2 research outputs found


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    Pada perkembangan zaman yang serba teknologi, manusia sangat bergantung dengan teknologi, mulai dari mencari data hingga kebutuhan sehari-hari, berbagai macam teknologi yang dibuat salah satunya adalah Smartphone, dimana kita dapat mengoperasikanya dengan mudah ditambah fitur-fitur yang bagus sehingga User tidak bosan untuk mengoprasikannya. Smarthphone adalah solusi yang sangat mejanjikan untuk menarik minat bakat anak-anak belajar huruf hijaiyah. Smartphone digunakan mempermudah belajar anak-anak yang tidak mau belajar menggunkan buku. Oleh karena itu dikembangkan Game pengenalan huruf hijaiyah berbasis Android (Smartphone) dengan tujuan untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan Smartphone dan dapat memotivasi anak dalam belajar khususnya untuk pelajaran pengenalan huruf hijaiyah. Penelitian pengembangan ini dibuat menggunakan metode (Research and Development) dengan model Prototype(Listen to customer, Build/Revise Mock-up, Customer Test-driver Mock-up). Pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak menggunakan ISO 25010(Functional Suitability, Performance Effeciency, Portability, Usability ). Langkah-langkah dalam menghasilkan suatu produk yaitu menetapkan materi atau bahan ajar huruf hijaiyah sesuai dengan hasil wawancara di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Tulungagung. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian produk dapat diketahui : pengujian functional Suitability mendapatkan tingkat kelayakan sangat baik karena setiap menu aplikasi dapat berfungsi dengan baik, pengujian Performance Efficiency dalam penggunaan CPU dan memori pada Device LG Google Nexus 5 D820, LG Google Nexus 5 6.0.1 penggunaan CPU sebesar 55% dan 238,4MB penggunaan memori. pada uji aspek Portability aplikasi sudah dapat berjalan di versi Android 5.0 keatas. Validasi materi dan validasi media mendapatkan tingkat kelayakan Sangat layak. Sedangkan uji Usability oleh peserta didik juga mendapat tingkat kelayakan Sangat Layak.ร‚ย ร‚ย ร‚

    Feasibility of local manufacturer of spares for fertilizer factories of Bangladesh-a case study

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    Fertilizer factories in Bangladesh depend almost entirely on imported spare parts, which are very costly, involve foreign currency consumption and long lead time for procurement. This leads to huge inventory costs and lot of spares are kept in reserve in the fear of factory shut downs. As an attempt to solve this problem the present project work was under taken. The main objective of' the work was to conduct a feasibility study of critical spare manufacture within the country, which can save a lot of foreign exchange and ensure timely supply of spares and can bring down the factory overhead costs. Tilting pad journal bearing - a critical spare part, which has high usage value and is feasible to manufacture within the country, was selected for investigation. The material composition of selected part was identified by X-ray test, microstructure and microhardness tests. Suitable materials were chosen for the selected spare part to be made locally. Detail drawings of the part were made and manufacturing process was also developed. The part was manufactured using the technical facilities of BUET and BITAC. The produced spare was checked for quality standards and was found within acceptable limits. Economic analysis was made to evaluate the viability of manufacturing the spare part locally and it was found that an annual saving of foreign exchange of Tk. 14,00,000 will be facilitated from this particular type of bearing alone. If other size dimensions are included the saving would be much more. Net economy deserved from local manufacture of this very part is Tk. 13,56,000 per year. So it was concluded that local manufacture of Tilting pad journal bearing and other similar spares is feasible