Similarity Soil amendment impact to soil organic matter and physical properties on the three soil types after second corn cultivation


Soil amendment is important for low organic matter soil dominated by sand or clay. Soil amendments using biochar and various types of organic fertilizer have been shown to improve the soil properties. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of soil amendment against the second maize plantation season in different soil types. Biochar and organic fertilizer had been applied to the soil amendment 2 years ago (2017) in a polybag during the second plantation season. Polybags were placed in the field and arranged according to nested designs. The experiment used three types of biochar from rice husk, corn cob, by-products of the tobacco industry called jengkok. Two types of organic fertilizer (compost and chicken manure). Soil samples were predominantly sand (entisol) and clay (inceptisol and entisol lithic subgroups). Soil amendment was given at a dose of 300 g per polybags single type, biochar or organic fertilizer without mixing, and each 150 g per polybags for combination type, biochar mixed with an organic fertilizer in 9 kg of soil. Three types of soil (first factor) and soil amendment (second factor nested in the first factor) consisted of 12 treatments: 1. Control, 2. Corn cob biochar (CB), 3. Rice husk biochar (RB), 4. Jengkok biochar (JB), 5. Compost (Cs), 6. Chicken manure (M), 7. Corn cob biochar + compost (CBCs), 8. Corn cob biochar + manure (CBM), 9. Rice husk biochar + compost (RBCs), 10. Rice husk biochar + manure (RBM), 11. Jengkok biochar + compost (JBCs), 12. Jengkok biochar + manure (JBM). Soil physical properties were observed using intact soil samples (rings 5 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm in height), including saturated hydraulic conductivity, texture, soil water retention capacity, soil bulk density, soil particles, soil porosity, macro, meso, and micropores. It was also observed soil organic matter which was taken in a composite from the surface (0-20 cm). Plants are fertilized with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, 110 kg K2O ha-1, and 135 kg N ha-1 at each planting season. Data analysis with SPSS and continued with the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed each soil amendment had different effectiveness to improve the soil organic matter and its physical properties. Biochar from corn cob mixed with manure is effective to get better corn yields from entisol. While inceptisol soil is suitable with biochar from rice husk mixed with manure. The entisol lithic subgroups are suitable for manure. The soil amendment types affect the soil constituent fraction (sand, dust, clay) composition so that it has an impact on the physical properties of each soil type

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