55 research outputs found

    CHASE-PL Climate Projection dataset over Poland – bias adjustment of EURO-CORDEX simulations

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    The CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Climate Projections – Gridded Daily Precipitation and Temperature dataset 5 km (CPLCP-GDPT5) consists of projected daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals of nine EURO-CORDEX regional climate model outputs bias corrected and downscaled to a 5 km  ×  5 km grid. Simulations of one historical period (1971–2000) and two future horizons (2021–2050 and 2071–2100) assuming two representative concentration pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) were produced. We used the quantile mapping method and corrected any systematic seasonal bias in these simulations before assessing the changes in annual and seasonal means of precipitation and temperature over Poland. Projected changes estimated from the multi-model ensemble mean showed that annual means of temperature are expected to increase steadily by 1 °C until 2021–2050 and by 2 °C until 2071–2100 assuming the RCP4.5 emission scenario. Assuming the RCP8.5 emission scenario, this can reach up to almost 4 °C by 2071–2100. Similarly to temperature, projected changes in regional annual means of precipitation are expected to increase by 6 to 10 % and by 8 to 16 % for the two future horizons and RCPs, respectively. Similarly, individual model simulations also exhibited warmer and wetter conditions on an annual scale, showing an intensification of the magnitude of the change at the end of the 21st century. The same applied for projected changes in seasonal means of temperature showing a higher winter warming rate by up to 0.5 °C compared to the other seasons. However, projected changes in seasonal means of precipitation by the individual models largely differ and are sometimes inconsistent, exhibiting spatial variations which depend on the selected season, location, future horizon, and RCP. The overall range of the 90 % confidence interval predicted by the ensemble of multi-model simulations was found to likely vary between −7 % (projected for summer assuming the RCP4.5 emission scenario) and +40 % (projected for winter assuming the RCP8.5 emission scenario) by the end of the 21st century. Finally, this high-resolution bias-corrected product can serve as a basis for climate change impact and adaptation studies for many sectors over Poland. The CPLCP-GDPT5 dataset is publicly available at http://dx.doi.org/10.4121/uuid:e940ec1a-71a0-449e-bbe3-29217f2ba31d

    Assessment of Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties by Radial Displacement: The Case for Tensiomyography

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    Skeletal muscle operates as a near-constant volume system; as such muscle shortening during contraction is transversely linked to radial deformation. Therefore, to assess contractile properties of skeletal muscle, radial displacement can be evoked and measured. Mechanomyography measures muscle radial displacement and during the last 20 years, tensiomyography has become the most commonly used and widely reported technique among the various methodologies of mechanomyography. Tensiomyography has been demonstrated to reliably measure peak radial displacement during evoked muscle twitch, as well as muscle twitch speed. A number of parameters can be extracted from the tensiomyography displacement/time curve and the most commonly used and reliable appear to be peak radial displacement and contraction time. The latter has been described as a valid non-invasive means of characterising skeletal muscle, based on fibre-type composition. Over recent years, applications of tensiomyography measurement within sport and exercise have appeared, with applications relating to injury, recovery and performance. Within the present review, we evaluate the perceived strengths and weaknesses of tensiomyography with regard to its efficacy within applied sports medicine settings. We also highlight future tensiomyography areas that require further investigation. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to critically examine the existing evidence surrounding tensiomyography as a tool within the field of sports medicine

    Występowanie bakterii cyklu azotowego w wodach rzeki Biebrzy

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    This paper of the selected groups of nitrogen cycle bacteria in the Biebrza River was analysed. In the water samples the quantity of ammonifying bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, proteolitic bacteria was estimated and also selected water quality indicators were analysed. Large quantities of proteolitic bacteria and ammonifying bacteria were found while the quantity of nitrifying bacteria was very small. Water quality analyses proved high TOC concentrations and low nitrate as well as nitrite concentrations. It was found, that the mineral forms of nitrogen being the intensive product of organic matter degradation is not released (low concentrations of ammonia), but it is accumulated in microorganisms cells. Low concentrations of ammonia are limiting for the number of nitrifying bacteria. The seasonal character of the occurrence of all analysed bacteria groups was as well found. The analytical procedure used was adjusted for bacteriological research on rivers of low anthropopressure.W niniejszej pracy zbadano występowanie wybranych grup bakterii cyklu azotowego w rzece Biebrzy. W próbach wody oznaczono liczebność bakterii proteolitycznych, amonifi kacyjnych i nitryfi kacyjnych. Określono poziom wybranych wskaźników jakości chemicznej. Stwierdzono wysoką liczebność bakterii proteolitycznych i amonifi kacyjnych oraz bardzo niską bakterii nitryfi kacyjnych. Badania chemiczne potwierdziły wysokie stężenia OWO i niskie stężenia azotynów i azotanów. Stwierdzono, że mineralne formy azotu intensywnie powstające w wyniku degradacji materii organicznej nie są uwalniane do środowiska (niskie stężenia amoniaku), a kumulowane w komórkach mikroorganizmów. Niskie stężenia amoniaku działają hamująco na liczebność bakterii nitryfikacyjnych. Stwierdzono ponadto sezonowość występowania wszystkich badanych grup bakterii. Dostosowano procedurę analityczną do wykorzystania w badaniach bakteriologicznych rzek o niskiej antropopresji

    A method for distinguishing different water sources during flood events in river floodplains, northern Poland

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    The Biebrza wetlands are located in an ice-marginal valley in northeastern Poland and cover some 195 000 hectares. The Biebrza river is not regulated, the valley is not reclaimed and still has marsh, fen and grassland vegetation whereas large scale human interventions in hydrology are absent. The most characteristic feature of the Biebrza river is flooding, which occurs almost every year during the spring thaw. During these floods the inundated wetlands covers many km2. This water may in principle derive from three different sources: 1) rain and snow-melt water, 2) river water and 3) groundwater. We developed a method to distinguish these water sources enabling us to estimate the area inundated by the different water types. Our analysis was based on long term monitoring of water levels via gauge stations and an in depth analysis of floods for the period 2001-2008. We used Landsat images, field surveys during floods and chemical analysis of water samples. The satellite images of the Landsat 5 TM and the Landsat 7 ETM+ captured during maximum flood were processed. This included the calculation of ratio of bands 7/4, the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results of these transformations were stored in new bands and were classified by using the maximum likelihood classifier for identification of inundated areas. The image of 2002 was verified with high overall accuracy on the basis of 796 sample points. Samples obtained from hydro-chemical transects were statistically analyzed using PCA. The results of the statistical analysis were imported to ArcGIS. Geographical analysis resulted in maps depicting the spatial distribution of the first three principal components. K-means cluster analysis was performed by establishing clusters, which finally were interpreted as representing the three different water sources: river, groundwater and snowmelt. Validation was performed by comparing the results with vegetation maps. There was a good match between water sources and generalized vegetation maps. We conclude that the method was demonstrated to be useful for analysing vast floodplain wetlands in which it is relevant to know the spatial distribution of different water sources during inundations. In the case of ecological studies aiming at conservation/restoration of habitat condition within floodplain wetlands, there is a need to know the balance between water from different sources. Distinguishing different water sources during inundation of river floodplains is also important for constructing and verification of floodplain hydrodynamic models

    Modelowanie odpływu oraz ładunków azotanów i fosforanów odprowadzanych ze zlewni Redy do Zalewu Puckiego przy użyciu modelu SWAT

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    This study presents an application of the SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) in an agricultural, coastal catchment situated in northern Poland, draining an area of 482 km2 (the Reda catchment). The main objective of this study was calibration and validation of the model against daily discharge and water quality parameters (bi-monthly total suspended solids [TSS], nitrate nitrogen [N-NO3] and phosphate phosphorus [P-PO4] loads). Calibration and validation were conducted using the SWAT-CUP program and SUFI-2 (Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Version 2) algorithm. The Nash-Sutcliffe effi ciency, which was set as an objective function in calibration of all variables, was equal for discharge to 0.75 and 0.61 for calibration and validation periods, respectively. For TSS, N-NO3 and P-PO4 loads NSE was equal to 0.56, 0.62 and 0.53 in calibration period, and 0.22, 0.64 and –1.78 in validation period, respectively. For the calibration period all the results are satisfactory or good, while for the validation period the results for TSS and P-PO4 loads are rather poor, which is related mainly to the lack of homogeneity between calibration and validation periods. These results demonstrate that SWAT is an appropriate tool for quantifi cation of nutrient loads in Polish agricultural catchments, in particular for N-NO3. The model can therefore be applied for water resources management, for quantifi cation of scenarios of climate and land use change, and for estimation of the Best Management Practices efficiency.W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano przykład zastosowania modelu SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) w rolniczej, przybrzeżnej zlewni Redy o powierzchni 482 km2 usytuowanej w północnej części Polski. Głównym celem pracy było przeprowadzenie kalibracji i weryfikacji modelu na podstawie przepływów dobowych i parametrów jakościowych wód (ładunki zawiesin [TSS], azotanów [N-NO3] i fosforanów [P-PO4] z częstotliwością pomiarów co dwa tygodnie). Kalibracja i weryfikacja zostały przeprowadzone przy użyciu programu SWAT-CUP i algorytmu SUFI-2 (Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Version 2). Współczynnik Nasha-Sutcliffe’a, zdefiniowany jako funkcja celu, wyniósł dla przepływu 0,75 i 0,61 odpowiednio dla okresu kalibracji i weryfikacji. Dla ładunków TSS, N-NO3 i P-PO4 współczynnik ten wyniósł odpowiednio 0,56, 0,62, 0,53 dla okresu kalibracji oraz 0,22, 0,64, –1,78 dla okresu weryfikacji. Uzyskane wyniki można ocenić jako satysfakcjonujące lub dobre w przypadku okresu kalibracji, natomiast w okresie weryfikacji jakość symulacji ładunków TSS i P-PO4 uznano za nieco gorszą, co może być związane z brakiem jednorodności pomiędzy tymi okresami. Wyniki te wskazują, że SWAT jest odpowiednim narzędziem do ilościowej oceny wielkości ładunków biogenów w rolniczych zlewniach Polski, szczególnie w przypadku azotanów. Z tego względu model może znaleźć zastosowanie w zarządzaniu zasobami wodnymi, w kwantyfi kacji scenariuszy zmian klimatu i użytkowania ziemi oraz przy ocenie efektywności środków zaradczych stosowanych w rolnictwie

    Wyzwania w modelowaniu ilości i jakości wód w dwóch kontrastowych zlewniach w Polsce

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    This study presents an application of the SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) in two meso- -scale catchments in Poland (Upper Narew and Barycz), contrasting in terms of human pressures on water quantity and quality. The main objective was multi-variable and multi-site calibration and validation of the model against daily discharge, sediment and nutrient loads as well as discussion of challenges encountered in calibration phase. Multi-site calibration and validation gave varied results ranging from very good (daily discharge) to acceptable (sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus loads in most of gauges) and rather poor (individual gauges for all variables) in both catchments. The calibrated models enabled spatial quantification of water yield, sediment and nutrient loads, indicating areas of special concern in terms of pollution, as well as estimation of contribution of pollution from different sources, indicating agriculture as the most important source in both catchments. During the calibration process a number of significant issues were encountered: (i) global vs. local parametrization, (ii) simulation of different pools of water quality parameters in reservoirs and streams and (iii) underestimation of NO3-N loads in winter due to farmers practices. Discussion of these issues is hoped to aid SWAT model users in Poland in a deeper understanding of mechanisms of multi-variable and multi-site calibration.W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie modelu SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) w dwóch zlewniach w Polsce (Górnej Narwi i Baryczy), kontrastowych pod względem antropopresji w odniesieniu do ilości i jakości wód. Głównym celem była przestrzenna kalibracja i weryfikacja modelu w zakresie przepływów dobowych, ładunków zawiesiny i biogenów oraz dyskusja nad wyzwaniami napotkanymi w trakcie procesu kalibracji. Wyniki przestrzennej (wielopunktowej) kalibracji i weryfikacji są zróżnicowane – od dobrych (przepływ dobowy), poprzez akceptowalne (zawiesina, azot i fosfor w większości punktów monitoringu), do złych (pojedyncze punkty monitoringu dla każdej ze zmiennych). Skalibrowany model umożliwił przestrzenną kwantyfikację warstwy odpływu, ładunków zawiesiny i biogenów oraz wskazanie obszarów szczególnie narażonych na zanieczyszczenia z różnych źródeł, jednocześnie wskazując rolnictwo jako główne źródło. Podczas kalibracji modelu napotkano następujące problemy: (1) identyfikacja parametrów globalnych w odniesieniu do lokalnych, (2) symulacja różnych form parametrów jakościowych w zbiornikach wodnych i ciekach oraz (3) niedoszacowanie ładunków azotanów w okresie zimowym spowodowane praktykami rolniczymi. Dyskusja nad poruszonymi aspektami umożliwi innym użytkownikom modelu SWAT lepsze zrozumienie mechanizmu wielopunktowej i wieloparametrycznej kalibracji

    Methodological basic of programme of water retention increase in mazowieckie voivodship

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    W referacie przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne opracowanego w 2007 roku „Programu małej retencji dla Województwa Mazowieckiego”. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zastosowaną procedurę waloryzacji obszaru województwa pod względem potrzeb zwiększania retencji oraz zasady etapowania przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych i prac modernizacyjnych. Omówiono również najważniejsze zalecenia realizacyjne dotyczące zwiększania retencji w obszarze województwa.Paper presents theoretical background of „Programme of water retention increase in Mazowieckie Voivodship”. Special attention was paid on area evaluation and proposal of investments order. Evaluation of the voivodship area was focused on classification of regions, where increase of water retention is of high priority, average priority or Iow priority. Order of investments (construction or modernization) was based on evaluation results, but included additionally other factors as water ąuality, presence of protected areas, streams continuity maintaining, etc. Paper includes also guidelines for program implementation

    Projections of water balance and streamflow for the Vistula and Odra basins

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    This data set is comprised of future projections of hydrological variables obtained with the help of the SWAT model driven with an ensemble of nine bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX climate simulations for the Vistula and Odra basins. Projected data are available for two future horizons (2024-2050 and 2074-2100) under two Representative Concentrations Pathways: RCP 4.5 and 8.5, as well as for the reference period 1974-2000. The data set consists of three parts: (1) model inputs; (2) raw model outputs; (3) aggregated model outputs. The first one allows the users to reproduce the outputs or to create the new ones. The second one contains the simulated time series of 10 variables simulated by SWAT: precipitation, snow melt, potential evapotranspiration, actual evapotranspiration, soil water content, percolation, surface runoff, baseflow, water yield and streamflow. The first nine variables are stored in monthly time step, and the latter in the daily time step. The third part consists of the multi-model ensemble statistics of the relative changes in mean seasonal and annual variables developed in a GIS format. NOTE: There is a partial new version of this dataset at <https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:2514e005-fd86-4930-83dd-0db5d8f7b5b0

    Semi-distributed model of basin in urban area

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