3,233 research outputs found

    The quality of experience of emerging display technologies

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    As new display technologies emerge and become part of everyday life, the understanding of the visual experience they provide becomes more relevant. The cognition of perception is the most vital component of visual experience; however, it is not the only cognition that contributes to the complex overall experience of the end-user. Expectations can create significant cognitive bias that may even override what the user genuinely perceives. Even if a visualization technology is somewhat novel, expectations can be fuelled by prior experiences gained from using similar displays and, more importantly, even a single word or an acronym may induce serious preconceptions, especially if such word suggests excellence in quality. In this interdisciplinary Ph.D. thesis, the effect of minimal, one-word labels on the Quality of Experience (QoE) is investigated in a series of subjective tests. In the studies carried out on an ultra-high-definition (UHD) display, UHD video contents were directly compared to their HD counterparts, with and without labels explicitly informing the test participants about the resolution of each stimulus. The experiments on High Dynamic Range (HDR) visualization addressed the effect of the word “premium” on the quality aspects of HDR video, and also how this may affect the perceived duration of stalling events. In order to support the findings, additional tests were carried out comparing the stalling detection thresholds of HDR video with conventional Low Dynamic Range (LDR) video. The third emerging technology addressed by this thesis is light field visualization. Due to its novel nature and the lack of comprehensive, exhaustive research on the QoE of light field displays and content parameters at the time of this thesis, instead of investigating the labeling effect, four phases of subjective studies were performed on light field QoE. The first phases started with fundamental research, and the experiments progressed towards the concept and evaluation of the dynamic adaptive streaming of light field video, introduced in the final phase

    Finding a Common Ground: Working with the Georgian National Archives to Create a Trilingual Database

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    On two separate occasions over the past four years, the authors traveled to the former Soviet Republic of Georgia as part of a team charged with the work of training Georgian archivists in international descriptive standards as part of a database project. The Sakartvelo Database Project provided an introduction to Georgian history, culture, and the development of the country\u27s archival program. It also provided a picture of what it is like to work in a former Soviet republic and the reality of what it is to handle language barriers and physical and environmental obstacles

    New perspectives of nitric oxide donors in cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation treatment

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is often used to treat heart failure accompanied with pulmonary edema. According to present knowledge, however, NO donors are contraindicated when systolic blood pressure is less than 90 mmHg. Based on recent findings and our own clinical experience, we formulated a hypothesis about the new breakthrough complex lifesaving effects of NO donors in patients with cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation therapy. It includes a direct hemodynamic effect of NO donors mediated through vasodilation of coronary arteries in cooperation with improvement of cardiac function and cardiac output through reversible inhibition of mitochondrial complex I and mitochondrial NO synthase, followed by reduction in reactive oxygen species and correction of myocardial stunning. Simultaneously, an increase in vascular sensitivity to sympathetic stimulation could lead to an increase in diastolic blood pressure. Confirmation of this hypothesis in clinical practice would mean a milestone in the treatment for cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Early treatment response in first episode psychosis: a 7-T magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of glutathione and glutamate

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    Early response to antipsychotic medications is one of the most important determinants of later symptomatic and functional outcomes in psychosis. Glutathione and glutamate have emerged as promising therapeutic targets for patients demonstrating inadequate response to dopamine-blocking antipsychotics. Nevertheless, the role of these neurochemicals in the mechanism of early antipsychotic response remains poorly understood. Using a longitudinal design and ultrahigh field 7-T magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) protocol in 53 subjects, we report the association between dorsal anterior cingulate cortex glutamate and glutathione, with time to treatment response in drug naive (34.6% of the sample) or minimally medicated first episode patients with schizophreniform disorder, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder. Time to response was defined as the number of weeks required to reach a 50% reduction in the PANSS-8 scores. Higher glutathione was associated with shorter time to response (F = 4.86, P = 0.017), while higher glutamate was associated with more severe functional impairment (F = 5.33, P = 0.008). There were no significant differences between patients and controls on measures of glutamate or glutathione. For the first time, we have demonstrated an association between higher glutathione and favorable prognosis in FEP. We propose that interventions that increase brain glutathione levels may improve outcomes of early intervention in psychosis

    Genome-wide analysis of DNA replication and DNA double-strand breaks using TrAEL-seq.

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    Faithful replication of the entire genome requires replication forks to copy large contiguous tracts of DNA, and sites of persistent replication fork stalling present a major threat to genome stability. Understanding the distribution of sites at which replication forks stall, and the ensuing fork processing events, requires genome-wide methods that profile replication fork position and the formation of recombinogenic DNA ends. Here, we describe Transferase-Activated End Ligation sequencing (TrAEL-seq), a method that captures single-stranded DNA 3' ends genome-wide and with base pair resolution. TrAEL-seq labels both DNA breaks and replication forks, providing genome-wide maps of replication fork progression and fork stalling sites in yeast and mammalian cells. Replication maps are similar to those obtained by Okazaki fragment sequencing; however, TrAEL-seq is performed on asynchronous populations of wild-type cells without incorporation of labels, cell sorting, or biochemical purification of replication intermediates, rendering TrAEL-seq far simpler and more widely applicable than existing replication fork direction profiling methods. The specificity of TrAEL-seq for DNA 3' ends also allows accurate detection of double-strand break sites after the initiation of DNA end resection, which we demonstrate by genome-wide mapping of meiotic double-strand break hotspots in a dmc1Δ mutant that is competent for end resection but not strand invasion. Overall, TrAEL-seq provides a flexible and robust methodology with high sensitivity and resolution for studying DNA replication and repair, which will be of significant use in determining mechanisms of genome instability

    When Claiming to Teach for Social Justice is Not Enough: Majoritarian Stories of Race, Difference, and Meritocracy

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    To understand how dominant messages about race and effective pedagogy impact teacher beliefs and practice, this study employs critical race theory (CRT) in a case study analysis of Rebecca Rosenberg, a mid-career entrant into the teaching profession who was terminated from her first job before the end of her district’s probationary period. Despite believing she was teaching for social justice, being prepared in a program oriented toward social justice, and being hired in a school with a comparable mission, Rebecca’s beliefs and practices affirmed uncritical perspectives of the status quo regarding race, schooling, and social ascendance. This research underscores the substantial work to be done in preparing teachers to be reflective of the overarching cultural myths and majoritarian stories that may guide their practice

    When Claiming to Teach for Social Justice is Not Enough: Majoritarian Stories of Race, Difference, and Meritocracy

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    To understand how dominant messages about race and effective pedagogy impact teacher beliefs and practice, this study employs critical race theory (CRT) in a case study analysis of Rebecca Rosenberg, a mid-career entrant into the teaching profession who was terminated from her first job before the end of her district’s probationary period. Despite believing she was teaching for social justice, being prepared in a program oriented toward social justice, and being hired in a school with a comparable mission, Rebecca’s beliefs and practices affirmed uncritical perspectives of the status quo regarding race, schooling, and social ascendance. This research underscores the substantial work to be done in preparing teachers to be reflective of the overarching cultural myths and majoritarian stories that may guide their practice

    Critical Metals in Strategic Energy Technologies - Assessing Rare Metals as Supply-Chain Bottlenecks in Low-Carbon Energy Technologies

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    Due to the rapid growth in demand for certain materials, compounded by political risks associated with the geographical concentration of the supply of them, a shortage of these materials could be a potential bottleneck to the deployment of low-carbon energy technologies. In order to assess whether such shortages could jeopardise the objectives of the EU’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), an improved understanding of these risks is vital. In particular, this report examines the use of metals in the six low-carbon energy technologies of SET-Plan, namely: nuclear, solar, wind, bioenergy, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and electricity grids. The study looks at the average annual demand for each metal for the deployment of the technologies in Europe between 2020 and 2030. The demand of each metal is compared to the respective global production volume in 2010. This ratio (expressed as a percentage) allows comparing the relative stress that the deployment of the six technologies in Europe is expected to create on the global supplies for these different metals. The study identifies 14 metals for which the deployment of the six technologies will require 1% or more (and in some cases, much more) of current world supply per annum between 2020 and 2030. These 14 significant metals, in order of decreasing demand, are tellurium, indium, tin, hafnium, silver, dysprosium, gallium, neodymium, cadmium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium and selenium. The metals are examined further in terms of the risks of meeting the anticipated demand by analysing in detail the likelihood of rapid future global demand growth, limitations to expanding supply in the short to medium term, and the concentration of supply and political risks associated with key suppliers. The report pinpoints 5 of the 14 metals to be at high risk, namely: the rare earth metals neodymium and dysprosium, and the by-products (from base metals) indium, tellurium and gallium. The report explores a set of potential mitigation strategies, ranging from expanding European output, increasing recycling and reuse to reducing waste and finding substitutes for these metals in their main applications. A number of recommendations are provided which include: • ensuring that materials used in significant quantities are included in the Raw Materials Yearbook proposed by the Raw Materials Initiative ad hoc Working Group, • the publication of regular studies on supply and demand for critical metals, • efforts to ensure reliable supply of ore concentrates at competitive prices, • promoting R&D and demonstration projects on new lower cost separation processes, particularly those from by-product or tailings containing rare earths, • collaborating with other countries/regions with a shared agenda of risk reduction, • raising awareness and engaging in an active dialogue with zinc, copper and aluminium refiners over by-product recovery, • creating incentives to encourage by-product recovery in zinc, copper and aluminium refining in Europe, • promoting the further development of recycling technologies and increasing end-of-life collection, • measures for the implementation of the revised WEEE Directive, and • investing broadly in alternative technologies. It is also recommended that a similar study should be carried out to identify the metal requirements and associated bottlenecks in other green technologies, such as electric vehicles, low-carbon lighting, electricity storage and fuel cells and hydrogen.JRC.F.7-Energy systems evaluatio
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