32 research outputs found

    Studi Pengembangan Model Turbulen κ-ε untuk Sirkulasi Arus II: Aliran Turbulen Dua Dimensi pada Saluran Ekspansi

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    Makalah ini menyajikan hasil studi pemodelan mengenai pola aliran turbulen 2 dimensi pada sebuah saluran yang mengalami ekspansi dengan memanfaatkan model depth averaged κ-ε. Model numerik dikembangkan berdasarkan metoda beda hingga, dimana untuk pemecahan persamaan hidrodinamik digunakan kombinasi metoda ekplisit Mac Cormack dan metoda pemisahan operator splitting. Sebagai tracer untuk melakukan visualisasi struktur aliran digunakan model transport kualitas air. Suku konveksi, difusi, dan reaksi diselesaikan dengan skema QUICKEST, Central Scheme, dan Euler Scheme. Hasil yang dicapai model dalam mensimulasikan pola arus untuk kasus saluran lurus dan ekspansi menunjukan tingkat kesesuaian yang cukup baik dengan hasil pengukuran di Laboratorium. Dibandingkan dengan model non turbulen, hasil model menunjukkan peningkatan akurasi yang signifikan dalam hal besar kecepatan arus, pola arus dan sebaran konstituent kualitas air, terutama pada zona resirkulasi. Model dapat mensimulasikan pola sirkulasi arus dan terbentuknya vorteks pada zona sirkulasi. Namun demikian, untuk aliran dengan bilangan Reynold cukup rendah, osilasi dan ketidakstabilan numerik masih menjadi kendala

    Effect of kangaroo method on the risk of hypothermia and duration of birth weight regain in low birth weight infants: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background In Indonesia, the infant mortality rate in 2001 was 50 per 1000 live births, with 34.7% due to perinatal death. This perinatal death was associated with low birth weight (LBW) newborn, which was caused by prematurity, infection, birth asphyxia, hypothermia, and inadequate breast feeding. In developing countries, lack of facilities of LBW infant care leads to the utilization of kangaroo method as care to prevent hypothermia in LBW newborn. Objective To evaluate the differences of hypothermia event and duration of birth weight regain in LBW newborns between early kangaroo care (EKC) and conventional care (CC). Methods This was an open label randomized controlled trial. The 1500-2250 g LBW newborns who were born in Sanglah Hospital were randomized to EKC and CC groups. Results Hypothermia events were found more often in CC group than EKC group (RR=0.645, 90% CI 0.45 to 0.92, P=0.05). This difference was influenced by breast feeding frequency. Duration of birth weight regain in EKC group (median 5 days (SE=0.31, 90% CI 4.49 to 5.51) was shorter than CC group (median 6 days (SE=0.52, 90% CI 5.15 to 6.85), but this difference wasn't statistically significant (P=0.40). Percentage of birth weight decrease, breastfeeding frequency, and hyperbilirubinemia events that needed phototheraphy were associated with the duration of birth weight increase. Conclusion EKC helps to decrease the incidence of hypothermia events, but fails to shorten duration of birth weight increase. Percentage of birth weight decrease, breast-feeding frequency, and hyperbilirunemia events that need phototheraphy are associated with the duration of birth weight increase in LBW newborn

    Thematic Roles of Sentence Elements Found in "Me Before You" Movie

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    Sentence is very important in learning language. Sentence is used in every language activity. For understanding sentence, we must study structure of the sentence, elements that form it, and meaning had contained in the elements of the sentence. This research aimed to analyze the structures of simple sentences and thematic roles of sentence elements. This research was observation method which was used in collecting data. Based on the result of the analysis, it was concluded that the elements of sentence consisted of subject, verb, object, complement, and adverbial. There are seven structures of simple sentence found in the data, were: S-V, S-V-O, S-V-A, S-V-C, S-V-O-O, S-V-O-A, and S-V-O-C. The five elements could be combined into one sentence or clause that is called as simple sentence, and forms a simple sentence there are at least subject and verb. Each of sentence elements has its own role except verb because verb describes the role of action conveyed in the sentence. The thematic roles found in the data, namely: agent, patient, theme, goal, source, instrumental, beneficiary, recipient, experiencer, location, and stimulus. The subject may have role as agent, patient, experiencer, and theme. The object can play a role as patient, theme, beneficiary, recipient, and stimulus. Meanwhile, the adverbial can play a role as instrument, location, goal, and source. Keywords: simple sentence, thematic, movi