42 research outputs found

    Contribution to knowledge of the vascular flora of the Resava Gorge, Eastern Serbia

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    The Resava Gorge is situated in Eastern Serbia in the region of the Gornja Resava River, extending westward from Mt. Globski Krš to the town of Lisine. In floral research conducted during 1997 and 1998, 297 taxa of vascular flora belonging to 68 families were discovered. The families Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (19) were best represented. The presence of 49 floral elements was also noted. The greatest number of plants are sub-Central European (18,86 %), Eurasian (14,14 %), sub-Mediterranean (8,75 %), Central European (6,40 %) and sub- Eurasian (6,40 %). As for life forms, hemi-cryptophytes (49,50 %), phanerophytes (19,53 %) and geophytes (11,11 %) were noted as dominant.Resavska klisura se nalazi u predelu Gornje Resave i prostire se od Globskog krša na istoku do varošice Lisine na zapadu. Floristička istraživanja na ovom području vršena su tokom 1997. i 1998. godine, kada je zabeleženo 297 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 68 familija. Najveći broj vrsta pripada familijama Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) i Lamiaceae (19). Konstatovano je prisustvo 49 flornih elemenata, od kojih su najzastupljeniji subsrednjeevropski (18,86 %), evroazijski (14,14 %), submediteranski (8,75 %), srednjeevropski (6,40 %) i subevroazijski (6,40 %). U spektru životnih formi dominiraju hemikriptofite (49,50 %), fanerofite (19,53 %) i geofite (11,11 %). Veliki procenat drvenastih vrsta u ovom regionu, ukazuje na polidominantnu strukturu i na reliktnost biljnih zajednica.nul

    Nest-site preference of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Herzegovina

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    Although formerly an abundant species, the Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) has undergone a dramatic decline in Herzegovina. Such an unfavorable trend may be associated with frequent poisoning incidents (consumption of poisoned baits), shortage of food and hunting. This species disappeared from its breeding habitats in Herzegovina during the last decade of the 20th century. The extinction was probably caused by military activities during the civil war. Using data that were collected over a period of long-term (1980-1991) monitoring of the breeding population, we discovered optimal environmental conditions for the nesting of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture in Herzegovina. Information on nest-site preference is valuable for conservation programs and the possible reintroduction of the Eurasian Griffon, not only in Herzegovina, but also to a much wider region. During the study period, we observed 61 nests and 252 nesting cases in four colonies of Eurasian Griffon Vulture. Most nests were located on limestone and dolomite rocks. The average altitude of nests was 378 m a.s.l.; most of nests (85%) were located below 500 m a.s.l. Also, the majority of nests were located on west-exposed sites.nul

    Toxicity of nickel and cadmium in spruce seedlings: Effect of separated and combined treatments on peroxidase and superoxide-dismutase activity

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    We studied the soluble peroxidase and superoxid-dismutase activity, peroxidase isoenzyme pattern and metal content in the needles of 2-year-old spruce grown on soils supplemented with cadmium and nickel concentrations from 3 to 30 mg kg-1 and 50 to 500 mg kg-1 respectively. The two metals were applied both separately and simultaneously. The kinetics of metal assimilation and total accumulated quantity depended on the type of treatment. Following metal exposure, an increase in peroxidase activity in the seedlings treated with Cd and Ni/Cd, and in superoxide-dismutase activity during Ni/Cd treatment was observed. A parallel change of peroxidase isoenzyme pattern occurred. There was a good correlation between accumulated metals in needles and enzyme activities. The effect of Cd on the measured parameters was shown to be stronger comparing to the effect of Ni. The results obtained show that peroxidase and superoxide-dismutase activity and peroxidase isoenzyme pattern could be used to evaluate the capacity of one part of the defense system in spruce seedlings to withstand metal stress

    A contribution to studies of the ruderal vegetation of Southern Srem, Serbia

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    Floristic research investigating the presence and phytocoenological differentiation of ruderal vegetation, and how it is conditioned structurally and anthropogenically, was undertaken over a period of several years (2007-10) in the south Srem region. The ruderal flora of the research area comprised 249 plants categorized into 63 families, of which the most frequent were: Asteraceae (36), Poaceae (29), Fabaceae (18), Lamiaceae (15), Polygonaceae (15), Brassicaceae (11) and Rosaceae (11). Three ruderal communities are analyzed in this work: Asclepietum syriacae Kojić et al., 2004, as well as Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae ass. nova and Amorpho-Typhaetum ass. nova, which are described for the first time. It was established that the level of moisture at the habitat, anthropogenic factors, and the immediate proximity to cultivated areas had the most pronounced effect on the differentiation of the researched vegetation.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Contribution to knowledge of the vascular flora of the Resava Gorge, Eastern Serbia

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    The Resava Gorge is situated in Eastern Serbia in the region of the Gornja Resava River, extending westward from Mt. Globski Krš to the town of Lisine. In floral research conducted during 1997 and 1998, 297 taxa of vascular flora belonging to 68 families were discovered. The families Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (19) were best represented. The presence of 49 floral elements was also noted. The greatest number of plants are sub-Central European (18,86 %), Eurasian (14,14 %), sub-Mediterranean (8,75 %), Central European (6,40 %) and sub- Eurasian (6,40 %). As for life forms, hemi-cryptophytes (49,50 %), phanerophytes (19,53 %) and geophytes (11,11 %) were noted as dominant.Resavska klisura se nalazi u predelu Gornje Resave i prostire se od Globskog krša na istoku do varošice Lisine na zapadu. Floristička istraživanja na ovom području vršena su tokom 1997. i 1998. godine, kada je zabeleženo 297 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 68 familija. Najveći broj vrsta pripada familijama Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) i Lamiaceae (19). Konstatovano je prisustvo 49 flornih elemenata, od kojih su najzastupljeniji subsrednjeevropski (18,86 %), evroazijski (14,14 %), submediteranski (8,75 %), srednjeevropski (6,40 %) i subevroazijski (6,40 %). U spektru životnih formi dominiraju hemikriptofite (49,50 %), fanerofite (19,53 %) i geofite (11,11 %). Veliki procenat drvenastih vrsta u ovom regionu, ukazuje na polidominantnu strukturu i na reliktnost biljnih zajednica.nul

    On plexus representation of dissimilarities

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    Correspondence analysis has found widespread application in analysing vegetation gradients. However, it is not clear how it is robust to situations where structures other than a simple gradient exist. The introduction of instrumental variables in canonical correspondence analysis does not avoid these difficulties. In this paper I propose to examine some simple methods based on the notion of the plexus (sensu McIntosh) where graphs or networks are used to display some of the structure of the data so that an informed choice of models is possible. I showthat two different classes of plexus model are available. These classes are distinguished by the use in one case of a global Euclidean model to obtain well-separated pair decomposition (WSPD) of a set of points which implicitly involves all dissimilarities, while in the other a Riemannian view is taken and emphasis is placed locally, i.e., on small dissimilarities. I showan example of each of these classes applied to vegetation data

    Chasmophytic forests of Ostrya carpinifolia in west-Serbian canyons

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    Variability patterns and biodiversity components of chasmophytic forests of Ostrya carpinifolia in westSerbian ravine habitats were analyzed in this article. Investigations were performed in four gorges along Gornja Trešnjica, Gradac, Ljutina and Lim rivers. Chasmophytic hop hornbeam forests occur on steep slopes (25° to 50°) at elevations ranging from 260 m to 1200 m, on all aspects. These forests grow on screes, rocky clifs, colluvial gravel, on shallow soils on dolomites, limestone and serpentine. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that moisture, light and temperature gradients are the main factors affecting diversification of investigated forests. The greatest alpha diversity was detected in Brodarevo and Gostun gorges, along the Lim River

    On detrending in correspondence analysis and principal component analysis

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    Both correspondence analysis (CA) and principal components analysis (PCA) may generate either 'arch' or 'horseshoe' effect. In this paper I review the methods that attenuate these undesirable effects, and consequently improve CA and PCA. Detrending methods (detrending by segments and detrending by polynomials) reduce the arch, but not the horseshoe effect. In contrast, the generalized standardization procedure (GSP) is able to unfold involuted ends of a coenospace and thus eliminate the horseshoe effect. This method significantly improves PCA but not CA, since CA is insensitive to GSP.nul