15 research outputs found

    Production of flavor compounds from olive mill waste by Rhizopus oryzae and Candida tropicalis

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the production of flavor compounds from olive mill waste by microbial fermentation of Rhizopus oryzae and Candida tropicalis. Olive mill waste fermentations were performed in shake and bioreactor cultures. Production of flavor compounds from olive mill waste was followed by Gas Chromatography–Mass spectrometry, Gas chromatography- olfactometry and Spectrum Sensory Analysis®. As a result, 1.73-log and 3.23-log cfu/mL increases were observed in the microbial populations of R. oryzae and C. tropicalis during shake cultures, respectively. C. tropicalis can produce a higher concentration of d-limonene from olive mill waste than R. oryzae in shake cultures. The concentration of d-limonene was determined as 185.56 and 249.54μg/kg in the fermented olive mill waste by R. oryzae and C. tropicalis in shake cultures respectively. In contrast, R. oryzae can produce a higher concentration of d-limonene (87.73μg/kg) d-limonene than C. tropicalis (11.95μg/kg) in bioreactor cultures. Based on sensory analysis, unripe olive, wet towel, sweet aromatic, fermented aromas were determined at high intensity in olive mill waste fermented with R. oryzae meanwhile olive mill waste fermented with C. tropicalis had only a high intensity of unripe olive and oily aroma

    Çanakkale’de Satılan Tereyağlarının Uçucu Bileşenleri, Kimyasal ve Duyusal Özellikleri

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı Çanakkale'de satılan tereyağı örneklerinin fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla onbir tereyağı örneğinin, renk, viskozite, refraktif indeks, erime noktası, nem (%), toplam asitlik (%), asit değeri ve yağ içeriği belirlenmiştir. Uçucu bileşenler gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrometresi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Örneklerin duyusal özellikleri SpectrumTM metodu ile ortaya konmuştur. Fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özellikler bakımından örnekler arasında önemli farklar olduğu bulunmuştur. Örneklerin viskozite, refraktif indeks, erime noktası, nem, toplam asitlik ve yağ içeriği sırasıyla 45.40-62.0 cP, 1.3331-1.4672, 32.50-37.50 ?C, % 15.03-19.06, % 0.24-0.42, % 82-89 arasında değişmektedir. Diasetil, asetoin, asetik asit, hekzanoik asit, butirik asit ve ?-dekalakton tereyağı örneklerinin önemli uçucu bileşenleridir. Ayrıca, pişmiş, kremamsı, ransit ve margarin benzeri panelistler tarafından geliştirilmiş karakteristik terimlerdir.The aim of this study was to determine physical, chemical and sensory properties and volatile components of butter samples sold in Çanakkale. For this purpose, color, viscosity, refractive index, melting point, moisture (%), total acidity (%), acid degree value and fat content (%) of the samples were determined in eleven butter samples. Volatile compounds were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sensory properties of samples were determined by SpectrumTM method. There were significant differences among butter samples in terms of physical, chemical and sensory properties. Viscosity, refractive index, melting point, moisture, total acidity and fat content of the samples ranged between 45.40-62.0 cP, 1.3331-1.4672, 32.50-37.50 C, 15.03-19.06%, 0.24-0.42%, 82-89%, respectively. Diacetyl, acetoin, acetic acid, hexanoic acid, butyric acid and ?-decalactone were major volatiles in butter samples. In addition, cooked, creamy, rancid and margarine-like were the characteristic terms developed by the panelist

    Volatile Compounds, Chemical and Sensory Properties of Butters Sold in Canakkale

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    WOS: 000372320800011The aim of this study was to determine physical, chemical and sensory properties and volatile components of butter samples sold in Canakkale. For this purpose, color, viscosity, refractive index, melting point, moisture (%), total acidity (%), acid degree value and fat content (%) of the samples were determined in eleven butter samples. Volatile compounds were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sensory properties of samples were determined by Spectrum (TM) method. There were significant differences among butter samples in terms of physical, chemical and sensory properties. Viscosity, refractive index, melting point, moisture, total acidity and fat content of the samples ranged between 45.40-62.0 cP, 1.3331-1.4672, 32.50-37.50 degrees C, 15.03-19.06%, 0.24-0.42%, 82-89%, respectively. Diacetyl, acetoin, acetic acid, hexanoic acid, butyric acid and delta-decalactone were major volatiles in butter samples. In addition, cooked, creamy, rancid and margarine-like were the characteristic terms developed by the panelists

    Volatile metabolites produced from agro-industrial wastes by Na-alginate entrapped Kluyueromyces marxianus

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    WOS: 000388619600026PubMed ID: 27515464The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of alginate entrapment on fermentation metabolites of Kluyueromyces marxianus grown in agrowastes that served as the liquid culture media. K. marxianus cells entrapped in Na-alginate were prepared using the traditional liquid-droplet-forming method. Whey and pomaces from processed tomatoes, peppers, and grapes were used as the culture media. The changes in the concentrations of sugar, alcohol, organic acids, and flavor compounds were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Both free and entrapped, K. marxianus were used individually to metabolize sugars, organic acids, alcohols, and flavor compounds in the tomato, pepper, grape, and acid whey based media. Marked changes in the fermentation behaviors of entrapped and free K. marxianus were observed in each culture. A 1.45-log increase was observed in the cell numbers of free K. marxianus during fermentation. On the contrary, the cell numbers of entrapped K. marxianus remained the same. Both free and entrapped K. marxianus brought about the fermentation of sugars such as glucose, fructose, and lactose in the agrowaste cultures. The highest volume of ethanol was produced by K. marxianus in the whey based media. The concentrations of flavor compounds such as ethyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, isoamyl acetate, 2-phenylethyl isobutyrate, phenylethyl acetate, and phenylethyl alcohol were higher in fermented agrowaste based media compared to the control. (C) 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Turkey) [1100903 COST]This study was conducted by multidisciplinary partners from Lodz University of Technology (Poland) and Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) as the part of the BIOFLAVOUR COST Action FA0907. Support from The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Turkey Project No. 1100903 COST) is also gratefully acknowledged


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    Four species of bryophytes were used as material and were gathered from various areas in Mount Ida (Kazdag), Canakkale, Turkey. Volatile compounds were isolated from the moss species with solid phase microextraction (SPME). GC-MS was applied to determine volatiles. The antioxidant capacity of bryophytes was established using CERAC and CUPRAC techniques. Trolox equivalent (TEAC) of aqueous extract of bryophytes was determined at concentrations of 0.0109 (+/- 0.0008)-0.0212 (+/- 0.0009) mmol trolox/g bryophyte and 70% methyl alcohol extract 0.0259 (+/- 0.0013)-0.0058 (+/- 0.0012) mmol trolox/g bryophyte using the CERAC technique and for water extract as 0.0027 (+/- 0.0006)-0.0083 (+/- 0.0012) mmol trolox/g bryophyte and methanol extract 0.0035-0.0095 (+/- 0.0005) mmol trolox/g bryophyte using the CUPRAC technique. The total flavonoid content was analyzed as equivalent mmol catechin/g bryophyte with the AlCl3/NaNO2 colorimetry technique. The total phenolic content of the species was analyzed with a Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric technique

    Torulaspora delbrueckii ve Trichoderma atroviride Kullanılarak Pirinadan (Zeytin Katı Atığı) Biyoaroma Üretimi

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    In this study, it was aimed that production of natural flavor compounds from olive pomace via microbial fermentation by using Torulaspora delbrueckii and Trichoderma atroviride. For this purpose, fermentation of olive pomace solution (10%) by Torulaspora delbrueckii and Trichoderma atroviride was carried out both shake flask and bioreactor scale at 30oC for 120 hours. Growth of microorganisms in olive pomace was investigated during fermentation at both scales. Identification and quantification of flavor compounds which are produced by T. delbrueckii and T. atroviride were determined by gas chromatography mass spectrometry and gas chromatography olfactometry. It was found that the maximum cell increases of T. delbrueckii and T. atroviride were 1.49 log cfu/mL and 1.07 log cfu/mL respectively in shake flakes, while at the bioreactor scale fermentation, the maximum cell increases were determined as 2.23 log cfu/mL and 0.092 log cfu/mL for respectively. Specific growth rate of T. delbrueckii and T. atroviride were calculated as 0.079/hour and 0.0299/hour, respectively during 120 hour fermentation. It was determined that T. delbrueckii produces phenyl ethyl alcohol (rose) and menthol (fresh, mint), T. atroviride produces 1-octen-3-ol (mushroom) and 2octenol (burnt, dirty). the maximum amounts of phenyl ethyl alcohol, menthol, 1-octen-3-ol and 2-octenol produced by microbial fermentation were determined as 6.69±0.01 µg/kg, 3.50±0.69 µg/kg, 330.75 µg/kg and 25.65 µg/kg, respectively. the highest productivity was found as 88.81 µg/ kg.hour for 1-octen-3-ol. Based on the sensory analysis, wet bulgur, earthy, wet towel, fermented and mushroom were determine at higher intensity in fermented olive pomace. These flavors can be associated with phenyl ethyl alcohol, 1-octen-3-ol and 2-octenolBu çalışmada, Torulaspora delbrueckii ve Trichoderma atroviride kullanılarak, pirinadan mikrobiyal fermentasyon yoluyla doğal aroma maddelerinin üretilme olanaklarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, Torulaspora delbrueckii ve Trichoderma atroviride ile %10'luk pirina solüsyonunun hem erlen hem de biyoreaktör düzeyinde 30oC'de 120 saat fermentasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her iki fermentasyon boyunca mikroorganizmaların pirinadaki gelişimleri incelenmiştir. T. delbrueckii ve T. atroviride tarafından üretilen aroma maddelerinin tanımlanması ve miktarlarının belirlenmesi gaz kromatografisi kütle spektrometresi ve gaz kromatografisi-olfaktometre ile yapılmıştır. T. delbruecki ve T. atroviride'nin erlen düzeyinde maksimum hücre sayısı artışının sırasıyla 1.49 ve 1.07 log kob/mL olduğu belirlenirken, biyorekatör düzeyindeki hücre artışları ise 2.23 ve 0.92 log kob/mL düzeyinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 0-120 saat fermentasyon süresinde T. delbrueckii ve T. atroviride için spesifik üreme hızları sırasıyla 0.079/saat ve 0.0299/saat olarak hesaplanmıştır. T.delbrueckii'nin pirinadan fenil etil alkol (gül) ve mentol (nane), T. atroviride'nin ise 1 okten-3-ol (mantar) ve 2-oktenol (yanık, kirli) ürettiği belirlenmiştir. Mikrobiyal fermentasyon sonucunda üretilen fenil etil alkol, mentol, 1-okten-3-ol ve 2 oktenol'un maksimum üretim miktarları sırasıyla 6.69±0.01 µg/kg, 3.50±0.69 µg/kg, 330.75 µg/kg ve 25.65 µg/kg olarak belirlenmiştir. En yüksek verimlilik değerinin 88.81 µg/ kg.saat ile 1-okten-3-ol'e ait olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan duyusal analizler sonucunda, fermente pirina örneklerinde ıslak bulgur, toprak, ıslak kirli havlu, fermente ve mantar aromalarının yüksek yoğunlukta olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yüksek yoğunlukta algılan söz konusu bu aromalar, miktarı artan mentol, fenil etil alkol, 1-okten-3-ol ve 2-oktenol ile ilişkilendirilebili

    Bioflavour production from tomato and pepper pomaces by Kluyveromyces marxianus and Debaryomyces hansenii

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    WOS: 000354408700015PubMed ID: 25614449Bioflavours are called natural flavour and/or fragrance compounds which are produced using metabolic pathway of the microorganism and/or plant cells or their enzyme systems with bioengineering approaches. The aim of this study was to investigate bioflavour production from tomato and red pepper pomaces by Kluyveromyces marxianus and Debaryomyces hansenii. Obtained specific growth rates of K. marxianus and D. hansenii in tomato pomace were 0.081/h and 0.177/h, respectively. The bioflavour profile differed between the yeasts. Both yeasts can produce esters and alcohols such as phenyl ethyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol, isoamyl acetate, phenyl ethyl acetate and isovaleric acid. "Tarhana" and "rose" were descriptive flavour terms for tomato and pepper pomaces fermented by K. marxianus, respectively. Tomato pomace fermented by D. hansenii had the most intense "green bean" flavour while "fermented vegetable" and "storage/yeast" were defined as characteristic flavour terms for pepper pomaces fermented by D. hansenii.Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Ankara Turkey)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [110O903]; Bioflavour COST Action [FA0907]This study was funded by The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Ankara Turkey; Project No. 110O903). The authors also would like to thank to Bioflavour COST Action FA0907 for supporting this scientific work

    Chemical composition, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anthocyanin activities of mosses (<i>Cinclidotus fontinaloides</i> (Hedw.) P.Beauv. and <i>Palustriella commutata</i> (Hedw.) Ochyra) gathered from Turkey

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    <p><i>Cinclidotus fontinaloides</i> (Hedw.) P. Beauv. and <i>Palustriella commutata</i> (Hedw.) Ochyra were used in this study. The chemical composition of mosses in the ethanol and water extract was determined using GC-MS and FT-IR. Antioxidant activities of moss extracts were tested by total phenol and ABTS methods. Trolox equivalent value (TEAC) of mosses was calculated as 26 ± 0.32 and 10 ± 0.22 mg/g. The amounts of the flavonoid compounds were calculated as mg gallic acid. Gallic acid equivalent value of mosses was calculated as 587 ± 0.55 and 496 ± 0.22 mg/g. The extracts antimicrobial activity was tested against <i>Escherichia coli</i> (ATCC 8739)<i>, Bacillus subtilis</i> (ATCC 6633)<i>, Staphylococcus aureus</i> (ATCC 6538), <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> (ATCC 10145) and <i>Candida albicans</i> (ATCC 10231). Significant antibacterial effect was observed for <i>C. fontinaloides</i> and <i>P. commutata</i> in ethanol extract. Total anthocyanin activities of <i>C. fontinaloides</i> and <i>P. commutata</i> were determined as 50 ± 0.17 and 144 ± 0.33 mg/L.</p