4 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Substance Use in Adolescents Under Legally Required Health Care

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    Objective:In this study, cases who applied to the polyclinic, where we followed the patients under legally required health care clinic in the last year, were evaluated. It was aimed to compare the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who use and do not use substances.Methods:Between September 2021 and August 2022, the files of cases aged 14-18 years with health precautions were reviewed retrospectively. Data of 75 cases with complete file information were recorded and analyzed.Results:Seventy-five patients (47 girls, 28 boys) were included in the study. Thirty four patients (21 girls, 13 boys) had substanceuse. The mean age was 15.9±1.2 years and the mean duration of education was 9.5±1.9 years. Legally required counseling was 72% (n=54), education was 29.3% (n=22), institutional care was 22.7% (n=17) Smoking and alcohol use (p=0.001) school absenteeism (p=0.002), criminal behavior (p=0.012), number of negative life events (p=0.025), exposure to emotional abuse (p=0.025) and care measures (p=0.017) were found to be higher in patients with substance use. Academic achievement was lower in patients using substance (p=0.001). Substance use was found to be higher in those residing in the city center than in the districts and rural areas (p=0.002). At least one psychiatric diagnosis (p=0.001), more than one psychiatric diagnosis (p=0.001) and conduct disorder (p=0.016) were detected more frequently in the substance abuser group. Cannabis was the most frequently used substance (79.4%) in the group using drugs.Conclusion:Adolescents who are monitored with in the scope of under legally required health care and who use substances are different from the non-substance use group in terms of some socio-demographic and clinical characteristics. Knowing these features can contribute to the prevention and treatment studies of forensic medicine and child and adolescent mental health clinics working with patients who receive legally required treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to increase cooperation between the clinics

    An ınvestigation of polymorphism of calcium carbonate in the presence of proline

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    Bu çalışmada, kalsiyum karbonatın polimorfik faz dönüşümü katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan prolin varlığında incelenmiştir. Deneyler 1L kapasiteli çift ceketli kristalizörde, 30 C sıcaklık ve pH 8,5’da yürütülmüştür. 50 ve 100 ppm olmak üzere iki farklı katkı konsantrasyonunda deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Reaktan olarak kalsiyum klorür dihidrat ve sodyum karbonat kullanılmıştır. Deney süresince belirli zaman aralıklarında numuneler alınarak, kristallerin yapısı, fonksiyonel grupları, morfolojisi, tane boyutları ve yüzey yüklerinin değişimi belirlenmiştir. XRD ve FTIR analiz sonuçları, kalsiyum karbonat kristallerinin prolin varlığında kalsit formundan vaterit formuna dönüştüğünü göstermiştir. SEM görüntüleri saf ortamda üretilen kalsit kristallerinin kübik formda olduğunu buna karşın prolin varlığında kristallerin yuvarlak görünümlü vaterit morfolojisine sahip kristallere dönüştüğünü göstermiştir. Ayrıca, prolinin kalsiyum karbonat kristallerinin yüzey alanına ve yüzey yüküne olan etkisi BET analizi ve zeta potansiyeli ölçümleri yapılarak belirlenmiştir. Saf ortamda üretilen kalsit kristallerinin BET yüzey alanı ve zeta potansiyeli değeri sırasıyla 0,7 m2/g ve –8,0 ± 2,1 mV olarak ölçülmüştür. Buna karşın, 100 ppm prolin varlığında kristallerin BET yüzey alanı 3.7 m2/g’a yükselmiş ve prolinin kristallerin yüzeyine fiziksel olarak adsorplanmasından dolayı zeta potansiyel değerleri daha negatif (–24,0 ± 2,6 mV) hale gelmiştir. Sonuç olarak, katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan prolinin kalsiyum karbonatın hem fiziksel hem de morfolojik özelliklerini önemli ölçüde değiştirdiği gösterilmiş ve farklı formlarda kalsiyum karbonat kristallerinin üretilmesine imkân sağlayacağı tespit edilmiştir.In this study, the polymorphic phase transformation of calcium carbonate was analyzed in the presence of proline used as an additive. The experiments were carried out in a 1-litre double-jacketed crystallizer at 30 C and pH 8.5. The experiments were performed at two different concentrations of 50 and 100 ppm. Calcium chloride dihydrate and sodium carbonate were used as the reactants. During the polymorphic transformation process, the samples were withdrawn from the crystallizer at regular time intervals and the structure, functional group, morphology, particle size and surface charges of the calcium carbonate were determined as a function of the time. XRD and FTIR results showed that calcium carbonate crystals transformed from calcite to vaterite structures in the presence of proline. SEM images indicated that the calcium carbonate crystals prepared in pure media was cubic shaped crystals and the morphology transformed into spherical like vaterite crystals in the presence of proline. Moreover, the effects of proline on the surface area and surface charge of calcium carbonate were investigated by BET and zeta potential analysis. BET surface area and zeta potential for calcite crystals prepared in pure media were 0.7 m2/ g and - 8.0 ± 2.1 mV, respectively. By the addition of proline to the crystallization media, BET surface area increased to 3.7 m2/g, and the surface became more negative (- 24.0 ± 2.6 mV)