11 research outputs found

    Performance of Several Sweet Potatoes Genotypes from Simalungun and Dairi Highlands

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        Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is one of the food crops that can be used to diversify menus to maintain rice self-sufficiency. This research aim was to analyze the morphological character and production of several sweet potato genotypes in the highlands. This research was carried out in the experimental garden area of Balitsa, Tongkoh village, Berastagi Subdistrict, Karo District - Sumatera Utara, at an altitude of ± 1440 masl. This research was conducted from May to October 2018. This research used a randomized block design (RBD) method with one factorial, namely sweet potato genotype, which consists of the Seribu Dolok Genotype, Kampung Kesemak Genotype, Batang Beruh Genotype, Tanah Seribu Genotype, and the Beta-1 Variety. The observation variables being observed were morphological characters, tendrils length, tuber number per sample, tuber weight per sample, tuber weight per plot, and organoleptic test. The results showed that there were significant differences in the morphological characteristics of sweet potato genotypes, namely the increasing parameters of tendrils length, number of tubers per sample, tuber weight per sample, and tuber weight per plot


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    Desa Gunung Serawan, Kecamatan Bandar Masilam terletak sekitar 145 km dari kota Medan. Sebagian masyarakat yang memiliki ladang dan lahan pekarangan telah memanfaatkan dengan menanami kakao. Kualitas biji kakao yang dihasilkan masih rendah sehingga nilai jualnya juga rendah. Akibatnya pendapatan petani dari kebun kakao juga masih rendah. Rendahnya kualitas biji kakao antara lain bersumber dari proses fermentasi yang kurang sempurna serta proses pengeringan yang kurang baik. Proses fermentasi masih menggunakan karungkarung bekas sehingga banyak biji yang busuk. Pengeringan biji kakao dilakukan di halaman rumah dan masih mengandalkan panas dari sumber matahari sehingga permasalahan muncul pada kondisi cuaca kurang baik. Proses pengeringan seperti ini menyebabkan biji kakao masih mengandung kadar air yang tinggi sehingga dapat menyebabkan busuk terserang cendawan atau jamur. Kelompok tani Sri Gunung dan Serawan Jaya telah mencoba mengatasi hambatan-hambatan ini. Faktor kurangnya modal dan pengetahuuan menyebabkan program kelompok tani tersebut mengalami kendala. Tim pengabdian pada masyarakat USU memberikan solusi dengan cara pembuatan peralatan fermentasi dan pengeringan biji kakao yang dirakit bersama-sama dengan masyarakat agar selain mereka akan memiiki peraatan yang mereka butuhkan juga terjadi transfer ilmu dan teknologi yang dapat mereka kembangkan kelak ke depan

    The effect of drought stress on root morphology of several red rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) in the vegetative phase

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    This study aims to determine the effect of drought stress on root morphology, namely root length, root volume, and dry root weight of red rice on the vegetative phase. This research began in July-October 2018 in the Greenhouse area of ​​the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 treatment factors, namely, genotype consisting of 5 red rice genotypes (Inpago 7 variety, B11908D-MR-2-2-4 strain, B11423G-MR-17 strain, B11186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain, and G15175C-TB-13 strain) and watering frequency consisting of 4 levels of treatment (every day, once every 5 days, once every 10 days and 15 days) with 5 replications. The results showed that the genotypes of red rice showed significant differences in root length, root volume, and dry weight of root. B1186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain has the highest average root length (42.29 cm), root volume (29.63 ml), and dry weight of root  (6.46 g) compared to other strains. Watering frequency of every 15 days shows the highest root length average (42.51 cm), watering frequency of every 5 days shows the highest root height average (24.60 ml), dry weight of root (5.21 g), and interaction between the genotypes of red rice and the frequency of watering does not show a significant effect


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    The study of identification and inventory of cassava accessions was done from August to September 2014 in four districts based on their potential as a center for cassava cultivation, namely Simalungun, Serdang Bedagai, Deli Serdang, Langkat Regency representing the lowlands and Simalungun and Karo Regency representing the highlands. Each district was selected 3 subdistricts and each subdistrict was surveyed 3 villages randomly through the accidental sampling method. Guidance on identifying morphological characters was used by reference from Fukuda, et al. (2010) by giving a score for each character observed. The results of the study obtained 8 genotypes with their respective codes and local names; 1) Sawit (G1), 2) Lampung (G2), 3) Merah (G3), 4) Adira-1 (G4), 5) Kalimantan (G5), 6) Malaysia (G6), 7) Roti (G7) and 8) Klanting (G8). The most common genotype found in the location were Malaysia and Adira-1, while the rarest was Merah. The yield potential at the age of 10 months were Sawit (26,9–30,1 tons/ha), Lampung (29,6–52,6 tons/ha), Merah (54–61,6tons/ha), Adira-1 (34,8–55,0 tons/ha),  Kalimantan (15,8–64,2 tons/ha), Malaysia (32,9–64,3 tons/ha), , Roti (24,7–55,5 tons/ha), and Klanting (327,4–49,8 tons/ha)

    The Effect of Drought Stress on Root Morphology of Several Red Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) in the Vegetative Phase

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    Red rice is rice consumed without going through the process of ignition, which has nutrients such as fiber, essential fatty acids and several other vitamins. One abiotic stress which is the limiting factor in the cultivation of red rice is drought stress.This study aims to determine the effect of drought stress on root morphology, namely root length, root volume, and dry root weight of red rice on vegetative phase. This research began in July-October 2018 in the Greenhouse area of ​​the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 treatment factors, namely, genotype consisting of 5 red rice genotypes (Inpago 7 variety, B11908D-MR-2-2-4 strain, B11423G-MR-17 strain, B11186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain, and G15175C-TB-13 strain) and watering frequency consisting of 4 levels of treatment (every day, once every 5 days, once every 10 days and 15 days) with 5 replications. The results showed that the genotypes of red rice showed significant differences in root length, root volume, and dry weight of root. B1186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain has the highest average root length (42.29 cm), root volume (29.63 ml), and dry weight of root  (6.46 g) compared to other strains. Watering frequency of every 15 days shows the highest root length average (42.51 cm), watering frequency of every 5 days shows the highest root height average (24.60 ml), dry weight of root (5.21 g), and interaction between the genotypes of red rice and the frequency of watering does not show a significant effect


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    Inventory of ferns in the University of Medan Area subdistrict Percut Sei Tuan district of Deli Serdang North Sumatra. Ferns generaly live in moist place and open. In the campus of the University of Medan Area 1 has a variety of tree, thus enabling the discovery of epiphytic and terrestrial nails done in campus of the University of Medan Area. The method used in this research is descriptive exploration techniques and documentation, that one the rescarch by describing an object without exaggerated. The sample used in the total sample using purposive sampling method. The results obtained many as 15 species consist of 11 epiphytic ferns are (Davallia trichomanides, Nephrolepis hirsutula, Asplenium nidus, Pyrrosia piloselloides, Pyrrosia lanceolata, Tectaria sp, Drymoglossum piloselloides, Drynaria quercifolia, Selliguea sp, Goniophlebium verrucosum, Vittaria elongata), and four terrestrial namely (Adiantum trafeziforme, Acrostichum aureum, Lygodium circinnatum, Thelypteris sp

    Keberhasilan Terbentuknya Tunas Mikro Anggrek (Cattleya trianae Lindl & Rchb.fil.) Dalam Beberapa Komposisi Medium: The achievement of shaped micro shoots orchid (Cattleya trianae Lindl & Rchb.fil.) in some mediums composition

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    The research aims to find the most suitable multiplication medium for orchid propagation. The research was conducted in Tissue Culture Laboratory U PT. Seeds Horticulture, Johor, Medan, North of Sumatera, Indonesia, from September 2016 to January 2017. Th e study used completelyrandomized design with two factors; types of medium, consist of two levels, B1: liquid medium and B2: solid medium, and six medium composition, J1: MS + BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l; J2: ¾ MS + BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l; J3:½ MS+ BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l; J4:VW+ BAP 1ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l; J5: Nitsch & Nitsch + BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l; J6: ½ Nitsch & Nitsch + BAP 1ppm + coconut water.The results showed that solid medium shows the best medium multiplication of orchid. Medium ½ NN + BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l; M edia ¾ MS + BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150ml/L are the most of medium shoot induction. The interaction between solid medium and combination medium NN + BAP 1 ppm + coconut water 150 ml/l gave the shoot and root prolongation of Cattleya . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan media multiplikasi yang terbaik dan efisien dari segi penggunaan bahan kimia untuk produksi bibit anggrek Cattleya trianae Lindl & Rchb.fil. melalui kultur in vitro. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan UPT. Balai Benih Induk Hortikultura Gedung Johor Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, pada September 2016 sampai dengan Januari 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak l engkap dengan dua faktor, yaitu: bentuk media, terdiri dari dua tingkatan, B1: media cair dan B2: media padat, dan jenis komposisi media terdiri dari enam komposisi, J1: MS + BAP 1 ppm + air kelapa150 ml/l; J2: ¾ MS + BAP 1 pm + air kelapa 150 ml/l; J3: ½ MS+ BAP 1 ppm + air kelapa 150 ml/l; J4 : VW+ BAP 1ppm + air kelapa 150 ml/l; J5: Nitsch & Nitsch + BAP 1 ppm + air kelapa 150 ml/l; J6: ½ Nitsch & Nitsch + BAP 1ppm + air kelapa 150 ml/l. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media padat menunjukkan media multiplikasi anggrek terbaik. Media ½ NN + BAP 1 ppm + air kelapa 150 ml/l merupakan media terbaik untuk munculnya tunas tercepat dan jumlah tunas terbanyak. Interaksi bentuk media padat dengan jenis komposisi mediaNN + BAP 1 ppm + air kelapa 150 ml/l memberi pertambahan panjang tunas dan pertambahan panjang akar pada anggrek Cattleya

    Growth and Production Response of Varieties of Mung Beans (Vigna radiata L.) to Gibberellin Concentration in the Saline Field

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    This study aims to determine the growth and production response of some mung bean varieties with the application of gibberellin at different concentrations in the saline field. This research was conducted at Hamparan Perak , District of Deli Serdang North Sumatera, Medan (± 3-9 m asl) from May - August 2017. The tretment was arranged by Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors, three mung green varieties (Vima-1, Vima-2, and Vima-3) and GA3 concentration (0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm). The results showed that there were significant diffrent among varieties on plant height, the number of pods per plant, and the diameter of the seed. Gibberellin concentration gives sinificant effect to the plant height in 3 and 5 week after pllanted, root volume, and seed diameter. The interaction between aplication gibberellins and varieties had a significant effect on the root volume


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    Tim Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) mengusulkan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) ini di Desa Bandar Masilam I atas dasar keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang dimilikinya. Desa ini terletak di bagian tengah Provinsi Sumatera Utara, sekitar 145 km dari kota Medan dan dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan roda 2 dan roda 4. Kondisi jalan ke desa yang kurang baik menyebabkan waktu tempuh dari Medan dapat mencapai 4 jam. Letak desa diantara perkebunan kelapa sawit milik pemerintah maupun swasta. Masyarakat desa Bandar Masilam I sebagian besar petani dan sebagai buruh di perkebunan yang ada di sekitarnya. Sebagian masyarakat yang memiliki ladang dan lahan pekarangan telah memanfaatkan dengan menanami kelapa sawit. Kualitas sawit yang kurang baik menyebabkan harga jual menjadi tidak menentu, sehingga sebagian masyarakat sudah mencoba beralih ke komoditi kakao. Gapoktan Serumpun, kelompok tani Mandiri, Lestari dan Mekar Sari telah mencoba menanam kakao dengan bibit yang bersertifikat dan berkualitas. Sebagian bibit kakao bersertifikat berasal dari pengabdian pada masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara tahun 2017. Pendapatan masyarakat yang masih rendah sebagai salah satu kendala dalam budidaya kakao karena harus menunggu waktu panen yang cukup lama. Perlu dilakukan langkah untuk menambah pendapatan masyarakat dari lahan kakao yang mereka miliki. Tim pengabdian pada masyarakat USU mencoba memberikan solusi dengan cara memberikan bantuan bibit tanaman tumpangsari yang berkualitas dan bersertifikat untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani/pekebun. Selain itu juga diberikan teknologi perawatan terhadap tanaman tumpangsari dan tanaman utama yang tepat kepada kelompok tani. Dari usaha yang dilakukan ini diharapkan kelompok tani yang menjadi mitra tim dari USU ini akan menjadi pelopor dalam menghasilkan produksi kakao yang berkualitas dan juga memperoleh pendapatan sampingan dari tanaman tumpangsari

    Identifikasi Karakter Morfologis Asam Gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis Griff. ex T. Anders) di Beberapa Kabupaten Sumatera Utara : Identification of morphological characteristic of Asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis Griff. ex T. Anders) in some district North Sumatera

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakter morfologis dan hubungan kekerabatan tanaman asam gelugur yang ada di beberapa Kabupaten Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Kabupaten Langkat dan Kabupaten Serdang Berdagai pada bulan Mei-September 2016 dengan metode survei menggunakan panduan deskriptor asam gelugur IPGRI. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara accidental sampling. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, panjang batang, lingkaran batang, permukaan batang, bentuk tajuk, warna daun muda, warna daun tua, ukuran daun (panjang dan lebar), bentuk daun, bentuk pangkal daun, bentuk ujung daun, tepi daun, tulang daun, ukuran bunga, kedudukan bunga, warna kelopak bunga, warna mahkota bunga, bentuk buah, jumlah segmen pada buah, diameter buah, berat buah, ukuran buah, ketebalan kulit buah, warna buah masak, panjang biji, lebar biji, jumlah biji per buah, bentuk biji, warna biji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di tiga Kabupaten Sumatera Utara terdapat 21 aksesi asam gelugur yang diidentifikasi. Hasil karakterisasi morfologis untuk bentuk tajuk (piramida dan bulat panjang), permukaan batang (licin, kasar, sangat kasar), daun (jorong, memanjang, lanset), bunga (bunga betina dan bunga hermaprodit), buah (bulat, merata, bujur telur)