65 research outputs found

    Of law and land and the scope of Charter rights

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    L’application extraterritoriale de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertĂ©s soulĂšve la question du rĂŽle du principe de territorialitĂ© dans la dĂ©termination de l’étendue des droits constitutionnels. De façon plus gĂ©nĂ©rale, elle soulĂšve la question du rapport entre territoire et droit. Cette thĂšse explore, dans un premier temps, les jalons de la mĂ©thodologie territorialiste en abordant les prĂ©misses qui sous-tendent l’ascension du principe de territorialitĂ© comme paradigme juridique dominant. Les anomalies de ce paradigme sont par la suite prĂ©sentĂ©es, de façon Ă  illustrer un affaiblissement du principe de territorialitĂ©. Par la suite, l’auteure entreprend de dĂ©terminer le rĂŽle du principe de territorialitĂ© dans l’établissement de l’espace occupĂ© par la Charte canadienne des droits et libertĂ©s en situation d’extraterritorialitĂ©. Les dĂ©veloppements jurisprudentiels rĂ©cents attestent de la prĂ©dominance du paradigme territorial, mais de nombreuses difficultĂ©s d’application sont rencontrĂ©es. AprĂšs avoir testĂ© la viabilitĂ© de ce paradigme, l’auteure entreprend de dĂ©finir un nouveau cadre analytique permettant de rĂ©pondre Ă  la question de l’application de la Charte en situation d’extraterritorialitĂ© sans se rĂ©fĂ©rer Ă  la position gĂ©ographique du demandeur, ni Ă  son appartenance Ă  une certaine communautĂ© politique prĂ©-dĂ©terminĂ©e. Ce cadre repose sur une conceptualisation de la notion d’autoritĂ© Ă©tatique transcendant l’exercice d’un pouvoir coercitif de l’État fixĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de ses limites territoriales. Une autoritĂ© relationnelle, qui s’appuie sur l’idĂ©e que tout pouvoir Ă©tatique tire sa source de la Constitution et, consĂ©quemment, doit ĂȘtre assujetti Ă  son contrĂŽle.This thesis is about the relationship between law and territory, and more particularly, about the relationship between the principle of territoriality and the scope of Charter rights. The author first introduces territoriality as dominant legal paradigm and analyses its underlying premises. The challenges that territoriality and methodological territorialism have recently faced are also examined. The purpose of the first part of this thesis is to show that the territorial paradigm is not immune to challenge, and to provide conceptual tools to get out of the “territorial trap”. The author then looks at how, and to what extent, territoriality currently shapes the scope of Charter rights. By analysing cases on point, the author concludes that although territoriality is, officially, the answer to the question of the scope of Charter rights, in practice, the principle does not provide sufficient guidance to the judiciary. The territorial principle’s normative weaknesses are added to its practical inability to determine the scope of Charter rights. In order to examine potential alternatives to the territorial principle, the author examines the parallel debate regarding the extraterritorial scope of American constitutional rights. American courts, rather than endorsing strict territoriaity, emphasize either the membership of the claimant (the subject of constitutional litigation), the limitations on state actions (the object of constitutional litigation), or pragmatic concerns in order to determine whether a constitutional protection applies in an extraterritorial context. The author then proceeds to examining how an alternative model could be developed in Canada in the context of extraterritorial Charter cases. She argues that the personal entitlement approach, when superimposed on the territorial paradigm, brings more injustice, not less, in that people can be sufficiently related to Canada to trigger a state action, but insufficiently connected to trigger Charter protection, hence creating a state of asymmetry. She also argues that territoriality, if understood in Westphalian terms, leads to the belief that a state action is not an action within the authority of the Canadian government if it is conducted outside of Canada, hence shielding these actions from constitutional srcutiny. The model the author advocates is based on a notion of relational authority and it seeks to emphasize not the place where a government act is performed, nor the identity of the persons subject to it, but the idea that any exercise of government power is potentially amenable to constitutional scrutiny

    La médecine familiale vue par des jeunes omnipraticiens : rejet de la vocation et de la continuité des soins

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    Titre : La mĂ©decine familiale vue par des jeunes omnipraticiens : rejet de la vocation et de la continuitĂ© des soins. Alors qu’une proportion prĂ©occupante de quĂ©bĂ©cois et canadiens n’a pas accĂšs Ă  un mĂ©decin de famille et que les efforts se multiplient pour rĂ©soudre cette situation problĂ©matique, les jeunes omnipraticiens optent de plus en plus pour des profils de pratique spĂ©cialisĂ©s, dĂ©laissant la continuitĂ© de soins. Nous avons interviewĂ© 18 jeunes mĂ©decins de famille prĂ©sentant un profil de pratique surspĂ©cialisĂ© et analysĂ© leur propos avec une mĂ©thodologie qualitative. Ce mĂ©moire propose, Ă  l’aide d’une approche de thĂ©orisation ancrĂ©e, une thĂ©orie empiriquement fondĂ©e permettant de mieux comprendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne, ses origines et ses consĂ©quences. Nos observations nous amĂšnent Ă  proposer la thĂ©orie suivante : les jeunes omnipraticiens urgentistes sont des professionnels autonomes dynamiques et changeants : ils sont non-fixĂ©s personnellement et non-fixĂ©s professionnellement. Leur systĂšme de valeur (qualitĂ© de vie et libertĂ©, compĂ©tence, performance, valorisation et satisfaction) constitue l’argument principal de leurs choix professionnels et de leur conception de leurs rĂŽles et responsabilitĂ©s : ils sont donc mus primairement par des intĂ©rĂȘts individualistes. À ce stade-ci de leur vie et de leur carriĂšre, la responsabilitĂ© sociale et le sens du devoir envers la population ne figurent pas parmi leurs valeurs fondamentales. Cette thĂ©orie novatrice qui propose que leurs choix professionnels se basent d’abord et avant tout sur leurs valeurs permet de mieux comprendre pourquoi les efforts actuels de valorisation de la mĂ©decine familiale ne gĂ©nĂšrent pas les rĂ©sultats escomptĂ©s. Nous proposons une nouvelle comprĂ©hension du sens, de l’origine et des implications des choix professionnels des jeunes gĂ©nĂ©ralistes tant aux plans pĂ©dagogique, professionnel que de santĂ© populationnelle.Title: Young GPs' View of Family Medicine: Rejecting Vocation and Continuity of Care. Despite multiple attempts by medical authorities and faculties of medicine across Canada to remedy the acute shortage of family physicians in Canada, such a shortage is currently aggravated by the career choices of young family physicians that choose more and more to practice in subspecialized disciplines. We interviewed 18 young family physicians and analysed their views using a grounded theory approach to better understand this phenomenon, its origins and its consequences. Young generalists are autonomous professionals constantly engaged in a dynamic redefinition of their personal and professional ties. Their conception of the role they play and the responsibilities that are incumbent upon them, as well and the choices they make are based on certain core values. Those values include liberty, competence, performance/efficiency, valorisation and satisfaction. Their interests and goals are therefore primarily individualist ones. At this moment in their lives and careers, social responsibility and the sense of duty towards the population are simply not among their core priorities. This innovative theory sheds light on young generalists' values and the perception they have of their roles and responsibilities. Our analysis offers therefore a new understanding of their career choices. It helps grasp why current attempts to value family medicine are not successful and proposes new pedagogical and organisational ideas for addressing this issue

    Saint Paul sur le chemin de Nietzsche

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    Le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire porte sur la critique nietzschĂ©enne du christianisme et vise Ă  cerner ses points d’ancrage, son dĂ©ploiement, sa portĂ©e et ses consĂ©quences, autant sur l’histoire de l’Occident que sur la pensĂ©e du philosophe. Dans un premier chapitre, l’auteur reconstitue les grandes lignes des portraits que Nietzsche fait de JĂ©sus et de saint Paul. Ce faisant, nous aurons l’occasion d’évaluer dans quelle mesure la contribution nietzschĂ©enne est dans un rapport de dĂ©pendance et de rupture avec l’exĂ©gĂšse de son Ă©poque. Nous illustrerons alors en quoi, pour Nietzsche, la thĂ©ologie paulinienne se distancie du message de JĂ©sus. Ensuite, nous verrons de quelle maniĂšre la critique nietzschĂ©enne est intimement liĂ©e Ă  la survivance d’un hĂ©ritage protestant: il sera ici question d’évaluer comment Nietzsche se positionne face Ă  Luther et Ă  sa RĂ©forme. Enfin, nous exposerons les raisons pour lesquelles Dionysos et l’Éternel retour peuvent et doivent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme les piliers d’une contre-doctrine qui se veut aussi originale qu’antichrĂ©tienne. En Ă©valuant comment et pourquoi, chez Nietzsche, le retournement du paulinisme mĂšne Ă  la concomitance d’une reviviscence du divin et d’une sĂ©cularisation de la philosophie, nous terminerons notre traversĂ©e en situant la pensĂ©e du philosophe allemand face Ă  l’histoire du christianisme et de l’athĂ©isme.This Master’s Thesis focuses on Nietzsche’s critique of christianism and seeks to establish its foundations, scope and consequences, both on History and on Nietzsche’s work. The first part will look at the portraits Nietzsche brushed of the figures of Jesus and Saint Paul. In doing so, the author will demonstrate that the account made by Nietzsche, although relying on it actually breaches the exegis of the time. The contrast between paulinian theology and the message of Jesus will be illustrated. In the second part, the author looks at the way Nietzsche’s critique is closely linked to protestant reform and its heritage, by measuring Nietzsche’s views with relation to both Luther and the Reform. The last part will demonstrate why the figure of Dionysus and the Eternal Return may, and ought to, be considered as the pillars of an original anti-christian counterdoctrine. In the end, the role of Nietzsche in the larger context of the history of christianism and atheism will be assessed by addressing the reasons why, in Nietzsche’s philosophy, the transvaluation of values leads to both a revival of the divine and the rise of secular philosophy

    Patient Safety in the World

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    AbstractPatient safety is a fundamental principle of health care. However, many medical practices and risks associated with health care are emerging as major challenges for patient safety globally and contribute significantly to the burden of harm due to unsafe care. Available evidence suggests hospitalizations in low- and middle-income countries lead annually to 134 million adverse events, contributing to 2.6 million deaths. About 134 million adverse events worldwide give rise to 2.6 million deaths every year. Estimates indicate that in high-income countries, about 1 in 10 patients is harmed while receiving hospital care. This problem affects both high-income countries and low- and middle countries even if priorities and issues may differ. The most important adverse events concern medication procedures, healthcare-associated infections, surgical procedures, injection safety, blood transfusions, venous thromboembolism, sepsis, and diagnostic and radiation errors. Since 1999 when the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published its report "To err is human," some progress has been made but patient harm is still a daily problem in healthcare. As a matter of fact, new threats are emerging due to population aging, along with new treatments and technologies which must be dealt with in addition to still-unresolved, long-standing problems. In this context, it is very important to adopt an international common strategy that creates networks, shares knowledge, programs, tools, good practices and develop and track indicators focusing on the specific priorities of each country and region

    De la structure constitutionnelle dans le Renvoi relatif au Sénat : vers une gestalt constitutionnelle?

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    En matiĂšre d’interprĂ©tation constitutionnelle canadienne, l’analyse structurelle est traditionnellement entendue comme un procĂ©dĂ© qui consiste Ă  dĂ©duire des principes implicites Ă  partir des structures gouvernementales. Cependant, on assiste depuis peu au dĂ©veloppement d’une analyse structurelle orientĂ©e vers les institutions faisant partie de la structure constitutionnelle canadienne, sur l’identification de leurs rĂŽles au sein de cette derniĂšre, et sur la dĂ©termination des caractĂ©ristiques essentielles Ă  leur bon fonctionnement. Cet article vise principalement Ă  explorer cette seconde dimension, que l’auteure nomme la dimension relationnelle et fonctionnelle de l’analyse structurelle. AprĂšs avoir fait ressortir les liens que l’analyse structurelle entretient avec l’hermĂ©neutique juridique, l’auteure retrace les divers usages de la notion de structure constitutionnelle dans la jurisprudence de la Cour suprĂȘme prĂ©cĂ©dant le Renvoi relatif au SĂ©nat. L’auteure avance que c’est ce cadre d’analyse qui a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ© dans le Renvoi relatif au SĂ©nat lorsque la Cour s’est penchĂ©e sur la question des Ă©lections consultatives des sĂ©nateurs. L’auteure formule ensuite trois observations critiques qui aspirent Ă  susciter un dĂ©bat plus large sur la lĂ©gitimitĂ© du recours Ă  ce type d’analyse. Ainsi, le choix du rĂŽle de chambre de rĂ©flexion du SĂ©nat, au dĂ©triment de celui de chambre fĂ©dĂ©rale, fera l’objet d’une premiĂšre observation critique. Ensuite, la question du rĂŽle des principes implicites au sein mĂȘme de l’analyse structurelle sera examinĂ©e. Finalement, l’auteure abordera la question de l’interprĂ©tation progressiste du rĂŽle fondamental d’une institution. MalgrĂ© ces observations, l’auteure conclut qu’en consacrant la dimension relationnelle et fonctionnelle de l’analyse structurelle, le Renvoi relatif au SĂ©nat marque un tournant vers le dĂ©veloppement d’une gestalt constitutionnelle. Il invite ainsi Ă  identifier les diverses parties de la structure constitutionnelle canadienne, Ă  cerner leurs rĂŽles fondamentaux au sein de cette derniĂšre, et Ă  envisager de maniĂšre dynamique ce qui constitue le « tout » Ă  partir duquel les parties se conçoivent. Comme la psychologie de la gestalt, le Renvoi relatif au SĂ©nat fait de l’intĂ©gritĂ© une valeur suprĂȘme en immunisant le « tout » contre les actions qui nuiraient au bon fonctionnement de ses parties, dans le respect de l’intĂ©gritĂ© constitutionnelle canadienne.In the matter of Canadian constitutional interpretation, structural analysis is traditionally understood as a process that consists of discerning unwritten principles from governmental structures. However, recently we are seeing the development of a structural analysis shifted toward the institutions that form part of the constitutional structure, the identification of their roles within this structure, and the determination of the characteristics essential to their proper operation. The first aim of this article is to explore this second dimension, which the author names the relational and functional dimensions of structural analysis. After bringing attention to the links between structural analysis and with juridical hermeneutics, the author outlines the various uses of the notion of structural analysis in the Supreme Court jurisprudence preceding the Reference re Senate Reform. The author argues that it is this analytical framework that was applied in the Reference re Senate Reform when the Court considered the issue of consultative elections of senators. The author then makes three critical observations, which aspire to give rise to a larger debate on the legitimacy of the Court’s use of this type of analysis. Thus, the choice of the Senate’s role as that of a chamber of “sober second thought” over its role as a federal chamber will be the subject of a first critical observation. Then, the question of the role of unwritten principles within the structural analysis will be examined. Finally, the author will address the question of the progressive interpretation of the fundamental role of an institution. Despite these observations, the author concludes that the consecration of the relational and functional dimensions of the structural analysis in the Reference re Senate Reform marks a turning point in the development of a constitutional gestalt. Indeed, the Reference invites its readers to identify the various parts of the Canadian constitutional structure, to determine their fundamental roles within this structure, and to envisage in a dynamic way what constitutes the “whole” according to which the parts must be understood. As with the psychology of gestalt, the Reference re Senate Reform places integrity as a supreme value by immunizing the “whole” from actions that may threaten the proper operation of its parts, all in the view of respecting Canadian constitutional integrity
