13 research outputs found

    Assigning probabilities to hypotheses in the context of a binomial distribution

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    Given is the outcome s of S∌B(n,p) (n known, p fully unknown) and two numbers 0(s) of the hypotheses H: p>b, such that their sum is equal to 1. The degenerate case a=b(=c) is of special interest. A method, optimal with respect to a class of functions, is derived under Neyman–Pearsonian restrictions, and applied to a case from medicine

    Blob distortion by radio-frequency induced sheared flow

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    Blob transport properties in the plasma edge in the presence and absence of radio-frequency (RF) convective cells are compared. For the first time, the interactions between RF convective cells and intermittent plasma blobs in the scrape-off layer (SOL) are observed with gas puff imaging in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. It is found that the RF convective cells induce a sheared flow in the far SOL, which is able to stretch, distort and even split the blobs poloidally. The observed phenomena indicate that an externally generated sheared flow in the SOL can be considered as a method to modify blob transport in a favorable way

    On statistical Survival Analysis and its Applications in Medicine

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    Korte beschrijving: Dit proefschrift gaat over theoretische en practische aspecten van levensduuranalyse waarbij een gedeelte van de waarnemingen gecensureerd is. Dit soort analyses komen in allerlei situaties voor. In het proefschrift worden echter enkel toepassingen op medisch gebied beschouwd. Een waarneming heet gecensureerd wanneer de werkelijke levensduur (nog) niet kan worden waargenomen, maar men wel heeft kunnen achterhalen dat deze duur groter is dan een bepaalde ondergrens. ... Zie: Summary

    Classical Methods of Statistics: With Applications in Fusion-Oriented Plasma Physics

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    Classical Methods of Statistics is a blend of theory and practical statistical methods written for graduate students and researchers interested in applications to plasma physics and its experimental aspects. It can also fruitfully be used by students majoring in probability theory and statistics. In the first part, the mathematical framework and some of the history of the subject are described. Many exercises help readers to understand the underlying concepts. In the second part, two case studies are presented exemplifying discriminant analysis and multivariate profile analysis. The introductions of these case studies outline contextual magnetic plasma fusion research. In the third part, an overview of statistical software is given and, in particular, SAS and S-PLUS are discussed. In the last chapter, several datasets with guided exercises, predominantly from the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, are included and their physical background is concisely described. The book concludes with a list of essential keyword translations