343 research outputs found

    L'esiguità dell'illecito penale: soluzioni a confronto in un'analisi di diritto comparato

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    2007/2008Da anni ormai si va facendo strada l'idea di introdurre nel nostro sistema penale una disposizione di carattere generale che preveda l'esclusione della procedibilità o della punibilità per fatti che pur essendo tipici, antigiuridici e colpevoli risultano, sulla base di criteri legislativamente indicati, privi di un significativo disvalore. Di qui la scelta di sondare le diverse coordinate culturali che convergono in seno alle clausole di irrilevanza in un'ottica comparata. L’elaborato, in particolare, ha lo scopo, da un lato, di analizzare gli istituti con cui i diversi ordinamenti europei rinunciano ad applicare la sanzione o, ancora prima, a celebrare il processo volto a stabilire se ed in quale misura irrogarla, prestando particolare attenzione all'istituto sloveno del fatto di scarsa rilevanza penale, e ciò per sondarne le peculiarità e le eventuali convergenze con gli istituti introdotti dal legislatore italiano e, dall’altro, di verificare se le soluzioni elaborate dai legislatori stranieri si prestino ad essere esportate, in tutto o in parte, nel sistema penale italiano. Particolare attenzione è stata prestata all’evoluzione della giurisprudenza della Suprema Corte slovena, al fine di cogliere eventuali mutamenti emersi dal recente pragmatismo processuale. Ancor prima, però, è stato necessario sciogliere il quesito attinente alla natura giuridica dell’istituto de quo, fonte – in questi ultimi anni – di rinnovati e serrati dibattiti dottrinali. Cumulando, poi, i risultati dell’elaborazione dottrinale con la prassi applicativa dei diversi istituti si è cercato di comprendere se l’accentuata indeterminatezza delle colonne su cui poggia l’edificio dell’irrilevanza penale del fatto possa minare le istanze di certezza del diritto e di uguaglianza fra tutti i cittadini. Non si è potuto prescindere, poi, già nella stessa parte introduttiva, da una considerazione critica delle esperienze già fatte in diversi ordinamenti penali europei e delle feconde prospettive di riforma succedutesi in Italia negli ultimi decenni. Infine, si è cercato di arricchire il percorso di ricerca con alcuni spunti comparatistici, analizzando i parametri di riferimento degli istituti di depenalizzazione in concreto attualmente vigenti nel sistema penale italiano - ossia il congegno dell’irrilevanza del fatto nel rito penale minorile e la declaratoria di “particolare tenuità” prevista dall’art. 34 d.lgs. 28 agosto 2000 n. 274 – e comparandoli con gli indici di esiguità dell’omologo istituto sloveno, per verificare l’eventuale necessità di affinamento e di calibratura del Tatbestand bagatellare elaborato dal legislatore sloveno. Da ultimo, poi, utilizzando i dati e le impressioni colte lungo il tortuoso percorso, si è cercato di abbozzare un modesto spunto propositivo per futuribili conquiste.XXI Ciclo197

    Kontinuirana zdravstvena nega z vidika patronažne medicinske sestre

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    Common structuring principles of the Drosophila melanogaster microbiome on a continental scale and between host and substrate

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    Summary The relative importance of host control, environmental effects and stochasticity in the assemblage of host-associated microbiomes is being debated. We analysed the microbiome among fly populations that were sampled across Europe by the European Drosophila Population Genomics Consortium (DrosEU). In order to better understand the structuring principles of the natural D. melanogaster microbiome, we combined environmental data on climate and food-substrate with dense genomic data on host populations and microbiome profiling. Food-substrate, temperature, and host population structure correlated with microbiome structure. Microbes, whose abundance was co-structured with host populations, also differed in abundance between flies and their substrate in an independent survey. This finding suggests common, host-related structuring principles of the microbiome on different spatial scales

    Inference of chromosomal inversion dynamics from Pool-Seq data in natural and laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Sequencing of pools of individuals (Pool-Seq) represents a reliable and cost- effective approach for estimating genome-wide SNP and transposable element insertion frequencies. However, Pool-Seq does not provide direct information on haplotypes so that for example obtaining inversion frequencies has not been possible until now. Here, we have developed a new set of diagnostic marker SNPs for 7 cosmopolitan inversions in Drosophila melanogaster that can be used to infer inversion frequencies from Pool-Seq data. We applied our novel marker set to Pool-Seq data from an experimental evolution study and from North American and Australian latitudinal clines. In the experimental evolution data, we find evidence that positive selection has driven the frequencies of In(3R)C and In(3R)Mo to increase over time. In the clinal data, we confirm the existence of frequency clines for In(2L)t, In(3L)P and In(3R)Payne in both North America and Australia and detect a previously unknown latitudinal cline for In(3R)Mo in North America. The inversion markers developed here provide a versatile and robust tool for characterizing inversion frequencies and their dynamics in Pool- Seq data from diverse D. melanogaster populations.Comment: 31 pages, 4 main figures, 1 main table, 7 supporting figures, 11 supporting table

    Možnosti obravnave oseb z demenco

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    Complex effects of environment and Wolbachia infections on the life history of Drosophila melanogaster hosts

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    Wolbachia bacteria are common endosymbionts of many arthropods found in gonads and various somatic tissues. They manipulate host reproduction to enhance their transmission and confer complex effects on fitness-related traits. Some of these effects can serve to increase the survival and transmission efficiency of Wolbachia in the host population. The Wolbachia–Drosophila melanogaster system represents a powerful model to study the evolutionary dynamics of host–microbe interactions and infections. Over the past decades, there has been a replacement of the ancestral wMelCS Wolbachia variant by the more recent wMel variant in worldwide D. melanogaster populations, but the reasons remain unknown. To investigate how environmental change and genetic variation of the symbiont affect host developmental and adult life-history traits, we compared effects of both Wolbachia variants and uninfected controls in wild-caught D. melanogaster strains at three developmental temperatures. While Wolbachia did not influence any developmental life-history traits, we found that both lifespan and fecundity of host females were increased without apparent fitness trade-offs. Interestingly, wMelCS-infected flies were more fecund than uninfected and wMel-infected flies. By contrast, males infected with wMel died sooner, indicating sex-specific effects of infection that are specific to the Wolbachia variant. Our study uncovered complex temperature-specific effects of Wolbachia infections, which suggests that symbiont–host interactions in nature are strongly dependent on the genotypes of both partners and the thermal environment

    Izkušnje študentov zdravstvene nege z izobraževanjem na daljavo v času prvega vala epidemije covida-19

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    Uvod: Razglasitev epidemije covida-19 je vodila do urgentnih sprememb tudi v procesu izobraževanja. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšne so bile izkušnje študentov  in študentk zdravstvene nege s prilagojenim procesom izobraževanja v prvem valu epidemije. Metode: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metoda. Podatki  so bili zbrani s poglobljenimi delno strukturiranimi intervjuji v juniju in juliju leta 2020. V namenski vzorec je bilo vključenih trinajst študentov zdravstvene nege. Besedilo je bilo analizirano z uporabo induktivne tematske analize. Rezultati: Identificirali smo naslednje teme in podteme: prednosti izobraževanja na daljavo (boljši pogoji za študij, časovna prilagodljivost, psihološki dejavniki, metode  poučevanja, podpora in bolj oseben odnos z visokošolskimi učitelji, stroškovna učinkovitost ter več časa za študij in prostočasne dejavnosti), slabosti izobraževanja na daljavo (spremenjene metode poučevanja, psihološki dejavniki, nedosegljivost študijskih gradiv, neustrezna infrastruktura in pogoji za študij, pomanjkanje osebnega stika in socialne opore, slaba digitalna pismenost visokošolskih učiteljev ter težave pri organizaciji, komunikaciji in informiranju), metode poučevanja in uporabljena digitalna orodja ter predlogi za izboljšavo. Diskusija in zaključek: Študenti in študentke zdravstvene nege so navajali tako pozitivne kot negativne izkušnje s prilagojenim procesom izobraževanja. Za bolj celostno sliko problematike izobraževanja v času epidemije bi bilo treba preučiti še izkušnje visokošolskih učiteljev. Izsledki raziskave so lahko spodbuda pri izbiri metod poučevanja in digitalnih orodij ter vodilo visokošolskim učiteljem in vodstvom pri načrtovanju sodobnih in inovativnih oblik izobraževanja na področju zdravstvene nege

    Spodbujanje genomske pismenosti ljudi z izobraževanjem medicinskih sester - projekt GenoNurse

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    Fluorinated reduced graphene oxide as a protective layer on the metallic lithium for application in the high energy batteries

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    International audienceMetallic lithium is considered to be one of the most promising anode materials since it offers high volumetric and gravimetric energy densities when combined with high-voltage or high-capacity cathodes. However, the main impediment to the practical applications of metallic lithium is its unstable solid electrolyte interface (SEI), which results in constant lithium consumption for the formation of fresh SEI, together with lithium dendritic growth during electrochemical cycling. Here we present the electrochemical performance of a fluorinated reduced graphene oxide interlayer (FGI) on the metallic lithium surface, tested in lithium symmetrical cells and in combination with two different cathode materials. The FGI on the metallic lithium exhibit two roles, firstly it acts as a Li-ion conductive layer and electronic insulator and secondly, it effectively suppresses the formation of high surface area lithium (HSAL). An enhanced electrochemical performance of the full cell battery system with two different types of cathodes was shown in the carbonate or in the ether based electrolytes. The presented results indicate a potential application in future secondary Li-metal batteries