58 research outputs found

    Pirmoko šeimos įtrauka į mokyklos bendruomenę pailgintos dienos grupėje

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    It can be stated that the relationship between teachers and parents/ children’s legal guardians is also the relationship of mutual learning. The article makes the onclusions that unitedness and differentiation from the school community of the first-form students attending the extended day group primarily indicates the positive attitude of the mothers surveyed towards the education of a child when organizing his / her activities promoting academic, physical development and social self-respect. However, only a minor part of the resdpondents were involved into the activity of the extended day group due to the lack of adequate information; besides, they rarely participate in the process of decision taking there. The involvement of the first-year students into the school community is based on children’s academic activities within the extended day group promoting reading, writing and calculation skills. Besides, in order to take care of the efficiency of the social net student – parents – school, it is essential to respond to the parents’ Įteikta: 2008 09 15 Priimta: 2009 03 09need of ensuring their children’s safety and full-scale occupation after lessons.Docentė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarėLietuvos kūno kultūros akademijosSveikatos ir fizinio aktyvumo katedraSporto g. 6, LT-44221 KaunasTel. 8 37 30 26 37El. paštas: [email protected] pateikiamas atvejo tyrimas, siekiant atskleisti pirmoko šeimos įtraukos į mokyklos bendruomenę ypatumus. Kadangi pabrėžiama, jog pirmoko savijautai, o ypač jo akademinei, fizinei ir socialinei savigarbai reikšmingas tokio socialinio tinklo šeima – mokykla – bendruomenė funkcionavimas, tai gilinamasi į pailgintos dienos grupės veiklą, parodant, kaip siekiama įtraukti pirmoko šeimą tiek į mokyklos, tiek į vietos bendruomenę. Atkreipiamas dėmesys, kiek pirmokų tėvai (mamos) žino apie pailgintos dienos grupės veiklą, kiek dalyvauja priimant sprendimus. Parodoma, kas bendradarbiaujant džiugina pirmokų mamas. Pateikiama apibendrinta pirmokų mamų nuomonė apie mokyklos ir šeimos skirties priežastis


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    When highlighting the impact of globalization as a controversial concept in the process of teaching the native tongue, the present article focuses on the value of the native tongue in the professional activity of a pedagogue. The responsibility of the lecturer of a specific subject as an educator of the native tongue concerning the use of the native tongue in the context of the peculiarities of fulfilling this role in the profes­sional activity is highlighted. The obtained empirical data have revealed that teachers of physical education more favourably evaluate of teachers-educators rath­er than teachers of physical education as improvers of the native tongue and promoters of ethnic identity. A presupposition is made that the athletic biography of teachers and their former experience as students in the lessons of physical education have an impact on their attitude towards the knowledge of their native tongue and its skills in professional activity.Profesorė socialinių mokslų daktarė Utenos kolegijos Sveikatos priežiūros ir reabilitacijos katedra Maironio g. 7, LT-28142 Utena El. paštas: [email protected] habilituotas socialinių mokslų daktaras Utenos kolegijos Sveikatos priežiūros ir reabilitacijos katedra Maironio g. 7, LT-28142 Utena El. paštas: [email protected]ėžiant globalizacijos kaip kontroversiškos koncepcijos vaidmenį ugdant gimtąją kalbą, straips­nyje aktualizuojama gimtosios kalbos vertė pedagogo profesinėje veikloje. Iškeliama konkretaus mokomojo dalyko mokytojo atsakomybė už jo kaip kalbos ugdytojo vaidmens įgyvendinimo ypa­tumus profesinėje veikloje. Gauti empiriniai duomenys atskleidė, kad tirti kūno kultūros mokytojai palankiau vertina mokytoją kaip kalbos ugdytoją, palyginti su kūno kultūros mokytojo kaip savo kalbos tobulintojo ir kalbinio tapatumo puoselėtojo vaidmeniu. Keliama prielaida, kad mokytojų atletinė biografija ir jų kaip mokinių patirtis kūno kultūros pamokose turi reikšmės jų požiūriui į gimtosios kalbos žinias ir mokėjimus profesinėje veikloje

    Kūno kultūros ugdytojų subjektyvi asmeninė gerovė ir jos sąsajos su socialinės komunikacijos nuostata

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    This article analyses the subjective well-being of physical education teachers as well as its connection to the manifestations of attitude towards social communication that can impact educators’ professional activities. In order to carry out the research an independent sample of physical education teachers was constructed. The method of written questionnaire was used. The results allowed to make conclusions on teachers’ subjectively evaluated personal and social wellbeing. It was discovered that those with less work experience and more frequent exercise during their leisure time tend to be more optimistic about their personal wellbeing. Additionally, male physical education teachers were more optimistic about personal wellbeing over the past four weeks than their female counterparts. More optimistic teachers more often support open expression of discontent and rudeness during communication with other people and nagging in the social life. The results show that overall performance of physical education teachers can be guaranteed by their involvement in health-improving activities carried out in their work places, since the well-being of these specialists can be considered as a determinant for life-long health promoting physical activity for the members of society.Pristatoma kūno kultūros ugdytojų subjektyviai vertinama asmeninė gerovė ir jos sąsajos su socialinės komunikacijos nuostatos apraiškomis. Tyrimui atlikti sukonstruota nepriklausoma imtis. Taikant apklausos raštu metodą gauta: optimistiškiau asmeninę gerovę vertina mažiau metų dirbantys, laisvalaikiu dažniau besimankštinantys. Vyrai asmeninę gerovę per paskutines keturias savaites apibūdino optimistiškiau nei moterys. Atskleista tendencija: optimistiškiau asmeninę gerovę vertinantys dažniau pasisako už atvirą pasipiktinimą bei niurzgėjimą socialiniame gyvenime

    Physical activity in extended day groups of primary schools : the interface of the needs of first-grade students and their parents

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    Straipsnyje aprašomas tyrimas apie fizinį aktyvumą pradinės mokyklos pailgintos dienos grupėje. Tyrimo aktualumas pagrindžiamas remiantis sociologiniais tyrimais, parodančiais, kad įvairūs lėtiniai sveikatos sutrikimai prasideda vaikystėje dėl fizinio aktyvumo stokos. Be to, konstatuota, kad moksleivių fizinis aktyvumas visame pasaulyje išgyvena krizę. Kadangi viena iš šios krizės priežasčių – įdomių fizinio aktyvumo formų per kūno kultūros pamokas ir popamokiniu metu trūkumas, lyginant su užmokyklinėmis pratybomis arba sporto renginiais, kuriuos moksleiviai stebi per televizorių, – tai tyrimu siekta atskleisti, kaip pradinių klasių pailgintos dienos grupėje rūpinamasi pirmokų fiziniu aktyvumu atliepiant tėvų ir jų vaikų poreikius dėl šios grupės veiklos. Norint atskleisti fizinio aktyvumo apraiškas pailgintos dienos grupės veikloje, tyrimo metu taikytas struktūruoto interviu metodas. Buvo tiriami Kauno rajono N pagrindinės mokyklos pradinių klasių pailgintos dienos grupės 27 pirmokai (13 berniukų ir 14 mergaičių). Interviu vyko atskirai su kiekvienu mokiniu (nuo 20 iki 30 min) ir vienu iš jo tėvų (tuo, kuris sutiko dalyvauti tyrime, t. y. 25-45 min kalbėtasi su mama). Pokalbiai įrašyti į garso juostą, paskui parengti interviu protokolai. Kiekybinė tyrimo duomenų analizė atlikta taikant aprašomosios ir inferencinės statistikos metodus. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad pirmokai patenkinti pailgintos grupės veikla dėl jiems aktualaus mokinio vaidmens. Tačiau dauguma apklausos dalyvių pirmokų norėtų, kad grupėje būtų galima ilgiau žaisti, lyginant su akademinių gebėjimų plėtrai skiriamų veiklų trukme. Pastebėta, kad pirmokai berniukai dažniau nei mergaitės renkasi įvairias fizinio aktyvumo formas. Tėvų apklausa parodė, kad siekiama ir po pamokų labiau rūpintis vaikų akademinių mokėjimų formavimu nei jų amžių bei interesus atitinkančios veiklos organizavimu. Atsižvelgiant į tai konstatuojama, kad mokytojo ir pirmoko šeimos bendradarbiavimas nėra paremtas tokia idėja kaip vaiko ugdymas siekiant jo fizinio aktyvumo visą gyvenimą. Straipsnyje aptartų idėjų įgyvendinimas turėtų būti realizuotas kuriant ir tobulinant programas, atliepiančias tėvų poreikius. Siektina, kad veiklose dalyvautų ir tėvai. Tokių programų veiksmingumo tyrimas galėtų atskleisti, ar socialinių santykių raidoje keičiasi tėvų įpročiai dėl vaikų mokymosi metodų ir formų, kai iškeliama idėja apie vaikų fizinio aktyvumo puoselėjimą galvojant apie jų sveikatą visą gyvenimą.Article describes analysis of physical activity in an extended day group of a primary school. The topicality of the study is based on sociological exploration showing that various chronic health disorders tend to start in childhood due to the lack of physical activity. Besides, it has been stated that physical activity of schoolchildren is experiencing a crisis worldwide. Since one of the causes of the crisis is the lack of entertaining forms of physical activity in physical education classes and during the after them in comparison to extracurricular exercises or sports events that schoolchildren watch on TV, the analysis aimed at revealing how (i. e. in which way) the extended day group of the primary school takes care of the physical activity of the first-grade students in response to the needs of the children and their parents concerning the activity of this group. In order to reveal the manifestation of physical activity in the activities of the extended day group, the method of structured interview was applied in case study. Twenty seven first-grade students (13 boys and 14 girls) of the extended day group in Kaunas District N School participated in the research. The interviews were conducted individually with the students (20 to 30 minutes) and one of their parents (the one who agreed to take part in the analysis; interviews with parents took 25 to 45 minutes each). The interviews were taped, and the transcripts of the interviews were made. The qualitative analysis of the data applied the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the analysis showed that the first-grade students were satisfied with the activity of the extended day group due to the relevance of the role of the student they undertake. However, most participants of the interview expressed a desire that more time was devoted to playing in comparison to the duration of activities targeted at the development of academical skills. It was noted that male first-grade students rather than females tended to select various forms of physical activity. Besides, the cooperation of the teacher and the family of a first-grade student was not grounded on such ideas as the education of a child seeking his / her lifelong physical activity. The implementation of the ideas discussed in the article should be achieved by creating and improving programs responding to the needs of the parents. The efficiency and functionality of such programs could reveal whether during the development of social relationships, parental habits regarding children’s learning methods and forms altered when the idea of children’s physical activity was raised by considering their lifelong health

    Primary scholl teachers' language: solving educational dimlemmas during physical education lessons

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    Straipsnyje aptariama kalbinė komunikacija per kūno kultūros pamokas pradinėse klasėse. Atskleista, kad mokytojų kalbinė elgsena gali būti vertinama ir kaip veiksnys vaikų komunikavimo kompetencijai ugdyti. Išryškinta, kokios lyderio tipų apraiškos dominuoja pedagogo veikloje, kai jis sprendžia ugdymo dilemas. Atkreipiamas dėmesys, kad mokytojas turėtų daugiau improvizuoti vartodamas kalbos raiškos priemones, ypač kai tarp vaikų kyla ginčas. Konstatuojama, kad pradinėse klasėse per kūno kultūros pamokas mokytojų kalbinėje elgsenoje dominuoja autokratiško tipo lyderiui budingos nuostatos, kurios ypač pasireiškia sprendžiant ugdymo dilemas. Šiose situacijose pedagogas, užimdamas „stipresnio“ poziciją, pagal socialinio išmokimo teoriją gali perduoti autoritariškumą vaikams.The article discusses linguistic communication through physical education lessons in elementary school. It has turned out that linguistic behaviour of teachers may be evaluated as a factor important for development of children’s communicative competence. It has been established what manifestations of leader types dominate in the teacher’s activities when solving educational dilemmas. Focus is placed on that the teacher should improvise more using linguistic expression means, especially when there is a dispute among children. The study states that in elementary school at physical education lessons linguistic behaviour of teachers is dominated by attitudes characteristic of the leader of the autocratic type which are particularly prominent when solving educational dilemmas. In these situations a teacher taking the position of “the stronger” can transfer authoritarianism to children in accordance with the theory of social learning

    Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kalbėjimo edukaciniai bruožai

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    After Lithuania joined the EU, the position of Lithuanian language changed in an international way because of the changing communication between the users of this language. Emigration of Lithuanians and immigration of people with different mother-tongues is growing. The importance of junior schoolchildren’s language is increasing. The aim of the research is to describe peculiarities of junior schoolchildren’s language development and self-development by applying a method of theoretical research. The research is based on the sociological theory of network which emphasizes the importance of personal interrelations. The analysis of literature revealed that children’s communication with other persons and sharing significant experiences meet their needs of self-actualization and helps them create the notion of their personal Me, when they have time and space to share their day-to-day experiences

    Involvement of the first-year school students' family into the community of extended day group

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    It can be stated that the relationship between teachers and parents/children’s legal guardians is also the relationship of mutual learning. The article makes the onclusions that unitedness and differentiation from the school community of the first-form students attending the extended day group primarily indicates the positive attitude of the mothers surveyed towards the education of a child when organizing his/her activities promoting academic, physical development and social self-respect. However, only a minor part of the resdpondents were involved into the activity of the extended day group due to the lack of adequate information; besides, they rarely participate in the process of decision taking there. The involvement of the first-year students into the school community is based on children’s academic activities within the extended day group promoting reading, writing and calculation skills. Besides, in order to take care of the efficiency of the social net student – parents – school, it is essential to respond to the parents’ need of ensuring their children’s safety and full-scale occupation after lessons

    Social behaviour of academic youth in constructing their identity in postmodern society

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    We chose driving a car as a means of expressing social behaviour. Our choice was conditioned by the snobbery of the consumer society when in reality, under the conditions of merging material and semiotic-cultural resources, the car becomes a means of communication. The article discusses behaviours characterizing driving: wearing seat belts, violating speed limits, driving tipsy. The empirical data revealed the links between those behaviours and their changes in the period of eight years. We recorded changes in the behaviour characterizing car driving. These changes were discussed on the basis of sociological control theory. We suppose that in the consumer (postmodern) society, students demonstrate a lifestyle that can be described as existential escapism. Primary socialization is of great importance for first-year students in constructing their identity in academic societ

    Mokytojų komunikacinės kompetencijos gimtąja kalba tobulinimas

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    The article deals with teachers’ communicative competence in the native (Lithuanian) language; it discusses the urgent issues of their use of language, presenting the peculiarities of the lesson style and indicating the importance of the links between the standard language norms and the norms of teacher’s professional activities. Three research questions are addressed in the article: what peculiarities of teachers’ attitudes towards the development of their communicative competence in their native language were dominant, what characteristics prevailed when teachers assessed their speaking, and what factors influenced teachers’ assessment of their language in the context of the communicative competence in their native language. Teachers, especially those who are older and live in cities are more interested in developing their communicative competence in the native language; in addition, the research participants wanted that their speaking in professional practice was clear and accurat

    Evaluation of professional identity among biomedical study programme students at a nonuniversity higher education institution

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    In recent years in Lithuania it is often publicly spoken about the advantages and disadvantages of the current health system. The motives for choosing a biomedical study programme are frequently noted. It is a fact that the interest in this particular study profile is increasing and there is a tendency for the majority of post-graduates to go and work abroad. When this situation is evaluated more closely, the career decisions of the Y generation, which is steadily approaching the job market, are often contrasted to the currently-dominant X generation that, frankly, represents different values and behaviour. The object of this particular research is the change of evaluation of the studies of a future specialist in personal biomedical study programmes in a non-university higher education institution. The aim of the study is to assess the change of evaluation of the studies of a future specialist in personal biomedical study programmes in a non-university higher education institution. The participants of the study are the same individual students from the Medical Faculty that were questioned during their first and, later, their third years. The research of biomedical programme students in a non-university higher education institution was carried out in the Utena University of Applied Sciences and it allows the researcher to conclude the following:amongst the students, the aspiration to receive a higher education diploma is dominating; since non-university studies provide a bachelor degree only, this partially explains why the majority of students plan further studies or plan to go abroad for financial reasons, while only a third plan to work according to their received qualifications; the requirements for study subjects are evaluated as high and the study conditions are evaluated as good; during the study years these evaluations have changed: at the end of the studies the students gave lower marks for the study programmes and study environment; at the end of the studies students more often than in the beginning had doubts about their chosen study course. On the other hand, the majority are satisfied with the studies. Amongst the female students there are more of those, who doubted their choice of studies, and, in contrast to the male counterparts, felt more ‘lost’. The research shows that there is a stronger professional standpoint from a student’s perspective if there is a harmony between practical and academic learning, if the study orientation is directed to an individual, his/her involvement in decision-making, and all this process is accomplished by competent lecturers which also work in health protection institutions