1,537 research outputs found

    Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis in the Brightest Galactic Asymptotic Giant Branch stars

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    We present updated calculations of stellar evolutionary sequences and detailed nucleosynthesis predictions for the brightest asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Galaxy with masses between 5Msun to 9Msun, with an initial metallicity of Z =0.02 ([Fe/H] = 0.14). In our previous studies we used the Vassiliadis & Wood mass-loss rate, which stays low until the pulsation period reaches 500 days after which point a superwind begins. Vassiliadis & Wood noted that for stars over 2.5Msun the superwind should be delayed until P ~ 750 days at 5Msun. We calculate evolutionary sequences where we delay the onset of the superwind to pulsation periods of P ~ 700-800 days in models of M = 5, 6, and 7Msun. Post-processing nucleosynthesis calculations show that the 6 and 7Msun models produce the most Rb, with [Rb/Fe] ~ 1 dex, close to the average of most of the Galactic Rb-rich stars ([Rb/Fe] ~ 1.4 plus or minus 0.8 dex). Changing the rate of the 22Ne + alpha reactions results in variations of [Rb/Fe] as large as 0.5 dex in models with a delayed superwind. The largest enrichment in heavy elements is found for models that adopt the NACRE rate of the 22Ne(a,n)25Mg reaction. Using this rate allows us to best match the composition of most of the Rb-rich stars. A synthetic evolution algorithm is then used to remove the remaining envelope resulting in final [Rb/Fe] of ~ 1.4 dex although with C/O ratios > 1. We conclude that delaying the superwind may account for the large Rb overabundances observed in the brightest metal-rich AGB stars.Comment: 37 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, minor modifications to text and Tables 2 and 3, reference adde

    Updated stellar yields from Asymptotic Giant Branch models

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    An updated grid of stellar yields for low to intermediate-mass thermally-pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are presented. The models cover a range in metallicity Z = 0.02, 0.008, 0.004, and 0.0001, and masses between 1Msun to 6Msun. New intermediate-mass Z = 0.0001 AGB models are also presented, along with a finer mass grid than used in previous studies. The yields are computed using an updated reaction rate network that includes the latest NeNa and MgAl proton capture rates, with the main result that between ~6 to 30 times less Na is produced by intermediate-mass models with hot bottom burning. In low-mass AGB models we investigate the effect on the production of light elements of including some partial mixing of protons into the intershell region during the deepest extent of each third dredge-up episode. The protons are captured by the abundant 12C to form a 13C pocket. The 13C pocket increases the yields of 19F, 23Na, the neutron-rich Mg and Si isotopes, 60Fe, and 31P. The increase in 31P is by factors of ~4 to 20, depending on the metallicity. Any structural changes caused by the addition of the 13C pocket into the He-intershell are ignored. However, the models considered are of low mass and any such feedback is likely to be small. Further study is required to test the accuracy of the yields from the partial-mixing models. For each mass and metallicity, the yields are presented in a tabular form suitable for use in galactic chemical evolution studies or for comparison to the composition of planetary nebulae.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 15 page

    Rubidium, zirconium, and lithium production in intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars

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    A recent survey of a large sample of Galactic intermediate-mass (>3 Msun) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars shows that they exhibit large overabundances of rubidium (Rb) up to 100--1000 times solar. These observations set constraints on our theoretical notion of the slow neutron capture process (s process) that occurs inside intermediate-mass AGB stars. Lithium (Li) abundances are also reported for these stars. In intermediate-mass AGB stars, Li can be produced by proton captures occuring at the base of the convective envelope. For this reason the observations of Rb, Zr, and Li set complementary constraints on different processes occurring in the same stars. We present predictions for the abundances of Rb, Zr, and Li as computed for the first time simultaneously in intermediate-mass AGB star models and compare them to the current observational constraints. We find that the Rb abundance increases with increasing stellar mass, as is inferred from observations but we are unable to match the highest observed [Rb/Fe] abundances. Inclusion of a partial mixing zone (PMZ) to activate the 13C(a,n)16O reaction as an additional neutron source yields significant enhancements in the Rb abundance. However this leads to Zr abundances that exceed the upper limits of the current observational constraints. If the third dredge-up (TDU) efficiency remains as high during the final stages of AGB evolution as during the earlier stages, we can match the lowest values of the observed Rb abundance range. We predict large variations in the Li abundance, which are observed. Finally, the predicted Rb production increases with decreasing metallicity, in qualitative agreement with observations of Magellanic Cloud AGB stars. However stellar models of Z=0.008 and Z=0.004 intermediate-mass AGB stars do not produce enough Rb to match the observed abundances.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: a window on AGB nucleosynthesis and binary evolution. II. Statistical analysis of a sample of 67 CEMP-ss stars

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    Many observed CEMP stars are found in binary systems and show enhanced abundances of ss-elements. The origin of the chemical abundances of these CEMP-ss stars is believed to be accretion in the past of enriched material from a primary star in the AGB phase. We investigate the mechanism of mass transfer and the process of nucleosynthesis in low-metallicity AGB stars by modelling the binary systems in which the observed CEMP-ss stars were formed. For this purpose we compare a sample of 6767 CEMP-ss stars with a grid of binary stars generated by our binary evolution and nucleosynthesis model. We classify our sample CEMP-ss stars in three groups based on the observed abundance of europium. In CEMPs/r-s/r stars the europium-to-iron ratio is more than ten times higher than in the Sun, whereas it is lower than this threshold in CEMPs/nr-s/nr stars. No measurement of europium is currently available for CEMP-s/urs/ur stars. On average our models reproduce well the abundances observed in CEMP-s/nrs/nr stars, whereas in CEMP-s/rs/r stars and CEMP-s/urs/ur stars the abundances of the light-ss elements are systematically overpredicted by our models and in CEMP-s/rs/r stars the abundances of the heavy-ss elements are underestimated. In all stars our modelled abundances of sodium overestimate the observations. This discrepancy is reduced only in models that underestimate the abundances of most of the ss-elements. Furthermore, the abundance of lead is underpredicted in most of our model stars. These results point to the limitations of our AGB nucleosynthesis model, particularly in the predictions of the element-to-element ratios. Finally, in our models CEMP-ss stars are typically formed in wide systems with periods above 10000 days, while most of the observed CEMP-ss stars are found in relatively close orbits with periods below 5000 days.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: a window on AGB nucleosynthesis and binary evolution. I. Detailed analysis of 15 binary stars with known orbital periods

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    AGB stars are responsible for producing a variety of elements, including carbon, nitrogen, and the heavy elements produced in the slow neutron-capture process (ss-elements). There are many uncertainties involved in modelling the evolution and nucleosynthesis of AGB stars, and this is especially the case at low metallicity, where most of the stars with high enough masses to enter the AGB have evolved to become white dwarfs and can no longer be observed. The stellar population in the Galactic halo is of low mass (0.85M\lesssim 0.85M_{\odot}) and only a few observed stars have evolved beyond the first giant branch. However, we have evidence that low-metallicity AGB stars in binary systems have interacted with their low-mass secondary companions in the past. The aim of this work is to investigate AGB nucleosynthesis at low metallicity by studying the surface abundances of chemically peculiar very metal-poor stars of the halo observed in binary systems. To this end we select a sample of 15 carbon- and ss-element-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP-ss) halo stars that are found in binary systems with measured orbital periods. With our model of binary evolution and AGB nucleosynthesis, we determine the binary configuration that best reproduces, at the same time, the observed orbital period and surface abundances of each star of the sample. The observed periods provide tight constraints on our model of wind mass transfer in binary stars, while the comparison with the observed abundances tests our model of AGB nucleosynthesis.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Gas and dust from solar metallicity AGB stars

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    We study the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) evolution of stars with masses between 1 M8.5 M1~M_{\odot} - 8.5~M_{\odot}. We focus on stars with a solar chemical composition, which allows us to interpret evolved stars in the Galaxy. We present a detailed comparison with models of the same chemistry, calculated with a different evolution code and based on a different set of physical assumptions. We find that stars of mass 3.5 M\ge 3.5~M_{\odot} experience hot bottom burning at the base of the envelope. They have AGB lifetimes shorter than 3×105\sim 3\times 10^5 yr and eject into their surroundings gas contaminated by proton-capture nucleosynthesis, at an extent sensitive to the treatment of convection. Low mass stars with 1.5 MM3 M1.5~M_{\odot} \le M \le 3~M_{\odot} become carbon stars. During the final phases the C/O ratio grows to 3\sim 3. We find a remarkable agreement between the two codes for the low-mass models and conclude that predictions for the physical and chemical properties of these stars, and the AGB lifetime, are not that sensitive to the modelling of the AGB phase. The dust produced is also dependent on the mass: low-mass stars produce mainly solid carbon and silicon carbide dust, whereas higher mass stars produce silicates and alumina dust. Possible future observations potentially able to add more robustness to the present results are also discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 24 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA