47 research outputs found

    7th International conference NBP-2021 “Nanobiophysics: fundamental and applied aspects”

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    7th International conference “NANOBIOPHYSICS: Fundamental and Applied Aspects” (NBP-2021) took place on October 4-8, 2021 at B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Previous six conferences, starting from 2009, were organized due to joint efforts of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine and Institute of Physics of the NAS of Ukraine on biennial basis in Kharkiv and Kyiv alternatively. Among 80 registered participants from 16 countries about 40 scientists have presented their lectures and posters offline and other participants were joining the sessions online. 16 keynote lectures and 18 oral presentations were made and 51 posters were discussed offline and online. The goal of the conference was achieved: urgent problems, advances and perspectives of the topical scientific direction of nanobiophysics which embraces achievements of modern molecular biophysics and nanotechnology were discussed. The subjects of physical aspects of biomolecular nanosystems, properties of biomolecules on nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces, nanobiohybrids formation by 1-D or 2-D nanomaterials with bioobjects, theoretical calculations and computer modeling of nanobiosystems, and applied aspects of nanobiophysics were highlighted at the related sessions. Several additional accompanying events were organized in the framework of the conference, including a Round Table “How biophysics and nanosciences meet modern challenges: the case of COVID-19”, a special session of the Ukrainian Biophysical Society, and SPIE (The International Society of Optics and Photonics) and OSA (The Optical Society) Workshop “Career development opportunities for young scientist and students”. Book of abstract based on NBP-2021 materials was published

    Пам’яті професора Юрія Павловича Благого

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    Пам’яті професора Юрія Павловича Благог

    FTIR spectra and conformations of 2′-deoxyuridine in Kr matrices

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    The Fourier transform infrared spectra in the range 4000–200 cm⁻¹ of pyrimidine nucleoside 2'-deoxyuridine (dU) have been obtained in the low temperature inert Kr matrices. For the first time, instead of a usual flat mirror, a low temperature one-coordinate retroreflector was used as the matrix substrate. Owing to this, the matrix setup is insensitive to dip angle vibrations of the cryostat and is favourable to work with thinner matrix layers. Of two syn-conformers with dU_s1 and dU_s2 (stabilized by the intramolecular hydrogen bond O5'H…O2), only dT_s2 conformer with C2'-endo structure of the ribose ring was uniquely quenched. The height of the interconversion barrier of the minor syn-conformer dU_s1 was estimated to be below 0.7 kcal/mole. It was shown that the energy relaxation of impurities in Kr is slower than in Ar matrices

    Applied Fourier programming for metrological control of printing materials of packaging products

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    In our manuscript, the materials of analytical substantiation and experimental verification of a new method of digital Fourier processing of polarization images of optically anisotropic polymer layers are presented.Наведено матеріали аналітичного огляду та експериментального застосування нового поляриметричного методу Фур’є алгоритмічної обробки поляризаційних зображень оптично неоднорідних мереж полімерних шарів

    Dissociation of ssDNA - Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrids by Watson-Crick Base Pairing

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    The unwrapping event of ssDNA from the SWNT during the Watson-Crick base paring is investigated through electrical and optical methods, and binding energy calculations. While the ssDNA-metallic SWNT hybrid shows the p-type semiconducting property, the hybridization product recovered metallic properties. The gel electrophoresis directly verifies the result of wrapping and unwrapping events which was also reflected to the Raman shifts. Our molecular dynamics simulations and binding energy calculations provide atomistic description for the pathway to this phenomenon. This nano-physical phenomenon will open up a new approach for nano-bio sensing of specific sequences with the advantages of efficient particle-based recognition, no labeling, and direct electrical detection which can be easily realized into a microfluidic chip format.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    Доклад отражает экспериментальные исследования режимов термической обработки (ТО) монокристаллических заготовок с кристаллографической ориентацией (КГО) [111] литейных ренийсодержащих интерметаллидных никелевых сплавов нового поколения серии ВИН после термической обработки (ТО). Показано, что обработка при температурах Tпр– —°С - —°С повлияла на структурно-фазовое состояние и работоспособность исследуемых сплавов.The report reflects the experimental investigations of the thermal treatment regimes of single-crystal bars with crystallographic orientation (CGO) [111] foundry rhenium-containing intermetallic nickel alloys of the new generation of VIN series after heat treatment. It has been established that the treatment at temperatures close to Tsolv– —°С - —°С affected the structural-phase state and the operability of the alloys under study.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-38-00260 «Исследование закономерностей формирования структурно-фазового состояния жаропрочных литейных интерметаллидных сплавов на основе никеля после различных режимов термической обработки». Авторы выражают глубокую благодарность соавтору сплавов ВИН1 и ВИН4 О. А. Базылевой, канд. техн. наук, зам. начальника по науке лаборатории «Жаропрочные сплавы на основе никеля» ФГУП «ВИАМ»

    Nanobiophysics: fundamental and applied aspects. New information about recent problems and progress achieved in this field (Information about 5th International conference “Nanobiophysics: Fundamental and Applied Aspects” – NBP2017)

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    Among new branches of natural sciences, which are currently emerging, development of a novel field of nanobiophysics was impulsed by the advent of nanoscience in qualitatively new direction interfacing bionanoobjects and nanomaterials. To shape this field in Ukraine, a new series of biennial international conferences “Nanobiophysics: fundamental and applied aspects” was established in 2009 by biophysicists of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkov) and Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev). After the lapse of eight years the 5th NBP-2017 conference has demonstrated significant advances in this realm of science, overviewed in the present report. About 90 scientists from 9 countries took part in the conference. They presented more than 40 lectures and about 50 poster contributions. Researchers from biophysical departments of seven academic institutes and universities of Kharkov reported remarkable achievements in studies of bionanohybrids of biopolymers and biologically active compounds with inorganic nanomaterials, conducted by varied experimental techniques and computer simulations. Biophysicists from a number of Kiev academic institutes reported experimental and theoretical characterization of biomolecular nanosystems promising for nanotechnology and biomedical applications. Impressive achievements in biophysical studies at the nano level were presented in the invited lectures of leading specialists from Estonia, France, Latvia, Slovakia, South Korea, and People Republic of China. The conference provided a platform for meetings of participants of international projects in the field and fruitful discussion of further international collaboration