32 research outputs found

    Kearifan Lokal Melayu dalam Karya Sastra Melayu Klasik

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kearifan lokal Melayu dalam karya sastra Melayu klasik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Teori kajiannya adalah hermeneutik. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kearifan lokal Melayu dalam karya sastra Melayu klasik dikategorikan atas tiga nilai, yakni: (1) kebudian: budi merupakan patokan berperilaku, semangat dan energi hidup (elan vital); budi merupakan  cita-cita hidup orang Melayu. (2) keindahan: konsep kekayaan atau kebesaran Allah, wujud yang sempurna yang dikaruniai Allah kepada benda-benda, pancaran potensi kreatif ilahi, sesuatu yang luar biasa, sesuatu yang berbagai-bagai, dan sesuatu yang teratur dan penuh harmoni. (3) nilai-nilai moral: tanggung jawab, keharmonian, keterbukaan, kejujuran, ketaatan dan kesetiaan, penghargaan (harga diri), tenggang rasa, kesantunan, kebersamaan, kemaafan, dan keadilan. Kearifan lokal Melayu merupakan inti tradisi Melayu, merupakan kekuatan kultural dan sumber penting identitas kemanusiaannya. Tanpa kearifan lokal, Melayu akan kehilangan identitasnya.   Kata Kunci: kearifan lokal, karya sastra, dan Melayu   Abstract This study aims to describe Malay local wisdom in classical Malay literary works. The approach used is qualitative descriptive analysis method. The study theory is hermeneutic. This study concludes that Malay local wisdom in classical Malay literary works is categorized into three values, namely: (1) kebudian: mind is a benchmark for behavior, enthusiasm and life energy (elan vital); Budi is the ideal of Malay life. (2) beauty: the concept of the wealth or greatness of God, the perfect form that God has endowed with objects, radiating divine creative potential, something extraordinary, something that is various, and something that is orderly and harmonious. (3) moral values: responsibility, harmony, openness, honesty, obedience and loyalty, appreciation (self-esteem), tolerance, politeness, togetherness, forgiveness, and justice. Malay local wisdom is at the core of Malay tradition, is a cultural force and an important source of human identity. Without local wisdom, Malay will lose its identity.   Keywords: local wisdom, literary works, and Mala


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    Over time, the challenges and roles carried out by teachers will certainly change, one of which is the development in the field of technology which also plays a role and can affect these changes. Especially when referring to various policies in the existing and latest curriculum, of course this is one of the interesting things to discuss. Therefore, the author's aim to be conveyed in this paper is to discuss the challenges and role of the teacher himself specifically in dealing with the use of the independent learning curriculum which is the latest curriculum and will be implemented later. Then related to the data sources used are various forms of literature that are certainly related to the theme, be it in the form of books, articles, journals, and other sources of writing on the internet. For the writing itself, the author uses the library study method or library research by searching and collecting relevant data sources, then filtering the sources that have been collected so that the most relevant sources can be found with the theme to be studied or raised, then making conclusions and recording various important things from existing sources, and only then will it be implemented in the form of writing.Seiring berjalannya waktu tantangan dan peran yang diemban oleh guru tentunya akan turut berubah, salah satunya faktor nya adalah pada perkembangan dalam bidang teknologi yang juga berperan dan dapat mempengaruhi perubahan tersebut. Apalagi jika mengacu pada berbagai kebijakan dalam kurikulum yang ada dan terbaru, tentu hal ini merupakan salah satu hal yang menarik untuk dibahas. Maka dari itu tujuan penulis yang ingin disampaikan pada tulisan ini adalah untuk membahas mengenai tantangan dan peran dari guru itu sendiri tekhususnya dalam menghadapi penggunaan terkait kurikulum merdeka belajar yang merupakan kurikulum terbaru dan akan diterapkan nanti nya. Kemudian terkait sumber data yang digunakan adalah berbagai bentuk litelatur yang tentu berkaitan dengan tema, baik itu berupa buku, artikel, jurnal, dan sumber tulisan lainnya yang berada di internet. Untuk kepenulisannya sendiri, penulis menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan atau library research dengan mencari dan mengumpulkan sumber-sumber data yang relevan, kemudian menyaring sumber yang telah dikumpulkan ini sehingga dapat ditemukan sumber yang paling relevan dengan tema yang akan dikaji atau diangkat, selanjutnya membuat kesimpulan dan mencatat berbagai hal-hal penting dari sumber yang telah ada, dan barulah nanti akan diimplementasikan di dalam bentuk tulisan


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    This study aims to analyzeethe social values ​econtained in the drama script "Cermin" and its relevance as an alternative to the selection of literary appreciation materials in high school. The reason the researcher did this research is because the drama script "Cermin" by Nano Riantiarno has deep life values, especially social values. Drama scripts, besides being able to be staged, can also be used as teaching materials. The social values ​​contained in drama scripts can be used as alternative teaching materials for literary appreciation in high school. This research methodeis descriptive qualitative. The dataein this study were collected by using a literature study, namely the drama script "Cermin" by Nano Riantiano which was published in 1977. The data in this study is a description of words based on in-depth analysis. The results showed that there were six social values ​​contained in the drama script, namely the value of responsibility, the value of compassion, the value of caring for the fate of others, the value of giving advice, the valueeof cooperation, and the value of harmony. The social values ​​in the drama script "Cermin" by Nano Riantiarno can be used as alternativeeteaching materials in high school based on Basic Competenciese3.8 and 4.8 as well as Learning Outcomes of receptive abilities in the elements of storing and reading and watching class XI.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama “Cermin” dan relevansinya sebagai alternatifepemilihan bahan ajar apresiasi sastra di SMA. Alasan peneliti melakukan penelitian ini karena naskah drama “Cermin” karya Nano Riantiarno memiliki nilai–nilai kehidupan yang mendalam, khususnya nilai sosial. Naskah drama, selain dapat dipentaskan, dapat pula dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar. Nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama dapat dijadikan sebagaiealternatif bahan ajareuntuk apresiasi sastra di SMA. Metodeepenelitian ini adalah deskriprtif kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan studi literatur, yakni naskah drama “Cermin” karya Nano Riantiano yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1977.  Data dalamepenelitian ini berupa uraian kata-kata yang dijabarkan berdasarkan analisis mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan enam nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama tersebut, yakni nilai tanggung jawab, nilai kasih sayang, nilai peduli nasib orang lain, nilai suka memberi nasehat, nilai kerja sama, dan nilai kerukunan. Nilai-nilai sosial dalam naskah drama “Cermin” karya Nano Riantiarno dapat dijadikanesebagai alternatif bahaneajar di SMA didasarkan pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.8 dan 4.8 serta Capaian Pembelajaran kemampuan reseptif dalam elemen menyiman dan membaca dan memirsa kelas X


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the form and function of Jambi Malay customs seloko. Seloko adat here is a custom seloko contained in the procession of customary stir between custom handover at the traditional marriage of Jambi Malay. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The data of this research are word unit, phrase, clause, sentence, text of the ceremony of repetition between the handover of customary marriage of Fortuna Mazka and the text of seloko in the Customary Principles of Sepucuk Jambi Sembilan Lurah (2001). The two texts are reconstructed philologically (critical edition) as the study material.The results of this study indicate that seloko adat ulur between handover of Jambi Malay custom has five forms: (1) kato adat or kato undang (2) kias word (3) kato penyelo (4) petatah-petitih and (5) pantun. Each form has a typology of rhyme, array, stanza, and conventional formulas. Seloko adat ular between the hand-over of Jambi Malay customary has various functions: (1) informational, (2) expressive, (3) directive, (4) aesthetic, and (5) fatik. These functions are firmly attached to each form of the shell, with Jambi's diction and local ideology


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    This study aims to analyzeethe social values ​econtained in the drama script "Cermin" and its relevance as an alternative to the selection of literary appreciation materials in high school. The reason the researcher did this research is because the drama script "Cermin" by Nano Riantiarno has deep life values, especially social values. Drama scripts, besides being able to be staged, can also be used as teaching materials. The social values ​​contained in drama scripts can be used as alternative teaching materials for literary appreciation in high school. This research methodeis descriptive qualitative. The dataein this study were collected by using a literature study, namely the drama script "Cermin" by Nano Riantiano which was published in 1977. The data in this study is a description of words based on in-depth analysis. The results showed that there were six social values ​​contained in the drama script, namely the value of responsibility, the value of compassion, the value of caring for the fate of others, the value of giving advice, the valueeof cooperation, and the value of harmony. The social values ​​in the drama script "Cermin" by Nano Riantiarno can be used as alternativeeteaching materials in high school based on Basic Competenciese3.8 and 4.8 as well as Learning Outcomes of receptive abilities in the elements of storing and reading and watching class XI.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama “Cermin” dan relevansinya sebagai alternatifepemilihan bahan ajar apresiasi sastra di SMA. Alasan peneliti melakukan penelitian ini karena naskah drama “Cermin” karya Nano Riantiarno memiliki nilai–nilai kehidupan yang mendalam, khususnya nilai sosial. Naskah drama, selain dapat dipentaskan, dapat pula dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar. Nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama dapat dijadikan sebagaiealternatif bahan ajareuntuk apresiasi sastra di SMA. Metodeepenelitian ini adalah deskriprtif kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan studi literatur, yakni naskah drama “Cermin” karya Nano Riantiano yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1977.  Data dalamepenelitian ini berupa uraian kata-kata yang dijabarkan berdasarkan analisis mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan enam nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam naskah drama tersebut, yakni nilai tanggung jawab, nilai kasih sayang, nilai peduli nasib orang lain, nilai suka memberi nasehat, nilai kerja sama, dan nilai kerukunan. Nilai-nilai sosial dalam naskah drama “Cermin” karya Nano Riantiarno dapat dijadikanesebagai alternatif bahaneajar di SMA didasarkan pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.8 dan 4.8 serta Capaian Pembelajaran kemampuan reseptif dalam elemen menyiman dan membaca dan memirsa kelas X


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    Syair Mambang Jauhari (Mambang Jauhari verse) is one of the traditional Malay Literacy works. The components built in  SMJ indicate closed and functional relationship. The components of rhythm, rhyme, line, and couplet function to struggle narrative structure and total meaning of the text for the society. The components of plot, background, point of view, form, theme, message, and integration have capacity to organize, form and maintain the relationships among the components inducing integration, strong structure, and meaning in the SMJ. The most dominant meaning of SMJ is that in creating the harmony in life, it is better to start from creating the micro-cosmos harmony among individuals and continue to macro-cosmos involving harmony in the social life, cultural life, political life, harmony in economic life, and in defense

    Karakter Tokoh dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Dilarang Menyanyi di Kamar Mandi Karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma

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    Abstract This study aims to describe the characters and their depictions in the collection of short stories Dilarang Menyanyi di Kamar Mandi by Seno Gumira Ajidarma by using the characterizaation method of Albertine Minderop. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with the type of library research. Sources of data used are short stories in the collection of short stories Dilarang Menyanyi di Kamar Mandi by Seno Gumira Aji Darma. Data collection was carried out using the characterization method of Albertine Minderop. The conclusion of this research is to show the character which is describe by direct method (telling) and indirect method (showing)  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakter serta penggambarannya dalam kumpulan cerpen Dilarang Menyanyi di Kamar Mandi Karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma dengan menggunakan metode karakterisasi Albertine Minderop. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah cerpen-cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Dilarang Menyanyi di Kamar Mandi karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pembacaan cermat dan pencatatan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode karakterisasi Albertine Minderop. Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu menunjukkan karakter tiap tokoh yang digambarkan dengan metode langsung (telling) dan metode tidak langsung (showing)