956 research outputs found

    Marketing management in urban passenger transportation innovations

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    Purpose: This main aim of the article is to explore possible approaches to innovation marketing management by the example of urban passenger transportation. Design/Methodology/Approach: In modern conditions with the digitalization of the economy enterprises that provide transportation services are aimed at managing through artificial intelligence. Modern transport depends on the preferences of the population, based on philosophy of automation, intellectualization while at the same time is focused on the quality of transportation, elimination of losses and cost reduction. The specifics of marketing activities in the urban passenger transportation market is of particular importance in this study, taking into account the formation of the marketing innovation toolkit in the urban passenger transportation market under these specifics. Findings: A model for innovational marketing management in the urban passenger transportation sector was developed and justified, which includes six key innovation management blocks based on marketing functions: research, forecasting, information, organizational, advertising and practice. Practical implications: In practice, it is about creating a concept necessary for the provision of transport services for passengers transportation, based on the use of innovational marketing. The basic directions for the introduction of innovations at the enterprises of urban passenger transport are proposed. Originality/value: In the field of urban passenger transportation in the digital economy, new opportunities are opening up for development by applying innovational marketing, the practical implementation of which ensures increased efficiency and increases the demand for public transport services.peer-reviewe

    Optimal conditions for light pulses coherence transformation in thin nonlinear media

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    Via solution of appropriate variational problem it is shown that light beams with Gaussian spatial profile and sufficiently short duration provide maximal destruction of global coherence under nonlinear self-modulation.Comment: 3 pages, no figures; to appear in Proc. SPIE; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

    Average Number of Coherent Modes for Pulse Random Fields

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    Some consequences of spatio-temporal symmetry for the deterministic decomposition of complex light fields into factorized components are considered. This enables to reveal interrelations between spatial and temporal coherence properties of wave. An estimation of average number of the decomposition terms is obtained in the case of statistical ensemble of light pulses.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, no figures; to be published in Proc. SPIE; E-mail: [email protected]

    On singular integral operators with linear-fractional involutions

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    We denote the Cauchy singular integral operator along a contour L\cal L by (SLφ)(t)=1πiLφ(τ)τtdτ (S_{\cal L}\varphi)(t)= \frac{1}{\pi i}\int\limits_{\cal L} \frac{\varphi(\tau)}{\tau-t}d\tau and the identity operator by (ILφ)(t)=φ(t)(I_{\cal L}\varphi)(t)=\varphi(t). In the paper [1,2] we constructed a similarity transformation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\begin{equation}\label{opeq T} F1AF=D,F^{-1}AF=D, \ % \vspace{-3mm} %\end{equation}\\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% between the singular integral operators AA with the rotation operator WTW_{\Bbb T} through the angle 2π/m2\pi /m on the unit circle T{\Bbb T}, acting on the space L2(T)L_2({\Bbb T}), and a certain matrix characteristic singular integral operator without shifts acting on the space L2m(T)L_{2}^{m}(\Bbb T). For m=2m=2, we have (WTφ)(t)=φ(t),(W_{\Bbb T} \varphi)(t)=\varphi(-t), %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{displaymath}%\label{aISW} A = a_{0}I_{\Bbb T} \!+\! b_{0}S_{\Bbb T}\! +\! a_{1}W_{\Bbb T}\! +\! b_{1}S_{\Bbb T}W_{\Bbb T},\quad A\in [L_2(\Bbb T)],D=uI_{\Bbb T}+vS_{{\Bbb T}},\quad D\in [L_2^2(\Bbb T)]. \end{displaymath} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %D=uI_{\Bbb T}+vS_{{\Bbb T}},\quad D\in [L_2^2(\Bbb T)] % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In the same papers acting by invertible operators from the right hand and left-hand side we reduced \begin{displaymath}%\label{aISQ} B_{\Bbb R}=aI_{\Bbb R}+bQ_{\Bbb R}+cS_{\Bbb R}+dQ_{\Bbb R}S_{\Bbb R},\ B_{\Bbb R}\in[L_2({\Bbb R})],\ {\Bbb R}=(+\infty,-\infty), \end{displaymath} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% where involution (QRφ)(x)=δ2+βxδφ[α(x)], α(x)=δx+βxδ, δ2+β3˘e0 \left(Q_{\Bbb R}\varphi\right)(x)= \frac{\sqrt{\delta^2+\beta}}{x-\delta}\varphi[\alpha(x)], \ \alpha(x)=\frac{\delta x + \beta}{x-\delta}, \ \delta^2+\beta\u3e0,\\ to a matrix characteristic singular integral operator without shift: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % HAE\mathcal{H}A\mathcal{E}, HBF=DR+,DR+=uR+IR++vR+SR+, {\mathcal{H}}B{\mathcal{F}}=D_{{\Bbb R}_+}, \quad D_{{\Bbb R}_+}=u{\Bbb R}_+I_{{\Bbb R}_+}+v{\Bbb R}_+S_{{\Bbb R}_+}, acting on the space L22(R+,x14), R+=(0,+)L_2^{2}({\Bbb R}_+,x^{-\frac{1}{4}}),\ {{\Bbb R}_+}= (0,+\infty) . We will refer to the formulas as operator equalities. Different applications of operator equalities to singular integral operators and to boundary value problems are considered. \medskip %Operators equalities are main tools \cite{Ka01 SMM}, \cite{Ka07 %MathNachr}. %\begin{thebibliography}{99} %\bibitem{Ka01 SMM} [1] A. A. Karelin, On a relation between singular integral operators with a Carleman linear-fractional shift and matrix characteristic operators without s hift, Boletin Soc. Mat. Mexicana Vol. 7 No. 12 (2001), pp. 235--246. %\bibitem{Ka07 MathNachr} [2] A. Karelin, Aplications of operator equalities to singular integral operators and to Riemann boundary value problems, Math. Nachr. Vol. 280 No. 9-10 (2007), pp. 1108--1117

    Міжнародний досвід впровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій задля розвитку регіонів в Україні

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional communications were in crisis. Many businesses have ceased to exist or are on the verge of bankruptcy. Local governments, as well as businesses, were forced to work during the first month of severe quarantine. We had to quickly transfer most business processes to the online environment to ensure the social distance of employees and reduce the possibility of their infection.The author analyzed the international experience of using information and communication technologies for the effective development of communities and territories. The article analyzes the introduction of "Digital Agendas" as a regulatory framework for the implementation of digital transformation at the local level. The role of digital infrastructure and digital literacy as factors of implementation and use of information and communication technologies is highlighted.The experience of implementing an innovation cluster on the example of the city of Oulu (Finland) is considered.Steps are proposed for the territorial communities of Ukraine to accelerate the implementation of digital transformation.Під час пандемії COVID-19 традиційні комунікації зазнали кризи. Багато суб’єктів бізнес-діяльності перестали існувати, або опинились на грані банкрутства. Органи місцевого самоврядування, як і бізнес, під час першого місяця жорсткого карантину вимушено майже не працювали. Оперативно прийшлося переводити більшість бізнес-процесів у онлайн середовище задля забезпечення соціальної дистанції співробітників та зменшення можливості їхнього зараження.Автор проаналізував міжнародний досвід використання інформаційно комунікаційних технологій задля ефективного розвитку громад та територій. У статті проаналізовано впровадження «Цифрових порядків денних» як нормативно правову базу впровадження цифрової трансформації на локальному рівні. Виокремлено роль цифрової інфраструктури та цифрової грамотності як факторів впровадження та використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. Розглянуто досвід впровадження інноваційного кластеру на прикладі міста Оулу (Фінляндія).Запропоновано кроки для територіальних громад України задля пришвидшення реалізації цифрової трансформації

    Conditions of Invertibility for Functional Operators with Shift in Weighted Hölder Spaces

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    We consider functional operators with shift in weighted Hölder spaces. The main result of the work is the proof of the conditions of invertibility for these operators. We also indicate the forms of the inverse operators. As an application, we propose to use these results for the solution of equations with shift encountered in the study of cyclic models for natural systems with renewable resources.Розглядаються функціональні оператори із зсувом у просторах Гельдера з вагою. Основним результатом роботи є встановлення умов оборотності для цих операторів. Вказано види оберненого оператора. Як застосування запропоновано використовувати отримані результати для розв'язання рівнянь із зсувом, які виникають при дослідженні циклічних моделей природних систем з ресурсами, що відновлюються

    Purity-bounded uncertainty relations in multidimensional space -- generalized purity

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    Uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states (precisely, purity-bounded position-momentum relations, developed by Bastiaans and then by Man'ko and Dodonov) are studied in general multi-dimensional case. An expression for family of mixed states at the lower bound of uncertainty relation is obtained. It is shown, that in case of entropy-bounded uncertainty relations, lower-bound state is thermal, and a transition from one-dimensional problem to multi-dimensional one is trivial. Results of numerical calculation of the relation lower bound for different types of generalized purity are presented. Analytical expressions for general purity-bounded relations for highly mixed states are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. draft version, to appear in J. Phys. A Partially based on a poster "Multidimensional uncertainty relations for states with given generalized purity" presented on X Intl. Conf. on Quantum Optics'2004 (Minsk, Belarus, May 30 -- June 3, 2004) More actual report is to be presented on ICSSUR-2005, Besan\c{c}on, France and on EQEC'05, Munich. V. 5: amended article after referees' remark

    Schmidt number of pure bi-partite entangled states and methods of its calculation

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    An entanglement measure for pure-state continuous-variable bi-partite problem, the Schmidt number, is analytically calculated for one simple model of atom-field scattering.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; based on the poster presentation reported on the 11th International Conference on Quantum Optics (ICQO'2006, Minsk, May 26 -- 31, 2006), to be published in special issue of Optics and Spectroscop

    Application of fluoride salt systems for obtaining titanium by the method of electrolysis

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    Fundamentally new fluoride method of synthesis of high-clean metal titanium powder from natural oxide concentrates has been proposed. In a closing stage of processing the electrolytic method of titanium tetrafluoride decomposition in soft eutectic of alkalis fluoride salts was used for the first time. Using this method in industrial practice allows excluding environment contamination with hazardous chemical substances and obtaining cheap high-clean metal titanium powde