22 research outputs found

    A novel SATB1 protein isoform with different biophysical properties

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    Intra-thymic T cell development is coordinated by the regulatory actions of SATB1 genome organizer. In this report, we show that SATB1 is involved in the regulation of transcription and splicing, both of which displayed deregulation in Satb1 knockout murine thymocytes. More importantly, we characterized a novel SATB1 protein isoform and described its distinct biophysical behavior, implicating potential functional differences compared to the commonly studied isoform. SATB1 utilized its prion-like domains to transition through liquid-like states to aggregated structures. This behavior was dependent on protein concentration as well as phosphorylation and interaction with nuclear RNA. Notably, the long SATB1 isoform was more prone to aggregate following phase separation. Thus, the tight regulation of SATB1 isoforms expression levels alongside with protein post-translational modifications, are imperative for SATB1’s mode of action in T cell development. Our data indicate that deregulation of these processes may also be linked to disorders such as cancer

    Data from: Predation and the formation of multicellular groups in algae

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    Background: The evolution of multicellular organisms must, at some point, have involved the congregating of single-celled organisms. Algal species exist that sometimes live in groups and sometimes live as single cells. Understanding the conditions that lead to algal assemblage in such cases may cast light on the selective forces that favour multicellularity. Hypothesis: Forming groups could defend algae against predation if predators are unable to engulf large-sized entities. Organisms: Three algal prey (Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris, and Scenedesmus obliquus) and three predators (Ochromonas spp., Tetrahymena thermophila, and Daphnia magna). Methods: We tested the tendency to aggregate in all nine different prey–predator combinations. Results: At least two of the predators, Ochromonas and Daphnia, were significant predators because their presence decreased algal density. In all nine combinations, adding the predator species led to the formation of algal groups. In three combinations, adding merely products of the predators in the absence of the predators themselves stimulated group formation

    Type of encoded material and age modulate the relationship between episodic recall of visual perspective and autobiographical memory

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    Episodic memory enables us to form a bank of autobiographical memories across our lifespan. The relationship between autobiographical memory and laboratory-measures of episodic memory is complicated and these processes might be differentially affected by ageing (e.g. Diamond et al., [2020]. Different patterns of recollection for matched real-world and laboratory-based episodes in younger and older adults. Cognition, 202, 104309.). Here, we examine whether the ability to recall one’s own visual perspective relates to richness of autobiographical recall, and how this relationship is affected by age. Memory of perspective at encoding, was assessed in younger (18–35 years) and older adults (65–85 years). Participants, wearing head cameras, viewed arrays of objects. Later they were asked which images represented earlier scenes, and if the image was taken from their perspective (i.e. from their camera). Performance was compared with autobiographical memory. Accuracy in identifying their own perspective correlated with autobiographical scores. Age-group was a moderating factor in this relationship. Subsequently, new participants encoded photographs of objects and were later asked whether they recognised the images. Visual perspective was manipulated in these photographs. In this task there was no relationship between performance and autobiographical memory. In younger adults only 3-D encoding of scenes relates directly to autobiographical memory but ability to complete these two tasks appears to operate independently in the older group