25 research outputs found

    Portrait of an old Muslim man having coffee

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    An old man wearing baggy trousers (čakšire), a turban and modern shoes is sitting on a rug. He is holding a cigarette in his left and a little cup in his right hand.Background with lateral retouch

    Dental Tourism marketing in Istrian County

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    U posljednje vrijeme, dentalno - turistička ponuda u turizmu postala je sve češći primarni faktor dolaska u neku destinaciju. Odnos cijene i kvalitete dentalnih usluga u Istarskoj županiji posljednjih deset godina sve više privlači korisnike iz emitivnih zemalja poput Italije, Slovenije i Njemačke. Uštede za korisnike su više no zadovoljavajuće, jer za određene dentalne usluge ušteda se penje do 75 %. Ulaganje u razvoj dentalnog turizma postaje sve isplativije te se sve više poliklinika te ordinacija okreće takvom vidu prodaje svojih usluga. Zdravlje postaje važan čimbenik razvoja suvremenog turizma ali isto tako i generator samih ekonomskih vrijednosti u turizmu. Kombinacija različitih čimbenika - visok trošak zdravstvene skrbi van sustava javnog zdravstva u zemljama razvijenog Zapada, izostanak mogućnosti korištenja određenih medicinskih usluga van sustava javnog zdravstva i/ili obvezatnih/komercijalnih sustava osiguranja, lakoća i sve niže cijene međunarodnih putovanja, brži razvitak medicinske tehnologije i standarda skrbi u pojedinim zemljama, doveli su do rasta popularnosti ovakvih putovanja. Dentalni turizam prvi je počeo s razvojem kroz zdravstveni turizam i dogurao je do pojma najrazvijenijeg oblika turizma. Potražnja za dentalnim turizmom u Istarskoj županiji raste iz godine u godinu. Smatra se da će dentalno - turistički proizvod i usluga u kratko vrijeme postati glavni razlog odabira destinacije. Za dentalni turizam se s lakoćom može reći da je budućnost zdravstvenog turizma u Hrvatskoj s obzirnom da je to najtraženija usluga u zdravstvenom turizmu. Dentalni turizam stoga treba tretirati kao prioritet razvoja u sektoru turizma. Ponudu treba usmjeriti prema planovima budućeg razvoja turizma, s fokusom na razvoj cjelogodišnjeg dentalnog turizma visoke kvalitete.Recently, the dental tourism offer in tourism has become primary factor for coming in to a destination. The relationship between prices and quality of dental services in Istria County has attracted more and more users from abroad countries like Italy, Slovenia and Germany in the past ten years. Savings for customers are more than satisfactory, as for certain dental services savings are up to 75%. Investing in the development of dental tourism is becoming more and more profitable and many polyclinics and clinics are turning to such a way of selling their services. Health is becoming an important factor in the development of modern tourism but also the generator of economic values in tourism. Combination of various factors - high cost of health care outside the public health system in developed countries, lack of access to certain medical services beyond the public health system and/or obligatory/commercial insurance systems, lower prices for international travel, faster development of medical technology and standards care in some countries have led to an increase in the popularity of these travels. Dental tourism first began to develop through health tourism, and it had reached to the concept of the most developed form of tourism. Demand for dental tourism in the Istrian County grows year after year. It is considered that the dental - tourism product and service will in a short time become the main reason for choosing and coming to the destination. For dental tourism it is easy to say that it is the future of health tourism in Croatia, becouse it is the most wanted service in health tourism. Dental tourism should therefore be treated as the priority of development in the tourism sector. The offer should be directed towards future tourism development plans, with the focus on the development of all - year high quality dental tourism

    Dental Tourism marketing in Istrian County

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    U posljednje vrijeme, dentalno - turistička ponuda u turizmu postala je sve češći primarni faktor dolaska u neku destinaciju. Odnos cijene i kvalitete dentalnih usluga u Istarskoj županiji posljednjih deset godina sve više privlači korisnike iz emitivnih zemalja poput Italije, Slovenije i Njemačke. Uštede za korisnike su više no zadovoljavajuće, jer za određene dentalne usluge ušteda se penje do 75 %. Ulaganje u razvoj dentalnog turizma postaje sve isplativije te se sve više poliklinika te ordinacija okreće takvom vidu prodaje svojih usluga. Zdravlje postaje važan čimbenik razvoja suvremenog turizma ali isto tako i generator samih ekonomskih vrijednosti u turizmu. Kombinacija različitih čimbenika - visok trošak zdravstvene skrbi van sustava javnog zdravstva u zemljama razvijenog Zapada, izostanak mogućnosti korištenja određenih medicinskih usluga van sustava javnog zdravstva i/ili obvezatnih/komercijalnih sustava osiguranja, lakoća i sve niže cijene međunarodnih putovanja, brži razvitak medicinske tehnologije i standarda skrbi u pojedinim zemljama, doveli su do rasta popularnosti ovakvih putovanja. Dentalni turizam prvi je počeo s razvojem kroz zdravstveni turizam i dogurao je do pojma najrazvijenijeg oblika turizma. Potražnja za dentalnim turizmom u Istarskoj županiji raste iz godine u godinu. Smatra se da će dentalno - turistički proizvod i usluga u kratko vrijeme postati glavni razlog odabira destinacije. Za dentalni turizam se s lakoćom može reći da je budućnost zdravstvenog turizma u Hrvatskoj s obzirnom da je to najtraženija usluga u zdravstvenom turizmu. Dentalni turizam stoga treba tretirati kao prioritet razvoja u sektoru turizma. Ponudu treba usmjeriti prema planovima budućeg razvoja turizma, s fokusom na razvoj cjelogodišnjeg dentalnog turizma visoke kvalitete.Recently, the dental tourism offer in tourism has become primary factor for coming in to a destination. The relationship between prices and quality of dental services in Istria County has attracted more and more users from abroad countries like Italy, Slovenia and Germany in the past ten years. Savings for customers are more than satisfactory, as for certain dental services savings are up to 75%. Investing in the development of dental tourism is becoming more and more profitable and many polyclinics and clinics are turning to such a way of selling their services. Health is becoming an important factor in the development of modern tourism but also the generator of economic values in tourism. Combination of various factors - high cost of health care outside the public health system in developed countries, lack of access to certain medical services beyond the public health system and/or obligatory/commercial insurance systems, lower prices for international travel, faster development of medical technology and standards care in some countries have led to an increase in the popularity of these travels. Dental tourism first began to develop through health tourism, and it had reached to the concept of the most developed form of tourism. Demand for dental tourism in the Istrian County grows year after year. It is considered that the dental - tourism product and service will in a short time become the main reason for choosing and coming to the destination. For dental tourism it is easy to say that it is the future of health tourism in Croatia, becouse it is the most wanted service in health tourism. Dental tourism should therefore be treated as the priority of development in the tourism sector. The offer should be directed towards future tourism development plans, with the focus on the development of all - year high quality dental tourism


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    Kvaliteta života ima bitnu ulogu u svakodnevnom životu. U ovom istraživanju, istraživala se kvaliteta života studenata i osoba oboljelih od prve epizode shizofrenije u stanju remisije. U istraživanju je bilo uključeno 50 studenata i 50 osoba oboljelih od prvih epizoda shizofrenije u stanju remisije. Procjena kvalitete života provedena je Upitnikom o kvaliteti života Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHOQOL – BREF). Rezultati su pokazali da mlade osobe oboljele od prve epizode shizofrenije u remisiji u odnosu na studente socijalnog rada, procjenjuju vlastitu kvalitetu života lošijom u domeni socijalnih odnosa. Nije nađena statistički značaja razlika u domenama psihičkog zdravlja, fizičkog zdravlje i okolišne dimenzije. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju neophodno sveobuhvatno i učinkovito liječenje i skrb za bolesnike oboljele od prvih epizoda shizofrenije pri čemu je posebno važna kvalitetna socijalna rehabilitacija.The quality of life has an important role in everyday life. In this study, the quality of life of social work students (N=50) and young people with first-episode schizophrenia (N=50) in remission was studied. The assessment of the quality of life of patients and students was conducted using the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). The results show that young people with first-episode schizophrenia assess their quality of life as worse in the domain of social relationsin comparison to social work students. There were no statistically significant differences in the domains of mental health, physical health, and environmental dimensions. The results confirm the necessity of a comprehensive and effective treatment and care for patients with thefirst episode of schizophrenia in which special attention should be given to quality social relations and rehabilitation


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    Željeznički promet u Hrvatskoj je sve manje popularniji vid prijevoza. Putnici se puno više odlučuju za cestovni prijevoz jer s vlakovima često moraju presjedati, rijetki su polasci i dosta duža putovanja. Navedeno je dovelo do pada broja prevezenih putnika u HŽ Putničkom prijevozu d.o.o. Za intenzivniji promet prijeko je potrebna bolja željeznička infrastruktura. Željeznica ovisi o stupnju razvoja gospodarstva i politici jedne države i zato bi razvoj i modernizacija trebao biti od nacionalne važnosti za Republiku Hrvatsku

    Promocija duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov

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    Two Stage Coaxial Gearbox

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    Svrha rada je bila proračunati dvostupanjski koaksijalni reduktor za pogon konvejera za transport praznih boca u pivovari kako bi se dobili podaci za konstruiranje istog. U proračunu se iz zadanih podataka moralo doći do svih potrebnih podataka za konstruiranje, rađene su konstantne provjere dobivenih rezultata kako bi reduktor bio optimalan za rad. Nakon što je proračun završen napravljena je analiza proračuna. Reduktor je konstruiran u programu AutoCAD prema dobivenim podacima iz proračunaThe purpose of this work was to calculate a two-stage coaxial reducer for the conveyor drive for the transport of empty bottles in the brewery in order to obtain data for its construction. In the calculation, all the necessary data for construction had to be obtained from the given data, constant checks of the obtained results were made in order for the reducer to be optimal for operation. After the calculation was completed, an analysis of the calculation was made. The reducer is constructed in the AutoCAD program according to the obtained data from calculation


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    V diplomski nalogi smo implementirali prototipno aplikacijo za analizo televizijske gledanosti z uporabo ogrodij AngularJS in D3.js in tehnologij Node.js, Express.js ter MongoDB. V okviru tega smo preučili metode merjenja televizijske gledanosti in raziskali prednosti merjenja podatkov na podlagi tehnologije IPTV. Uporabljena ogrodja so nam omogočila hiter in učinkovit razvoj aplikacije, ki je uporabniku prijazna. Aplikacija omogoča uporabniški vmesnik za kreiranje poizvedb in prikazovanje podatkov gledanosti v obliki grafov in tabel.In our thesis we implemented a prototype application for the analysis of television viewing using AngularJS and D3.js frameworks and Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB technologies. In this context we studied the methods of television viewing measurement and explored the advantages of measuring data based on the IPTV technology. The used frameworks enabled us a fast and efficient development of a user friendly application. The application offers a user interface that enables the creation of queries and displaying viewing data in the form of charts and tables