52 research outputs found

    Magnon Exchange Mechanism of Ferromagnetic Superconductivity

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    The magnon exchange mechanism of ferromagnetic superconductivity (FM-superconductivity) was developed to explain in a natural way the fact that the superconductivity in UGe2UGe_2, ZrZn2ZrZn_2 and URhGeURhGe is confined to the ferromagnetic phase.The order parameter is a spin anti-parallel component of a spin-1 triplet with zero spin projection. The transverse spin fluctuations are pair forming and the longitudinal ones are pair breaking. In the present paper, a superconducting solution, based on the magnon exchange mechanism, is obtained which closely matches the experiments with ZrZn2ZrZn_2 and URhGeURhGe. The onset of superconductivity leads to the appearance of complicated Fermi surfaces in the spin up and spin down momentum distribution functions. Each of them consist of two pieces, but they are simple-connected and can be made very small by varying the microscopic parameters. As a result, it is obtained that the specific heat depends on the temperature linearly, at low temperature, and the coefficient γ=CT\gamma=\frac {C}{T} is smaller in the superconducting phase than in the ferromagnetic one. The absence of a quantum transition from ferromagnetism to ferromagnetic superconductivity in a weak ferromagnets ZrZn2ZrZn_2 and URhGeURhGe is explained accounting for the contribution of magnon self-interaction to the spin fluctuations' parameters. It is shown that in the presence of an external magnetic field the system undergoes a first order quantum phase transition.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Ferromagnetic phases in spin-Fermion systems

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    Spin-Fermion systems which obtain their magnetic properties from a system of localized magnetic moments being coupled to conducting electrons are considered. The dynamical degrees of freedom are spin-ss operators of localized spins and spin-1/2 Fermi operators of itinerant electrons. Renormalized spin-wave theory, which accounts for the magnon-magnon interaction, and its extension are developed to describe the two ferrimagnetic phases in the system: low temperature phase 0<T<T0<T<T^{*}, where all electrons contribute the ordered ferromagnetic moment, and high temperature phase T<T<TCT^{*}<T<T_C, where only localized spins form magnetic moment. The magnetization as a function of temperature is calculated. The theoretical predictions are utilize to interpret the experimentally measured magnetization-temperature curves of UGe2UGe_2..Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Magnon-Paramagnon Effective Theory of Itinerant Ferromagnets

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    The present work is devoted to the derivation of an effective magnon-paramagnon theory starting from a microscopic lattice model of ferromagnetic metals. For some values of the microscopic parameters it reproduces the Heisenberg theory of localized spins. For small magnetization the effective model describes the physics of weak ferromagnets in accordance with the experimental results. It is written in a way which keeps O(3) symmetry manifest,and describes both the order and disordered phases of the system. Analytical expression for the Curie temperature,which takes the magnon fluctuations into account exactly, is obtained. For weak ferromagnets TcT_c is well below the Stoner's critical temperature and the critical temperature obtained within Moriya's theory.Comment: 14 pages, changed content,new result

    Spin-Wave Theory of the Spiral Phase of the t-J Model

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    A graded H.P,realization of the SU(2|1) algebra is proposed.A spin-wave theory with a condition that the sublattice magnetization is zero is discussed.The long-range spiral phase is investigated.The spin-spin correlator is calculated.Comment: 17 page

    Hidden Quantum Critical Point in a Ferromagnetic Superconductor

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    We consider a coexistence phase of both Ferromagnetism and superconductivity and solve the self-consistent mean-field equations at zero temperature. The superconducting gap is shown to vanish at the Stoner point whereas the magnetization doesn't. This indicates that the para-Ferro quantum critical point becomes a hidden critical point. The effective mass in such a phase gets enhanced whereas the spin wave stiffness is reduced as compared to the pure FM phase. The spin wave stiffness remains finite even at the para-Ferro quantum critical point.Comment: 4 pages, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid) accepte

    Dimensional structural constants from chiral and conformal bosonization of QCD

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    We derive the dimensional non-perturbative part of the QCD effective action for scalar and pseudoscalar meson fields by means of chiral and conformal bosonization. The related structural coupling constants L_5 and L_8 of the chiral lagrangian are estimated using general relations which are valid in a variety of chiral bosonization models without explicit reference to model parameters. The asymptotics for large scalar fields in QCD is elaborated, and model-independent constraints on dimensional coupling constants of the effective meson lagrangian are evaluated. We determine also the interaction between scalar quarkonium and the gluon density and obtain the scalar glueball-quarkonium potential.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Phase diagrams of La1xCaxMnO3\rm La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3 in Double Exchange Model with added antiferromagnetic and Jahn-Teller interaction

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    The phase diagram of the multivalent manganites La1xCaxMnO3\rm La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3, in space of temperature and doping xx, is a challenge for the theoretical physics. It is an important test for the model used to study these compounds and the method of calculation. To obtain theoretically this diagram for x<0.5x<0.5, we consider the two-band Double Exchange Model for manganites with added Jahn-Teller coupling and antiferromagnetic Heisenberg term. In order to calculate Curie and N\'{e}el temperatures we derive an effective Heisenberg model for a vector which describes the local orientation of the total magnetization of the system. The exchange constants of this model are different for different space directions and depend on the density of ege_g electrons, antiferromagnetic constants and the Jahn-Teller energy. To reproduce the well known phase transitions from A-type antiferromagnetism to ferromagnetism at low xx and C-type antiferromagnetism to G-type antiferromagnetism at large xx, we argue that the antiferromagnetic exchange constants should depend on the lattice direction. We show that ferromagnetic to A-type antiferromagnetic transition results from the Jahn-Teller distortion. Accounting adequately for the magnon-magnon interaction, Curie and N\'{e}el temperatures are calculated. The results are in very good agreement with the experiment and provide values for the model parameters, which best describe the behavior of the critical temperature for x<0.5x<0.5.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Zero temperature phases of the frustrated J1-J2 antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a simple cubic lattice

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    At zero temperature magnetic phases of the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a simple cubic lattice with competing first and second neighbor exchanges (J1 and J2) is investigated using the non-linear spin wave theory. We find existence of two phases: a two sublattice Neel phase for small J2 (AF), and a collinear antiferromagnetic phase at large J2 (CAF). We obtain the sublattice magnetizations and ground state energies for the two phases and find that there exists a first order phase transition from the AF-phase to the CAF-phase at the critical transition point, pc = 0.28. Our results for the value of pc are in excellent agreement with results from Monte-Carlo simulations and variational spin wave theory. We also show that the quartic 1/S corrections due spin-wave interactions enhance the sublattice magnetization in both the phases which causes the intermediate paramagnetic phase predicted from linear spin wave theory to disappear.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Fig. 1b modified, Appendix B text modifie

    The qq-boson-fermion realizations of quantum suprealgebra Uq(gl(2/1))U_q(gl(2/1))

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    We show that our construction of realizations for Lie algebras and quantum algebras can be generalized to quantum superalgebras, too. We study an example of quantum superalgebra Uq(gl(2/1))U_q(gl(2/1)) and give the boson-fermion realization with respect to one pair od q-deformed boson operator and 2 pairs of fermions.Comment: 8 page