16 research outputs found

    Cüneyd-i Bağdâdîye Göre Velâyet

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    Sufis have tried to explain all the issues of the relationship between God and man on the basis of “continuity” and “directness”. In response to the belief that the revelation ended with the prophet’s death, sufis developed the theory of “walāya/sainthood” and defended the continuation of the “wisdom” which they saw as the next form of revelation after the prophethood, and the belief that people could establish a direct and special bond with Allah even without the prophets' interventions. Through this theory placed at the center of the discussions about human nature and its spiritual development, sufis raised the claim that the endless layers of meaning of the Qur'an and the knowledge of truth is always but only by the “selected ones” knowable. Therefore, walāya can be seen as an answer from the sufi wing to the question of what might be the ultimate level achieved by man in the epistemic sense. This article aims to expand the focal point of sainthood researches which concentrate on Khatm al-awliyāʾ of al-Tirmidhī and ignore the thoughts of pre- Tirmidhī sufis, by revealing the views of Junayd al-Baghdādi.Sûfiler tanrı ve insan arasındaki ilişkiye dair tüm meseleleri, “süreklilik” ve “doğrudanlık” esasından hareketle izah etmeye çalışmışlardır. Bundandır ki Sûfiler Allah’ın kullarına hitabı olan vahyin, Hz. Peygamber’in vefatıyla sona ermiş olduğu kanaatine mukabil sûfiler “velâyet” teorisini geliştirerek vahyin nübüvvetten sonraki formu saydıkları “hikmet”in kesilmezliğini ve insanların peygamberlerin tavassutu olmadan da Allah ile doğrudan ve özel bir bağ kurabileceklerini savunmuşlardır. İnsanın mahiyeti ve tekamülüne ilişkin tahlillerin merkezine yerleştirilen bu teori aracılığıyla sûfiler, ezelî hikmet olan Kur'ân-ı Kerîm’in sonsuz anlam katmanlarına veya hakikatin bilgisine her zaman için; ama yalnızca “seçilmiş olanlar” tarafından vakıf olunabileceği iddiasını gündeme getirmektedirler. Dolayısıyla Allah’ın ezelde seçtiği kişilere yani velîlerine hasrettiği makam olarak velâyet, insanın epistemik anlamda ulaşabileceği en nihai mertebenin ne olabileceği sorusuna tasavvuf kanadından gelen bir cevap olarak görülebilir. Bu makale de çoğu zaman Hakim Tirmizî’nin Hatmü’l-Evliyâ isimli eseri üzerinden yürütülen velâyet teorisine ilişkin modern araştırmaların sarf-ı nazar ettiği Tirmizî öncesi sufilerden Cüneyd-i Bağdâdî’nin görüşlerini ortaya koyarak, velayet araştırmalarındaki odak alanını genişletmeyi amaçlamaktadır

    Early Sufism in Eastern Anatolia.

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : Classical Persian Sufism: From its Origins to Rumi, 1993

    Introduction to Ottoman Cartography.

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : The History of Cartography, Volume 2, Book 1 / Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies, 1992

    A study on pre-Islamic survivals in a Turkish-Islamic text: the Vilâyet-nâme

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    The religious history of the Turkish people of Anatolia in the first few centuries after their entry into the peninsula remains obscure. This obscurity can be partially dispersed only through detailed analyses of the few religious works of early Muslim-Turkish literature. One such work, namely the legendary biography of the pir of the Bektasi order known as the Manakib-i Haci Bektasi Veli, or simply the Vilayet-name, is here subjected to a critical analysis with the purpose of identifying the survivals of pre- Islamic Turkish beliefs within it. After an initial effort to place the Vilayet-name into its proper historical context, an overall view of the religious life of Turkish nomads prior to their Islamization is given. This is followed by a comparative analysis of the text in the light of the information already presented, and it is demonstrated that this central work of the heterodox-antinomian Bektasi tradition of Turkish Anatolia is clearly imbedded in the pre-Islamic culture of nomadic Turkish peoples.L'histoire religieuse des Turcs pendant les premier siecles de leur existence en Anatolie nous est encore assez obscure. Toutefois nous pensons que cette obscurite peut etre dissipee dans une large mesure a travers I' etude detaillee des premiers ecrits de la litterature religieuse turque-musulmane. Dans cet ordre d'idees, la presente etude consiste en une analyse critique de l'une de ces oeuvres, Ie Manakib-i Haci Bektasi Veli, connu aussi sous Ie titre de Vilayet-name, avec Ie but de relever des survivances de croyances preislamiques dans cette biographie legendaire du pir de l'ordre des Bektasi. Apres un premier effort de placer Ie Vilayet- name dans son propre contexte historique, sera trace un apercu general de la vie reIigieuse des nomades turcs avant leur conversion a l'Islam. Finalement, a la lumiere des materiaux ainsi exposes, une analyse comparative de notre document sera elabore afln de demontrer que cette oeuvre capitale de la tradition quasiment antinomique de l'heterodoxie Bektasi d'Anatolie s'incruste dans 1e culture preislamique des nomades turcs. f

    Azerbaijan between Two Empires: A Contested Borderland in the Early Modern Period (Sixteenth‒Eighteenth Centuries)

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