254 research outputs found

    A Survey on Deep Learning Role in Distribution Automation System : A New Collaborative Learning-to-Learning (L2L) Concept

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    This paper focuses on a powerful and comprehensive overview of Deep Learning (DL) techniques on Distribution Automation System (DAS) applications to provide a complete viewpoint of modern power systems. DAS is a crucial approach to increasing the reliability, quality, and management of distribution networks. Due to the importance of development and sustainable security of DAS, the use of DL data-driven technology has grown significantly. DL techniques have blossomed rapidly, and have been widely applied in several fields of distribution systems. DL techniques are suitable for dynamic, decision-making, and uncertain environments such as DAS. This survey has provided a comprehensive review of the existing research into DL techniques on DAS applications, including fault detection and classification, load and energy forecasting, demand response, energy market forecasting, cyber security, network reconfiguration, and voltage control. Comparative results based on evaluation criteria are also addressed in this manuscript. According to the discussion and results of studies, the use and development of hybrid methods of DL with other methods to enhance and optimize the configuration of the techniques are highlighted. In all matters, hybrid structures accomplish better than single methods as hybrid approaches hold the benefit of several methods to construct a precise performance. Due to this, a new smart technique called Learning-to-learning (L2L) based DL is proposed that can enhance and improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of DAS. The proposed model follows several stages that link different DL algorithms to solve modern power system problems. To show the effectiveness and merit of the L2L based on the proposed framework, it has been tested on a modified reconfigurable IEEE 32 test system. This method has been implemented on several DAS applications that the results prove the decline of mean square errors by approximately 12% compared to conventional LSTM and GRU methods in terms of prediction fields.©2022 Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    IoT-Enabled Operation of Multi Energy Hubs Considering Electric Vehicles and Demand Response

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    This paper introduces a novel Internet of Thing (IoT) enabled approach for optimizing the operation costs and enhancing the network reliability incorporating the uncertainty effects and energy management in multi-carrier Energy Hub (EH) and integrated energy systems (IES) with renewable resources, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). In the proposed model, the optimization process of different carriers of Multi Energy Hubs (MEH) energy considers a price-based demand response (DR) program with MEH electrical and thermal demands. During the peak period, energy carrier prices are calculated at high tariffs, and other power hubs can help to reduce hub energy costs. The proposed model can handle the random behavior of renewable sources in a correlated environment and find optimal solution for turbines' communication in EHs. The simulation results show the high performance of the proposed model by considering the dependency between wind turbines in MEH structure, power exchange and heat among the EHs.© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A novel comprehensive energy management model for multi-microgrids considering ancillary services

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    This article proposes a novel comprehensive multi-layer power management system (PMS) along with its smart distribution network (SDN) constraints as bi-level optimization to address the participation of multi-microgrids (MMGs) in day-ahead energy and ancillary services markets. In the first layer of the proposed model, optimal programming of MMG-connected SDN is considered, in which Microgrids (MGs) participation in the markets is performed to bidirectionally coordinate sources and active loads along with the operator of MGs. In the second layer, the bidirectional coordination of operators of MGs and SDN, that is PMS, is executed in which energy loss, voltage security, and expected energy not-supplied (EENS) are minimized as weighted sum functions. The problem of the difference between costs and revenues of MGs in markets is minimized subject to constraints of linearized AC-power flow, reliability, security, and flexibility of the MGs. To obtain a single-level model, the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker method is applied, and a hybrid stochastic-robust programming is implemented to model uncertainties associated with the load, renewable power, energy price, mobile storage energy demand, and network equipment accessibility. The contributions of this paper include the simultaneous modelling of several economic indicators, multi-layer energy management modelling, and stochastic mixed modelling of uncertainties. The efficiency of this method is validated by simultaneously evaluating the optimum condition of technical and economic indices of several SDNs and MGs. Flexibility of 0.022 MW is obtained for the proposed scheme, which is close to zero (100% flexibility). The voltage security index is increased to 22 by the mentioned scheme, which is close to its normal value, that is, 24. The voltage deviation is below 0.07 p.u. Energy losses are reduced by about 30% compared with that in power flow studies, and the EENS reaches roughly 3 MWh, that is, close to zero (100% reliability).© 2022 The Authors. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A Framework of Electricity Market based on Two-Layer Stochastic Power Management for Microgrids

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    This article develops a novel multi-microgrids (MMGs) participation framework in the day-ahead energy and ancillary services, i.e. services of reactive power and reserve regulation, markets incorporating the smart distribution network (SDN) objectives based on two-layer power management system (PMS). A bi-level optimization structure is introduced wherein the upper level models optimal scheduling of SDN in the presence of MMGs while considering the bilateral coordination between microgrids (MGs) and SDN’s operators, i.e. second layer’s PMS. This layer is responsible for minimizing energy loss, expected energy not-supplied, and voltage security as the sum of weighted functions. In addition, the proposed problem is subject to linearized AC optimal power flow (LAC-OPF), reliability and security constraints to make it more practical. Lower level addresses participation of MGs in the competitive market based on bilateral coordination among sources, active loads and MGs’ operator (first layer’s PMS). The problem formulation then tries to minimize the difference between MGs’ cost and revenue in markets while satisfying constraints of LAC-OPF equations, reliability, security, and flexibility of the MGs. Karush–Kuhn–Tucker method is exploited to achieve a single-level model. Moreover, a stochastic programming model is introduced to handle the uncertainties of load, renewable power, energy price, the energy demand of mobile storage, and availability of network equipment. The simulation results confirm the capabilities of the suggested stochastic two-layer scheme in simultaneous evaluation of the optimal status of different technical and economic indices of the SDN and© 2022 Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A multi-agent privacy-preserving energy management framework for renewable networked microgrids

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    This paper proposes a fully distributed scheme to solve the day-ahead optimal power scheduling of networked microgrids in the presence of different renewable energy resources, such as photovoltaics and wind turbines, considering energy storage systems. The proposed method enables the optimization of the power scheduling problem through local computation of agents in the system and private communication between existing agents, without any centralized scheduling unit. In this paper, a cloud-fog-based framework is also introduced as a fast and economical infrastructure for the proposed distributed method. The suggested optimized energy framework proposes an area to regulate and update policies, detect misbehaving elements, and execute punishments centrally, while the general power scheduling problem is optimized in a distributed manner using the proposed method. The suggested cloud-fog-based method eliminates the need to invest in local databases and computing systems. The proposed scheme is examined on a small-scale microgrid and also a larger test networked microgrid, including 4 microgrids and 15 areas in a 24-h time period, to illustrate the scalability, convergence, and accuracy of the framework. The simulation results substantiate the fast and precise performance of the proposed framework for networked microgrids compared with other existing centralized and distributed methods.© 2023 The Authors. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A novel energy management framework incorporating multi-carrier energy hub for smart city

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    The development of advanced and intelligent measurement instruments in recent years has increased the intelligence of modern energy systems, especially power systems. Besides, with the advancement of energy conversion technologies, these systems benefit from multi-carrier energy resources. Accordingly, this paper presents a model of smart city which considers various components, including smart transportation system (STS), microgrid (MG), and smart energy hub (SEH) with the ability of energy transformation. The proposed model addresses the islanded operation of a smart city that makes it a smart island. This island deploys the energy carriers of electricity, heat, gas and water as well. In addition, STS includes electric vehicle (EV) parking lots as well as metro system (MS) that can interactively exchange energy. More precisely, the different components of the smart island are modelled on the assumption of energy interdependency. In the proposed model, the water supply unit in SEH is provided which can be effective in reducing the cost of components by supplying water to them. In order to exchange energy within STS, metro stations have been optimally allocated using intelligent water drops (IWD) optimization method. In addition to smart island modelling, this paper quantifies the uncertainties within STS and MG using cloud theory. Eventually, the proposed model is simulated to ensure its effectiveness and accuracy.© 2022 The Authors. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Investigation of the Jurisprudential Review of the Principle of Acquittance and Its Effects in International Law

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    One of the arguments is the "Principle of Atonement". If, after referring to the evidence, a doubt arises in the religious duty, the principle of acquittance says that the duty is forbidden. The subject of the principle of acquittance (doubt in the assignment is not obligatory), that is, in cases where we doubt it, we believe that we are not obliged to do so in practice and that the assignment is void. The present paper deals with the methodology of librarianship and documents on the basis of the principle of acquittance, the stage of crime detection, the stage of prosecution, the stage of the trial and the issuance of the sentence and discussed them. The principle of acquittance is one of the most important and effective rules in international law and human rights instruments, since the heavy burden of claiming the cause of the claim and the claim is put forward by the defendant, in other words, the presentation of the cause lies with the claimant and the oath. It is inconceivable that global and regional human rights declarations have repeatedly stated that no one can be arbitrarily detained, imprisoned or exiled, and that the principle is based on acquittance. Keywords: principle of acquittance, regulations, human rights DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-3-0

    A Blockchain-Based Mutual Authentication Method to Secure the Electric Vehicles’ TPMS

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    Despite the widespread use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless connectivity such as Near Field Communication (NFC) in electric vehicles, their security and privacy implications in Ad-Hoc networks have not been well explored. This paper provides a data protection assessment of radio frequency electronic system in the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). It is demonstrated that eavesdropping is completely feasible from a passing car, at an approximate distance up to 50 meters. Furthermore, our reverse analysis shows that the static n -bit signatures and messaging can be eavesdropped from a relatively far distance, raising privacy concerns as a vehicles' movements can be tracked by using the unique IDs of tire pressure sensors. Unfortunately, current protocols do not use authentication, and automobile technologies hardly follow routine message confirmation so sensor messages may be spoofed remotely. To improve the security of TPMS, we suggest a novel ultra-lightweight mutual authentication for the TPMS registry process in the automotive network. Our experimental results confirm the effectiveness and security of the proposed method in TPMS.©2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Recent advances in developing optical and electrochemical sensors for analysis of methamphetamine: A review

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    Recognition of misused stimulant drugs has always been a hot topic from a medical and judicial perspective. Methamphetamine (MAMP) is an addictive and illegal drug that profoundly affects the central nervous system. Like other illicit drugs, the detection of MAMP in biological and street samples is vital for several organizations such as forensic medicine, anti-drug headquarters and diagnostic clinics. By emerging nanotechnology and exploiting nanomaterials in sensing applications, a great deal of attention has been given to the design of analytical sensors in MAMP tracing. For the first time, this study has briefly reviewed all the optical and electrochemical sensors in MAMP detection from earlier so far. How various receptors with engineering nanomaterials allow developing novel approaches to measure MAMP have been studied. Fundamental concepts related to optical and electrochemical recognition assays in which nanomaterials have been used and relevant MAMP sensing applications have been comprehensively covered. Challenges, opportunities and future outlooks of this field have also been discussed at the end. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Role of Safavid Immigrant Physicians in Promoting Persian Language in the Indian Subcontinent

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    زمینه و هدف: از گذشته دور، ایران و هند دارای ارتباط فرهنگی بودند، ولیکن در دوره تیموریان این ارتباط عمیق‌تر گردید. زبان فارسی در اواخر قرن چهارم، در عصر سلطان محمود غزنوی به طور گسترده وارد شبه‌قاره هند شد، اما اوج پیشرفت آن، در دوره تیموریان بود که به زبان رسمی دربار و زبان اهل علم، سیاست و دین مبدل گردید. مهاجرت گسترده پزشکان ایرانی به هند پدیده‌ نادر اجتماعی عصر صفوی بود که در تاریخ فرهنگی، ادبی و علمی شبه‌قاره هند تغییرات محسوسی را به وجود آورد. هدف این مطالعه تحلیل نقش پزشکان مهاجر عصر صفوی در گسترش زبان و ادب فارسی در شبه‌قاره هند است. مواد و روش‌ها: این پژوهش با روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی، با استفاده از کتب تاریخی عصر صفویه و تیموریان و نیز مقاله‌های مرتبط با موضوع صورت گرفته است. یافته‌ها: برخی از اطبای مهاجر به هند جزء طبقات شعرا نیز محسوب می‌شدند. تأسیس انجمن ادبی برای شاعران توسط حکیم گیلانی و عبدالرحیم‌خان خانان اسباب پیشرفت شعرا را مهیا نمود. فرهنگ‌نامه‌های مهم فارسی از قبیل فرهنگ‌نامه جهانگیری، فرهنگ‌نامه برهان و فرهنگ‌نامه رشیدی تدوین گردید. کتاب‌های پزشکی فارسی در موضوعات پزشکی، دامپزشکی و داروسازی تألیف شد. نتیجه‌گیری: پزشکان ایرانی سهم به سزایی در فرهنگ و تمدن دوره تیموری هند داشتند. آنان با نگارش آثار خود به زبان فارسی سبب تقویت بار علمی ادبیات فارسی شدند. این امر با توجه به استقبال پادشاهان تیموری و حمایت آنان از پزشکان ایرانی میسر شد.Background and Aim: An Iran and India have a cultural relation from distant past, but this relation was being deeper in the Timuriyan era. Persian language entered in subcontinent in Soltan Mahmood Ghaznavids era in the end of 4th century. But it’s the pinnacle of progress was in Timuriyan era that it was changed to the official language of court and scholars, politics and religion. The wild migration of Iranian physician to Indian was a social rare phenomenon in Safavid era that created the sensible changes in the cultural, scientific and literary history of subcontinent. The aim of this study is the analysis of the Safavid era migrant physician's role in the development of persian language and literature in subcontinent. Material and Methods: This study was conducted by investigation of the historical books of Timuriyan era and Safavid era and articles related to the subject under discussion using a descriptive-analytical method. Findings: Some of the migrant physician were considered a part of poets classes too. The establishment of literary association for the ports by Hakim Gillany and Abdol Rahim khankhanan provided poets development. The important Persian Encyclopedia such as Jahangiri Encyclopedi, Borhan Encyclopedia and Rashidi Encyclopedia were compiled. The Persian medical books about musician, veterinary and pharmacy were compiled too. Conclusion: Iranian physician have an important role in Indian culture and civilization in Timuriyan era. They caused the reinforcement of Persian literature by writing their works in Persian language. This event has been possible due to Timuriyan kings welcomed and their support from Iranian physician.   Please cite this article as: Eslami Fard Z, Ahmadi N, Karimi B, Ghaffari F. The Role of Safavid Immigrant Physicians in Promoting Persian Language in the Indian Subcontinent. Med Hist J 2016; 8(28): 19-26