664 research outputs found

    Analytic approximation to 5 dimensional Black Holes with one compact dimension

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    We study black hole solutions in R4×S1R^4\times S^1 space, using an expansion to fourth order in the ratio of the radius of the horizon, μ\mu, and the circumference of the compact dimension, LL. A study of geometric and thermodynamic properties indicates that the black hole fills the space in the compact dimension at ϵ(μ/L)20.1\epsilon(\mu/L)^2\simeq0.1. At the same value of ϵ\epsilon the entropies of the uniform black string and of the black hole are approximately equal.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Replaces previous version, with added references and slightly altered discussio

    The low-frequency response in the surface superconducting state of ZrB12_{12} single crystal}

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    The large nonlinear response of a single crystal ZrB12_{12} to an ac field (frequency 40 - 2500 Hz) for H0>Hc2H_0>H_{c2} has been observed. Direct measurements of the ac wave form and the exact numerical solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equations, as well as phenomenological relaxation equation, permit the study of the surface superconducting states dynamics. It is shown, that the low frequency response is defined by transitions between the metastable superconducting states under the action of an ac field. The relaxation rate which determines such transitions dynamics, is found.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Energy resolution of terahertz single-photon-sensitive bolometric detectors

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    We report measurements of the energy resolution of ultra-sensitive superconducting bolometric detectors. The device is a superconducting titanium nanobridge with niobium contacts. A fast microwave pulse is used to simulate a single higher-frequency photon, where the absorbed energy of the pulse is equal to the photon energy. This technique allows precise calibration of the input coupling and avoids problems with unwanted background photons. Present devices have an intrinsic full-width at half-maximum energy resolution of approximately 23 terahertz, near the predicted value due to intrinsic thermal fluctuation noise.Comment: 11 pages (double-spaced), 5 figures; minor revision

    Electronic information and educational environment of RSVPU

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    The article describes the electronic information and educational environment, that is built on the basis of integration of different tools and services used for the implementation of the educational process envisaged types of academic work. Describes the concept, structure and interface of this information systemВ статье рассмотрена электронная информационно-образовательная среда, построенная на основе интеграции различных инструментов и сервисов, используемых для реализации предусмотренных учебным процессом видов учебной работы. Описана концепция, структура и интерфейс информационной систем

    Wave Function of a Brane-like Universe

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    Within the mini-superspace model, brane-like cosmology means performing the variation with respect to the embedding (Minkowski) time τ\tau before fixing the cosmic (Einstein) time tt. The departure from Einstein limit is parameterized by the 'energy' conjugate to τ\tau, and characterized by a classically disconnected Embryonic epoch. In contrast with canonical quantum gravity, the wave-function of the brane-like Universe is (i) τ\tau-dependent, and (ii) vanishes at the Big Bang. Hartle-Hawking and Linde proposals dictate discrete 'energy' levels, whereas Vilenkin proposal resembles α\alpha-particle disintegration.Comment: Revtex, 4 twocolumn pages, 3 eps figures (accepted for publication in Class. Quan. Grav.

    Small Black Holes on Branes: Is the horizon regular or singular ?

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    We investigate the following question: Consider a small mass, with ϵ\epsilon (the ratio of the Schwarzschild radius and the bulk curvature length) much smaller than 1, that is confined to the TeV brane in the Randall-Sundrum I scenario. Does it form a black hole with a regular horizon, or a naked singularity? The metric is expanded in ϵ\epsilon and the asymptotic form of the metric is given by the weak field approximation (linear in the mass). In first order of ϵ\epsilon we show that the iteration of the weak field solution, which includes only integer powers of the mass, leads to a solution that has a singular horizon. We find a solution with a regular horizon but its asymptotic expansion in the mass also contains half integer powers.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Age-related hearing loss: biological aspects

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    Presbycusis is one of the more prevalent neurodegenerative disease of aging. There are many studies about the influence of environmental and genetic factors. Age-related hearing loss is caused by changes in peripheral (cell loss in organ of Corti, spiral ganglion and stria vascularis) and central auditory systems (consequent to peripheral modifications or for changes in the neurobiologic activity underlying central processing of auditory informations) [1]. Consequences are reduced sensitivity, tuning sharpness, compression, and reduced signal-to-noise ratios, deficits in auditory discrimination, temporal processing, processing of degraded auditory signals or when embedded in competing acoustic signals. Approaching biology of age-related hearing loss is complex: it needs to clarify some peripheral aspects with different cochlear structure and cellular type affected, and some others central auditory processing aspects. There are some peripherally induced central effects and others direct neurodegenerative changes in the brain. Moreover biochemical and mechanical injury in life course can represent a risk factor for auditory function particularly for organ of Corti. This complicates the attempt of separate pure presbycusis from socioacusis. Research indicated some "longevity genes" and longevity-promoting life-styles (obesity and correlated conditions like hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, hyperhomocysteinemia and cardiovascular disease, smoking, diet and diabetes [2,3]. Age-related hearing loss seems to occur more frequently in industrial population than in non-industrial [4]. The relation between alleles pro or against-aging and environment maybe play a determinant role in the evolution of hearing with aging. Until such genes are identified, the best strategy is to reduce environmental risk factors (noise exposure, ototoxic drugs, industrial solvents or combinations of these)

    Project-Based Learning with the Eyes of a University Student

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    В статье описано, как осуществляется проектное обучение в университете, разобран реальный пример выполнения проекта студентом по теме, связанной с нейронными сетями, а также описаны достоинства и недостатки данного метода обучения и способы его улучшения.The article describes how project-based learning is carried out in the university; it also analyses the way how project about neural network is performed by a student and it describes advantages and disadvantages of a given learning method and ways of its improving