16 research outputs found

    210Pb dates, radiocarbon ages and sedimentation and accumulation rates of sediment cores JM99-1198 and MD99-2297

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    The magnitude of Late Holocene climatic variations are less significant than those that took place during ice ages and deglaciations. However, detailed knowledge about this period is vital in order to understand and model future climate scenarios both as a result of natural climate variation and the effects of global warming. Oceanic heat flux is important for the sensitive climate regime of northern Europe. Our aim is to connect hydrographical changes, reflected by the dinoflagellates cyst (dinocysts) assemblages in the sediments in the Malangen fjord, to local and regional climatic phases. Previous studies have shown that dinocyst assemblages are influenced by temperature, salinity, and the availability of nutrients (e.g. de Vernal et al. 2005, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.06.014; de Vernal et al. 2001, doi:10.1002/jqs.659; Grosfjeld et al. this volume; Rochon et al. 2008, doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2008.04.001; Solignac et al. this volume). Dinoflagellates are mostly unicellular organisms that make up one of the main groups of phytoplankton. They are able to regulate their depth within the photic zone and to concentrate along oceanic fronts, which provide nutrient-enriched waters. The dinoflagellate cysts are the hypnozygotes of dinoflagellates naturally produced during the life cycle. Their wall is composed of a highly resistant organic material, which has a high potential to fossilize. Because dinocysts species are linked to particular abiotic and biotic parameters, the dinocyst assemblages provide information about past surface water conditions. Since each fjord has its own hydrographic setting, it is necessary to establish a firm link between the dinocyst composition of the sediment surface samples and the surface water conditions. Indeed the modern dinocyst distribution in subarctic fjords is little known. Thus, in addition to detailing dinocyst results from two shallow cores, several sediment surface samples located along a transect running from the head to the mouth of the fjord, and extending onto the shelf, are also presented

    A Miocene age for the Molo Formation, Norwegian Sea shelf off Vestfjorden, based on marine palynology

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    Seven side-wall core samples from the lower part of the Molo Formation in exploration well 6610/3–1 off Vestfjorden/Lofoten have been reanalysed for marine palynomorphs. Description of new species from other studies and access to reference successions from nearby sites with an independent chronostratigraphy have enabled a more reliable depositional age constraint for the Molo Formation in its northern distribution area than previously achieved. The new data (e.g., the lowest occurrence of the dinoflagellate cysts Barssidinium graminosum and Barssidinium pliocenicum and the highest occurrence of the dinoflagellate cysts Minisphaeridium latirictum and Operculodinium piaseckii) provide incontrovertible evidence for a Miocene age for the Molo Formation in well 6610/3–1. Our data suggest that the Molo Formation in well 6610/3–1 started to accumulate after erosional activity which took place between the late middle Miocene and the late Miocene. The data (especially the presence of the dinoflagellate cyst A. andalouisiensis andalousiensis, the co-occurrence of the dinoflagellate cysts Barssidinium evangelineae and M. latirictum and the presence of the acritarch L. lucifer) suggest that the Molo Formation in well 6610/3–1 started to accumulate at around 8.8 / 8.7 Ma. The sediments were deposited in a warm temperate, high-energy environment influenced by river discharge. During deposition, older sediments, particularly from the Paleogene, became extensively eroded. The erosion and rapid accumulation were probably associated with the combined effects of eustatic sea-level fall and uplift/updoming of the hinterland/coastal zone

    Palynological analyses of the sediments around the Miocene/Pliocene boundary in ODP Hole 151-911A

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    The late Neogene evolution of the Arctic to Subarctic region is poorly understood due to few available records and poor age control. At the margin of the Arctic Ocean, Yermak Plateau Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 911A is strategically located for establishing a stratigraphic framework for the Arctic. Here we present dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch data from 24 stratigraphic levels in the lower part (474.26-505.64 metres below the seafloor (mbsf)) of ODP Hole 911A. The marine palynomorphs indicate a latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene age (between 5.8 and 5.0 Ma) for the base of the hole based on the co-occurrence of the dinoflagellate cyst Barssidinium evangelineae and acritarch Lavradosphaera crista. Our age estimate for the sediments can possibly be further refined to 5.0-5.33 Ma based on the presence of Achomosphaera andalousiensis suttonensis, which apparently has a range restricted to the Pliocene. An age close to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary agrees with the planktonic foraminifer data. Together with recently available magnetostratigraphic data, the base of the hole is likely to be placed at ~5.2 Ma. This new chronostratigraphy is a first step towards a better understanding of the late Neogene palaeoenvironment for the Yermak Plateau and also for the wider Arctic to Subarctic region. The terrestrial and fresh water palynomorphs were most likely redistributed and/or displaced from the shelf towards deeper parts of the basin during contourite deposition under the influence of the West Spitsbergen Current. The in situ marine dinoflagellate cyst assemblage contains a mixture of cool water and thermophilic taxa, indicating sea-ice free, cool-temperate, warmer than present conditions at the Yermak Plateau. Rivers were likely the source for the freshwater influence

    (Table 1) Luminescence datings from Varchushka and Pyoza rivers, Russia

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    The Pyoza River area in the Arkhangelsk district exposes sedimentary sequences suitable for study of the interaction between consecutive Valdaian ice sheets in Northern Russia. Lithostratigraphic investigations combined with luminescence dating have revealed new evidence on the Late Pleistocene history of the area. Overlying glacigenic deposits of the Moscowian (Saalian) glaciation marine deposits previously confined to three separate transgression phases have all been connected to the Mikulinian (Eemian) interglacial. Early Valdaian (E. Weichselian) proglacial, lacustrine and fluvial deposits indicate glaciation to the east or north and consequently glacier damming and meltwater run-off in the Pyoza area around 90-110 ka BP. Interstadial conditions with forest-steppe tundra vegetation and lacustrine and fluvial deposition prevailed at the end of the Early Valdaian around 75-95 ka BP. A terrestrial-based glaciation from easterly uplands reached the Pyoza area at the Early to Middle Valdaian transition around 65-75 ka BP and deposited glaciofluvial strata and subglacial till (Yolkino Till). During deglaciation, laterally extensive glaciolacustrine sediments were deposited in ice-dammed lakes in the early Middle Valdaian around 55-75 ka BP. The Barents–Kara Sea ice sheet deposited the Viryuga Till on the lower Pyoza from northerly directions. The ice sheet formed the Pyoza marginal moraines, which can be correlated with the Markhida moraines further east, and proglacial lacustrine deposition persisted in the area during the first part of the Middle Valdaian. Glacio-isostatic uplift caused erosion followed by pedogenesis and the formation of a deflation horizon in the Middle Valdaian. Widely dispersed periglacial river plains were formed during the Late Valdaian around 10-20 ka BP. Thus, the evidence of a terrestrial-based ice sheet from easterly uplands in the Pyoza area suggests that local piedmont glaciers situated in highlands such as the Timan Ridge or the Urals could have developed into larger, regionally confined ice sheets. Two phases of ice damming and development of proglacial lakes occurred during the Early and Middle Valdaian. The region did not experience glaciation during the Late Valdaian