43 research outputs found

    Islamism: Expression of Political Islam and Islamic Politics In South Sulawesi

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    Islamic politics always plays a key role in the formation of Indonesian national identity even though at certain points Islam had to compromise in the process of establishing the identity. In spite of this, Islam has noticeably brought about strong influence to a major part of Indonesian history. This in turn gives Islam a space to significantly take part in the development of Indonesian politics up to the present time. On the other hand, the role of political parties, particularly those of the Islamic parties, will always shape the discourse of Islamic party in Indonesia. This in turn will be an indicator for the ongoing involvement of Islamic politics in Indonesia, more specifically in South Sulawesi


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    Post-Islamism is a dynamic Islamic political phenomenon that spreads with various characters. Previously ideologically different groups tried to merge into the same movement and tried to compromise or even fight. Islamic groups or mass organizations that tend to compromise with the state are their way to continue to exist in political reality. Although actually some of them still do not abandon the goals or ideology of the organization totally. This is purely to maintain public sympathy and on the other hand, to exist in the dynamics of state politics. This phenomenon is in line with several main characteristics of post-Islamism, among others, they tend to be pragmatic, tend to compromise with the state without completely abandoning their ideological characteristics, and they tend to be more realistic in seeing the situation. It can be seen that post-Islamism tends to be less in tune with issues of secularism and on the other hand they also reject the application of Sharia law which looks rigid, including ideological-religious platforms in its application in several places. In general, the characteristics of post-Islamism tend to be the same, such as compromise with political realities, pragmatic tendencies in carrying out government programs, and a tolerant attitude towards groups that are considered different with them


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    For PKS, Islamic Law does not only comprise legal-formal laws adopted directly from Islam or absorbed from Islamic values, but also laws non-contradictive to Islam. PKS rests on its ideological construction developed based on the key principles confirming Islam as a complete and perfect concept to deal with all aspects of life. Islam was revealed as guidance for humanity to manage life and living. It is an obligation for every Muslim to establish live order according to the teachings of Islam. Here, Islam is understood as a religion (ad-din), and at the same time a State (ad-daulah), that is, the rules and regulations to manage life in the context of power. From this perspective, PKS pronounce itself as a dakwah (Islamic missionary) party, although, so far, PKS highlights a pragmatic-realistic approach in order to achieve its missionary politics.

    Intervensi Politik Atas Hak Sehat Secara Spiritual: Studi Atas Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual Pasien di Rumah Sakit Labuang Baji Makassar

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    Pasien yang di rawat di Rumah Sakit adalah individu yang mengalami gangguan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasarnya. Keadaan tersebut dapat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi psikologis, sosial, dan spiritualitas pasien. Meskipun profesional perawatan kesehatan mengakui pentingnya kebutuhan spiritual, tetapi sampai saat ini masih terdapat banyak variasi dalam penerapan perawatan spiritual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuan gambaran pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual pasien di Rumah Sakit. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang di lakukan di RS Labuang Baji. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu pasien yang sementara mendapatkan perawatan di Ruang Rawat Inap interna. Pengambilan sampel secara Consecutive Sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 30 responden. Secara Politik, butuh kebijakan terkait kebutuhan spiritual pasien. Political will dari pemangku kebijakan sangat menentukan arah kebutuhan kesehatan masyarakat baik mulai pada tingkat pusat sampai ke daerah. Negara harus hadir dalam bentuk intervensi politik untuk memperkuat kesedaran kesehatan masyarakat secara spiritual, karena kesehatan adalah hak dasar masyarakat dan bagian HAM

    Islamism in South Sulawesi: Studies on the Activism of PKS and Hizb Tahrir Indonesia

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    Partai Keadilan Sosial (PKS) and Hizb ut- Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) are two Islamic political movements in Indonesia with controversies and political sensations. In terms of organization, the two movements have a strong emotional connection historically and ideologically. Both are of transnational Islamic based movements, although in the end they perform their roles in different domains: PKS works at the level of intra- parliamentary with a formal political party label while HTI works in the region of extra-parliamentary and is labeled as a non-formal organizational movement. HTI, which rejects democratic system, turns out to enjoy Indonesian democracy as "a political blessing." HTI strongly criticizes the system of democracy in Indonesia as they genuinely support the concept of Caliphate but they in fact are free to move, to speak and to campaign because Indonesia follows the system of democracy. Although on the surface PKS is not as solid as HTI in holding up the idea of Islamic state/caliphate, many observers consider that PKS still make use of democracy to lead to the formation of an Islamic state. The presence of this kind of political Islam cannot be separated from the conditions of the crisis befalling Muslims, both the crisis of religious significance and structural crisis (political and socio- economic). For this reason, the Islamic movements often step forward to offer a variety of national solutions in accordance to their respective ideology.

    Post-Islamisme: Memahami Aksi Politik Islam Kontemporer

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    Post-Islamism is a dynamic Islamic political phenomenon that spreads with various characters. Previously ideologically different groups tried to merge into the same movement and tried to compromise or even fight. Islamic groups or mass organizations that tend to compromise with the state are their way to continue to exist in political reality. Although actually some of them still do not abandon the goals or ideology of the organization totally. This is purely to maintain public sympathy and on the other hand, to exist in the dynamics of state politics. This phenomenon is in line with several main characteristics of post-Islamism, among others, they tend to be pragmatic, tend to compromise with the state without completely abandoning their ideological characteristics, and they tend to be more realistic in seeing the situation. It can be seen that post-Islamism tends to be less in tune with issues of secularism and on the other hand they also reject the application of Sharia law which looks rigid, including ideological-religious platforms in its application in several places. In general, the characteristics of post-Islamism tend to be the same, such as compromise with political realities, pragmatic tendencies in carrying out government programs, and a tolerant attitude towards groups that are considered different with them

    Konstruksi Ideologis Gerakan Politik Islam di Indonesia

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    Era informasi di Indonesia telah membawa liberalisasi politik. Ini ditandai dengan munculnya euforia banyak partau politik baru. Di anatara partai-partai itu, ada yang bersifat Islami. Partai-partai politik mulai mendapatkan momentum unutk menarik perhatian orang. Simbol-simbol agama mulai menjadi komoditas politik dan instrumen untuk mendapatkan suara populer. Beberapa pihak dengan basis keagamaan menekankan keberadaan mereka menggunakan lambang agama dan menggunakan Islam, misalnya, sebagai ideologi mereka, sementara beberapa yang lain diabaikan untuk menggunakan simbol dan lambang agama. Secara umum bahwa semua gerakan ini adalah gerakan ideologi kontemporer

    Catatan Pembuka: Vox Populi Kembali Menyapa

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    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.Jurnal Vox Populi merupakan jurnal berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Politik, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Filsafat dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. Sejatinya jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yakni: Juni dan Desember. Namun karena beberapa kendala sehingga Vox Populi hanya terbit satu kali sejak 2010 dalam versi cetak, setelah itu vakum. Saat ini, Vox Populi dirasa perlu menerbitkan kembali karya-karya hasil penelitian yang khusus menerbitkan karya ilmiah mahasiswa yang dianggap penting untuk diketahui publik secara luas. Olehnya itu, dengan ucapan rasa syukur kepada Allah Swt. Vox Populi dapat kembali menyapa pembaca secara online


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    Islamic politics always played a key role in the formation of Indonesian national identity, even though Islam was finally compromised in the process of establishing the identity. Islam however was able to give strong influence within Indonesian history. This in turn gives Islam a space to deeply take part in the development of Indonesian politics until now. In another side, the role of political parties, particularly Islamic ones, will always shape the discourse of Islamic party in Indonesia, which in turn will be an indicator for the ongoing involvement of Islamic politics in Indonesia


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    Dalam beberapa pemeikiran terbaru, setidaknya ada tiga pandangan yang mencoba memecahkan masalah dikotomi antara agama (Islam) dan Negara. Pertama, Islam dan Negara adalah integreted (bersatu), tak dapat dipisahkan. Negara merupakan lembaga politik dan agama sekaligus. Pemerintahan negara diselenggarakan atas dasar kedaulatan Ilahi. Kedua, Islam dan negara berhubungan secara simbiotik yaitu berhubungan timbal-balik dan saling memerlukan.  Intinya adalah bahwa Islam memerlukan negara karena dengan negara, Islam dapat berkembang. Sebaliknya, negara memerlukan agama (Islam) agar dapat berkembang  dalam bimbingan etika dan moral. Ketiga, hubungan Islam dan negara bersifat sekularistik. Pandangan ini menolak sama sekali pendasaran negara kepada Islam, atau setidaknya menolak determinasi Islam atas bentuk negara. Di kalangan muslim, pemrakarsa pandangan ini antara lain adalah Ali Abd Al-Raziq. Ketiga pandangan tentang hubungan Islam dan negara ini dapat dipakai untuk melihat perkembangan persepsi umat Islam terhadap negara dan sebaliknya. Secara umu pandangan-pandangan yang ada di atas tersebar dalam berbagai aliran atau pemikiran yang ada di Indonesia, baik yang bersifat gerakan (Islam-Islamisme) atau wujud lain yang sangat berpengaruh dalam proses demokratisasi di Indonesia