83 research outputs found

    The Concept of the Implementation of Present Evidence-based Knowledge and Technology into the Preparation of Sport Professionals

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    AbstractThe study assesses the feasibility of the concept of professional preparation of sport teachers and instructors that attempts to connect education and research activities with the emphasis on presenting evidence-based knowledge and new technologies. The seven-year-long international study involved 670-850 university students annually. Students participated directly in the research activities that were in compliance with the curricula of sport education study programs. The presented educational model describes possibilities and major limits how to provide dozens evidence-based knowledge of prospective sport professionals in the areas of physical activity monitoring, self-assessment of physical fitness and evaluation of sport preferences

    Secular trends: a ten-year comparison of the amount and type of physical activity and inactivity of random samples of adolescents in the Czech Republic

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    BACKGROUND: An optimal level of physical activity (PA) in adolescence influences the level of PA in adulthood. Although PA declines with age have been demonstrated repeatedly, few studies have been carried out on secular trends. The present study assessed levels, types and secular trends of PA and sedentary behaviour of a sample of adolescents in the Czech Republic. METHODS: The study comprised two cross-sectional cohorts of adolescents ten years apart. The analysis compared data collected through a week-long monitoring of adolescents' PA in 1998-2000 and 2008-2010. Adolescents wore either Yamax SW-701 or Omron HJ-105 pedometer continuously for 7 days (at least 10 hours per day) excluding sleeping, hygiene and bathing. They also recorded their number of steps per day, the type and duration of PA and sedentary behaviour (in minutes) on record sheets. In total, 902 adolescents (410 boys; 492 girls) aged 14-18 were eligible for analysis. RESULTS: Overweight and obesity in Czech adolescents participating in this study increased from 5.5% (older cohort, 1998-2000) to 10.4% (younger cohort, 2008-2010). There were no inter-cohort significant changes in the total amount of sedentary behaviour in boys. However in girls, on weekdays, there was a significant increase in the total duration of sedentary behaviour of the younger cohort (2008-2010) compared with the older one (1998-2000). Studying and screen time (television and computer) were among the main sedentary behaviours in Czech adolescents. The types of sedentary behaviour also changed: watching TV (1998-2000) was replaced by time spent on computers (2008-2010).The Czech health-related criterion (achieving 11,000 steps per day) decreased only in boys from 68% (1998-2000) to 55% (2008-2010). Across both genders, 55%-75% of Czech adolescents met the health-related criterion of recommended steps per day, however less participants in the younger cohort (2008-2010) met this criterion than in the older cohort (1998-2000) ten years ago. Adolescents' PA levels for the monitored periods of 1998-2000 and 2008-2010 suggest a secular decrease in the weekly number of steps achieved by adolescent boys and girls. CONCLUSION: In the younger cohort (2008-2010), every tenth adolescent was either overweight or obese; roughly twice the rate when compared to the older cohort (1998-2000). Sedentary behaviour seems relatively stable across the two cohorts as the increased time that the younger cohort (2008-2010) spent on computers is compensated with an equally decreased time spent watching TV or studying. Across both cohorts about half to three quarters of the adolescents met the health-related criterion for achieved number of steps. The findings show a secular decrease in PA amongst adolescents. The significant interaction effects (cohort × age; and cohort × gender) that this study found suggested that secular trends in PA differ by age and gender

    A Comparison of Two Motion Sensors for the Assessment of Free-Living Physical Activity of Adolescents

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    This study assessed and compared the daily step counts recorded by two different motion sensors in order to estimate the free-living physical activity of 135 adolescent girls. Each girl concurrently wore a Yamax pedometer and an ActiGraph accelerometer (criterion measure) every day for seven consecutive days. The convergent validity of the pedometer can be considered intermediate when used to measure the step counts in free-living physical activity; but should be considered with caution when used to classify participants’ step counts into corresponding physical activity categories because of a likelihood of ‘erroneous’ classification in comparison with the accelerometer

    The Differences in Physical Activity Preferences and Practices among High versus Low Active Adolescents in Secondary Schools

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    This study aimed to (a) identify the differences in the preferred, practiced, and organized physical activity (PA) between high and low physically active Czech and Polish boys and girls and to (b) identify which types of PA are likely to be recommended by low active boys and girls. The research was carried out between 2010 and 2019 in the Czech Republic and Poland and included 6619 participants aged 15 to 19 years. The preferences and practices of the different types of PA and participation in organized PA were identified using a PA preference questionnaire and weekly PA was identified using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-long form. Czech and Polish boys and girls who were low active preferred less physically demanding and more health-oriented PA compared with high active individuals. Power exercises and participation in organized PA are the most significant predictors of achieving at least 3 × 20 min of vigorous PA per week among low active individuals in both countries. Monitoring the trends in the preferred and practiced types of PA among boys and girls is crucial for the effective promotion of PA to low active boys and girls and positive changes in physical education and school health policy

    Physical Activity Recommendations in the Context of New Calls for Change in Physical Education

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    The current social, health, and educational changes in society require an adequate response in school-based physical activity (PA), including physical education (PE) lessons. The objective of this study was to identify the real average step counts of Czech and Polish adolescents during PE lessons, and propose recommendations for improving PE programs. This research was carried out in 143 Czech and 99 Polish schools. In the research, a total of 4911 adolescents aged 12–18 years were analyzed as part of teaching practice and 1827 in the context of habitual school practice. Steps were monitored using pedometers. The average step count per PE lesson was 2390 in Czech and Polish boys, while girls achieved 1851 steps. In both countries, boys were subject to greater physical strain in PE lessons compared to girls, both in teaching practice (F(4088,3) = 154.49, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.102) and school practice (F(1552,3) = 70.66, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.103). Therefore, the priority in PE lessons is to increase the amount of PA for girls, achieve the objectives of PE during PA, and use wearables to improve awareness of PA and improve physical literacy, as well as to support hybrid and online PE as a complement to traditional PE

    Sociální a vztahové interakce v různých typech vyučovacích jednotek tělesné výchovy na pedagogických praxích Social and relational interactions in different types of PE lessons during student teachers' practice teaching

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    Hlavním cílem práce bylo analyzovat sociální a vztahové charakteristiky pedagogické praxe studentů učitelství tělesné výchovy a výsledky analýzy využít ke zkvalitnění profesní přípravy učitelů tělesné výchovy z interakčních hledisek a k účinnějšímu přenosu teoretických poznatků do školské praxe. V práci jsou zahrnuty výsledky hodnocení praktikantů sedmi vysokoškolských pracovišť v České republice a v Polsku. Analýza byla zaměřena na posouzení rozdílu v hodnocení habituálních a progresivních vyučovacích jednotek. Sledovány byly všechny základní charakteristiky edukačního procesu. Zvláštní důraz byl u žáků kladen na sociální a vztahovou složku s ohledem na různý typ řízení vyučovacích jednotek a měnící se roli žáků v edukačním procesu. Progresivní zásahy se pozitivně odrazily v hodnocení sociální [H (1, 18489) = 107.18; p = .00; η2 = .01] i vztahové [H (1, 18489) = 25.89; p = .00; η2 = .00] dimenze u žáků, praktikující studenti hodnotili míru změny vztahových ukazatelů pozitivněji v habituálních vyučovacích jednotkách [H (1, 1270) = .08; p = .87; η2 = .00], sociální dimenze [H (1, 1270) = 48.94; p = .00; η2 = .04] však byla rovněž hodnocena pozitivněji v progresivních vyučovacích jednotkách. I přes rozdíly v profesní přípravě učitelů v České republice a v Polsku nebyl rozdíl v jejich hodnocení výrazně odlišný. The main goal of the study was to analyze social and relational characteristics of student PE teachers' practice teaching. The results should be used to increase the quality of pre-professional PE teachers' preparation from the interaction point of view and should allow the effective transfer of theoretical knowledge into school practice. The experiment included evaluations of student teachers from seven PE colleges in the Czech Republic and in Poland. The analysis was focused on the difference between habitual and progressive PE lessons evaluation. All mainc haracteristics of education were observed. Special emphasis was placed on social and relational factor in pupils according to different types of leadership in PE lessons and to changing pupils' role in school PE. Progressive interventions were positively valuated in both the social [H (1, 18489) = 107.18; p = .00; η2 = .01] and relational [H (1, 18489) = 25.89; p = .00; η2 = .00] dimension. Student teachers valuated relational dimension more positively in habitual PE lessons [H (1, 18489) = 25.89; p = .00; η2 = .00], but social dimension was evaluated by them more positively in progressive PE lessons [H (1, 1270) = 48.94; p = .00; η2 = .04]. Although there is distinction between PE teachers' preparation in the Czech Republic and in Poland, the difference in PE lessons evaluation was not significantly different

    Physical activity in 25-57 year old inhabitants of the Ústí region in relation to employment

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    BACKGROUND: The social and health conditions in the inhabitants in the Ústí region are generally considered the worst in the Czech Republic. The high rate of unemployment there is to be considered as one of the significant factors of socio-economical status. AIM: The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between physical activity (PA) in the adult population, the unemployment and other sociodemographic factors. Further, to identify information that could be used in formulating regional health policy and in the promotion of healthy and physically active lifestyle in the adult population. METHODS: In total, 467 women and 360 men aged 25-57, randomly selected, participated in the study. PA was estimated for last seven days using the IPAQ questionnaire. The PA structure included job related activities, transport, and recreational activities. Further, we estimated vigorous, moderate and walking activities. The data for each PA type and PA intensity were analyzed for the employed and the unemployed men and women. To carry out the statistical analysis, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The results have confirmed that men perform more physical activity than women (both employed and unemployed) at work and more vigorous PA. On the other hand, both employed and unemployed women were more physically active at home than men. Cycling as a means of transport was used most by unemployed men and walking was the highest in unemployed women. More chances to meet the recommendation of 1200 MET-min of vigorous PA in a week were found in employed men with lower education, unemployed men living in walking and cycling friendly neighborhoods and in inhabitants performing organized PA. Performing moderate PA, the chances to meet the recommendation of 1200 MET-min in a week were found in educated employed people, people living in a family house, employed people owning a dog, and employed people performing organized PA. CONCLUSION: The differences found between PA in employed and unemployed people in the Ústí region can be used when creating re-qualification programs, dealing with issues in social, psychological and health areas especially in the unemployed population

    Gender-Specific Associations between Perceived Neighbourhood Walkability and Meeting Walking Recommendations When Walking for Transport and Recreation for Czech Inhabitants over 50 Years of Age

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    Few studies have investigated the different effects that the built environment may have on the physical activity behaviours of men and women. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate the gender differences in meeting walking recommendations in relation to perceived neighbourhood walkability attributes within the active transportation and leisure-time domains for Czech inhabitants over 50 years of age. The sample included 1,417 men and 1,422 women who were randomly selected. The Abbreviated Neighbourhood Environment Walkability Scale (ANEWS) was used to obtain information about the perceived environment. The self-administered long version of the IPAQ was used to assess physical activity levels. When walking for transport, men living in neighbourhoods with high street connectivity (OR = 1.47, CI = 1.04–2.9) and higher traffic and crime safety (OR = 1.28, CI = 1.02–1.6) and women living in neighbourhoods with high proximity (OR = 1.36, CI = 1.04–1.77) and high neighbourhood aesthetics (OR = 1.36, CI = 1.04–1.76) were more likely to meet recommended levels of walking. No environmental attributes were found to significantly influence the accomplishment of walking recommendations by men or women when walking for leisure. The study results indicate the gender-specific associations between transportation-related walking and the environment factors. The consideration of those factors in the design of gender-specific walking interventions for Czech inhabitants may help the interventions to be more effective in promotion of physical activity

    Vliv demografických ukazatelů na plnění doporučení pro pohybovou aktivitu u českých vysokoškolských studentů Physical activity recommendation and its association with demographic variables in Czech university students

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    Vzdělaní lidé, zejména pak vysokoškolští studenti mají lepší přístup k informacím o důležitosti plnění zdravotních doporučení k pohybové aktivitě a jejich významnosti pro zdravý a aktivní životní styl. Cílem studie je zjistit, zda univerzitní studenti v České republice plní tato doporučení a které demografické ukazatele mají největší vliv na jejich plnění. Pro šetření byl využit mezinárodní dotazník pohybové aktivity (IPAQ) – krátká verze a do logistické regresní analýzy vstoupily údaje z dotazníků od 2400 českých vysokoškolských studentů. Jako nezávislé proměnné jsme zvolili: (a) zda plní doporučení pro intenzivní PA (3 × 20 minut týdně) či ne, (b) zda plní doporučení pro středně zatěžující PA (5 × 30 minut týdně) a (c) zda plní doporučení pro chůzi (5 × 30 minut týdně). Mezi závislé proměnné, které mohou splnění těchto doporučení ovlivňovat, jsme z dotazníku zařadili věk, pohlaví, BMI, místo bydliště, způsob bydlení, způsob života, kouření, vlastnictví auta nebo kola a pravidelnou účast v organizované PA. Z analýzy vyplynulo, že nejvýznamnějším faktorem, který ovlivňuje plnění doporučení PA, jednoznačně patří pravidelná účast v organizované PA. Větší pravděpodobnost, že splní doporučení PA, mají muži, jednadvacetiletí studenti a ti studenti, kteří žijí na vesnici, v rodině, nekouří a vlastní kolo. Více než 85 % českých vysokoškolských studentů splnilo obecná doporučení PA, ale přesto je potřeba posílit propagaci o vhodném množství prováděné středně zatěžující pohybové aktivitě, jelikož příslušné doporučení splnilo pouze 19 % studentů. Educated people have got better information about the importance of a proper amount of physical activity, but whether Czech university students meet recommendations for physical activity is not clearly known. International Physical Activity Questionnaire – short version, was collected from 2400 university students and analyzed by the logistical regression method. Meeting recommendations for vigorous PA, moderate PA and walking served as independent variables. Czech university students are a sufficiently active social group, more than 85% of them meet physical activity recommendations and the most influential variable is regular participation in PA. Although students practice an adequate amount of PA in total, there should be some promotion of moderate intensity PA and its suitable portion for young adults

    Pohybová aktivita dětí a mládeže: Ukazatele k hodnocení z hlediska podpory zdraví Physical activity of youth: Evaluation guidelines from the viewpoint of health support

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    Hlavním cílem této studie je na základě 6letého monitorování pohybové aktivity (dále PA) pomocí akcelerometrů a pedometrů stanovit ukazatele k hodnocení úrovně PA z hlediska podpory zdraví u českých dětí a mládeže. Pro návrh kritérií byla použita data z triangulačního týdenního monitorování PA (akcelerometr Caltrac × pedometr Omron × individuální záznam = energetický výdej × kroky × FITT charakte-ristiky PA) od 1504 děvčat a 1163 chlapců ve věku 6–23 let. Vyjádření ukazatelů k hodnocení PA z hlediska podpory zdraví pomocí relativních hodnot aktivního energetického výdeje (kcal·kg–1·den–1) umožňují srovnávat somaticky odlišné skupin děvčat a chlapců v různých věkových kategoriích. Při analýze dat zjišťujeme v pracovních i víkendových dnech výrazné korelační závislosti (rS = 0,56–0,75) mezi aktivním energetickým výdejem z Caltracu (kcal·kg–1·den–1) a denním počtem kroků z Omronu. Stanovené ukazatele mohou přispět k posuzování stávající úrovně PA a k tvorbě efektivních intervenčních pohybových programů. Příslibem širšího, "populárnějšího" využití navržených ukazatelů je jejich vyjádření prostřednictvím denního počtu kroků. The main goal of this study is to develop guidelines for physical activity (PA hereafter) evaluation from the viewpoint of health support in Czech youth, based on 6 years of monitoring of PA with accelerometers and pedometers. For the guidelines proposal we used data from weekly triangular monitoring of PA (accelerometer Caltrac × pedometer Omron × individual logs = energy expenditure × steps × FITT characteristics of PA) in 1504 females and 1163 males aged 6 to 23. We expressed the guidelines by the means of relative values of active energy expenditure (kcal·kg–1·day–1) which enabled us to compare somatic different groups of females and males of different ages. Data analysis shows significant correlation (rS = .56 – .75) between the active energy expenditure from Caltrac (kcal·kg–1·day–1) and the steps from Omron (number·day–1) in both working and weekend days. The developed guidelines can help to evaluate the level of PA and to create effective interventional PA programs. To express the guidelines in a daily number of steps seems to be a good step towards their larger and more popular use