15 research outputs found

    Communicative tasks for teaching university students in the foreign language reading with a purpose

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    The article deals with the text- and reader-based factors of teaching university students in reading English texts with a purpose. The author shows the discourse-pragmatic intention of English texts and properly capture organizational requirements of students’ reading purpose practice through communicative assignments at all levels of foreign language learning processye

    Mastering students’ English fluency and proficiency through internet-based project activities

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    The article is devoted to the problem of non-linguistic students’ English fluency and proficiency development through information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular with Internet-based project activity. As a target language in the University training system of future specialists, the English teaching course aims to provide students with an opportunity to acquire communicative and professional foreign language competence. Thus, the aim of the study is to identify the effective ways of the English fluency skills development through ICT in the university cours

    Forming and developing students’ communicative competence: from reading to speaking

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    The goal of the research is to define the effective ways of students’ foreign language communicative competence formation by means of reading and speaking activities within the university English course. The article focuses on the concept of communicative competence and the ways to form i

    Benchmarking of the professional education system in postsecondary institutions of the Russian Federation

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    In this article, the concept "benchmarking of the professional education system" is addressed as the information and management system analysis concerning the activities of the best postsecondary professional institutions (PSPI), and the management methods in the development of professional education system. The research method is benchmarking that allows the authors to determine methods, forms, technologies of educational activities, and management method

    Polarization state of a biphoton: quantum ternary logic

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    Polarization state of biphoton light generated via collinear frequency-degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion is considered. A biphoton is described by a three-component polarization vector, its arbitrary transformations relating to the SU(3) group. A subset of such transformations, available with retardation plates, is realized experimentally. In particular, two independent orthogonally polarized beams of type-I biphotons are transformed into a beam of type-II biphotons. Polarized biphotons are suggested as ternary analogs of two-state quantum systems (qubits)

    Prosocial competency-based model of a future teacher

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    Introduction. Modern general and specific pedagogical trends, mega-trends and challenges in the future education system make it necessary to change the professional training programmes of future teachers, to clarify the competency-based model of a pedagogical university graduate. To achieve pedagogical aims of not only subject, but also of metasubject, educational, social, team-building, helpand project-based character, it is important to form prosocial competencies of future teachers that allow building “person to person help itinerary”. The aim of the article is to provide theoretical justification and empirical verification of the significant prosocial competencies and individual mindsets of future teachers in the structure of the competency-based model of a pedagogical university graduate according to the future education challenges and priorities. Methodology, methods and techniques. The present research is done in accordance with the methodological principles of integrative, competency-based, culturological and prosocial approaches. An online survey for 582 students of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Belgorod State National Research University was used as a research method. The survey is based on the content-analysis and the content-generalisation of some employment diagnostics for future teachers, as well as the Russian education current regulatory framework. Results. As a result, 36 leading elements in the competency-based model of a future teacher were identified; and the most popular prosocial competencies quartiles (Q1 – “most important”, Q2 – “highly important”, Q3 – “solicited”, Q4 – “most desirable”) were highlighted. Such pedagogical competencies as “subject proficiency” and “humanism, respect for the individual, humanity” are among the leading ones. In the light of priorities within the competency-based model of a future teacher, the flexibility of the specific university training programmes is also revealed. Moreover, the students’ responses allow determining “the ability to develop the other people’s talents and skills” and “the ability to help the other people” as the competencies of the prosocial vector of the competency-based model of a future teacher. The scientific novelty lies in the development of the prosocial competency-based model of a future teacher and in the allocation of 3 clusters of regulatory (stability and adaptability), affective (empathy and communication skills) and stimulating (time management and planning skills) competencies in its structure. The practical significance lies in the use of the materials as starting points for improving the competency-based model of a pedagogical university graduate.Введение. Современные общие и специфические педагогические тенденции, мега-тренды и вызовы в области образования будущего обуславливают необходимость изменений в профессиональной подготовке будущих учителей, уточнения компетентностной модели выпускника педагогического вуза. Решение в педагогической деятельности задач не только предметного, но и надпредметного, воспитательного, социального, помогающего, командообразующего, проектного содержания делает востребованным формирование у будущих педагогов просоциальных компетенций, позволяющих выстраивать «маршруты помощи от человека к человеку». Цель исследования заключается в теоретическом обосновании и эмпирической проверке значимости просоциальных компетенций и установок личности будущих педагогов-воспитателей в структуре компетентностной модели выпускника высшего педагогического образования на основе вызовов и приоритетов образования будущего. Методология, методы и методики. Исследование базировалось на методологии интегративного, компетентностного, культурологического и просоциального подходов. В качестве метода исследования использовался онлайн-опрос 582 студентов педагогического института Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета. Основой для разработки опроса стало проведение контент-анализа и обобщения содержания серии диагностик профессиональной пригодности молодежи к педагогической деятельности, а также актуальной нормативной базы в сфере российского образования. Результаты. В результате были определены 36 элементов-лидеров в составе компетентностной модели будущего педагога, выделены квартили наиболее востребованных просоциальных компетенций: Q1 – «максимально важные», Q2 – «высоко важные», Q3 – «востребованные», Q4 – «наиболее желательные». Лидерство в рейтинге педагогических компетенций заняли «владение предметом» и «гуманизм, уважение к личности, человечность». Также была выявлена гибкость в видении приоритетов в рамках компетентностной модели будущего педагога в зависимости от факультета обучения в вузе. Наибольшее совпадение помимо указанных компетенций показали: «способность развивать возможности других», «умение помогать», что подтверждает просоциальный вектор определяемой в ответах студентов компетентностной модели будущего педагога. Научная новизна заключается разработке просоциальной компетентностной модели будущего педагога и в выделении в ее структуре 3-х кластеров регулятивных (устойчивость и адаптивность), аффективных (эмпатия и коммуникация) и стимулирующих (организованность и планирование) компетенций. Практическая значимость заключается в использовании разработанных материалов как отправных точек в работе по совершенствованию компетентностной модели выпускника педагогического вуза.Исследование выполнено в рамках Государственного задания НИУ «БелГУ» на 2020-2022 гг. № 0624-2020-0012 «Обоснование интегративной методологии профессионального воспитания в вузе: доминанты формирования универсальных компетенций, просоциальных установок и полисубъектности будущего педагога».The research has been carried out within the framework of the State Assignment No. 0624-2020-0012 “Justification of the integrative methodology of higher professional education: The dominants of the formation of universal competencies, prosocial attitudes and polysubjectivity of a future teacher” for the period 2020–2022

    Communicative tasks for teaching university students in the foreign language reading with a purpose

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    yesThe article deals with the text- and reader-based factors of teaching university students in reading English texts with a purpose. The author shows the discourse-pragmatic intention of English texts and properly capture organizational requirements of students’ reading purpose practice through communicative assignments at all levels of foreign language learning proces


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    This paper deals with the problem of teaching students of nonBlanguage high schools in foreign language speech activity from the point of psycholinguistic and lingvodidactic research, touching cognitive, activityBbased and communicative aspects of speech of an individual, who is able to perceive the other’s speech and formulate his thoughts, discussing issues of the future career

    Construction of probabilistic solutions of the Boltzmann equation

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    yesBSUThe proving method of the Cauchy problem solvability of the Boltzmann kinetic equation with spatially uniform initial data in the case of particle scattering cross-section finiteness is propose

    Mastering students’ English fluency and proficiency through internet-based project activities

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    The article is devoted to the problem of non-linguistic students’ English fluency and proficiency development through information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular with Internet-based project activity. As a target language in the University training system of future specialists, the English teaching course aims to provide students with an opportunity to acquire communicative and professional foreign language competence. Thus, the aim of the study is to identify the effective ways of the English fluency skills development through ICT in the university cours