78 research outputs found

    Impact of Biochar Use After Five Years in Vertisol and NPK Fertilization on Yield of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.)

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    Vertisols are soils that expand when wet but shrivel and harden when dry. Their high clay content can affect soil aeration so that it can interfere with nutrient absorption. Biochar is a soil enhancer that has a longer impact on the sustainability of soil fertility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the residual dose of biochar that had been applied five years previously and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of shallots on Vertisol as soil medium. This study was conducted in Tunggulwulung Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City. The method used a two-factor Randomized Block Design, consisting of biochar residue with 3 doses (0; 250; 500 g per polybag) and NPK fertilization (with and without fertilization). There was a positive impact from the residue of the previous five-year application of biochar on increasing the number of shallot leaves and bulbs on Vertisol

    Peer Review The Analysis of the Heavy Metal Iron (Fe), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu) Content In Crystal Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) and Soil at Batu

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    Bumiaji region is well-known as it becomes the tourist destination area in Batu City. This area is largely covered by its constant (even below) 20oC temperature along the year in which makes it as the best place to plant horticultural plantation such as Crystal Guava. This plantation is done through careful treatment in applying both organic and inorganic fertilizer and the abundant dose of pesticide continually. These efforts, however, yield some drawbacks to the environment, especially for the soil itself. Thus, this study was aimed for discovering the amount of the heavy metal contained in the soil and Crystal Guava. This study used descriptive analytic method along with using Spectophotometer for testing the heavy metal. The elements of three heavy metal Fe, Cd, Cu in the soil concentration in 30 - 60 cm soil depth were higher than in 0 – 30 cm soil depth. The third content of heavy metals in the soil is included in the high category so that it is harmful to the environment and plants. The heavy metal content of Fe, Cd, Cu in the crystal varieties of guajava fruit in plants aged 5, 6 and 11 years has the results of heavy metal analysis that has exceeded the normal threshold of pollution guidelines


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    Heavy metals where their presence in certain amounts is not harmful to living organisms, but if the amount exceeds the threshold it will be toxic. The character of heavy metals that are difficult to degrade, and easy to accumulate in the environment, so that some monitoring is needed to minimize the high content of heavy metals in leachate. The research was carried out in three locations TPA Dadaprejo Batu City, TPA Dau and TPA Supit Urang, Malang Regency, East Java. This research lasted for five months starting from May to September 2020. The materials used in this study were leachate water and leachate contaminated soil at the Dau Final Disposal Site, Dadaprejo, Supit Urang. The equipment used for this study were 600 ml bottles, filters, labels, plastic bags, scales, hoes, digital cameras and stationery. This research was conducted using sampling. The number of treatments consisted of 3 treatments which were repeated 3 times with the total amount of leachate being 9 samples. Leachate Sampling: There are 3 plots of leachate ponds at each location. Each pool plot was taken as much as 500 ml of leachate sample. Then obtained 3 samples from 3 plots, then samples of leachate from each plot were composited so that 1 sample was obtained representing each TPA. This leachate sample uses a grab sample technique where the wastewater is only temporary. To test the heavy metal content in leachate, it was identified by means of AAS (Athomyc Absorption Spectophotometer) which was carried out at the soil chemistry laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. The observation parameters The observed parameters were heavy metal content in leachate samples of heavy metals Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb), Cobalt (Co), Boron (Br). The results showed the presence of heavy metals from leachate, namely, heavy metals iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), cobalt (Co), boron (B), cadmium (Cd), mercury ( Hg) which has a concentration value exceeding the quality standard threshold in accordance with the FAO, 2007 recommendation and Government Regulation Number. 82 of 2001


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    This study aimed was to determine the factors that influence consumers in buying broiler meat partially and simultaneously at the Landungsari Market, Malang Regency. The independent variables studied were the price of broiler meat, chicken meat free-range price, the price of broiler eggs, promotion, service, and location. Dependent on the variable in this study is consumer purchasing decisions consisting of consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty, and giving recommendations to others to come to buy broiler meat at the Landungsari Market. The data used in the research are primary data and secondary data. The data was obtained from the tabulation of raw data through a questionnaire of 100 respondents and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The result shows that all factors in the research variables correlate with consumers buying broiler meat at the Landungsari Market. The most dominant variable is free-range chicken meat price has become a partial influence on consumer purchasing decisions in buying broiler meat at the Landungsari Market. Variable factors that influence simultaneously or together sequentially according to the percentage value are free-range chicken meat, the broiler meat price, service, egg price, location of purchase, and promotional factors. All variables give a positive contribution and influence together of 0.511 with a tolerance limit of 0.05%

    Analisa pendapatan peternakan sapi potong Di Kabupaten Lamongan (studi kasus pada koperasi kelompok peternak gunungrejo makmur Di Desa Gunungrejo Kecamatan Kedungpring, Kabupaten Lamongan)

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Gunungrejo, Kecamatan Kedungpring, Kabupaten Lamongan. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan selama satu bulan yaitu mulai pada tanggal 01 Juli - 01 Agustus 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pendapatan usaha ternak sapi potong pada Kelompok Peternak Gunung Rejo Makmur di Desa Gunungrejo, Kecamatan Kedungpring, Kabupaten Lamongan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan dan wawancara langsung terhadap peternak sapi potong yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Peternak Koperasi Gunung Rejo Makmur, Kedungpring, Kabupaten Lamongan sejumlah 93 orang dengan metode Purposive Sampling. Analisa data menggunakan analisa laba rugi, return cost ratio, break even point, dan payback period. Hasil analisa perhitungan 3 tahun terakhir yakni tahun 2017, tahun 2018, sampai dengan tahun 2019 menyatakan bahwa rataan pendapatan usaha penggemukan Koperasi Peternak Gunung Rejo Makmur sebesar Rp. 1.983.157.500 per tahun dengan hasil return cost ratio > 1 sebesar 2,50 pada tahun 2017, 1,72 tahun 2018, dan 1,8 pada tahun 2019. Perhitungan break even point pada tahun 2017 menghasilkan nilai sebesar 226,19/kg untuk produksi dan Rp. Rp 11.674.688/tahun untuk harga. Tahun 2018 didapatkan nilai sebesar 209,5 kg untuk break even point produksi, dan Rp 16.024.500/tahun untuk break even point harga. Break even point produksi dan harga pada tahun 2019 secara berurutan yaitu 275,45 kg serta besaran harga senilai Rp. 2.014.068/tahun. Analisa payback period pada tahun 2017 menghasilkan nilai sebesar 3,15, tahun 2018 sebesar 1,28, dan pada tahun 2019 senilai 4,2. Kesimpulan dapat ditarik berdasarkan hasil analisa perhitungan yang semua memenuhi kriteria. Sehingga usaha penggemukan peternakan sapi potong Koperasi Peternak Gunung Rejo Makmur dinyatakan layak untuk dijalankan dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut, dan diimbangi dengan pencatatan laporan keuangan yang lebih baik. Agar dapat mengetahui perputaran arus kas keuangan yang lebih akurat

    Similarity The Analysis of the Heavy Metal Iron (Fe), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu) Content In Crystal Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) and Soil at Batu

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    Bumiaji region is well-known as it becomes the tourist destination area in Batu City. This area is largely covered by its constant (even below) 20oC temperature along the year in which makes it as the best place to plant horticultural plantation such as Crystal Guava. This plantation is done through careful treatment in applying both organic and inorganic fertilizer and the abundant dose of pesticide continually. These efforts, however, yield some drawbacks to the environment, especially for the soil itself. Thus, this study was aimed for discovering the amount of the heavy metal contained in the soil and Crystal Guava. This study used descriptive analytic method along with using Spectophotometer for testing the heavy metal. The elements of three heavy metal Fe, Cd, Cu in the soil concentration in 30 - 60 cm soil depth were higher than in 0 – 30 cm soil depth. The third content of heavy metals in the soil is included in the high category so that it is harmful to the environment and plants. The heavy metal content of Fe, Cd, Cu in the crystal varieties of guajava fruit in plants aged 5, 6 and 11 years has the results of heavy metal analysis that has exceeded the normal threshold of pollution guidelines

    Pengaruh Faktor Produksi Terhadap Minat Usaha Penggemukan Kelinci Pedaging Di Kota Wisata Batu

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    Penelitian dilakukan terhadap peternak kelinci pedaging yang berada di Desa Bumiaji Kota Batu sejumlah 20 peternak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2019 sampai Januari 2020. Lokasi sengaja dipilih dengan alasan Desa Bumiaji memiliki jumlah peternak kelinci cukup banyak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daging kelinci sebagai komoditas unggulan Kota Wisata Batu. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui minat usaha peternak dalam penggemukan kelinci. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan total sampling. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu bibit kelinci, pakan, lahan dan kandang, nilai ekonomi, dan peran pemerintah. Analisa data menggunakan pendekatan regresi linier berganda dengan alat bantu SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas yaitu faktor produksi bibit kelinci, pakan, lahan dan kandang, nilai ekonomi dan peran pemerintah di dalam penelitian berpengaruh terhadap variabel terikat yaitu minat usaha peternak penggemukan kelinci Di Desa Bumiaji Kota Wisata Batu sebesar 0,503. Angka tersebut menggambarkan bahwa faktor produksi mempunyai korelasi sebesar 50% terhadap minat usaha peternak kelinci sisanya adalah variabel lain diluar indikator di dalam penelitian sebesar 50%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian adalah variabel lahan kandang, dan nilai ekonomi merupakan faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi minat peternak dalam usaha penggemukan kelinci dengan besaran koefisien regresi secara berurutan sebesar 0,482 dan 0,238 dengan batas toleransi 0,05%. Dikutip dari kesimpulan, sebaiknya penting adanya peran pemerintah untuk penyediaan lahan untuk mendukung produktifitas dan minat usaha penggemukan peternak kelinci di Kota Wisata Batu

    PERSYARATAN LAHAN TANAMAN PORANG (Amarphopallus ancophillus)

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    Porang is a commodity crops are included in the family Araceae and the bush plants (herbs) with a single bulb in the ground. Porang grow in the forest because it requires only 50-60 percent of solar radiation. Porang can grow well in organic soil and dry soils with pH 6-7. For the purposes of the development porang required information about land suitability map. One of the constraints in preparing the land suitability map porang, is the unavailability of land requirements porang. Currently available is a land requirement of iles-iles. The purpose of this study was to develop land requirements porang, in order to work in the land suitability evaluation porang no longer use land requirements iles-iles. The research location is KPH Nganjuk region. The research was conducted in January to May 2012. The primary data obtained from field observation, while secondary data obtained from the literature, maps, and interviews with farmers and Perum Perhutani KPH Nganjuk employee. At every SPL was observed physical condition and taking soil samples.Not all parameters of land requirements Iles - iles can be used to evaluate the suitability of Porang. Parameter requirements Iles - iles that can be used to evaluate the Porang is coarse material, CEC, salinity, erosion, flood hazards, land preparation, dry months, C-organic. Proposed requirements for crop land porang as shown in Appendix

    Similarity Soil amendment impact to soil organic matter and physical properties on the three soil types after second corn cultivation

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    Soil amendment is important for low organic matter soil dominated by sand or clay. Soil amendments using biochar and various types of organic fertilizer have been shown to improve the soil properties. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of soil amendment against the second maize plantation season in different soil types. Biochar and organic fertilizer had been applied to the soil amendment 2 years ago (2017) in a polybag during the second plantation season. Polybags were placed in the field and arranged according to nested designs. The experiment used three types of biochar from rice husk, corn cob, by-products of the tobacco industry called jengkok. Two types of organic fertilizer (compost and chicken manure). Soil samples were predominantly sand (entisol) and clay (inceptisol and entisol lithic subgroups). Soil amendment was given at a dose of 300 g per polybags single type, biochar or organic fertilizer without mixing, and each 150 g per polybags for combination type, biochar mixed with an organic fertilizer in 9 kg of soil. Three types of soil (first factor) and soil amendment (second factor nested in the first factor) consisted of 12 treatments: 1. Control, 2. Corn cob biochar (CB), 3. Rice husk biochar (RB), 4. Jengkok biochar (JB), 5. Compost (Cs), 6. Chicken manure (M), 7. Corn cob biochar + compost (CBCs), 8. Corn cob biochar + manure (CBM), 9. Rice husk biochar + compost (RBCs), 10. Rice husk biochar + manure (RBM), 11. Jengkok biochar + compost (JBCs), 12. Jengkok biochar + manure (JBM). Soil physical properties were observed using intact soil samples (rings 5 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm in height), including saturated hydraulic conductivity, texture, soil water retention capacity, soil bulk density, soil particles, soil porosity, macro, meso, and micropores. It was also observed soil organic matter which was taken in a composite from the surface (0-20 cm). Plants are fertilized with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, 110 kg K2O ha-1, and 135 kg N ha-1 at each planting season. Data analysis with SPSS and continued with the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed each soil amendment had different effectiveness to improve the soil organic matter and its physical properties. Biochar from corn cob mixed with manure is effective to get better corn yields from entisol. While inceptisol soil is suitable with biochar from rice husk mixed with manure. The entisol lithic subgroups are suitable for manure. The soil amendment types affect the soil constituent fraction (sand, dust, clay) composition so that it has an impact on the physical properties of each soil type
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