3 research outputs found

    Saxifrago ferdinandi-coburgi-Seslerietum actarovii – nova asociacija v subalpinskem pasu gorovja Slavjanka (Orvilos) (Bolgarija)

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    The paper discusses the phytosociological and syntaxonomical position of the dry subalpine grasslands in the Slavianka (Alibutoush, Orvilos) Mts. (South-Western Bulgaria, Northern Greece). A new association Saxifrago ferdinandi-coburgi-Seslerietum actarovii ass. nova has been established as a result of the phytosociological study. It is considered as an endemic vegetation unit from the calcareous subalpine terrains in the Central Balkan Peninsula high mountains (SouthWestern Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Northern Greece). The new syntaxon belongs to the alliance Edrajantho-Seslerion Horvat 1949. A comparison with related syntaxa from other calcareous mountains from Northern Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is discussed.V članku avtorji obravnavajo fitosociološki in sintaksonomski položaj suhih subalpinskih travnikov v gorovju Slavjanka (Alibutoush, Orvilos) (jugozahodna Bolgarija, severna Grčija). Kot rezultat fitocenoloških raziskav so opisali novo asociacijo Saxifrago ferdinandi-coburgi-Seslerietum actarovii ass. nova. Obravnavajo jo kot endemično vegetacijsko enoto iz subalpinskega pasu visokih gora v srednjem delu Balkanskega polotoka (jugozahodna Bolgarija, Makedonija, severna Grčija). Novoopisani sintakson uvrščajo v zvezo Edrajantho-Seslerion Horvat 1949. Sintakson so primerjali s sorodnimi sintaksoni iz drugih apneniških gora iz severne Grčije in Makedonije

    Balkan Vegetation Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives

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    The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019; http://www.givd.info/ID/EU-00- 019) is a regional database that consists of phytosociological relevés from different vegetation types from six countries on the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia). Currently, it contains 9,580 relevés, and most of them (78%) are geo-referenced. The database includes digitized relevés from the literature (79%) and unpublished data (21%). Herein we present descriptive statistics about attributive relevé information. We developed rules that regulate governance of the database, data provision, types of data availability regimes, data requests and terms of use, authorships and relationships with other databases. The database offers an extensive overview about studies on the local, regional and SE European levels including information about flora, vegetation and habitats

    Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD) – updated information and current status

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    The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019) is a regional database, which was established in 2014. It comprises phytosociological relevés covering various vegetation types from nine countries of the Balkan Peninsula (Albania – 153 relevés, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1715, Bulgaria – 12,282, Greece – 465, Croatia – 69, Kosovo – 493, Montenegro – 440, North Macedonia – 13 and Serbia – 2677). Currently, it contains 18,306 relevés (compared to 9.580 in 2016), and most of them (82.8%) are geo-referenced. The database includes both digitized relevés from the literature (65.6%) and unpublished data (34.5%). Plot size is available for 84.7% of all relevés. During the last four years some “header data information” was improved e.g. elevation (now available for 83.4% of all relevés), aspect (67.7%), slope (66%), total cover of vegetation (54.3%), cover of tree, shrub, herb, bryophyte and lichen layers (27.1%, 20.1%, 40.2%, 11.5% and 2.1%), respectively. Data access is either semi-restricted (65.6%) or restricted (34.4%). Most relevés (84.6%) are classified to syntaxa of different levels. The database has been used for numerous studies with various objectives from floristic, vegetation and habitat-related topics, to macroecological studies at the local, regional, national, continental and global levels. During the last four years, BVD data were requested from 111 different projects via the EVA and sPlot databases