22 research outputs found

    Lifestyle factors and breast cancer in a Moroccan population case-control study of the center Mohammed VI for cancer treatment

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    Background: The study aims to examine the association between lifestyle habits and breast cancer risk in a Moroccan population.Methods: This is a case-control study conducted at the Mohammed VI Centre for cancer treatment in Casablanca.Results: The results highlighted that family history of breast cancer (OR=5.73) and alcohol consumption                     (OR=3.76) were positively associated with breast cancer. Analysis of anthropometric parameters showed that the risk of developing breast cancer is estimated at 1.78 in overweight women and 2.39 in obese women compared to those of normal weight. The risk of developing breast cancer is estimated at 1.82 for women with a WC greater than 88 cm and 1.70 for women with a WHR greater than 0.85. At age 10, the risk is 1.60 for women with a large figure compared to women with a small figure. However, at age 40, the average body shape relative to the lean body was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. In addition, the data confirmed that physical activity participation decreases with age; in childhood and adolescence, women are more active while in post-menopause, women become moderately active. Being very active in childhood, peri-menopause and post-menopause seems to be a protective factor against the occurrence of breast cancer.Conclusions: The study showed that the risk of breast cancer is potentially high in elderly women, overweight women and women with a family history of cancer. This risk was increased by behavioral factors such as toxic habits and physical inactivity

    Sociodemographic factors and delay in the diagnosis of cervical cancer in Morocco

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    Background: In Morocco, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women. The cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed at a late stage: 43.7% presented at stage II of diagnosis (FIGO) and 38.1% in advanced stage (stage III and IV). The main objective of this study is to investigate factors associated to late the diagnosis of cervical cancer in Morocco as measured by the stage at diagnosis and delays between first symptoms and diagnosis of cancer. Methods: Cross-sectional studies, conducted from June-2008 to June-2010 at two main oncological centers. Two-hundred cases were recruited. Stages I & II were identified as "early-stage". The dates of first-symptoms, first-consultation and first-diagnosis were used to define "Patient", "Medical" and "Total" delays. Results: Elevated risks for late stage was observed for women unmarried (OR=5.0; 95%CI: 1.43-16.66); living > 100 km from center of diagnosis (OR=4.51; 95%CI: 1.35-15.11); without a familial history of cancer (OR=14.28; 95%CI: 2.22-100) and whose was the first symptom not bleeding (OR=25; 95%CI: 1.62-300). Frequency of housewives was significantly higher for women with a "patient-delay. ≥1 month. Frequency of patients who had symptoms of .bleeding. was significantly higher for women with a "patient-delay" <1 month. Frequency of patients from urban area was significantly higher for women with a "Medical-delay" < 1 month. Elevated risks for a long "Total-delay" was observed for women aged < 50 years (OR=2.44; 95%CI: 1.24-4.76); illiterate (OR=3.85; 95%CI: 1.45-10.00) and from rural-area (OR=2.56; 95%CI: 1.25-5.26). Conclusion: Our results may represent an important tool in guiding the actions for an early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:1

    The IARC perspective on cervical cancer screening

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    In May 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for a global initiative to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. To achieve this goal, global scale-up of effective vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) as well as screening for and treatment of cervical cancer are required. Cervical cancer screening was evaluated in 2005 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Handbooks program,1 and a reevaluation was deemed to be timely given the major advances in the field since then. The new handbook provides updated evaluations of the effectiveness of screening methods, which were used as a basis for the update of the WHO Guideline for Screening and Treatment of Cervical Pre-cancer Lesions for Cervical Cancer Prevention.2 We convened an IARC Working Group of 27 scientists from 20 countries to assess the evidence on the current approaches to and technologies used in cervical cancer screening with the use of the newly updated Handbooks Preamble3 (Fig. 1) and Table 1).Fil: Bouvard, Véronique. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Wentzensen, Nicolas. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Mackie, Anne. Public Health England; Reino UnidoFil: Berkhof, Johannes. University of Amsterdam; Países BajosFil: Brotherton, Julia. VCS Foundation; Australia. University of Melbourne; AustraliaFil: Giorgi Rossi, Paolo. Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Di Reggio Emilia; ItaliaFil: Kupets, Rachel. University of Toronto; CanadáFil: Smith, Robert. American Cancer Society; Estados UnidosFil: Arrossi, Silvina. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bendahhou, Karima. Casablanca Cancer Registry; MarruecosFil: Canfell, Karen. The University Of Sydney; AustraliaFil: Chirenje, Z. Mike. University Of Zimbabwe; ZimbabueFil: Chung, Michael H.. University of Emory; Estados UnidosFil: del Pino, Marta. Hospital Clinico de Barcelona; EspañaFil: de Sanjosé, Silvia. Program for Appropriate Technology in Health; Estados UnidosFil: Elfström, Miriam. Karolinska Huddinge Hospital. Karolinska Institutet; SueciaFil: Franco, Eduardo L.. McGill University; CanadáFil: Hamashima, Chisato. Teikyo University; JapónFil: Hamers, Françoise F.. French National Public Health Agency; FranciaFil: Herrington, C. Simon. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Murillo, Raúl. Hospital Universitario San Ignacio; ColombiaFil: Sangrajrang, Suleeporn. National Cancer Institute; TailandiaFil: Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy. Research Triangle Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Saraiya, Mona. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Estados UnidosFil: Schiffman, Mark. National Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Zhao, Fanghui. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College; ChinaFil: Arbyn, Marc. Sciensano; BélgicaFil: Prendiville, Walter. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Indave Ruiz, Blanca I.. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Mosquera Metcalfe, Isabel. International Agency For Research On Cancer; FranciaFil: Lauby Secretan, Béatrice. International Agency For Research On Cancer; Franci

    Hormonal risk factors for breast cancer in Morocco: case-control study

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    Background: The purpose of the study is to investigate hormonal risk factors and their impact on the development of this cancer.Methods: This is a case-control study conducted at the Mohammed VI Centre for Cancer Treatment in Casablanca.Results: The average age of the patients is 50.43 years with a standard deviation of 11.21. Exposure to endogenous estrogens appears to have an impact on the occurrence of breast cancer in the population. The early age of menarche in patients is on average 13.31±1.69 years compared to 13.65±1.54 years in controls, with a significant difference (p = 0.01). Parity is on average 2.54 children in cases versus 2.94 in controls with a significant difference (p = 0.02). Regarding the distribution of the cumulative duration of breastfeeding, 19.3% of patients compared to 12.3% of controls breastfed their children for less than one year; 80.7% of cases compared to 87.7% of controls breastfed their children for more than one year (OR=0.58; 95% CI: 0.35 - 0.97; P trend=0.03). In addition, hypovitaminosis D was noted in 2.3% of patients compared to 0.3% of controls with OR=7.14; 95% CI: 0.87 - 58.39; P trend=0.06. In addition, the supply of exogenous estrogen would also be incriminated. The risk of breast cancer appears to be influenced mainly by oral contraceptive use, which was found in 60% of cases vs. 41.3% of controls with OR=2.07; 95% CI: 1.50 - 2.86; P trend=0.0001.Conclusions: The results highlighted that breast cancer risk is highly dependent on early and prolonged exposure to estrogenic impregnation. This effect would be modulated by ovarian activity, puberty or menopause age, parity and breastfeeding

    Cancer du sein au Maroc: profil phénotypique des tumeurs

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    Le cancer du sein est le plus fréquent chez la femme et figure parmi les principales causes de mortalité liée au cancer. La curabilité de ce type tumoral est en augmentation, grâce aux programmes de dépistage et aux progrès thérapeutiques, qui ont certes augmenté la survie des patients. Mais des défis restent à relever en rapport avec l’instabilité phénotypique des cellules cancéreuses. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le profil phénotypique du cancer du sein chez les patients pris en charge au Centre Mohammed VI pour le traitement des Cancer, durant les années 2013-2014. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale sur deux années, incluant les cas du cancer du sein pris en charge au Centre. Le recueil des données était fait à partir des dossiers des patients et analysés par le logiciel Epi Info. 1277 patients ont été pris en charge au sein de notre centre. 99,5% des cas de sexe féminin, l’âge moyen était 50,20 ± 11,34 ans. Le type histologique le plus fréquent était le carcinome canalaire infiltrant (80,7% des cas). Le stade diagnostic était précoce (56,9%). Le phénotype moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A (41,4% des cas). Le luminal B, le HER2 et Les triples négatifs étaient dans respectivement 10,4%, 6,3%, 11,2% des cas. L’étude du phénotype tumorale des patients atteints du cancer du sein permet l’orientation du clinicien dans le choix du traitement, et des décideurs dans la planification de programmes de lutte contre cette pathologie.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Habitudes toxiques et comportements alimentaires de 305 cas du cancer du sein colligés au centre Mohammed VI pour les traitements des cancers de Casablanca

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    Introduction: le cancer du sein reprĂ©sente un enjeu majeur de santĂ© publique. L´objectif de ce travail est de dĂ©crire le profil sociodĂ©mographique, les habitudes toxiques et le profil alimentaire des patientes atteintes du cancerdu sein traitĂ©es au centre Mohammed VI pour le traitement des cancers de Casablanca. MĂ©thodes: il s´agit d´une Ă©tude transversale portant sur 305 patientes atteintes de cancer du sein nouvellement diagnostiquĂ©es. RĂ©sultats: l´âge moyen des patientes est 50 ans. Cinquante-six pourcent (plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment 55,7%) de nos patientes sont mariĂ©es et 12,8% sont veuves. Parmi les femmes interrogĂ©es, 83% sont des femmes au foyer, 63,3% rĂ©sident dans un milieu urbain et 47,9% sont analphabètes. Concernant les habitudes toxiques de nos patientes, seules 5,9% des femmes enquĂŞtĂ©es ont dĂ©clarĂ© avoir consommĂ© de l´alcool et une minoritĂ© a dĂ©clarĂ© ĂŞtre ex-fumeuse ou fumeuse, avec respectivement 4,3% et 2,3%. Quant au rĂ©gime alimentaire, nos patientes consommaient le pain et la viande rouge avec une frĂ©quence moyenne respectivement de 8,26 et 5,84 fois/semaine, et enfin les produits laitiers avec une frĂ©quence moyenne de consommation allant de 3,55 Ă  4,57 fois/semaine. Par ailleurs, nos patientes consommaient plus de pomme de terre et des fruits frais, avec respectivement des moyennes de frĂ©quence de 5,74 et 5,38 fois/semaine. Le thĂ© reste Ă©galement la boisson la plus consommĂ©e avec une moyenne de frĂ©quence très Ă©levĂ©e de 8,12 fois/semaine. Conclusion: Ă  la lumière de nos rĂ©sultats, la plupart des femmes interrogĂ©es, sont des femmes au foyer, analphabètes et rĂ©sident dans un milieu urbain. Plusieurs aliments sont frĂ©quemment consommĂ©s par nos patientes. En revanche, la consommation de substances psychoactives telles l´alcool et le tabac est faible. Des Ă©tudes analytiques type cas-tĂ©moins sont nĂ©cessaires afin d´établir d´éventuelles associations entre ces facteurs de risque et le cancer mammaire

    Aspects épidémiologiques, nutritionnels et anatomopathologiques des cancers colorectaux dans la région du grand Casablanca

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    Introduction: le cancer colorectal constitue un problème majeur de santĂ© publique. L’objectif de notre Ă©tude est d’analyser le profil Ă©pidĂ©miologique, nutritionnel, clinique et anatomo-pathologique des cancers colorectaux recrutĂ©s au CHU de Casablanca. MĂ©thodes: notre Ă©tude cas-tĂ©moins a portĂ© sur les patients pris en charge pour un cancer colorectal durant l’annĂ©e 2015, comparĂ©s Ă  des tĂ©moins non suivi pour un cancer. RĂ©sultats: l’âge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 56,65 ans avec un Ă©cart type de 14,64. Le type histologique le plus frĂ©quent chez nos patients Ă©tait reprĂ©sentĂ© par l’adĂ©nocarcinome LieberkhĂĽnien avec une proportion de 82 %. L’analyse de l’indice de masse corporelle a permis de retrouver une obĂ©sitĂ© chez 50% des patients contre 20% des tĂ©moins et un diabète chez 19% des patients versus 8% des tĂ©moins (p < 0,019). Par ailleurs, l’étude du rĂ©gime alimentaire des patients comparĂ© Ă  celui des tĂ©moins semble montrer que la moyenne de la frĂ©quence de consommation hebdomadaire de viandes rouges est plus Ă©levĂ©e chez les patients que chez les tĂ©moins (4,24 vs 3,26; p = 0,009) et inversement pour la consommation du poissons (0,97 contre 1,76; p = 0,0001). En revanche, la moyenne de consommation des lĂ©gumes et des fruits est plus faible chez les patients que chez les tĂ©moins (5,00 vs 9,50; p = 0,0001). Concernant les habitudes toxiques de nos patients, 32% des patients Ă©taient fumeurs vs 13 % des tĂ©moins. Conclusion: nos rĂ©sultats montrent que la prise de conscience Ă  propos du rĂ©gime alimentaire et des changements dans nos habitudes de vie pourrait rĂ©duire l’incidence du cancer colorectal et par consĂ©quent la mortalitĂ© et la morbiditĂ©

    Breast Cancer in Men: Characteristics Epidemiological, Clinicopathological and Therapeutic

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    Abstract Background: Breast cancer is the leading malignancy in women, but it is relatively rare in men, accounting for 1% of all breast cancers. In Morocco, its incidence is 0.8/ 100,000 in men. This condition epidemiology, therapeutic and prognostic remains unknown given the scarcity of reported series. The objective of this work is to identify the epidemiological, clinical, pathological and therapeutic of this cancer in men. Results: Six patients were diagnosed with breast cancer with a ratio of 6/1277 cases. The mean age of patients was 63.3 ± 9.7 ans; the most common histological type was invasive ductal carcinoma (83.3%). The grade 2 SBR has a majority (66.7%), while that of SBR 3 is less represented (33.3%). A positive estrogen receptor (66.7% of cases) and progesterone (50.0% of cases) was noted. The HER2 receptor is overexpressed in 25% of cases. The treatment was essentially surgical (83.3%). Additional treatment included adjuvant chemotherapy (50.0%), radiotherapy (50.0%) and hormonal therapy (16.7%) was administered. Discussion/Conclusion: Breast cancer in men is rare and appears to have a very close clinical, histological characteristics and prognosis to those of elderly women. The diagnosis is usually late and tumors are treated in advanced stages. An improved prognosis requires better awareness for early detection

    Substitutions of the S4DIV R2 residue (R1451) in NaV1.4 lead to complex forms of paramyotonia congenita and periodic paralyses

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    Abstract Mutations in NaV1.4, the skeletal muscle voltage-gated Na+ channel, underlie several skeletal muscle channelopathies. We report here the functional characterization of two substitutions targeting the R1451 residue and resulting in 3 distinct clinical phenotypes. The R1451L is a novel pathogenic substitution found in two unrelated individuals. The first individual was diagnosed with non-dystrophic myotonia, whereas the second suffered from an unusual phenotype combining hyperkalemic and hypokalemic episodes of periodic paralysis (PP). The R1451C substitution was found in one individual with a single attack of hypoPP induced by glucocorticoids. To elucidate the biophysical mechanism underlying the phenotypes, we used the patch-clamp technique to study tsA201 cells expressing WT or R1451C/L channels. Our results showed that both substitutions shifted the inactivation to hyperpolarized potentials, slowed the kinetics of inactivation, slowed the recovery from slow inactivation and reduced the current density. Cooling further enhanced these abnormalities. Homology modeling revealed a disruption of hydrogen bonds in the voltage sensor domain caused by R1451C/L. We concluded that the altered biophysical properties of R1451C/L well account for the PMC-hyperPP cluster and that additional factors likely play a critical role in the inter-individual differences of clinical expression resulting from R1451C/L