947 research outputs found

    A path analysis study of school culture and teachers' organisational commitment

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    In this study, the direct and indirect relations between school culture and the organisational commitment of primary school teachers were analyzed. the subjects of the research consisted of primary school teachers who worked at a district in istanbul in the academic year 2007-2008. the sampling group was defined by the cluster sampling method. in total 200 teachers participated. two scales were used to collect data, the organisational commitment scale (ocs) and the school culture scale (scs). linear regression and path analysis were used to explain the influence of school culture on organisational commitment, and lisrel 7 was used as a structural equation model. the findings indicated that although there was a positive correlation between school culture and organisational commitment, the direct effect of school culture on organisational commitment was not meaningful

    Dye lasing in optically manipulated liquid aerosols

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    We report lasing in airborne, rhodamine B-doped glycerol-water droplets with diameters ranging between 7.7 and 11.0 mu m, which were localized using optical tweezers. While being trapped near the focal point of an infrared laser, the droplets were pumped with a Q-switched green laser. Our experiments revealed nonlinear dependence of the intensity of the droplet whispering gallery modes (WGMs) on the pump laser fluence, indicating dye lasing. The average wavelength of the lasing WGMs could be tuned between 600 and 630 nm by changing the droplet size. These results may lead to new ways of probing airborne particles, exploiting the high sensitivity of stimulated emission to small perturbations in the droplet laser cavity and the gain medium

    A systematic study on luminescence characterization of lanthanide-doped BeO ceramic dosimeters

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    This work aimed to investigate the luminescent characteristics of lanthanide and alkali metal ion-doped BeO ceramic pellets prepared using the co-precipitation synthesis technique for Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimetry applications. In this study, BeO nano phosphor was doped with lanthanides (Ln(3+)) Eu3+, Ce3+, Nd3+, Yb3+, Er3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, Tm3+, Sm3+, Pr3+, and Dy3+ and co-doped with Na+, and characterized using radioluminescence (RL), thermoluminescence (TL) and OSL techniques. Lanthanides introduced as dopants not only affected the luminescence centers but also changed the luminescence mechanisms. The RL spectra of lanthanide-doped BeO samples showed that they mostly possess dominant emissions in the narrow bands (between 200 and 450 nm) in the UV region. OSL emission bands were found to be located between similar to 250 and similar to 390 nm. The results have demonstrated that the incorporation of appropriate Ln(3+) and alkali metal ion dopants and their optimum concentrations enhanced the luminescence intensity of undoped BeO. The studied BeO:Na-5%,Ce-0.01%,Er-0.01%, BeO:Na-5%,Ce-0.005%,Tb-0.05%, and BeO:Na-5%,Ce-0.01%,Dy-0.01% ceramics can be regarded as highly sensitive controllable luminescence dosimeters. The range of sensitivity of those samples is such that their most probable use in clinical therapy dosimetry rather than in health physics. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Adjustment to colostomy: stoma acceptance, stoma care self-efficacy and interpersonal relationships

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    ‘The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com.’ Copyright Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04446.xThis paper is a report of a study to examine adjustment and its relationship with stoma acceptance and social interaction, and the link between stoma care self-efficacy and adjustment in the presence of acceptance and social interactions.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Activation of the GLT-1 Transporter by a Beta-Lactam Antibiotic on Serotonin-Induced Scratching Behavior in Mice

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    Glutamate is believed to be the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the networks responsible for itch-related behavior. Beta-lactam antibiotics were shown to exert neuroprotective effects by increasing expression of the glutamate transporter GLT-1. We observed whether repeated administration of the beta-lactam antibiotic ceftriaxone suppresses serotonin-induced itch-related behavior (similarly to its effect on pain transmission) in mice. Chronic, but not acute, ceftriaxone introductions reduced the number of serotonin-induced scratches; dihydrokainic acid, a selective GLT-1 transporter inhibitor, partly but significantly abolished this effect of ceftriaxone. Our findings suggest that GLT-1 activation by beta-lactam antibiotics looks promising for the treatment of chronic itch.Як вважають, глутамат є основним збуджуючим нейротрансмітером у нейронних мережах, відповідальних за поведінкові моторні прояви при почутті свербіжу. β-лактамні антибіотики мають нейропротективні властивості, оскільки забезпечують посилену експресію глутаматного транспортера GLT-1. Ми з’ясовували, чи здатне повторне введення β-лактамного антибіотика цефтриаксону пригнічувати викликані ін’єкціями серотоніну поведінкові моторні прояви (чухальні рухи), пов’язані з індукцією почуття свербіжу (подібно до впливу цього агента на біль) у мишей. Хронічні (але не поодинокі) введення цефтриаксону викликали зменшення кількості рухів чухання. Селективний блокатор транспортера GLT-1 дигідрокаїнова кислота частково, але істотно перешкоджала цьому ефекту цефтриаксону. Наші спостереження дають підстави вважати, що активація GLT-1 β-лактамними антибіотиками є перспективним підходом у лікуванні хронічного свербіжу

    Frequent Undetected Ward-Based Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Transmission Linked to Patient Sharing Between Hospitals.

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    Background: Recent evidence suggests that hospital transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is uncommon in UK centers that have implemented sustained infection control programs. We investigated whether a healthcare-network analysis could shed light on transmission paths currently sustaining MRSA levels in UK hospitals. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was performed in 2 National Health Service hospital groups and a general district hospital in Southeast London. All MRSA patients identified at inpatient, outpatient, and community settings between 1 November 2011 and 29 February 2012 were included. We identified genetically defined MRSA transmission clusters in individual hospitals and across the healthcare network, and examined genetic differentiation of sequence type (ST) 22 MRSA isolates within and between hospitals and inpatient or outpatient and community settings, as informed by average and median pairwise single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and SNP-based proportions of nearly identical isolates. Results: Two hundred forty-eight of 610 (40.7%) MRSA patients were linked in 90 transmission clusters, of which 27 spanned multiple hospitals. Analysis of a large 32 patient ST22-MRSA cluster showed that 26 of 32 patients (81.3%) had multiple contacts with one another during ward stays at any hospital. No residential, outpatient, or significant community healthcare contacts were identified. Genetic differentiation between ST22 MRSA inpatient isolates from different hospitals was less than between inpatient isolates from the same hospitals (P ≤ .01). Conclusions: There is evidence of frequent ward-based transmission of MRSA brought about by frequent patient admissions to multiple hospitals. Limiting in-ward transmission requires sharing of MRSA status data between hospitals

    Clinical efficacy and satisfaction of a digital wheeze detector in a multicentre randomised controlled trial: the WheezeScan study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Wheezing is common in preschool children and its clinical assessment often challenging for caretakers. This study aims to evaluate the impact of a novel digital wheeze detector (WheezeScan™) on disease control in a home care setting. METHODS: A multicentre randomised open-label controlled trial was conducted in Berlin, Istanbul and London. Participants aged 4-84 months with a doctor's diagnosis of recurrent wheezing in the past 12 months were included. While the control group followed usual care, the intervention group received the WheezeScan™ for at-home use for 120 days. Parents completed questionnaires regarding their child's respiratory symptoms, disease-related and parental quality of life, and caretaker self-efficacy at baseline (T0), 90 days (T1) and 4 months (T2). RESULTS: A total of 167 children, with a mean±sd age of 3.2±1.6 years, were enrolled in the study (intervention group n=87; control group n=80). There was no statistically significant difference in wheeze control assessed by TRACK (mean difference 3.8, 95% CI -2.3-9.9; p=0.2) at T1 between treatment groups (primary outcome). Children's and parental quality of life and parental self-efficacy were comparable between both groups at T1. The evaluation of device usability and perception showed that parents found it useful. CONCLUSION: In the current study population, the wheeze detector did not show significant impact on the home management of preschool wheezing. Hence, further research is needed to better understand how the perception and usage behaviour may influence the clinical impact of a digital support

    Quality standards for managing children and adolescents with bronchiectasis. an international consensus

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    The global burden of bronchiectasis in children and adolescents is being recognised increasingly. However, marked inequity exists between, and within, settings and countries for resources and standards of care afforded to children and adolescents with bronchiectasis compared with those with other chronic lung diseases. The European Respiratory Society (ERS) clinical practice guideline for the management of bronchiectasis in children and adolescents was published recently. Here we present an international consensus of quality standards of care for children and adolescents with bronchiectasis based upon this guideline.The panel used a standardised approach that included a Delphi process with 201 respondents from the parents and patients' survey, and 299 physicians (across 54 countries) who care for children and adolescents with bronchiectasis.The seven quality standards of care statements developed by the panel address the current absence of quality standards for clinical care related to paediatric bronchiectasis. These internationally derived, clinician-, parent- and patient-informed, consensus-based quality standards statements can be used by parents and patients to access and advocate for quality care for their children and themselves, respectively. They can also be used by healthcare professionals to advocate for their patients, and by health services as a monitoring tool, to help optimise health outcomes

    Molecular Characterization of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Strains, Iraqi Kurdistan

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    Of 260 children with acute diarrhea in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, 96 (37%) were infected with rotavirus. Reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction identified G1, G4, G2, G9, P[8], P[6], and P[4] as the most common genotypes. Eight G/P combinations were found, but P[8]G1 and P[4]G2 accounted for >50% of the strains