139 research outputs found

    Use of the Drawing-Writing Technique to Determine the Level of Knowledge of Pre-Service Teachers Regarding Renewable Energy Sources

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of pre-service science teachers in Turkey regarding the different types of renewable energy sources, the methods used for obtaining energy from these sources, and the areas of use for these energy sources. Within the context of the study, the drawing-writing technique was used in order to determine the level of knowledge of the pre-service teachers. A total of 106 pre-service science teachers were asked to make drawings related to the subject and purpose of the study; they were then asked to describe the drawing they made. Based on the study results, it was determined that while the majority of pre-service teachers could list solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy as sources of renewable energy, only a few mentioned geothermal, biomass, wave, and hydrogen energy as sources of renewable energy. In addition, some of the pre-service teachers mentioned nuclear energy as a source of renewable energy, which indicated that they possessed incorrect information regarding renewable energy sources. Keywords: renewable energy, pre-service science teacher, sustainable energy, drawing-writing techniqu

    Development of Achievement Test: Validity and Reliability Study for Achievement Test on Matter Changing

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    For "Matter Changing" unit included in the Secondary School 5th Grade Science Program, it is intended to develop a test conforming the gains described in the program, and that can determine students' achievements. For this purpose, a multiple-choice test of 48 questions is arranged, consisting of 8 questions for each gain included in the training program. The test, of which the content validity is reviewed and ensured by 2 chemistry domain experts and 2 science lecturers, is applied to 354 6th grade students (ages 11-12) in the Black Sea Region of Turkey, in a city centre. Item analysis of the test is carried out and 16 items of which the distinctiveness are below 0,30 are excluded from the test. As a result of item analysis the average difficulty of the questions are estimated to be 0,38 and it is seen that their difficulty level is intermediate. Likewise, the average distinctiveness of the questions are estimated to be 0,38 and it is seen that the distinctiveness strength of the questions are well. After the questions are excluded, Kuder Richardson-20 reliability coefficient is estimated to be 0,763. As a result of the study, an effective and reliable achievement test including 32 questions with intermediate difficulty level and well distinction strength created for "Matter Changing" unit is brought to the science education. Keywords: Validity, reliability, matter changing, science


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    ÖZ: Yeti yitimine uğrayan bireyler, pandemi gibi süreçlerle birlikte toplumun diğer bireylerine kıyasla daha zorlu koşullarla mücadele etmek zorunda kalabilmektedirler. Bu çalışma, pandemi sürecinin hemen öncesinde fiziksel bir kaza geçirerek yeti yitimine uğrayan M.F.’nin fizik tedaviye uyumunun bozulması ve depresif belirtiler göstermesi konusunda, “Sorun Yönetimi ve Fazlası” (SY+) görüşme tekniklerine göre uygulanan sosyal hizmet müdahalesinden yarar sağlama düzeyinin belirlenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada Sağlıklı Hayat Merkezi Ruh Sağlığı Birimi’ne başvuran erkek ve yetişkin müracaatçıya yapılan sosyal hizmet müdahalesi ele alınmıştır. “Sorun Yönetimi ve Fazlası” (SY+) görüşme tekniklerine göre yapılan 1 ön görüşme dâhil olmak üzere toplam 6 görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu görüşmeler tamamlandıktan 1,5 ay sonra ise izlem görüşmesi yapılmıştır. Görüşme sürecinde RUSOP anketi kullanılmış, WHODAS, Hasta Sağlığı Anketi ve İntihar Riski Değerlendirmesi ve Yaygın Anksiyete Bozukluğu Ölçeği ise görüşme öncesinde ve sonrasında ön test ve son test uygulanmış ve vakanın biyo-psiko-sosyal işlevselliğinde gelişme olduğu anlaşılmıştır. ABSTRACT: Individuals who are disabled may have to struggle with more challenging conditions compared to other members of the society, together with processes such as pandemics. This study aims to determine the level of benefit from the social work intervention applied according to the “Problem Management and Excess” (PM+) interview techniques, regarding the deterioration of physical therapy compliance and depressive symptoms of M.F., who suffered a physical accident just before the pandemic process. In the study, the social work intervention applied to the male and adult client who applied to the Healthy Life Center Mental Health Unit was discussed. A total of 6 interviews were conducted, including 1 preliminary interview, which was conducted according to the “Problem Management and More” (PM+) interview techniques. A follow-up interview was conducted 1.5 months after these interviews were completed. RUSOP questionnaire was used in the interview process, WHODAS, Patient Health Questionnaire and Suicide Risk Assessment and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale were used before and after the interview, pretest and posttest were applied and it was understood that there was improvement in the bio-psycho-social functionality of the case

    Expectations of patients with hemiparesis from physiotherapy programme: concordance among patients, patients’ caregiver and physiotherapists

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the agreement between physiotherapists (PTS), patients and caregivers about the physiotherapy of patients with hemiparesis. Materials and methods: Fifty-two patients with hemiparesis (M¼24, F¼28), caregivers (N¼52) and PTs (N¼52) who applied for the physiotherapy programme were interviewed. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded. A questionnaire composed of six questions was used to describe the expectations of the PTs, caregivers and patients about the physiotherapy programme. Results: The Kappa calculator revealed a statistically moderate level of agreement between PTs and caregivers (K¼0.532, p¼.0001), patients and caregivers (K¼0.496, p¼.0001) and PTs and patients (K¼0.401, p¼.0001) regarding the expectations of physiotherapy programme. Conclusion: Expectations of the patients and caregivers must be considered for rehabilitation; hence, participation in the therapy and efficacy of the physiotherapy programme will increase. Consequently, we believe that the expectations of the patients and caregivers should be considered by the PTs when preparing a treatment programme for patients with hemiparesis


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    Purpose: The objective of this in-vitro study was to examine the microtensile bond strength of a porcelain laminate veneer (PLV)  to tooth surface bleached with photoactivation by blue light-emitting diode (LED) or diode laser. Methods: Eigthteen extracted human central incisors were randomly divided into three groups. Two sticks were obtained from each tooth (n=12). Before surface treatments; teeth were prepared to provide space for PLVs. The first group teeth were bleached with Whiteness HP which is contain 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) and then photoactivated with a LED for 20 seconds. The second  group were bleached with Laserwhite 20  which is contain 46% HP and  photoactivated with a diode laser for 30 seconds. The third group received no surface treatment and served as the control group. IPS Esthetic ceramic veneers were luted with Variolink II veneer cement . The teeth were sectioned to obtain porcelain-resin-enamel/dentin sticks and submitted to a MTB testing device. The maximum load at fracture  was recorded. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey HSD post-hoc test at a preset  α of  0.05. Results: One-way ANOVA revealed that there was significant difference between LED unit group and control group (p<.05) but no statistical differences were observed with diode laser group (p>.05)  The LED unit group presented significantly lower bond strength value (6.49±2.3 MPa) than diode laser (8.49 ±3.1 MPa) and control groups (9.53±2.7 MPa). Conclusion: The results suggested that bleaching therapy with activation by LED or diode laser reduced the bond strength of IPS Esthetic ceramic veneers to tooth surfaces. Keywords: Teeth Bleaching; Photoactivation; Semiconductor lasers; Diode laser; Microtensile


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    Purpose: The objective of this in-vitro study was to examine the microtensile bond strength of a porcelain laminate veneer (PLV)  to tooth surface bleached with photoactivation by blue light-emitting diode (LED) or diode laser. Methods: Eigthteen extracted human central incisors were randomly divided into three groups. Two sticks were obtained from each tooth (n=12). Before surface treatments; teeth were prepared to provide space for PLVs. The first group teeth were bleached with Whiteness HP which is contain 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) and then photoactivated with a LED for 20 seconds. The second  group were bleached with Laserwhite 20  which is contain 46% HP and  photoactivated with a diode laser for 30 seconds. The third group received no surface treatment and served as the control group. IPS Esthetic ceramic veneers were luted with Variolink II veneer cement . The teeth were sectioned to obtain porcelain-resin-enamel/dentin sticks and submitted to a MTB testing device. The maximum load at fracture  was recorded. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey HSD post-hoc test at a preset  α of  0.05. Results: One-way ANOVA revealed that there was significant difference between LED unit group and control group (p<.05) but no statistical differences were observed with diode laser group (p>.05)  The LED unit group presented significantly lower bond strength value (6.49±2.3 MPa) than diode laser (8.49 ±3.1 MPa) and control groups (9.53±2.7 MPa). Conclusion: The results suggested that bleaching therapy with activation by LED or diode laser reduced the bond strength of IPS Esthetic ceramic veneers to tooth surfaces. Keywords: Teeth Bleaching; Photoactivation; Semiconductor lasers; Diode laser; Microtensile