333 research outputs found

    The Relation between Supply Chain Analytics Management Capability and Firm Performance

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    The global academic and practitioner industries have shown significant interest in the effect and importance of big data analytics and new technologies on supply chains. Based on the organizational information processing theory, this study attempts to investigate how big data driven supply chain analytics management capability influence firm performance. We tested our research hypotheses using variance based structural equation modelling with survey data collected using a web based pre-tested instrument from 201 respondents employed various industries in Turkey. The findings indicate that supply chain analytics Management capability has positive effect on firm performance

    Numerical and Experimental Study on Integration of Control Actions into the Finite Element Solutions in Smart Structures

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    Piezoelectric smart structures can be modeled using commercial finite element packages. Integration of control actions into the finite element model solutions (ICFES) can be done in ANSYS by using parametric design language. Simulation results can be obtained easily in smart structures by this method. In this work, cantilever smart structures consisting of aluminum beams and lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) patches are considered. Two cases are studied numerically and experimentally in parallel. In the first case, a smart structure with a single PZT patch is used for the free vibration control under an initial tip displacement. In the second case, a smart structure with two PZT patches is used for the forced vibration control under harmonic excitation, where one of the PZT patches is used as vibration generating shaker while the other is used as vibration controlling actuator. For the two cases, modal analyses are done using chirp signals; Control OFF and Control ON responses in the time domain are obtained for various controller gains. A non-contact laser displacement sensor and strain gauges are utilized for the feedback signals. It is observed that all the simulation results agree with the experimental results

    Cerrahi Birimlerde Çalışan Hemşirelerin İzolasyon Önlemlerine Uyumunda Eğitimin Etkisi

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    Aim: This study has been planned and performed as a descriptive and cross-sectional study to evaluate the adaptation of nurses working in surgicaldepartments to the isolation precautions.Materials and Methods: The target population of the study included 250 nurses working in the surgical departments of University, State andPrivate hospitals, and the sample of the study included 144 nurses who were volunteer to participate in the study and who met the sampling criteria.The data were obtained through the “Worker’s Data Form which was developed in line with the literature and experts’ opinion” and “AdaptationScale To the Isolation Precautions” developed by Tayran (2009), and then these data were evaluated by using appropriate statistical methods withinStatistical Package for the Social Sciences 22.00 statistical package programme.Results: The mean age of the surgical nurses participated in the study was 28.9±8.49 years. Of them, 91% were women, 56.3% were universitygraduate, 58.3% were in profession for less than five years, 81.9% were in the department for less than five years, 32.6% worked in state hospital,36.1% in university hospital, 31.3% in private hospitals, 34.7% in the ward, 27.8% in operating room, and 37.52% in intensive care. Immediatelyafter the education, the adaptation score of the nurses to the isolation precautions was calculated as 80.389±7.106 over 90 (p<0.05).Conclusion: The adaptation score of the nurses working in surgical departments was higher than that before the education. It has been suggestedthat the institution should support the adaptation of the nurses to the isolation precautions, education should be planned considering theprofessional characteristics of the nurses and the factors of the institution, and this training should be repeated with regular intervals.Amaç: Araştırma, cerrahi birimlerde çalışan hemşirelerin eğitim öncesi (EÖ) ve eğitim sonrası (ES) izolasyon önlemlerine uyumlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel nitelikte planlandı ve uygulandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmanın evrenini; üniversite, devlet ve özel hastanelerin cerrahi kliniklerinde çalışan 250 hemşire, örneklemi ise örneklem seçim kriterlerini karşılayan ve çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü 144 hemşire oluşturdu. Veriler literatür bilgileri doğrultusunda ve uzman kişilerin görüşleri alınarak araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan ‘‘Çalışan Veri Formu’’ ve Tayran tarafından (2009) geliştirilen ‘‘İzolasyon Önlemlerine Uyum Ölçeği’’ ile toplandı. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 22.00 istatistik paket programında, uygun istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak veriler değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin yaş ortalamasının 28,9±8,49 yıl, %91’inin kadın, %56,3’ünün lisans mezunu, %58,3’ünün meslekte beş yıldan daha az tecrübesi olduğu, %81,9’unun ise çalışılan birimde beş yıldan daha az çalışma süresine sahip olduğu, %32,6’sının devlet %36,1’inin üniversite, %31,3’ünün özel hastanelerde çalıştıkları, %34,7’sinin servis, %27,8’inin ameliyathane ve %37,52’sinin yoğun bakım birimlerinde çalıştığı belirlendi. Hemşirelerin ES izolasyon önlemlerine uyum düzeyi 80,389±7,106 olarak saptandı (p<0,05). Sonuç: Cerrahi birimde çalışan hemşirelerin izolasyon önlemlerine uyum puanları EÖ’ye göre, ES en yüksek bulunurken, puanın 1. ayda biraz düştüğü 3. ayda ise ES’ye göre daha da düşük olduğu belirlendi. Hemşirelerin izolasyon önlemlerine uyumları konusunda kurumsal desteğin sağlanması, hizmet içi eğitimlerde hemşirelerin mesleki özellikleri ve kurumsal faktörler dikkate alınarak planlamaların yapılması ve eğitimlerin düzenli aralıklarla tekrarlanması önerilmektedir

    Rerouting Enhancements For Single-layer Traffic Grooming

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007İnternetin hızla büyümesi, veri iletim kapasitesi ihtiyacını arttırmaktadır. Bu ihtiyacı karşılamak için, optik taşıyıcılar metal kabloların yerini almaktadır. Bir optik taşıyıcının yüksek bant genişliğinden, dalga boyu bölümlemeli çoğullama tekniği (WDM) ile yararlanılmaktadır. Bir WDM optik ağda, optik taşıyıcı bağlantıları fiziksel topolojiyi meydana getirir. Optik çapraz bağlarla (OXC) birbirine bağlanan dalga boylarından oluşan yollara ışık yolu denir. Bir optik ağda kurulmuş tüm ışık yolları, sanal topolojiyi oluşturur. Optik ağ üzerinde yönlendirme yapmak, ışık yollarının fiziksel topoloji üzerinden yönlendirilmesi ve bağlantı isteklerinin ışık yolları üzerinden yönlendirilmesi alt problemlerini içerir; iki-katmanlı yönlendirme problemidir. Yönlendirme problemi iki katmanda ayrı ayrı çözülebileceği gibi (iki katmanlı çözüm), bütünleşik olarak da ele alınabilir (tek katmanlı çözüm). Bir dalga boyu kanalının kapasitesi, bir bağlantı isteğinin bant genişliği ihtiyacına göre çok yüksektir. Ağ kaynaklarını verimli kullanabilmek için, yüksek hızlı ışık yollarının bant genişliğini, düşük hızlı bağlantı isteklerine paylaştırmak gerekmektedir. Bu yönteme trafik “grooming” denir. Bu çalışmada, dinamik bağlantı istekleri için tasarlanmış, grooming yeteneğini de hesaba katan mevcut tek katmanlı yönlendirme çözümlerinden biri seçilerek kullanılmıştır. Bağlantıları tekrar yönlendirerek ağ kaynaklarının verimli kullanılması konusu, dinamik trafik için yaygın olarak işlenmiş bir konu değildir. Ayrıca, dinamik trafik için önerilen yeniden yönlendirme algoritmaları yeni yolların sanal katmanda aranmasına yoğunlaşmaktadır. Bu da yönlendirmenin tek katmanda ele alındığı çözümlere uygun bir yaklaşım değildir. Bu çalışmada, dinamik bağlantı istekleri için trafik grooming sorununun tek katmanlı çözümüne uygun yeniden yönlendirme yöntemleri önerilmiştir.Fast growth of internet traffic increases the demand for data transmission capacity. Optical fibers are replacing the metal wires, to meet the increasing demand. An optical fiber’s huge bandwidth capacity is exploited by Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technique. In an optical WDM network, optical fiber links form the physical topology. Paths of wavelengths connected to each other by optical cross connects (OXCs) are called lightpaths. All the lightpaths established in an optical network constitute the virtual topology. Routing connections in an optical network involves sub problems of routing the lightpaths over physical topology and routing the connections over the lightpaths; thus is a two-layer routing problem. Routing problem can be solved in two layers separately (two-layer solutions) or jointly (single-layer solutions). There exists a large a gap between the capacity of a WDM channel and the bandwidth requirement of a connection request. In order to use the network resources efficiently, low-speed traffic connections need to be multiplexed onto high-speed lightpaths. This method is referred to as traffic grooming. In this study, an existing single-layer routing solution for dynamic traffic requests, which considers traffic grooming, was applied. Rerouting connections to utilize network resources efficiently has not been widely considered for dynamic traffic conditions. Furthermore, rerouting algorithms proposed for dynamic traffic perform new path search on virtual layer. This approach is not suitable for single-layer routing solutions. In this study, rerouting enhancements for single-layer solution of traffic grooming under dynamic traffic conditions were proposed.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    The Relation between Supply Chain Analytics Management Capability and Firm Performance

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    The global academic and practitioner industries have shown significant interest in the effect and importance of big data analytics and new technologies on supply chains. Based on the organizational information processing theory, this study attempts to investigate how big data driven supply chain analytics management capability influence firm performance. We tested our research hypotheses using variance based structural equation modelling with survey data collected using a web based pre-tested instrument from 201 respondents employed various industries in Turkey. The findings indicate that supply chain analytics Management capability has positive effect on firm performance

    Intranodal palisaded myofibroblastoma (intranodal hemorrhagic spindle cell tumor with amianthoid fibers): a case report and literature review

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    Intranodal palisaded myofibroblastoma (IPM) is a benign mesenchymal neoplasm originating from smooth muscle cells and myofibroblasts. It is characterized by spindle cells, amianthoid fibers, and by the proliferation of hemosiderin-containing histiocytes in the lymph node. A nodular lesion was excised from the inguinal region of an 80-year-old male patient. Macroscopic examination of a section of the lesion demonstrated a solid appearance with hemorrhagic areas. Microscopic examination revealed spindle cell proliferation, amianthoid fibers, hemosiderin pigment, and extravasated erythrocytes. Nuclei of the spindle cells displayed a palisaded appearance. Compressed lymphoid tissue was observed around the lesion. With Masson's trichrome, spindle cells stained as smooth muscle, whereas collagen staining was observed in homogeneous eosinophilic accumulations. Neoplastic cells were identified by the presence of vimentin and SMA. The Ki67 index was less than 1%. In light of these results, the case was diagnosed as "intranodal palisaded myofibroblastoma." IPM is an uncommon neoplasm originating from the stromal component of the lymph node. Although IPM is benign, it is frequently confused with metastatic lesions

    Antik Mısır’da Tanrı ve Ölüm Tasavvurları

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    Günümüzde mensubu bulunsun ya da bulunmasın, yeryüzünde yaşamış olan her din kendine inananlar tarafından doğaüstü ve emsalsiz olarak algılanmıştır. Dinler, içlerinde kendilerinden bazen korkulan bazense kendilerinin merhametine mazhar olabilmek adına çeşitli ritüellerle yaklaşılan mabut ya da mabutlar içerebilmiştir. Antik Mısırlılar, günümüzde mensubu bulunmamasına rağmen ortaya koydukları tanrı ve ölüm inancıyla nevi şahsına münhasır diyebileceğimiz, tamamen Mısırlılara mahsus bir dini sistem vücuda getirmiştir. Bu dinin merkez noktasını oluşturan tanrılar ve öte dünya tasvirleri ise gerek hiyeroglif metinlerinde gerekse mezar süslemelerinde kendilerine oldukça önemli bir zemin bulmuştur. Çalışmamızda tarihî süreç içerisinde değişen Mısır’da, öz nitelikleriyle değişmeyen iki unsur olan tanrı ve ölüm inancına Mısırlıların ne şekilde baktığı ele alınmıştır. Tanrı inancını oluşturan temel faktörler, bu inancın bir panteona dönüşme süreci, ölümün Mısırlı bireyde neler çağrıştırdığı ve bunun sonucunda ortaya çıkan öte dünya telakkileri irdelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Mısır dininin diğer pek çok dine kıyasla tanrı ve ölüm kavramlarını neden daha fazla ön plana çıkardığı ele alınmış ve bu iki kavramın Mısırlıların dünyayı algılayış biçimine, dine ve ölüm sonrasına bakışına etkisinin nasıl olduğu tartışılmıştır

    Yerel verilerin konut tasarım sürecinde değerlendirilmesi: Mardin örneği

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    The local data could not be evaluated in housing and urban design process in our country. It became a necessity to research the topic in the context of a doctoral thesis due to the current size of the problem in new settlements. The aim of doctoral thesis was to determine the impact of local data on the performance of housing with comparison of traditional houses built by using local data and new houses built in last period of the century. Having hundreds-years of a culture and belief structure, Mardin still has a well preserved traditional housing and the urban texture, which are compatible to climate and topography. Both natural data such as climate and topography and cultural data such as lifestyle and traditions have been affected in the formation of the Mardin's house. The traditional Mardin&rsquo; house and new houses in Mardin had been researched for various aspects from the space arrangement to natural and cultural data, which are affected in formation of a house. Traditional house formed using natural and cultural data and modern house shaped with current building regulations were compared according to certain parameters. Required information for comparative analysis of old and new house has been obtained from many sources. The physical and cultural information of old and new house have been obtained using four methods in principle; Detailed interview with 33 residents who lived in traditional house for approximately 20 and 40 years before they emigrated to new settlement, and a questionnaire done after the interview. An observation study achieved by the thesis writer, which is done using checklists of old and new house. Literature study (the traditional Mardin house, Mardin Court records in Osmanlı period ; Legal regulations for co-ownership and the new housing; traditional architecture and Anatolian house; culture, identity and cultural identity; architectural design examples using local data in Turkey; the method of Post Occupancy Evaluation; urban design principles) Plan drawings, photos and videos of the old and new houses. A scientific method called post occupancy evaluation (POE) has been used to have healthy results for questionnaire which is performed in the scope of the field work. In this context, the choice of users was made according to gender, profession, belief and age, in a balanced distribution as much as possible. User&rsquo;s life in traditional and modern house and their experience about housing&rsquo;s life style were questioned with a questionnaire of 102 questions. The findings about the comparison of old and new housing are summarized in the accompanying tables. The tables grouped by titles of local data contain the results of questionnaire and observation study. The thesis has shown that the use of local data in house design process has many advantages like psychological satisfaction, physical and cultural' comfort, saving natural sources and sustainability. &nbsp;It is seen that traditional house and urban texture are more convenient for the region&rsquo;s climate and local culture according to the residents who emigrated to the new settlement. While nobody has preferred a house with a modern plan in the questionnaire, almost all residents stated that they wish to live in a single-storey house with a traditional plan. 88 per cent of residents were too happy when they lived in the traditional house. The same ratio was found as 58 percent for new house. Another impressive result of the questionnaire is about neighborhood relations. The neighborhood relations were perfect in the traditional house according to 72 percent of survey participants. Residents&rsquo; answer &lsquo;as perfect&rsquo; has decreased dramatically to 15 percent for the neighborhood relations of new house. The rate for use of air-conditioning is 81 percent in new house, which is an evidence of insufficiency of building skin. All residents had felt a cool breeze in old town, while 88 percent of participants do not feel it in new city. In the survey, the rate of open and semi-open space has been found as 35 percent in traditional houses.&nbsp; The closed space rate of new house is 90 percent. &nbsp;Keywords: Local data in house design, traditional houses, Mardin Houses.&Uuml;lkemizdeki konutların tasarım s&uuml;recinde ve kentsel yerleşmelerin planlanmasında yerel verilerin etkin bir bi&ccedil;imde değerlendirilmediği g&ouml;zlemlenmektedir; geleneksel y&ouml;ntemlerle &uuml;retilmiş konutlarda ise yerel verilerin belirleyici olduğu bilinmektedir. Mardin, y&uuml;z yıllardır sahip olduğu &ccedil;ok k&uuml;lt&uuml;rl&uuml; ve inan&ccedil;lı yapısı, iyi korunmuş geleneksel konutları ve kentsel dokusunun yanı sıra &ldquo;Yenişehir&rdquo;de yer alan ve yerel veriler yeterince dikkate alınmadan oluşmuş konut alanlarını barındırmaktadır. Bu nedenle yerel verilerin konut tasarım s&uuml;recinde değerlendirilmesi konusundaki alan &ccedil;alışması i&ccedil;in se&ccedil;ilmiştir. Ger&ccedil;ekleştirilen araştırmada konut tasarımında yerel veri kullanımının konutun başarımı &uuml;zerindeki etkisi karşılaştırılmalı bir saha araştırması ile irdelenmiştir. &Ccedil;alışmada yerel veriler doğal ve k&uuml;lt&uuml;rel olmak &uuml;zere iki b&ouml;l&uuml;mde ele alınmıştır. &Ccedil;alışma kapsamında, geleneksel Mardin evi ve Mardin&rsquo;deki yeni konut, &ccedil;ok y&ouml;nl&uuml; incelenmiştir. Yapılan alan &ccedil;alışmasında, doğal ve k&uuml;lt&uuml;rel verilerle oluşan geleneksel konut, y&uuml;r&uuml;rl&uuml;kteki imar mevzuatıyla şekillenen yeni konut ile belirli parametrelere g&ouml;re karşılaştırılmış ve her iki konut t&uuml;r&uuml;ndeki yerel veri kullanımının konutların performansına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırılma s&uuml;recindeki analiz &ccedil;alışması i&ccedil;in gereken bilgiler, eski kentte yaşadıktan sonra yeni yerleşime g&ouml;&ccedil; etmiş konut kullanıcıları ile yapılan detaylı g&ouml;r&uuml;şme ve yerinde g&ouml;zlem &ccedil;alışması gibi bir&ccedil;ok kaynaktan elde edilmiştir. Alan &ccedil;alışması kapsamında yapılan anketin sağlıklı sonu&ccedil;lar &uuml;retebilmesi i&ccedil;in Kullanım Sonrası Değerlendirme (KSD) y&ouml;ntemi kullanılmıştır.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Konut tasarımında yerel veri kullanımı, geleneksel konutlar, Mardin Evleri

    Physiotherapy and rehabilitation department students' looks on online anatomy education

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    Amaç: Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon bölümü öğrencilerinin 2020-2021 eğitim ve öğretim yılında uzaktan eğitimle aldıkları anatomi dersinin teorik ve laboratuvar kısımlarına bakış açılarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Google form aracılığıyla 16 sorudan oluşan bir anket hazırladık. Bu ankette öğrencilere öncelikle aktif olarak üniversitemizin kullanmakta olduğu Teams programı, Öğrenme yönetim sistemi programı ve öğrenci bilgi sistemini aktif olarak kullanıp kullanmadıklarını sorduk. Ardından anatomi eğitiminin teorik ve laboratuvar eğitimlerinin uzaktan eğitimle öğrenilebilirliğini, tekrar edilebilirliğini gibi sorular yönelttik. Öğrencilerimiz Kesinlikle katılıyorum, katılıyorum, kararsızım, katılmıyorum ve kesinlikle katılmıyorum şıklarından birini işaretleyerek formu doldurdular. Bulgular: Öğrencilerimiz uzaktan eğitimle anatomi derslerinde teorik ve laboratuvar derslerinde sistemle alakalı bir problem yaşamamışlardır. Anatomi ders içeriklerine hızlıca erişebilme imkanına sahip olmuşlardır. İstedikleri zaman sistemden dersleri tekrar etme imkanı da bulmuşlardır. Anatomi teorik ve laboratuvar derslerini uzaktan rahatlıkla öğrenebilme konusunda daha çok kararsız kalmaları dikkat çekmektedir. Öğrencilerimizin büyük çoğunluğu anatomi teorik ve laboratuvar derslerinin yüz yüze olmasının uygun olacağını düşünmektedirler. Sonuç: Öğrencilerimizin büyük çoğunluğu uzaktan eğitimle anatomi derslerinin tekrar edilebilirliği, içeriğine hızlı ulaşımı ve giremedikleri dersleri sonradan izleyebilmeleri açısından yarar görmüştür. Ancak anatomi derslerinde özellikle laboratuvarın fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon bölümünün doğası gereği öğrencilerin konuya hakim olabilmeleri için yüz yüze eğitimle olması gerekmektedir.Purpose: It is aimed to evaluate the perspectives of the students of the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation department on the theoretical and laboratory parts of the anatomy course that they took with distance education in the 2020-2021 academic year. Methods: We prepared a questionnaire consisting of 16 questions via the Google form. In this survey, we first asked the students whether they actively use the Teams program, the Learning management system program and the student information system that our university is actively using. Then, we asked questions such as whether the theoretical and laboratory education of anatomy education can be learned through distance education and its repeatability. Our students filled out the form by ticking one of the options I strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree or strongly disagree. Results: Our students did not experience any problems related to the system in the theoretical and laboratory courses in anatomy lessons with distance education. They had the opportunity to access the anatomy course contents quickly. They also had the opportunity to repeat the lessons from the system whenever they wanted. It is noteworthy that they are more indecisive about being able to learn anatomy theoretical and laboratory courses easily from a distance. The majority of our students think that it would be appropriate to have face-to-face anatomy theory and laboratory courses. Conclusion: The majority of our students benefited from distance education in terms of repeatability of anatomy lessons, quick access to the content and being able to follow the lessons they could not attend later. However, due to the nature of the physiotherapy and rehabilitation department of the laboratory, especially in anatomy classes, it is necessary for students to have face-to-face training in order to be able to master the subject.No sponso

    Alcohol consumption and binge drinking in adolescents: comparison of different migration backgrounds and rural vs. urban residence - a representative study

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    Background Binge drinking is a constant problem behavior in adolescents across Europe. Epidemiological investigations have been reported. However, epidemiological data on alcohol consumption of adolescents with different migration backgrounds are rare. Furthermore representative data on rural-urban comparison concerning alcohol consumption and binge drinking are lacking. The aims of the study are the investigation of alcohol consumption patterns with respect to a) urban-rural differences and b) differences according to migration background. Methods In the years 2007/2008, a representative written survey of N = 44,610 students in the 9th. grade of different school types in Germany was carried out (net sample). The return rate of questionnaires was 88% regarding all students whose teachers respectively school directors had agreed to participate in the study. Weighting factors were specified and used to make up for regional and school-type specific differences in return rates. 27.4% of the adolescents surveyed have a migration background, whereby the Turkish culture is the largest group followed by adolescents who emigrated from former Soviet Union states. The sample includes seven large cities (over 500,000 inhabitants) (12.2%), independent smaller cities ("urban districts") (19.0%) and rural areas ("rural districts") (68.8%). Results Life-time prevalence for alcohol consumption differs significantly between rural (93.7%) and urban areas (86.6% large cities; 89.1% smaller cities) with a higher prevalence in rural areas. The same accounts for 12-month prevalence for alcohol consumption. 57.3% of the rural, re-spectively 45.9% of the urban adolescents engaged in binge drinking in the 4 weeks prior to the survey. Students with migration background of the former Soviet Union showed mainly drinking behavior similar to that of German adolescents. Adolescents with Turkish roots had engaged in binge drinking in the last four weeks less frequently than adolescents of German descent (23.6% vs. 57.4%). However, in those adolescents who consumed alcohol in the last 4 weeks, binge drinking is very prominent across the cultural backgrounds. Conclusions Binge drinking is a common problem behavior in German adolescents. Obviously adolescents with rural residence have fewer alternatives for engaging in interesting leisure activities than adolescents living in cities. This might be one reason for the more problematic consumption patterns there. Common expectations concerning drinking behavior of adolescents of certain cultural backgrounds ('migrants with Russian background drink more'/'migrants from Arabic respectively Oriental-Islamic countries drink less') are only partly affirmed. Possibly, the degree of acculturation to the permissive German alcohol culture plays a role here