvĂ€xtfaktor som upplevs som en konkurrensfördel. En stor del av de upplevda hindren överensstĂ€mmer med resultat av tidigare studier, men i studien framkommer Ă€ven andra hinder. UtifrĂ„n de tillvĂ€xthinder som identifierats i studien har ett flertal policyimplikationer framstĂ€llts.The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector has an important role in rural development, for instance by contributing with basic services to the local rural area. In order to facilitate entrepreneurship in rural areas, it is essential to identify what may prevent or limit growth and development in the rural FMCGs. When the local bank offices reduce their managing of cash payments, it is predicted that the FMCGs will be obliged to provide cash services to the rural area. With an increased handling of cash payment follows expenses derived for cash management, expenses the rural retailer is likely to be responsible for. An increased cash flow may therefore affect the retailer’s profitability and be a possible barrier towards growth and development. At the same time, an increased cash-management can affect the food retailer’s growth in a positive sense by supplying an expanded range of services. This study aims to identify driving forces and barriers towards growth in the rural FMCG-sector, and examine how cash-management is perceived to affect food retailer’s growth. To investigate this, three interviews with food retailers in rural areas have been made. The limitation of the study is “ICA NĂ€ra”-stores geographically confined to NorrtĂ€lje municipality. The results of the study identify multiple driving forces in FMCG-sector for growth and development. All three food retailers mainly want to grow in terms of profitability, but there are also other non-monetary values that are important for them. The study also identifies 13 different perceived barriers to growth. Cash management is not considered as a barrier to growth, on the contrary it is reported to provide a competitive advantage for the retailer. From the identified barriers to growth several policy implications is presented

    The Relationship between the Tissue Expression of TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR7 and Systemic Inflammatory Responses in Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed malignancy globally. CRC patients with elevated plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) levels exhibit compromised prognoses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs), activating the innate and adaptive immune systems, may contribute to pro- and antitumorigenic inflammatory responses. We aimed to identify a possible link between local and systemic inflammatory responses in CRC patients by investigating the association between tissue TLRs and plasma CRP. Methods: Tissue expressions of TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR7 were assessed using immunohistochemistry of tissue microarray slides from 549 CRC patients surgically treated between 1998 and 2005. Blood samples were drawn preoperatively, centrifuged, aliquoted, and stored at -80 degrees C until analysis. Plasma CRP was determined through high-sensitivity time-resolved immunofluorometric assay. We investigated the association of TLRs to clinicopathologic variables, plasma CRP, and survival. Results: High TLR2 expression (hazard ratio [HR] 0.59; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.41-0.85; p = 0.005), high TLR5 expression (HR 0.60; 95% CI 0.45-0.83; p = 0.002), positive TLR7 expression (HR 0.49; 95% CI 0.33-0.72; p < 0.001), and low CRP (HR 1.48; 95% CI 1.08-2.11; p = 0.017) were associated with a better prognosis. A high TLR2 immunoexpression was associated with a better prognosis among low-CRP patients (HR 0.53; 95% CI 0.35-0.80; p = 0.002), high TLR4 expression among high-CRP patients (HR 2.04; 95% CI 1.04-4.00; p = 0.038), high TLR5 expression among low-CRP patients (HR 0.059; 95% CI 0.37-0.92; p = 0.021), and positive TLR7 expression among low-CRP patients (HR 0.53; 95% CI 0.28-1.00; p = 0.049). In multivariate analyses, no biomarkers emerged as significant independent variables. Conclusions: High tissue TLR2, TLR5, and TLR7 levels were associated with a better prognosis. Among low-CRP patients, those with high TLR2, TLR5, and TLR7 immunoexpressions exhibited a better prognosis. Among high CRP patients, a high TLR4 immunoexpression was associated with a better prognosis.Peer reviewe

    Association between local immune cell infiltration, mismatch repair status and systemic inflammatory response in colorectal cancer

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    Systemic inflammatory response in colorectal cancer (CRC) has been established as a prognostic factor for impaired cancer-specific survival, predominantly in patients with right-sided tumors. On the other hand, defective mismatch repair (dMMR) tumors, primarily located in the right colon, are known to have favorable survival and dense local immune infiltration. The aim of this study was to see if there is any form of relationship between these seemingly diverse entities.Peer reviewe

    The Prognostic Importance of CD20(+) B lymphocytes in Colorectal Cancer and the Relation to Other Immune Cell subsets

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    The anti-tumour immune response is critical to patient prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of this study was to investigate infiltration of B lymphocytes into CRC tumours, and their clinical relevance, prognostic value and relation to other immune cell subsets. We used multiplexed immunohistochemistry and multispectral imaging to assay the amount of infiltrating CD20(+) B lymphocytes along with infiltration of CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells, FOXP3(+) T regulatory cells, CD68(+) macrophages and CD66b(+) neutrophils, in 316 archival CRC tissue specimens. A higher density of infiltrating CD20(+) B lymphocytes was associated with tumours of the right colon (P = 0.025) and of lower stages (P = 0.009). Furthermore, patients whose tumours were highly infiltrated by CD20(+) B lymphocytes had a significantly improved disease-specific survival (HR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.28-0.73, P = 0.001), which remained significant in multivariable analysis. CD20(+) B lymphocytes were highly and positively associated with CD8(+) T lymphocytes (P <0.001), and part of the prognostic role was found to be a cooperative effect between these lymphocyte subsets. Our results support a favourable prognostic value of tumour-infiltrating CD20(+) B lymphocytes in CRC. Furthermore, a cooperative prognostic effect between CD20(+) B lymphocytes and CD8(+) T lymphocytes is suggested.Peer reviewe

    Additive clinical impact of epidermal growth factor receptor and podocalyxin-like protein expression in pancreatic and periampullary adenocarcinomas

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    The outcome of periampullary adenocarcinomas remains poor with few treatment options. Podocalyxin-like protein (PODXL) is an anti-adhesive protein, the high expression of which has been shown to confer a poor prognosis in numerous malignancies. A correlation and adverse prognostic synergy between PODXL and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been observed in colorectal cancer. Here, we investigated whether this also applies to periampullary adenocarcinomas. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of PODXL and EGFR in tissue microarrays with tumors from two patient cohorts; (Cohort 1, n=175) and (Cohort 2, n=189). The effect of TGF-beta -induced expression and siRNA-mediated knockdown of PODXL and EGFR, were investigated in pancreatic cancer cells (PANC-1) in vitro. We found a correlation between PODXL and EGFR in these cancers, and a synergistic adverse effect on survival. Furthermore, silencing PODXL in pancreatic cancer cells resulted in the down-regulation of EGFR, but not vice versa. Consequently, these findings suggest a functional link between PODXL and EGFR, and the potential combined utility as biomarkers possibly improving patient stratification. Further studies examining the mechanistic basis underlying these observations may open new avenues of targeted treatment options for subsets of patients affected by these particularly aggressive cancers.Peer reviewe
