374 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Statistika

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    Student learning achievement in statistical material is still relatively low, because the learning method used is still monotonous (conventional).  This study aims to improve the learning achievement of class XII Students of SMA Negeri 2 Salahutu on statistical material through the cooperative learning type two stay two stray. This type of research is a class action research consisting of two cycles, with each cycle consisting of two meeting. The subjects in this study were students of class XII-MIA2 with a sample of 20 students. Data collection techniques in this study were obtained from the results of observations and final test results of students in each cycle. Classical student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II increased by 15%. Based on results obtained, it can be concluded that using the cooperative learning of the two stay two stray type can improve the learning outcomes of class XII students of SMA Negeri 2 Salahutu on statistical matrial

    Improving Patient Pre-screening for Clinical Trials: Assisting Physicians with Large Language Models

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    Physicians considering clinical trials for their patients are met with the laborious process of checking many text based eligibility criteria. Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown to perform well for clinical information extraction and clinical reasoning, including medical tests, but not yet in real-world scenarios. This paper investigates the use of InstructGPT to assist physicians in determining eligibility for clinical trials based on a patient's summarised medical profile. Using a prompting strategy combining one-shot, selection-inference and chain-of-thought techniques, we investigate the performance of LLMs on 10 synthetically created patient profiles. Performance is evaluated at four levels: ability to identify screenable eligibility criteria from a trial given a medical profile; ability to classify for each individual criterion whether the patient qualifies; the overall classification whether a patient is eligible for a clinical trial and the percentage of criteria to be screened by physician. We evaluated against 146 clinical trials and a total of 4,135 eligibility criteria. The LLM was able to correctly identify the screenability of 72% (2,994/4,135) of the criteria. Additionally, 72% (341/471) of the screenable criteria were evaluated correctly. The resulting trial level classification as eligible or ineligible resulted in a recall of 0.5. By leveraging LLMs with a physician-in-the-loop, a recall of 1.0 and precision of 0.71 on clinical trial level can be achieved while reducing the amount of criteria to be checked by an estimated 90%. LLMs can be used to assist physicians with pre-screening of patients for clinical trials. By forcing instruction-tuned LLMs to produce chain-of-thought responses, the reasoning can be made transparent to and the decision process becomes amenable by physicians, thereby making such a system feasible for use in real-world scenarios.Comment: 11 pages, 4 tables, 2 figure

    Overview on jet results from STAR

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    Full jet reconstruction allows access to the parton kinematics over a large energy domain and can be used to constrain the mechanisms of energy loss in heavy-ion collisions. Such measurements are challenging at RHIC, due to the high-multiplicity environments created in heavy-ion collisions. In these proceedings, we report an overview of the results on full jet reconstruction obtained by the STAR experiment. Jet measurements in 200 GeV p+p show that jets are calibrated pQCD probes and provide a baseline for jet measurements in Au+Au collisions. Inclusive differential jet production cross sections and ratios are reported for central 200 GeV Au+Au collisions and compared to p+p. We also present measurements of fully reconstructed di-jets at mid-rapidity, and compare spectra and fragmentation functions in p+p and central Au+Au collisions.Comment: Proceedings for the 26th WWND conferenc

    Korelasi Bobot Badan dengan Ukuran Linear Tubuh Ternak Babi Jantan Peranakan VDL pada Peternakan Rakyat di Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi bobot badan dengan ukuran linear tubuh ternak babi jantan peranakan VDL di Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan teknik wawancara dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan untuk mendapatkan data primer, sedangkan data sekunder diambil dari instansi terkait. Penentuan desa dilakukan secara (purposive sampling) dari 3 kelurahan yang berada di satu kecamatan dengan pertimbangan memiliki populasi babi terbanyak. Parameter yang diukur yaitu bobot badan untuk setiap kelompok umur ternak (anak, muda, dewasa) dan ukuran linear tubuh (panjang badan, lingkat dada, tinggi pundak). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi antara bobot badan dengan panjang badan untuk kelompok umur anak, muda, dewasa adalah, 0,93; 0,97; 0,96. Korelasi antara bobot badan dengan lingkar dada untuk kelompok umur anak, muda, dewasa, adalah 0,92; 0,97; 0,97. Korelasi antara bobot badan dengan tinggi pundak umtuk kelompok umur anak, muda, dewasa, adalah 0,93; 0,97; 0,96. Korelasi bersifat positif antara bobot badan dengan ukuran linear tubuh ternak babi jantan peranakan VDL dari berbagai kelompok umur di Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu. ©2016 dipublikasikan oleh JAS.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi bobot badan dengan ukuran linear tubuh ternak babi jantan peranakan VDL di Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan teknik wawancara dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan untuk mendapatkan data primer, sedangkan data sekunder diambil dari instansi terkait. Penentuan desa dilakukan secara (purposive sampling) dari 3 kelurahan yang berada di satu kecamatan dengan pertimbangan memiliki populasi babi terbanyak. Parameter yang diukur yaitu bobot badan untuk setiap kelompok umur ternak (anak, muda, dewasa) dan ukuran linear tubuh (panjang badan, lingkat dada, tinggi pundak). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi antara bobot badan dengan panjang badan untuk kelompok umur anak, muda, dewasa adalah, 0,93; 0,97; 0,96. Korelasi antara bobot badan dengan lingkar dada untuk kelompok umur anak, muda, dewasa, adalah 0,92; 0,97; 0,97. Korelasi antara bobot badan dengan tinggi pundak umtuk kelompok umur anak, muda, dewasa, adalah 0,93; 0,97; 0,96. Korelasi bersifat positif antara bobot badan dengan ukuran linear tubuh ternak babi jantan peranakan VDL dari berbagai kelompok umur di Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu. ©2016 dipublikasikan oleh JAS

    Jet reconstruction and underlying event studies in p+p and d+Au collisions from STAR

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    Description of parton interaction with the hot and dense nuclear matter created in heavy-ion collisions at high energies is a complex task, which requires a detailed knowledge of jet production in p+p and d+Au collisions. Measurements in these collision systems are therefore essential to disentangle initial state nuclear effects from cold nuclear matter effects, medium-induced kTk_T broadening and jet quenching. To obtain complete description of the p+p (d+Au) collision it is also important to study particle production in the underlying event. The measured properties of underlying event can be used to tune the QCD based Monte-Carlo models. In this paper some of the recent results on jet and underlying event properties in p+p and d+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV measured by the STAR experiment are presented. In particular, the preliminary results on charged and strange particle fragmentation functions in p+p collisions are discussed and confronted with PYTHIA simulations. Next, the measurement of inclusive jet spectrum and di-jet correlations in d+Au collisions is presented and compared with the measurements in p+p collisions to estimate the size of cold nuclear matter effects. Finally, the study of underlying event properties in p+p collisions is shown and compared to PYTHIA simulation.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, proceedings of the 27th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Winter Park, Colorado, US

    Reconstructed Jets at RHIC

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    To precisely measure jets over a large background such as pile up in high luminosity p+p collisions at LHC, a new generation of jet reconstruction algorithms is developed. These algorithms are also applicable to reconstruct jets in the heavy ion environment where large event multiplicities are produced. Energy loss in the medium created in heavy ion collisions are already observed indirectly via inclusive hadron distributions and di-hadron correlations. Jets can be used to study this energy loss in detail with reduced biases. We review the latest results on jet-medium interactions as seen in A+A collisions at RHIC, focusing on the recent progress on jet reconstruction in heavy ion collisions.Comment: Proceedings for the 26th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamic

    Jets and jet-like correlations studies from STAR

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    I present recent results from jets and jet-like correlation measurements from STAR. The pp data are compared to those from Au-Au collisions to attempt to infer information on the medium produced and how hard scattered partons interact with this matter. Results from d-Au events are utilized to investigate the magnitude of cold nuclear matter effects on hard scatterings. The evolution of the underlying event from pp to d-Au collisions is studied. In heavy-ion collisions, background fluctuations are the major source of systematic uncertainties in jet measurements. Detailed studies are therefore being made of these fluctuations and recent progress in our understanding is reported. Jet and jet-hadron correlations results are presented and give clear indications that partonic fragmentation at RHIC is highly modified in the presence of a strongly coupled coloured medium, resulting in a significant broadening and softening of the jet fragments correlation. Finally di-hadron correlations utilizing identified particles as triggers indicate that the "ridge" is stronger for p+K than for pi but that the near-side peak per-trigger yield remains unaltered from d-Au to Au-Au collisions.Comment: Proceedings for QM201
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