533 research outputs found

    Text to speech using Mel-Spectrogram with deep learning algorithms

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    The purpose of text to speech (TTS), sometimes called speech synthesis, is to synthesize a natural and intelligible speech for a given text. A wide range of applications uses TTS technologies in media, chatbots, and entertainment, among other fields, making it a hot topic for the research community. Recently, the progress achieved by artificial intelligence, especially in deep learning and neural networks, enables TTS to produce a high-quality synthesized speech. However, despite the success achieved, currently, available works suffer from the need for very long training and inference time, which makes it dominated by big tech companies. This paper proposes a model based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) and gated recurrent units (GRU). The proposed model can work even in low computational environments and requires low training time. The MOS achieved is 4.26, higher than the MOS performed by state-of-the-art methods

    Distant Resolution of Actinic Keratosis following Cryosurgery: An Unusual Phenomenon

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    Early after the introduction of cryosurgery to clinical practice, there were reports of metastasis regressing after cryosurgery of a primary tumour, mainly prostate and breast cancer, suggesting a systemic immunological effect to a local reaction. Colleagues within dermatology have occasionally experienced similar systemic effects following cryosurgery. However, published reports of such cases are lacking. In this case, we report a photographed distant resolution of an actinic keratosis (AK) on 68-year-old woman’s arm following cryosurgery of another AK on the same arm

    Partai Golkar Pada Masa Orde Baru Di Gorontalo Tahun 1977-1998

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    This article aims to find out about the New Order Golkar Party in Gorontalo. The Golkar Party was the strongest party during the Soeharto era, the Golkar party was born from an organization called the Golkar Secretariat or the Joint Secretariat of Golkar. During the Soeharto era, this political party became the government party, which every time a general election was held, it always won. In the period 1977 to 1998 elections were held in the province of Gorontalo. Likewise, Gorontalo feels the same way with other regions. The Golkar Party which at that time became the dominant party of the other two parties, namely PDI and PPP. The three parties during the New Order era that were more powerful and still stronger than the government were the Golkar party

    Pengaruh kualitas produk dan brand awareness terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada pembelian produk wasila kosmetik di majene

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    Abstrak. Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Brand Awareness terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Pembelian Produk Kosmetik wasial di Majene. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk dan brand awareness terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada pembelian produk wasila kosmetik di Majene. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian kuantitatif dengan Teknik penentuan secara aksidental sampling. Populasi dalam peneltian ini merupakan konsumen pengguna produk wasila kosmetik di Majene. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 65 responden. Berdasarkan hasil di peroleh pada analisis terbukti hipotesis pertama menyatakan bahwa kualitas produk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000, diterima. Hipotesis kedua yang menyatakan bahwa brand awareness berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai signifikansi 0,032, diterima. Hipotesis ketiga (Uji F) menyatakan bahwa kualitas produk dan brand awareness secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000, diterima

    Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa with Variation Load

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    With the potential of low water head energy and relatively small water discharge then it takes a low round generator to be applied to the potential of existing energy. The development of Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG), being an alternative considering the pole construction of the rotor is relatively simple compared to conventional generators, so it is technically required a more number of rotor poles in the effort to lower the speed The nominal dial generator. The purpose of this research is to analyze the 1-phase axial generator performance with varied resistive loads and inductive loads. This research has 4 stages of research: 1). Study literature.  2). Carried out testing tools. 3). Measurement of data retrieval.  4). Data analysis. From this research obtained results from the tools and measurements of the data retrieval of the performance of axial generator 1 phase with inductive and resistive load Vaiasi. Load mounted 15 watts, voltage 35.10, current 0.80, RPM 2550 when load 75 Waat, Voltage 11.50, current 1.54, RPM 2220. From these results can be concluded axial generator 1 phase currents also get bigger but voltage and rpm decreases

    Performa Produksi Telur pada Ayam Ketarras Generasi Kedua dengan Bobot Badan yang Berbeda

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    Ayam ketarras merupakan ayam persilangan antara ayam arab dan ayam ras petelur dengan persentase darah 75% ayam arab dan 25% ayam ras petelur. Saat ini ayam ketarras keturunannya sudah pada generasi kedua (G2). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat performa produksi telur pada ayam ketarras dengan bobot badan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan 30 ekor ayam betina Ketarras dengan jenis kelamin betina. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Commercial Zone and Animal Laboratory (CZAL) Jurusan Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu. Kandang yang digunakan adalah kandang batteray yang merupakan kandang individu. Pada saat pemeliharan pemberikan pakan dengan komponen konsentrat khusus ayam petelur, dedak dan jagung giling. Paramater yang diambil ketika penelitian adalah produksi telur, berat telur dan  persentase produksi. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Data yang diperoleh disajikan berdasarkan rataan dan standar deviasi. Jumlah telur yang dihasilkan dari 30 ekor selama 3 bulan pengamatan sebesar 1.728 butir dengan rataan produksi telur perbulan per ekor adalah 19 butir/ekor/bulan. Secara keseluruhan berat telur yang diperoleh sebesar 48.22 gram. Sementara persentase produksi telur secara keseluruhan yang diperoleh mencapai 63.30 %. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ayam Ketarras generasi ke-2 umur 11-13 bulan memiliki performa produksi, persentase produksi dan berat telur yang masih bervariasi

    Characterization of a de novo constitutional balanced translocation

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    Abstract Reciprocal balanced translocations associated with clinical features are very rare. This study reports cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic findings in a 3-year-old patient with mild developmental retardation, slight hypotone with a de novo balanced 46, XX, t(2; 11) (q33; q23) translocation. G-banded chromosomes and FISH-Analysis were used to examine the patient's karyotype as well as her parents'. FISH-probes prepared with specific RP11-BAC clones mapped near 2q33 and 11q23 regions were used to characterize the location of the breakpoints. The FISH results revealed that one of the break points is located within the human NBEAL1-Gene locus on chromosome 2, suggesting a correlation between this gene disruption and the patient’s mild developmental retardation. 

    Construction of cubic Ball surface based on biharmonic partial differentiation equation

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    This paper will discuss a new method of Ball surface generation from prescribed boundaries based on the partial differential operator. In particular, we focus on the construction of a bicubic Said-Ball surface using biharmonic partial differentiation equation. The main result is that the use of biharmonic Said-Ball surface would enable the overall surface to be generated and controlled based on the boundary curves rather than a set of control points. We illustrate the new method by using several graphical examples
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