28 research outputs found

    The infrastructure of Justice: Institutional Determinants of High Court Decision-Making in Argentina and Venezuela

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    From introduction: "During the last two decades, social scientists have begun to examine the links between law and legał systems, and the broader political and economic changes that are transforming developing democracies. In comparative politics and public law debates on democracy, legał issues raised by national and transnational human rights movements, and the rule of law, have become prominent concems. With the spread of neoliberal economic reform and with new pressures from the world economy, property rights, commercial law, and the predictability of legał systems have become dominant themes in the work of legał scholars and students of political economy. One primary goal of these evolving research agendas is to assess whether legał institutions are proving to be a catalyst, or an obstacle, to deepening democracy and economic innovation."(...

    Beyond high courts: the justice complex in Latin America

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 342.56(8+72) B573

    Field Research in Political Science: Practices and Principles

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    Field research ? leaving one?s home institution in order to acquire data, information, or insights that significantly inform one?s research ? remains indispensable, even in a digitally networked era. This book, the first of its kind in political science, reconsiders the design and execution of field research and explores its role in producing knowledge. First, it offers an empirical overview of fieldwork in the discipline based on a large-scale survey and extensive interviews. Good fieldwork takes diverse forms yet follows a set of common practices and principles. Second, the book demonstrates the analytic benefits of fieldwork, showing how it contributes to our understanding of politics

    Field Research in Political Science

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    Buku ini meliputi strategi jitu untuk melakukan penelitian di bidang politik yang meliputi 10 pembahasan praktis yaitu diawali dengan pembahasan terkait pengantar penelitian ilmu politik dilihat dari prinisp dan praktiknya, penjelasan tentang awalmula disiplin penelitian ilmu politik dan perkembangannya, persiapan untuk pelaksanaan penelitian lapangan, pengaturan lapangan meliputi manajemen untuk menghadapi kendala alat dan bahan, proses komunikasi lapangan dan sosialisasi, kegiatan operasional dan penyesuaian dengan etika yang berlaku di lapangan, cara pengambilan data dengan teknik yang berbeda, strategi wawancara, teknik menelusur informasi tersirat (dari lisan ke lisan), dan FGD (diksusi terfokus), menelaah pendekatan studietnografi dan observasi, penelitian menggunakan teknik survei, pengaturan teknik penelitian eksperimen, proses analisis, penulisan dan melengkapi data lapangan, serta pengembangan penelitian ilmu politik di masa mendatang

    Doing Courts Justice? Studying Judicial Politics in Latin America

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    The past decade has brought an unprecedented boom in the study of courts as political actors in Latin America. We examine the extraordinary diversity of academic research on judicial politics in the region, identifying the key questions, findings, and theoretical debates in the literature, highlighting important conceptual disjunctions, and critiquing the research methods scholars of judicial politics in Latin America have employed in their work. We close by suggesting new avenues of inquiry to help advance the collective effort to understand the roles courts play in Latin American politics

    Mapping Methods in Contemporary Political Science Research: An Analysis of Journal Publications (1998 - 2018)

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    This project surveys the conduct of political science research published in ten top journals from 1998 – 2018, based on original data collected from a sample of 1,926 research articles between July 2020 and May 2021

    Constitutionalism with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in the Comparative Study of Law

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    The latter half of the twentieth century and the early twenty-first century witnessed a global wave of constitution writing. Scholarly examination of these new charters found that most embodied liberalism and democracy. Additional study, however, found that textual convergence among these “higher law constitutions” belied important heterogeneity in constitutionalism—that is, in the principles underlying these charters and associated attitudes and behaviors. Scholars adopted several conceptual strategies to accommodate this variation, including attaching adjectives to constitutionalism (for example, “globalizing constitutionalism” and “abusive constitutionalism”). This article analyzes this conceptual innovation, drawing on an original dataset of all mentions of the word “constitutionalism” paired with a qualifying adjective found in the title/abstract of articles or in the title/first substantive page of books/dissertations, written in English, published between 1945 and 2019 and referenced on the Internet. We identified 1,621 “adjective-constitutionalism combinations,” including 564 unique combinations, suggesting both extraordinary empirical variation and little coordination among scholars with regard to conceptualization. Moreover, scholars’ conceptualizations of constitutionalism rarely reference equality, justice, or state responsibility for pursuing those ideals, despite these values being logical extensions of higher law constitutions’ core precepts; indeed, some conceptualizations even reflected illiberal or rights-limiting principles of governance. These findings raise the specter of a disconnect between constitutions and constitutionalism that we hope future studies will examine