745 research outputs found

    First-Generation College Students & Campus Resources

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze how campus resources at Valparaiso University affect first-generation college students. Specifically, this study looked at the effect campus resources have on feelings of belonging on campus and academic success. First generation college students are defined as students whose parents have not obtained a four-year degree. This study used a questionnaire that was emailed to every known first-generation college student at Valparaiso University. This consisted of five sections: demographics, campus resource use, the campus community, academic preparedness, and experience. The use of campus resources section used a Likert scale to see how often students used different campus resources. The campus community and academic preparedness sections also used a Likert scale to see how much students related to questions such as, “I feel like I fit in at Valpo”. Finally, the experience section allowed for students to write in specific challenges they have faced on Valparaiso University\u27s campus. These results can help further develop the Persistence and Success Program (PSP), a first-generation college student program on campus

    Modernization of state regulation of employment from the point of economic security

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    На основі уточнення сутності, ознак і складових національної та економічної безпеки доведено необхідність дослідження проблем державного регулювання зайнятості населення з точки зору забезпечення трудоресурсної безпеки країни, використання нових можливостей, а також попередження виникнення та подолання негативного впливу внутрішніх і зовнішніх чинників, пов’язаних з новітніми процесами глобалізації та постіндустріальної трансформації економіки. Розроблено концептуальні засади модернізації державного регулювання зайнятості населення, визначено пріоритетні напрями та завдання нормативно-правового, фінансово-економічного, організаційно-інституційного, соціально-психологічного, мотиваційного характеру, виходячи з системних взаємозв’язків і взаємовпливів між трудоресурсною, соціальною, фінансовою, інноваційною та іншими компонентами економічної безпеки.By means of clarifying the essence, features and components of national and economic security, the necessity of studying the problems of state regulation of employment in terms of labour resource security, making full use of new opportunities as well as preventing and overcoming the negative effects of internal and external factors connected with the latest processes of globalization and postindustrial transformation of the economy is proved. The factors, trends and major employment problems in Ukraine are found out. Main threats to the security of the country associated with the aging of the population and quantitative reduction of the workforce, excessive shadow employment, emigration of skilled workers, deterioration in the quality of training, the uncontrolled spread of atypical employment are revealed. It is concluded that the solution of problems in the field of employment requires a programme approach, which is aimed to develop a set of documents within the concept, strategy and targeted program of actions. The conceptual foundations of modernization of state regulation system of employment in the context of economic security, the peculiarity of which is the consideration of systemic interactions and interplay, possible synergies between labour resource and other components of economic security, are proposed. The priority tasks for public authorities of legal, financial and economic, organizational and institutional, socio-psychological, motivational nature in such fields as demographic, social, financial, innovative and food security are set

    Development of a Multi-agent Collision Resolution System at the Supply of Spare Parts and Components to the Production Equipment of Industrial Enterprises

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    The approach to the creation of computer facilities for the automation of the technical maintenance of production equipment (TMPE) at industrial enterprises (IE) is outlined. Meaningful and formal statement of the problem of forming solutions for identifying and eliminating collisions that arise when delivering spare parts and components for TMPE are presented. The method of formation of coordinating decisions on maintenance with spare parts and accessories for carrying out TMPE at IE is described. The organization of intellectual support of formation of coordinating decisions by recognition of potential collision in the TMPE process is offered. This procedure involves checking the real existence of the collision and issuing a coordinating decision. In this case, the decision is formed in the event of a disagreement between the need for spare parts and components for the TMPE maintenance, with their availability in the PP warehouse. The ways of software implementation of this method in the environment of multi-agent system are considered. In particular, the description of the multi-agent system developed during the prototype research is given. The prototype is implemented using CORBA technology, in accordance with DSTU ISO/ EC 2382-15:2005. The calculation of the efficiency of the application of the developed computer tools in production is shown. To assess the quality of the system, a sliding control method based on leave-on-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is applied

    Self-Determination and International Order

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    Devine On Defining Religion

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