46 research outputs found

    Zastosowania LEDów w komunikacji samochodowej

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    The passengers safety, the decrease of mortality on European roads, the increase of individual transport and reducing of CO2 emission are important concepts, which coming to the fore in automotive industry at the present time. The only solution of the aspects mentioned above is establishment of informative-communicative (cooperative) systems. The International Organizations (Car2Car Communications Consortium, GeoNET) had built the core of problems solution of informative-communicative systems construction on wireless communication in range of radio frequency (802.11p WAVE, CALM M5). Thanks to the significant advance in the quality of vehicles lighting, in the form of implementation of LED technologies, and development of adaptive lighting systems, shows the car communication systems based on optical free space networks that are next developmental milestone in the construction of informative-communicative (cooperative) systems V2V2I (Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to- Infrastructure).Bezpieczeństwo pasażerów, spadek liczby wypadków śmiertelnych na drogach Europy, wzrost liczby pojazdów i ograniczenie emisji CO2 to ważne wyzwania stojące dzisiaj przed przemysłem samochodowym. Jedynym rozwiązaniem wszystkich tych problemów jest wykorzystanie systemów informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Organizacje międzynarodowe (Konsorcjum Car2Car, GeoNet) tworzą narzędzia informacyjnokomunikacyjne bazujące na komunikacji bezprzewodowej dla częstotliwości (802,1p WAVE, CALM M5). Dzięki istotnemu rozwojowi jakości oświetlenia samochodowego, m.in. wdrożenia systemów LED i adaptacyjnych, możliwe staje się wprowadzanie systemów komunikacji pojazdów opartych na otwartych sieciach optycznych, co w dalszej kolejności umożliwi wprowadzenie informacyjno-komunikacyjnych systemów V2V2I

    Heat transfer in a confined impinging jet with swirling velocity component

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    Heat transfer measurements based on an infrared experimental method (TOIRT) are compared with CFD simulations of a confined impinging jet with tangential velocity component. The tangential velocity component added to a pure impinging jet introduces into the flow field and heat transfer some similarities with real industrial processes like agitated vessels with axial-flow impellers. The tangential velocity component significantly influences the velocity field and heat transfer intensity in the stagnant region when compared to the classic impinging jet characteristics. Several turbulence models were used in numerical simulations of an agitated vessel with axial-flow impeller in a draft tube. Heat transfer coefficients at the vessel bottom were evaluated using the TOIRT method and compared with numerical results. The lateral heat conduction in the impinged wall was analysed with the conclusion that it has relatively small impact on the measured heat transfer coefficients. Quite good agreement of experimental data and simulation results was achieved concerning the size and position of the heat transfer maximum at the vessel bottom

    Genotyping a second growth coast redwood forest : a high throughput methodology

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    The idea that excitonic (electronic) coherences are of fundamental importance to natural photosynthesis gained popularity when slowly dephasing quantum beats (QBs) were observed in the two-dimensional electronic spectra of the Fenna–Matthews–Olson (FMO) complex at 77 K. These were assigned to superpositions of excitonic states, a controversial interpretation, as the strong chromophore–environment interactions in the complex suggest fast dephasing. Although it has been pointed out that vibrational motion produces similar spectral signatures, a concrete assignment of these oscillatory signals to distinct physical processes is still lacking. Here we revisit the coherence dynamics of the FMO complex using polarization-controlled two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, supported by theoretical modelling. We show that the long-lived QBs are exclusively vibrational in origin, whereas the dephasing of the electronic coherences is completed within 240 fs even at 77 K. We further find that specific vibrational coherences are produced via vibronically coupled excited states. The presence of such states suggests that vibronic coupling is relevant for photosynthetic energy transfer


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    Advancement in information and communication technology in past two decades instigated changes in many other domains. The domain of medicine and especially processing of picture data acquired from medicine diagnostic equipment like RTG, CT, etc., is one of domains which didn’t avoid utilization of ICT. This paper documents deployment of computer technology for transport and processing of medicine picture data in the Brno region. These activities are known under the label MeDiMed.Rozvoj počítačových a komunikačních technologií v uplynulých dvou dekádách podnítil změny v řadě dalších oborů. Využití počítačových technologií se nevyhnula ani oblast medicíny, zejména zpracování obrazových dat získávaných z diagnostických přístrojů typu RTG, CT a dalších. Tento článek dokumentuje nasazení počítačových technologií pro přenos a zpracování medicínských obrazových dat v Brněnské aglomeraci, které je známé pod označením MeDiMed

    Heat transfer measurements and CFD simulations of an impinging jet

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    Heat transport in impinging jets makes a part of many experimental and numerical studies because some similarities can be identified between a pure impingement jet and industrial processes like, for example, the heat transfer at the bottom of an agitated vessel. In this paper, experimental results based on measuring the response to heat flux oscillations applied to the heat transfer surface are compared with CFD simulations. The computational cost of a LES-based approach is usually too high therefore a comparison with less computationally expensive RANS-based turbulence models is made in this paper and a possible improvement of implementing an anisotropic explicit algebraic model for the turbulent heat flux model is evaluated


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    Heat transfer measurements and CFD simulations of an impinging jet

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    Heat transport in impinging jets makes a part of many experimental and numerical studies because some similarities can be identified between a pure impingement jet and industrial processes like, for example, the heat transfer at the bottom of an agitated vessel. In this paper, experimental results based on measuring the response to heat flux oscillations applied to the heat transfer surface are compared with CFD simulations. The computational cost of a LES-based approach is usually too high therefore a comparison with less computationally expensive RANS-based turbulence models is made in this paper and a possible improvement of implementing an anisotropic explicit algebraic model for the turbulent heat flux model is evaluated