1,105 research outputs found

    Ice Scours in the Sediments of Glacial Lake Iroquois, Prince Edward County, Eastern Ontario

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    Straight or slightly curved ice scours are found in thin glacilacustrine sediment of eastern Lake Iroquois, especially near the crest of an escarpment in Prince Edward County. They are large (to 3.57 km long and 174 m wide), shallow (about 1 m deep) and oriented in a nearly westerly direction. Irregular ridges of sediment have been pushed up along the sides and at the western end of some scours. Bedrock is near the ground surface, but had little influence on the formation of the scours. Based on their shape, location and pattern, we conclude that the scours were most likely formed in shallow water of the short-lived Sydney phase of Lake Iroquois by lake ice driven by prevailing northeasterly winds from the retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet.On trouve des sillons glaciels, rectilignes ou courbes, dans des sédiments lacustres de l'est du Lac Iroquois, en particulier près du sommet d'un escarpement dans le comté de Prince Edward. Ces sillons sont larges (jusqu'à 3,57 km de longueur et 174 m de largeur), peu profonds (environ 1 m) et orientés vers l'ouest. Des bourrelets irréguliers de sédiments apparaissent en bordure et à l'extrémité ouest de quelques dépressions. Le substratrum affleure presque, mais a eu peu d'influence sur la formation des sillons. En se fondant sur leur forme, leur emplacement et leur agencement, on en conclut que les sillons ont été formés dans les eaux peu profondes du Lac Iroquois au cours de la courte phase de Sydney, par les glaces du lac poussées par les vents dominants du nord-est, en provenance de l'Inlandsis laurentidien alors en retrait.,1EZlOBbIE B0P03Zlbl B HAHOCAX 3AMEP3lilErO HP0KE3CK0r0 03EPA. TPAOCTBO nPMHU 3ZtBAPZl. BOCTOMHbM OHTAPHO. B TOHKHX JieaOBblX HaHOCaX B BOCTOi-lHOH HacTH Hpok-e3Ckoro 03epa ocoôeHHO pa/ioM c rpefiHeM KpyToro ck'JioHa rpa(|)CTBa flpnnu dnsapn MOAHO na6^ioziaTb npSMbie tum cnerka HSBHBaiolilnecn .neaoBbie 6opo3AU. OHM HMeioT fkyibunie pa3Mepw (no 3.57 KM B JWHHy H 174 M B mnpnHyi. MCAKM H opueH TnpoBanbi npenMylilecTBeHHO Ha 3anaa. HepeperyjiapHbie rpefJHH HaHocoB HaxoflflT-CJi no fjoKaM H B 3anaziHbix OKOHLiaHiiax HeKOTopwx 6opo3/j. HecMOTpa Ha TO. MTO nopo/ia HaxoziHTCfi 6^H3KO OT noBepxHocTH rpyHTa. eë B^nflnne Ha (|K>pMnpoBaHHe mix 6opo34 HeBCiHKO. Ha ocHOBaHiin (tjopMbl, pacnano*eHHfl H piicyHKa 5opo3/t /icnaeTC" BUBO/1, MTO OHH. CKOpee BCerO. f)W/lH ClpOpMHpOBaHbl B MeJIKHX BOZiaX MpOKe3CKOrO 03epa BO BpeMfl KopoTkOH (ba3bi Cn/iHeiï nozi B03,aeHCTBi(eM 03ëpnoro j\t>j\a, HaitccetiHoro /lOMHHHpyiOlilHMH CeBepOBOCTOMHhlMH BeTpaMH OT OTcTynaioUJero /laBpenTHitcKoro MaTepnKOBoro neaHHKa

    The Use of a Non-Point Source Pollution Self-Assessment for Greenhouse and Nursery Operators in California

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    Water quality rules adopted in 2001 in San Diego, California, created new requirements for greenhouse and plant nursery growers to manage surface run-off that could potentially affect drinking water, recreational locations, and wildlife habitat. A Run-off and Non-Point Source Pollution Self-Assessment for Greenhouse and Container Nurseries was developed as a series of worksheets that translated technical information for growers to meet legal requirements, maintain their property value, and enhance the quality of their environment. Self-assessment results determined a need for additional training on run-off management and prevention pollution through more site-specific fertilization and pest management techniques based on routine monitoring
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