485 research outputs found


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    The study area is located in southeast of the town of Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, Central Anatolia). The rocks (Neogene Age) located in the study area is divided into two lithostratigraphic units, namely İlyaspaşa (Lower-Middle Miocene) and Sakarya (Upper Miocene-Pliocene) formations. Sakarya formation is the subdivided into four members namely Gypsum, Lower Limestone, Clayey Dolomite and Upper Limestone. Gypsums show different crystal habit as lenticular, discoidal, rosette and swallow-tail in the field. Gypsum crystals are seen as massive levels, bedded gypsum, fracture filling and scattered within dolomite. Massive and bedded gypsum which interbedded with dolomite layers consist of only lenticular and discoidal gypsum crystals. These are white colored and finely crystalline (clay to sand sized). Also other gypsum crystals show different colors as bluish-grayish colored and light brown. Based on X-ray powder diffraction data, the mineralogical associations of all sections comprise mainly dolomite, gypsum, calcite, locally sepiolite, and in a few cases, palygorskite, smectite, illite and kaolinite. Coarse crystalline gypsum occurrences (discoidal, swallow-tail, rosette) contain a higher percentage of clay minerals than the smaller gypsum crystals. The study area has been influenced by freshwater, weak alkaline and alkaline conditions. The SO32- contents of clay-sand sized gypsum occurrences are found to be lower than in other gypsum occurrencesÇalışma alanı Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, İç Anadolu)’ın güneydoğusunda yer alır. İnceleme alanında yüzeyleyen Neojen yaşlı birimler İlyaspaşa formasyonu (Alt-Orta Miyosen) ve Sakarya formasyonu (Üst Miyosen-Pliyosen) olmak üzere iki litostratigrafik birime ayrılır. Sakarya formasyonu Jips, Alt Kireçtaşı, Killi Dolomit ve Üst Kireçtaşı olmak üzere dört üyeye ayrılmaktadır. Jipsler arazide diskoidal, mercek şekilli, jips gülü ve kırlangıçkuyruğu gibi çeşitli kristal şekilleri sergilemektedir. Jips kristalleri inceleme alanında masiv seviyeler, tabakalı, dolomit içerisinde çatlak dolgusu ve serbest büyümeli olarak gözlenir. Dolomit ile ardalanmalı olan masiv ve tabakalı jipsler, yalnızca mercek şekilli ve diskoidal şekilli jipslerden oluşmuştur. Bunlar beyaz renkli ve küçük kristaller halinde (kil-kum boyu) bulunur. Diğer jips kristalleri ise mavimsi gri ve açık kahverengi gibi değişik renkler sergilerler. X-ışınları verilerine göre tüm kesitler; başlıca dolomit, jips, kalsit, yerel olarak sepiyolit ve nadir olarak ta paligorskit, simektit, illit ve kaolinit içerir. İri diskoidal, kırlangıç kuyruğu ve gül biçimli jips kristallerini içeren örneklerde, kil mineral içeriğinin kil-kum boyu jipslerden daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanında tatlı su, zayıf alkalin ve alkalin koşulların etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kil kum boyu jips oluşumlarının SO32- içerikleri diğer jips oluşumlarından daha düşük bulunmuştur

    Real-life experience of patients with sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma: a multicenter retrospective study

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    Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma (sRCC) is a rare variant of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and is associated with a poor prognosis. We reviewed the outcomes of patients from oncology centers in Turkey. Our aim is to share our real-life experience and to contribute to the literature. The demographic and clinical features, treatment, and survival outcomes of 148 patients with sRCC were analyzed. The median age at the time of diagnosis was 58 years (range: 19-83 years). Most patients (62.8%) had clear-cell histology. Most patients were in the intermediate Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) risk group (67.6%) and were stage 4 at the time of diagnosis (63.5%). The most common sites of metastasis were the lung (60.1%), lymph nodes (47.3%), and bone (35.8%). The patients received a median of two lines (range: 0-6) of treatment. The most common side effects were fatigue, hematological side effects, hypertension, and hypothyroidism. The median follow-up was 20.9 months (range: 1-162 months). The median overall survival (OS) was 30.8 months (95% confidence interval: 24.9-36.7 months). In multivariate analysis, high MSKCC scores, sarcomatoid differentiation rates >50%, having stage 4 disease, and having lung metastasis at the time of diagnosis were independent factors for poor prognosis affecting OS. No difference was observed between patients who received tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) as the first or second-line treatments. Similarly, no difference between TKI and immunotherapy as the second-line treatment. In conclusion, sRCC is a rare variant of RCC with a poor prognosis and response to treatment. Larger-scale prospective studies are needed to define an optimal treatment approach for longer survival in this aggressive variant

    Malatya’da Sporun Yaygınlaştırılması Açısından Spor Tesislerinin Yeterlilik Düzeyinin İncelenmesi,

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    Sporu oluşturan bileşenlerden biri de spor tesisleridir. Topluma en iyi şekilde spor hizmeti verilmesinde spor tesislerinin niteliği önemli bir kriterdir. Sporun yaygınlaştırılmasında spor tesislerinin sayı ve çeşitliliğinin, toplumun spora ilişkin beklenti ve ihtiyaçlarının belli bir politika çerçevesinde ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı; Malatya’da sporun yayınlaştırılmasında spor tesislerinin yeterlilik düzeyi ve halkın spor eğiliminin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmaya Malatya il merkezinde bulunan değişik meslek, yaş ve cinsiyet gruplarından oluşan toplam 2020 kişi gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan deneklere anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde frekans ve yüzde dağılımları hesaplanarak değişkenler arasında ilişki olup olmadığı Ki-Kare testi uygulanarak test edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, Malatya’da yaşayan halkın çoğunluğunun spora ilgi duyduğu, ilgi duyulan spor branşları arasında futbolun ilk sırada yer aldığı, spor yapılmasına engel teşkil eden etmenlerin başında yeterli spor tesisinin olmamasının yer aldığı, kamu kurum ve kuruluşların yeterince spor tesislerine sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca Malatya‘da kitle sporunun yaygınlaştırılması için spor tesislerinin ve spor kulüplerinin sayısının arttırılması gerektiği, halkın ilgisini çekecek spor organizasyonlarının düzenlenmesi ve mahallelerde semt sahalarının sayısının artırılmasının önemli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Vİews Of The Teachers And Administrators Of The High School Of Fine Arts And Sports On Diversity Management,

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    This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the views on management of diversity of the administrators and the teachers who work in Fine Arts and Sports High Schools. The sample group of the study consisted of 12 administrators and 70 teachers working in the fine Arts and Sports High Schools in province of Elazig, Usak, Trabzon, Corum and Eskisehir. In order to determine the views of the sample group, a scale developed by Balay and Saglam (2004) was used and the data obtained was analyzed in the SPSS package program. In this study it was determined that managers didn’t discriminate according to sexes, that there was a decrease in views of the managers and teachers that personal attitudes and behaviors and the administrative practices and principles were managed positively with their growing ages and that there was no difference in views of the study group regarding the diversity management in their schools according to their education status, vocational superiority, total service periods in management, service status and vocational field variants. In conclusion, it can be concluded that the differences between the administrators and the teachers in these educational institutions have a positive impact on the direction of improving the quality of education and that the employees’ beliefs, origins, cultural, etc. differences provide an advantage for these institutions and finally there were no discrimination in their administrative concepts

    Mating type idiomorphs of Pyrenophora teres in Turkey

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    Pyrenophora teres f. maculata (Ptm) and Pyrenophora teres f. teres (Ptt) causes spot form and net form of net blotch diseases of barley, respectively. Although both forms of P. teres are morphologically similar, their symptoms and genetic background differ. In this study, 175 single spore (109 Ptm and 66 Ptt) isolates obtained from different regions of Turkey were evaluated for their mating type distribution and prevalence. Fungal isolates of both forms were verified using species-speci.c polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. For mating type determination studies, duplex PCR was performed using MAT-specific single nucleotide polymorphism primers. Sixty and 49 of 109 Ptm isolates were found as MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 types, respectively and 43 and 23 of 66 Ptt isolates were found as MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 types, respectively. These results show the possibility of sexual reproduction among the Ptm isolates in Turkey and Ptt population of Central Anatolia, Turkey. However, the overall pattern of Ptt isolates did not support the sexual reproduction hypothesis in Turkey. Sexual reproduction in the life cycle of P. teres is important since it could lead to genetic and pathogenic variation. As a result of new sexual combinations more virulent pathotypes of P. teres may occur

    Thirty Years After Michael E. Porter: What Do We Know About Business Exit?

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    Although a business exit is an important corporate change initiative, the buyer’s side seems to be more appealing to management researchers than the seller’s because acquisitions imply growth, i.e., success. Yet from an optimistic viewpoint, business exit can effectively create value for the selling company. In this paper we attempt to bring the relevance of the seller’s side back into our consciousness by asking: What do we know about business exit? We start our exploration with Porter (1976), focusing on literature that investigates the antecedents of, barriers to, and outcomes of business exit. We also include studies from related fields such as finance and economics.1 Through this research we determine three clusters of findings: factors promoting business exit, exit barriers, and exit outcomes. Overall, it is the intention of this paper to highlight the importance of business exit for research and practice. Knowing what we know about business exits and their high financial value we should bear in mind that exit need not mean failure but a new beginning for a corporation

    A Lightweight Content Replication Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Environments

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    The mobile, wireless, and self-organizing features of ad hoc networks pose many challenges with respect to continuous availability and accessibility of data. In such a dynamic environment, there are many advantages in replicating a data item so there are multiple copies, including reduced response times and higher data availability. Also, if done efficiently, replication can help reduce energy usage. In this paper, we propose the Expanding Ring replication strategy for pull-based information dissemination environments. One of our primary objectives is the development of a lightweight scheme for mobile nodes. We evaluate the performance of our scheme with respect to a number of parameters and compare it to a system without replication. Our results show a reduction in the average response times and the message processing overhead on nodes. The scheme also does well when both, the overall willingness of nodes to cache data and their individual caching capabilities vary

    Global CO2 Emissions From Dry Inland Waters Share Common Drivers Across Ecosystems

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    Many inland waters exhibit complete or partial desiccation, or have vanished due to global change, exposing sediments to the atmosphere. Yet, data on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from these sediments are too scarce to upscale emissions for global estimates or to understand their fundamental drivers. Here, we present the results of a global survey covering 196 dry inland waters across diverse ecosystem types and climate zones. We show that their CO2 emissions share fundamental drivers and constitute a substantial fraction of the carbon cycled by inland waters. CO2 emissions were consistent across ecosystem types and climate zones, with local characteristics explaining much of the variability. Accounting for such emissions increases global estimates of carbon emissions from inland waters by 6% (~0.12 Pg C y−1). Our results indicate that emissions from dry inland waters represent a significant and likely increasing component of the inland waters carbon cycle