41 research outputs found

    Sultan Dağları’ndaki endemik quercus vulcanicaboiss. &heldr. exKotschy üzerine bir fitososyolojik araştırma (Afyonkarahisar-Türkiye)

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    İç Anadolu, Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgeleri sınırlarında yer alan Sultan Dağları’ndaki QuercusvulcanicaBoiss. &Heldr. exKotschy toplulukları sintaksonomik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada Lactucaevariabili - Quercetumvulcanicae olarak isimlendirilen ve Sultan Dağları’ndaki Seydi Tepe, Kapaali Tepe ve Kalebelen Tepenin kuzey yamaçlarında lokalize olmuş yeni bir bitki birliği tanımlanmıştır.Quercus vulcanica Boiss. &Heldr. exKotschy communities, which relocated at the intersection of Inner Anatolia, Aegean and Mediterranean regions and are spread on Sultan Mountains, have been analyzed syntaxonomically. At this research, a new association, called Lactucaevariabili-Quercetumvulcanicae, which are localized at northern slope of Seydi hill, Kapaali hilland Kalebelen hill in Sultan Mountains, has been described

    Corrosion inhibition of st37 steel in geothermal fluid by quercus robur and pomegranate peels extracts

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    Plant extracts have become important as an environmentally acceptable, readily available and renewable source of wide range of inhibitors. Tannins, a class of natural, non toxic and biodegradable polyphenolic compounds, extracted from plant sources are already used as corrosion inhibitors in aqueous media. This study investigates the inhibiting effect of Quercus robur and pomegranate peels extracts on st37 steel corrosion in geothermal fluid using the Tafel polarization method. It was found that the extracts act as good corrosion inhibitors for geothermal fluid. 250 ppm of Quercus robur oak extract was seen to have 90% corrosion inhibition efficiency. The values of pH, potential, conductivity, total hardness and Ca2+ hardness, dissolved solid substance (TDS) and salinity of geothermal fluid were analyzed before and after the addition of extract into it. According to these analyses, increasing pH level more than 5 indicates that corrosion con structive aggressive ions (H+) decrease. Furthermore the decrease of conductivity values as a result of the decrease of inhibitor concentration shows that corrosion slows down. Ryznar and Langelier Indexes are cal culated for AF11 well, reinjection and collected pools. The values of indexes show that geothermal fluid is corrosive and scale properties

    Deresinek (Afyonkarahisar) havzası florası

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    In this research, The flora of Deresinek Basin and its surroundings on the northern slope of the Sultan Mountains was investigated. As a result of the research, 458 vascular plant taxa belonging to 77 families and 270 genera were determined. Nine of the taxa are new to Afyonkarahisar flora. 58 taxa are endemic, and the rate of endemism is 12.66 %. Distribution of species in the research area according to plant geography; Mediterranean (67 taxa, 14.62%), Euro-Siberian (50 taxa, 10.98 %), Irano-Turanian (48 taxa, 10.48 %) and unknown (293 taxa, 63.97 %).Bu araştırmada, Sultan Dağlarının Kuzey yamacında bulunan Deresinek Vadisi ve çevresinin florası araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucu 77 familya ve 270 cinse ait 458 damarlı bitki taksonu tespit edilmiştir. Taksonların 9’ u Afyonkarahisar florası için yenidir. 58 takson endemiktir. Endemizm oranı % 12.66’ dir. Araştırma alanındaki türlerin bitki coğrafyasına göre dağılımı; Akdeniz (67 taxa, % 14.62), Avrupa-Sibirya (50 taxa, % 10.98), İran-Turan (48 taxa, % 10.48) ve bilinmeyen (293 taxa, % 63.97)

    A case study of the composing processes of three Bilkent first-year students in a test-taking situation

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    Ankara : Institute of Humanities and Letters of Bilkent University, 1994.Thesis (Master's) -- -Bilkent University, 1994.Includes bibliographical references leaves 49-51This descriptive case study was an empirical investigation of the composing processes of students in a test-taking situation. The subjects were 3 volunteer EFL (English as a foreign language) first-year students at Bilkent University, which is an English-medium university in Turkey. The data were collected from direct observations while the subjects were writing their midterm examinations and from interviews with the subjects that took place immediately after the examinations were completed. The results showed that the subjects' composing processes in a test-taking situation were similar to the composing processes of student writers in non test-taking situations (Pianko, 1977; Sommers, 1980; Zamel, 1983). The following are some of the important similarities. During prewriting the subjects generated some general ideas to develop in their writing. However, they did not feel obliged to use these general plans. Planning was also done during pausing and rescanning. Similar to other student writers (Sommers, 1980), their primary focus of revising was surface-level concerns such as grammar, spelling, and lexical mistakes rather than revisions of content of their writing. All subjects stated that they tried to follow their teachers' instructions about essay writing. Although the subjects knew that they would be graded, they did not seem to commit themselves to the writing tasks by making use of the whole examination time. This may closely be related to test-anxiety, in which avoidance and escape are common behaviors (Deffenbacher, 1986). The results supported the findings of previous research on school-sponsored writing. The subjects did not commit themselves to the topics. They considered the writing unimportant, a task they had to fulfill for the sake of a grade. They stated that they did not have a real message to give about their assigned exam topics and that the teachers were not interested in the content of their essays. The subjects focused on form rather than content. Based on these results, it is suggested that writing instructors should spend more time on prewriting to generate content and focus on content rather than surface-level concerns while revising.Akada, Tijen KargıoğluM.S

    Flora of Değirmendere Canyon

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    Bu araştırmada, 2012-2014 yılları arasında Değirmendere Kanyonu Florası tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma alanının florası 56 familyaya ait 58 cins ve 233 takson içermektedir. Endemik taksonların sayısı 20 olup, endemizm oranı da % 8,6'dir. Afyonkarahisar’ ın flora listesine 3 ü endemik olmak üzere toplam 7 tür eklenmiştir. Bunlar: Alyssum ochroleucum (endemik), Bartsia trixago, Crocus danfordiae (Endemik), Ephedra foeminea, Erysimum leucanthemum, Nepeta conferta (Endemik), Veronica persica'dır.In this research, was carried out to determine the Flora of Değirmendere Canyon from 2012 to 2014. The flora of study area consists of 233 taxa which belong to 56 families and 58 genera. The number of endemic taxa is 20 and the rate of endemism is 8,6%. A total of 7 species, 3 of which are endemic, were added to the flora list of Afyonkarahisar. These: Alyssum ochroleucum (endemic), Bartsia trixago, Crocus danfordiae (Endemic), Ephedra foeminea, Erysimum leucanthemum, Nepeta conferta (Endemic), Veronica persica.

    Analysis of airborne pollen grains in Konya, Turkey, 2005

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    In this study, airborne pollen grains of Konya province were investigated using Durham sampler from January to December 2005. A total of 4420 pollen grains/cm(2) which belonged to 29 taxa and 9 unidentified pollen grains were recorded. From identified taxa, 19 belong to arboreal and 10 taxa to non-arboreal plants. Total pollen grains consist of 87,49% arboreal, 12,31% non-arboreal plants and 0,20% unidentified pollen grains. In the investigated region, from arboreal plant taxa Pinus spp. (21,63%), Fraxinus spp. (21,13%), Cupressaceae (15,84%), Ailanthus spp. (7,47%), Platanus spp. (3,80%), Acer spp. (3,28%), Populus spp. (1,86%), Sophora spp. (3,85%) and from non-arboreal plant taxa Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae (4,77%), Poaceae (3,67%) were responsible for the greatest amount of pollen. During the study period, the pollen fall reached its highest level in March

    Propiedades antioxidantes de algunas plantas que crecen salvajes en Turquía

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    In this study, the antioxidant activity of 50% aqueous methanol extracts of 38 plants growing in the Afyonkarahisar province of Turkey were evaluated by various antioxidant assay, including free radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging and metal (Fe2+) chelating activities. The methanolic fruit extracts of the Cornus and Morus species (H2O2 and DPPH scavenging activities, Fe2+ chelating activity) and the methanolic leaf extracts of the Mentha species (DPPH scavenging activities) examined in the assay showed the strongest activities. These antioxidant properties depended on the concentration of samples.En este estudio, la actividad antioxidante de extractos metanólicos al 50% en agua de 38 plantas que crecen en la provincia turca de Afyonkarahisar fueron evaluados con algunos ensayos antioxidantes, incluyendo la actividad capta-dora de radicales libres y de peróxido de oxígeno (H2O2) y la actividad quelatante de metales (Fe2+). Los extractos metanólicos de frutas de las especies Cornus y Morus (actividades captadoras de H2O2 y DPPH y actividad quelatante de Fe2+) y los extractos metanólicos de hojas de especies de Mentha (actividad captadora de DPPH) son los que mostraron una actividad mayor. Estas propiedades antioxidantes dependieron de la concentración de la muestra

    Environmentally friendly silver nanoparticles synthesized from Verbascum nudatum var. extract and evaluation of its versatile biological properties and dye degradation activity

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    In the present study, green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (VNE-AgNPs) via Verbascum nudatum extract was carried out for the frst time. The synthesized AgNPs were characterized by diferent spectral methods such as UV–vis, FTIR, XRD, TEM, and EDAX. According to TEM analyses, the average size range of AgNPs was 17–21 nm, and the dominant peaks in the 111°, 200°, 221°, and 311° planes in the XRD pattern indicated the Ag-NPs FCC crystal structure. FTIR data showed that VNE-AgNPs interacted with many reducing, capping, and stabilizing phytochemicals during green synthesis. VNE AgNPs had higher antibacterial activity against S. aureus and E. coli bacterial strains with a maximum inhibition zone of 21 and 18 mm, respectively, than penicillin 5 IU, used as a positive control in the study. The cytotoxic efect of VNE-AgNPs appeared at a concentration of 50 µg/mL in L929 cells and 5 µg/mL in cancer (A549) cells. When the impact of VNE-AgNPs and C-AgNPs on infammation was compared, it was found that VNE-AgNPs increased TNF-α levels (333.45±67.20 ng/mg-protein) statistically (p<0.05) more than TNF-α levels (256.92±27.88 ng/mg-protein) in cells treated with C-AgNPs. VNE-Ag-NPs were found to have a degradation efciency of 65% against methylene blue (MB) dye within 3 h

    The antibiofilm effects of some Cistus spp. against pathogenic microorganisms

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    Recently, the potential antibacterial or antibiofilm effects of some plant species belonging to the Cistus sp. have motivated investigation of their use as herbal remedies. In this study, antibiofilm activities of aqueous (dH2O) leaf extracts of Cistus laurifolius L., C. creticus L. and C. salviifolius L. on some pathogenic microorganisms with biofilm forming ability were investigated. Biofilm forming ability of pathogen test microorganisms were evaluated by congo red agar method and microtiter plate method and all tested microorganisms were confirmed as biofilm producers. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 11778, S. aureus ATCC 6538, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and S. aureus ATCC 12600 were evaluated as strong biofilm producers. The highest concentration of examined extracts both showed biofilm inhibition and biofilm eradication against the tested pathogen microorganisms. In particular, studied plant extracts showed good antibiofilm effect, and biofilm eradication against S. aureus ATCC 6538 and S. aureus ATCC 12600. MBIC50 values of S. aureus ATCC 6538 were found as 6.25 µg/ml of C. laurifolius, and 50 µg/ml of C. creticus extracts. Also, 50 µg/ml of C. creticus extract showed ≥ 90% inhibition of biofilm growth (MBIC90 = 50 µg/ml). MBEC50 values of S. aureus ATCC 12600 were determined as 6.25 µg/ml in all tested plant extracts and 50 µg/ml of C. creticus extract was required to induce ≥ 90% eradication (MBEC90) of biofilm growth of S. aureus ATCC 12600. Our study revealed that aqueous leaf extracts of C. laurifolius, C. creticus and C. salviifolius could be potential candidates for drug discovery to treat pathogen test microorganisms capable to induce infectious diseases especially by their biofilm forming ability

    LC-MS/MS profiles, multi-element levels and biological activities of Hypericum heterophyllum Vent

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    Plants belonging to the genus Hypericum L. are widely used in traditional folk medicine due to their hypericin and pseudohypericin contents. In this study, we investigated the biological activity, phenolic and elemental content of methanol and acetone extracts of sheepskin grass, Hypericum heterophyllum Vent. a species that that lacks both hypericin and pseudohypericin. The total antioxidant status of the extracts was determined by commercial kits. Antibacterial effect of extracts was investigated on seven bacterial strains. Cytotoxic effects of the extracts on lung cancer cell lines were determined by MTT (3-4,5-dimethyl-thiazolyl-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) method. Phenolic content was determined by LC-ESI-MS/MS. Elements in the plant were determined by ICP-OES. The total phenolic content and antioxidant status of the species’ methanol extract were found to be higher than the acetone extract. Both of the extracts at a concentration of 20% have an antibacterial effect, especially the antibacterial effect of acetone extract. It was determined that acetone extract has an anticarcinogenic impact depending on the dose. Chlorogenic acid, miquelianin and isoquercitrin are the most abundant flavonoids in methanol and acetone extract. The plant contains Ca, K, and Mg elements in high concentrations. The phenolic substances and elements in H. heterophyllum, widely used in our country, have been presented for the first time in the literature. Besides, it can be said that the plant has antioxidant, anticarcinogen, and antimicrobial activities due to the crucial flavonoids and elements it contain