45 research outputs found

    House with a dentist office

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá projektovou dokumentací rodinného domu s ordinací zubaře ve městě Kuřim u Brna. Jedná se o nepodsklepený dvoupodlažní objekt s vestavěnou garáží pro jeden automobil. Půdorys objektu je ve tvaru písmene L a je zastřešen dvěma pultovými a jednou plochou střechou. Hlavní vstup do objektu je situován na západ, vstup do ordinace směřuje na jih. Objekt je osazen na rovinatém terénu.This thesis deals with the project documentation of a family house with a dentist surgery in Kuřim u Brna. It is a two-storey building with garage for one car and no basement. Ground plan of the building is L-shaped and it is covered with two shed roofs and one flat roof. The main entrance to the building is situated at the west, entrance to the surgery goes south. The object is mounted on flat terrain.

    Monitoring of the cooling at blow-moulding process

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    katedra: KSP; přílohy: 2x CD ROM; rozsah: 63I focused on two possible methods of plastic components blow-moulding process in this work, specially on the used blowing medium. Parts were blowed with the air in both cases, in one of them using air with surround temperature ( classic method ), in the other one using air cooled to -35°C. The purpose was to compare these two different methods from the view of used medium and to find efficiency of their using. Parametres used to compare were economic impacts and final parts properties influence after blowing different mediums.V této diplomové práci jsem se zaměřil na dvě možné metody vyfukování plastových komponent, konkrétně na použité vyfukovací médium. Díly byly vyfukovány v obou případech vzduchem, v jednom případě se jednalo o vzduch s teplotou okolí ( tedy klasický způsob ), a v druhém vzduchem, který byl ochlazen na-35°C. Účelem bylo srovnání těchto dvou rozdílných procesů právě z hlediska použitého média a zjistit vhodnost jejich použití. Srovnání spočívá v hodnocení ekonomických dopadů a vlivu na vlastnosti konečných dílů po vyfouknutí různými médii

    Monitoring of the cooling at blow-moulding process

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    The effect of feeding wheat varieties with different grain pigmentation on growth performance, texture, colour and meat sensory traits of broiler chickens

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    The feeding effect of of three spring wheat genotypes (Vánek, Konini and UC66049) with different grain colour on growth performance, body composition and meat quality parameters of broiler chickens was tested. Ninety chickens were divided into three groups (control, Konini and UC) with 30 chickens in each. The tested genotypes were compares with standard variety Vánek (control) with common (red) grain colour. The two experimental groups received feed mixtures containing 38.2% of wheats with different grain colour: groups Konini (n = 30) and UC (n = 30) with. The third group (n = 30) had 38.2% of common wheat Vánek cultivar (Control group). The live weight of chickens between the experimental groups and control group was not significant different, as well as body composition and chemical analysis of breast and thigh meat of chickens. The feeding of wheat with different grain colour had no effect on performance parameters of broiler chickens. Breast meat tenderness according to the Razor Blade Shear Force was higher in control group against experimental groups. The colour change was not significantly different in all coordinates. pH values (measured after 1-hour post mortem) were found significantly higher in the group fattening with Konini wheat than control and UC groups. Chickens meat from the experimental group was characterised by steady overall quality. The effect of various feeding had no effect on meat quality in terms of relevance to consumers

    The effect of feeding milk thistle seed cakes on quality indicators of broiler chickens meat

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) seed cakes at dose 5% and 15% in feed mixture on quality indicators of broiler chickens meat. The used milk thistle seed cakes contained 3.73% of flavonolignans and 129.83 mg.kg-1 of cyanidin-3-glucoside. A 150 cockerels of Ross 308 were divided into three equal groups. The chickens were fattened on conventional deep litter system. The experimental groups received feed mixtures containing 5% of milk thistle seed cakes (MT5), 15% of milk thistle seed cakes (MT15) and third group was control - without milk thistle seed cakes (C). The trial lasted 37 days. At the end of trial was observed significant higher average weight of chickens (2,320.31 g) in control group. Compare to that the experimental group MT5 achieved significant lower mean bodyweight 2,166.69 g. From the perspective of fattening was decreased growth of chickens where a higher percentage of milk thistle seed cakes (MT15). The group MT15 was up to 420 g lower slaughter weight compared to the control group. This was probably due to the higher content of fiber in the feed. At the end of experiment 15 birds were selected randomly from each group, weighed and slaughtered. Feathers were removed and chickens were eviscerated. Carcass yield was calculated for each group like as percentage of live weight. The MT5 and MT15 group had significantly higher breast meat tenderness that the control group. Initial pH1 was highest in group with its middle addition of milk thistle seed cakes (MT5). Significant differences were not observed between control and group MT15. Breast meat was rated as the best in parameter flavour in control and MT15 group. The thigh meat was evaluated significantly best for colour parameter in MT15 group. Fibreness was rated as the finest in MT15 group. The addition of milk thistle seed cakes do not worsened sensory characteristic of breast or thigh meat of broilers and reflects optimal sensory quality traits

    The effect of hempseed expellers on selected quality indicators of broiler chicken's meat

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of feeding hempseed expellers in a feed mixture on the quality indicators of broiler chicken's meat. One hundred and fifty Ross 308 hybrid cockerels were used in the present study. The control group (HS0) was fed without hempseed expellers; the other two groups received diets containing 50 g.kg-1 and 150 g.kg-1 of hempseed expellers (HS5 and HS15, respectively). The birds were slaughtered at the age of 37 days, and samples of breast and thigh muscles were collected for determination of proximate chemical composition and technological properties, and sensory analyses. Feeding with hempseed expellers influenced the colour of meat with a significant difference observed for a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values in the HS15 group. The colour of breast meat in HS15 group is more intense compared to HS5 and HS0 groups. Breast meat was evaluated as the best in terms of odour for HS15 group compared to HS0. The colour of thigh meat was better rated in the HSE supplemented groups compared to the controls. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with hempseed expellers appears to affect the colour and odour of broiler chicken's meat which is positive for the consumers. Including hempseed cakes can be recommended as a component of broiler chicken's feed.O

    Sedimentace v malých vodních nádržích

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    V současné době roste počet malých vodních nádrží v Česku i na Slovensku, které mají dva hlavní úkoly – protipovodňová ochrana a zásoba vody pro období sucha. Tyto malé vodní nádrže se často objevují v zemědělských oblastech, kde je velký potenciál jejich využití. Problém těchto oblastí je silná eroze půdy, která vede k odnosu a následnému uložení erodovaného materiálu v nádržích či nad jinými překážkami. Takto uložené sedimenty snižují retenční kapacitu nádrže, zvyšují koncentraci chemických látek, což vše může vést ke zhoršení kvality vody v nádrži i pod ní. Tento příspěvek se zaměřuje na dvě malé nádrže vybudované v roce 2011, u kterých se od uvedení do provozu sleduje množství uložených sedimentů. Jsou zde představeny dvě různé metody, jak odvodit množství sedimentů z měření vývoje dna nádrže, včetně možné aplikace empirických erozních modelů pro stanovení potenciálního množství erodovaného materiálu. Důraz je také kladen na terénní průzkum pro odběr vzorků půdy a jejich následnou laboratorní analýzu. Takto získané informace mohou pomoci k pochopení transportních i depozičních procesů v nádrži a odpovídající přispívající ploše (povodí). Výsledky poukazují na relativně rychlé zanášení malých vodních nádrží v zemědělské krajině zejména díky intenzivním srážkovým událostem. Množství sedimentů nezávisí na typu nádrže (suchá nebo se stálou hladinou), ale na charakteru povodí (fyzicko-geografické vlastnosti území), využití území a pěstovaných plodinách.The uncontrolled reservoir siltation presents a hazard together with the rising number of reservoirs and current climate change. This paper presents the possible methodologies to measure siltation in small reservoir and how to calculate the potential soil water erosion and deposition of the contributing area. The results show that the USLE-based erosion models are suitable for estimation of erosion processes, especially USPED model, which is capable to model erosion and deposition of the material in the same time. Also, both approaches to investigate the development of the reservoir bottom were verified. The use of AUV EcoMapper is appropriate for reservoirs with stable water level between 1 and 100 meters, however the second approach is more suitable for shallow reservoirs. According to observed and modelled sediment budget of reservoirs the supposed reservoir lifetime was determined from 100 to 400 years. The siltation is much higher in the Svacenický reservoir in contrast to Němčický reservoir (Suchý creek catchment), which corresponds to bigger catchment area, higher percentage of arable land and more variable relief

    Hotel with sports background

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    Tématem diplomové práce je novostavba hotelu se sportovním zázemím ve městě Kuřim. Práce je zpracována ve formě projektové dokumentace k provedení stavby, která obsahuje všechny náležitosti dle platných norem a předpisů. Projekt je složen ze dvou objektů, a to z hotelu a z přístavby sportovní haly. Stavba se nachází na mírně svažitém terénu směrem k jižní straně. Hotel tvoří čtyři nadzemní podlaží. Celé dispoziční řešení obou objektů je navzájem propojené. V prvním nadzemním podlaží haly se nachází hotelová restaurace, zázemí zaměstnanců, wellness a fitness. Druhé a třetí nadzemní podlaží slouží zejména pro ubytování sportovců a poslední čtvrté podlaží je určené pro pořádání konferencí a meetingů. Hlavní nosnou konstrukci zde plní monolitická rámová konstrukce ze sloupů, trámů a spojitých desek. Všechny střechy jsou ploché jednoplášťové. První a druhé nadzemní podlaží sportovní haly slouží jako zázemí pro sportovce v průběhu jejich sportovní činnosti. Tyto prostory se skládají z šaten s hygienickým zázemím a dalšími prostory pro fungování haly. Hlavní nosnou konstrukci zde plní lepené lamelové vazníky obloukového tvaru uložené na sloupech.The main subject of the diploma thesis is a new construction of the hotel with sporting facility in Kuřim. The Thesis is done in a form of a project documentation with all requests by the law and regulations included. The project is Composed of two buildings, a hotel and the sporting hall. The building is Located in slope in direction to south direction. The hotel building have four Storeys. The whole disposition solution of both buildings is connected. In a first floor is located the hotel restaurant, staff background, wellness and fitness Secon and third floor is supposed to be Used Mainly for accomodating of Sportsmans, and the last fourth floor is for holding meetings and conferences. The main Supporting structure is done with as monolitic frame construction of beams, columns and continuous slabs. All roofs are done as mono-layer roofs. First floor of the sporting hall is used by people during the sporting activity. This area is composed of changing rooms with a social background and other spaces for the proper function of the hall. The main Supporting construction of the hall is designed as glued lamellar beams supported by columns.