2,107 research outputs found

    IMPACT: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Volume 9, Issue 1, Winter 2020

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    Explicitly established to foreground interdisciplinary teaching and learning, Impact also welcomes evidence and discussion of experiential learning. Often the two – interdisciplinary teaching and experiential learning – co-exist. Yet even when they do not, both practices model how to think in myriad ways and to notice how knowledge is constructed. As our winter 2019 issue makes clear, interdisciplinary teaching and learning and experiential learning often begin with questions. Why does it matter that students grapple directly with archival material? What happens when undergraduates practice psychology by training dogs? Do students understand financial literacy? This issue also asks questions about students’ reading habits and faculty expectations of them as readers

    Postmenopausal Women With Greater Paracardial Fat Have More Coronary Artery Calcification Than Premenopausal Women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) Cardiovascular Fat Ancillary Study.

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    BackgroundVolumes of paracardial adipose tissue (PAT) and epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) are greater after menopause. Interestingly, PAT but not EAT is associated with estradiol decline, suggesting a potential role of menopause in PAT accumulation. We assessed whether volumes of heart fat depot (EAT and PAT) were associated with coronary artery calcification (CAC) in women at midlife and whether these associations were modified by menopausal status and estradiol levels.Methods and resultsEAT and PAT volumes and CAC were measured using electron beam computed tomography scans. CAC was evaluated as (1) the presence of CAC (CAC Agatston score ≥10) and (2) the extent of any CAC (log CAC Agatston score >0). The study included 478 women aged 50.9 years (58% pre- or early perimenopausal, 10% late perimenopausal, and 32% postmenopausal). EAT was significantly associated with CAC measures, and these associations were not modified by menopausal status or estradiol. In contrast, associations between PAT and CAC measures were modified by menopausal status (interaction-P≤0.01). Independent of study covariates including other adiposity measures, each 1-SD unit increase in log PAT was associated with 102% higher risk of CAC presence (P=0.04) and an 80% increase in CAC extent (P=0.008) in postmenopausal women compared with pre- or early perimenopausal women. Additional adjustment for estradiol and hormone therapy attenuated these differences. Moreover, the association between PAT and CAC extent was stronger in women with lower estradiol levels (interaction P=0.004).ConclusionsThe findings suggest that PAT is a potential menopause-specific coronary artery disease risk marker, supporting the need to monitor and target this fat depot for intervention in women at midlife

    Sound production and spectral hearing sensitivity in the Hawaiian sergeant damselfish, Abudefduf abdominalis

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    Sounds provide important signals for inter- and intraspecific communication in fishes, but few studies examine fish acoustic behavior in the context of coevolution of sound production and hearing ability within a species. This study characterizes the acoustic behavior in a reproductive population of the Hawaiian sergeant fish, Abudefduf abdominalis, and compares acoustic features to hearing ability, measured by the auditory evoked potential (AEP) technique. Sergeant fish produce sounds at close distances to the intended receiver (≤1-2 body lengths), with different pulse characteristics that are associated primarily with aggression, nest preparation and courtship-female-visit behaviors. Energy peaks of all sounds were between 90 and 380 Hz, whereas courtship-visit sounds had a pulse repetition rate of 125 Hz with harmonic intervals up to 1 kHz. AEP threshold, which is probably higher than the behavioral threshold, indicates best sensitivity at low frequencies (95-240 Hz), with the lowest threshold at 125 Hz (123-127 dBrms re: 1 μPa). Thus, sound production and hearing in A. abdominalis are closely matched in the frequency domain and are useful for courtship and mating at close distances. Measured hearing thresholds did not differ among males and females during spawning or non-spawning periods, which indicates a lack of sex differences and seasonal variation in hearing capabilities. These data provide the first evidence that Abudefduf uses true acoustic communication on a level similar to that of both more derived (e.g. Dascyllus, Chromis) and more basal (e.g. Stegastes) soniferous pomacentrids. This correlation between sound production and hearing ability is consistent with the sensory drive model of signal evolution in which the sender and receiver systems coevolve within the constraints of the environment to maximize information transfer of acoustic signals

    Nitrite cycling in the primary nitrite maxima of the eastern tropical North Pacific

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    The primary nitrite maximum (PNM) is a ubiquitous feature of the upper ocean, where nitrite accumulates in a sharp peak at the base of the euphotic zone. This feature is situated where many chemical and hydrographic properties have strong gradients and the activities of several microbial processes overlap. Near the PNM, four major microbial processes are active in nitrite cycling: ammonia oxidation, nitrite oxidation, nitrate reduction and nitrite uptake. The first two processes are mediated by the nitrifying archaeal/bacterial community, while the second two processes are primarily conducted by phytoplankton. The overlapping spatial habitats and substrate requirements for these microbes have made understanding the formation and maintenance of the PNM difficult. In this work, we leverage high-resolution nutrient and hydrographic data and direct rate measurements of the four microbial processes to assess the controls on the PNM in the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP). The depths of the nitrite maxima showed strong correlations with several water column features (e.g., top of the nitracline, top of the oxycline, depth of the chlorophyll maximum), whereas the maximum concentration of nitrite correlated weakly with only a few water column features (e.g., nitrate concentration at the nitrite maximum). The balance between microbial production and consumption of nitrite was a poor predictor of the concentration of the nitrite maximum, but rate measurements showed that nitrification was a major source of nitrite in the ETNP, while phytoplankton release occasionally accounted for large nitrite contributions near the coast. The temporal mismatch between rate measurements and nitrite standing stocks suggests that studies of the PNM across multiple timescales are necessary.</p

    Trauma Care in Older People: charting a path from outlier to excellence

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    Trauma in older people leads to substantial morbidity and mortality. The National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) has driven improved practice with units compared to identify outliers. In 2013, our unit was an outlier for mortality post hip fracture (30-day mortality 12.2% vs. 8.3% nationally). This triggered external review. In 2019 the unit was highlighted as an exemplar in the UK. We describe the process that moved us from outlier to outstanding. After the initial review process, we made changes to our healthcare system, with regular reassessment of progress and care quality. Examples include a dedicated hip fracture unit, strong leadership (Nursing, Orthopaedic, Geriatrician, Anaesthetic), consultant-led in-depth monthly mortality reviews, changes to admission pathways and delirium prevention. Improvements were seen in all aspects of hip fracture care in 2019 compared with 2012. Thirty-day case-mixed adjusted mortality halved (12.2–6.1%), with substantial reductions in reoperations and pressure sores. Length of stay reduced by 5.9 days. In 2019 our unit’s performance was significantly above the national average for all six indicators assessed by NHFD: prompt orthogeriatric review (97% vs. 91% national average), prompt surgery (85% vs. 68%); NICE compliant surgery (85% vs. 74%); prompt mobilisation (93% vs. 81%); not delirious postoperatively (77% vs. 69%); return to original residence (78% vs. 71%). The NHFD highlighted our Unit as one of nine (from 175 total) highly performing UK trusts. We summarise our service development and improvement work undertaken to achieve ‘outstanding’ status, which provides a valuable template to units managing trauma in older people

    Cardiovascular Demand Differences Between Male and Female US Marine Recruits During Progressive Loaded Hikes

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    Schram, B, Orr, R, Niederberger, B, Givens, A, Bernards, J, and Kelly, KR. Cardiovascular demand differences between male and female US Marine recruits during progressive loaded hikes. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-Despite having to carry the same occupational load, female soldiers tend to be lighter than male soldiers. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in cardiovascular load between female and male US Marine recruits during progressive load carriage hikes. United States Marine Corps recruits (565 male recruits; 364 female recruits) completed 6 loaded hikes over 6 weeks (1: 10 kg, 30 minutes; 2: 10 kg, 45 minutes; 3: 15 kg, 30 minutes, 4: 15 kg, 45 minutes; 5: 20 kg, 30 minutes; 6: 20 kg, 45 minutes) during which cardiovascular response was measured. Average heart rate (HRavg), HR maximum (HRmax), and pace were measured via a wrist-worn physiological monitor. Independent sample t-tests were conducted to compare between sexes, with significance set at 0.008 after adjusting for multiple comparisons. The average female recruit had significantly lower body mass (BM) compared with the average male recruit (p &lt; 0.001) and thus carried a significantly heavier relative load. (10 kg ∼17%, 15 kg ∼25%, 20 kg ∼33%, p &lt; 0.001). There were no significant differences in pace in any hike, and no significant differences were found in HRavg or HRmax when comparing female and male Marines during Hike 1. For female Marines, HRavg was significantly higher compared with male Marines during Hike 2 (+6.5 b·min-1, p &lt; 0.001) and Hike 3 (+7.4 b·min-1, p &lt; 0.001), and both HRavg and HRmax were significantly higher in Hike 4 (+11.9 b·min-1, +8.4 b·min-1, p &lt; 0.001), Hike 5 (+7.7 b·min-1, +7.9 b·min-1, p &lt; 0.001), and Hike 6 (+6.9 b·min-1, +7.1 b·min-1, p &lt; 0.001), respectively. Female Marines endured greater cardiovascular demand compared with male Marines during load carriage events when carrying loads greater than 15 kg (∼25% BM).</p

    Stress Response to Winter Warfare Training: Potential Impact of Location

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    Winter Warfare Training (WWT) is a critical component of military training to prepare individuals to move effectively in harsh conditions. Moving through snow and heavy terrain increases overall stress to the entire human system. PURPOSE: The purpose of this effort was to quantify the stress response during WWT to determine the level of physiological adaptation to extreme environments. METHODS: Mountain and mobility operators (age: 31.5±1.4 years; height: 71.1±0.5 inches; weight: 192.5±6.6 lbs.; body fat percentage: 18.0±5.0%) were recruited for this effort. Participants engaged in baseline laboratory metrics at their home station located in Colorado (CO) prior to WWT for one week in Montana (MT) and one week in Alaska (AK). WWT was separated by approximately one month. Blood was collected upon wake on the first and last day at each location. Plasma was analyzed for anabolic and stress-related hormones via enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). RESULTS: Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels increased from baseline to pre- (p=0.004), decreased from pre- to post-WWT in MT (p=0.004), and increased in from pre- to post-WWT in AK (p=0.005). Plasma cortisol levels decreased from pre- to post-WWT in MT (p=0.001) and, conversely, increased from pre- to post-WWT in AK (pCONCLUSION: The increase in stress-related hormones (i.e., ACTH and cortisol) exhibited throughout during WWT in AK suggest that operators experienced heightened physiological strain during WWT in AK compared to MT, despite similar training. We speculate that differences in sleep environment, changes in environmental temperature and terrain between MT and AK, and cumulative training load may have exacerbated the overall physiological strain on the operators

    Increasing Mercury in Yellow Perch at a Hotspot in Atlantic Canada, Kejimkujik National Park

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    In the mid-1990s, yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and common loons (Gavia immer) from Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site (KNPNHS), Nova Scotia, Canada, had among the highest mercury (Hg) concentrations across North America. In 2006 and 2007, we re-examined 16 lakes to determine whether there have been changes in Hg in the loon’s preferred prey, yellow perch. Total Hg concentrations were measured in up to nine perch in each of three size classes (5−10 cm, 10−15 cm, and 15−20 cm) consumed by loons. Between 1996/97 and 2006/07, polynomial regressions indicated that Hg in yellow perch increased an average of 29% in ten lakes, decreased an average of 21% in three, and were unchanged in the remaining three lakes. In 2006/07, perch in 75% of the study lakes had Hg concentrations (standardized to 12-cm fish length) equal to or above the concentration (0.21 μg·g−1 ww) associated with a 50% reduction in maximum productivity of loons, compared with only 56% of these lakes in 1996/97. Mercury contamination currently poses a greater threat to loon health than a decade ago, and further reductions in anthropogenic emissions should be considered to reduce its impacts on ecosystem health
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